Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1388 The haze reappears

Wang Chaling didn't expect that such a big accident would happen before his plan was implemented.

"Bang! Bang!"

The dull crashing sound echoed in the silent, depressing underground safe house.

The force of the impact was so great that the vibrations spread from the room to the ceiling outside. Wang Chaling even felt dust falling on top of his head.

However, at this moment, Wang Chaling had given up the illusion in his heart and was preparing to meet the starving ghost who was about to escape.

"The information about the starving ghost is very clear, and the killing patterns are also very clear. The probability of my winning is not small." Wang Chaling glanced at the portrait-like grandparents behind him, and gradually felt confident in his heart.

But just in case, he still left the starving ghost's information on his phone.

If he fails, the starving ghost's message will be sent to the headquarters in twenty minutes, allowing the headquarters to learn about the situation in Dadong City as soon as possible.

Later, Wang Chaling prepared some life-saving means to prevent himself from dying inexplicably during the supernatural confrontation.

The huge crashing sound was still ringing.

At this moment, Wang Chaling was standing ready, staring closely at the safe house that was about to be damaged.

The sound of impact lasted for less than ten minutes, and finally stopped abruptly as the door bulged and deformed, and a crack appeared in the door.

Not all the glass on the door was shattered, but the door could no longer hold up.

"Tsk! Tsk!"

Then, the lights in the safe house began to flicker, and the surrounding light began to disappear rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A layer of blue-black haze could not stop leaking from the room at this moment, quickly filling the basement like a thick fog. In the end, the entire basement was shrouded in haze, and it even tended to spread outwards.

"This is the ghost realm of starving ghosts. The scope of this ghost's ghost realm is astonishingly large. It can easily cover a city." Wang Chaling looked at the haze around him, and it was exactly the same as what the information said.

But there was no gloom around him at all.

The ghosts around me also have ghost realms, even stronger than the ghost realms of starving ghosts. There is no need to worry about being invaded by the ghost realms of starving ghosts.

"Since the ghost realm has appeared, it means that the starving ghosts have probably walked out of the room. If this is the case, we can no longer hesitate." Wang Chaling felt that he should take action.

He glanced at his grandparents.

"Invade the ghost realm of the starving ghost, help me catch that evil ghost."

Wang Chaling gave the order and directed his grandparents who had been dead for many years.

After hearing Wang Chaling's words, the pair of old people turned their necks stiffly, and looked into the depths of the black and blue haze with a pair of lifeless eyes. Then the two terrifying old people took stiff steps and moved in unison. Go forward.

Every time the two old men took a step forward, the surrounding haze dissipated.

The Ghost Realm of Starving Ghosts seems insignificant in front of these two terrifying old men. If this continues, the Ghost Realm of Starving Ghosts will be completely blocked.

At this moment, Wang Chaling was obviously better in the first wave of confrontation in the ghost realm.

However, when the blue-black haze quickly dissipated and the dark basement revealed its original appearance again, a figure with blue-black skin color that blended into the surrounding environment vaguely emerged. This figure was not tall, but his body was very thin. The belly is swollen, as if she is pregnant.

"The starving ghost has appeared." Wang Chaling said nothing. He just stood behind his parents and took a peek.

The killing patterns of the Starving Ghosts are very terrifying. Once heard, seen, or touched by the Starving Ghosts, they will be targeted. Even breathing this blue-black haze will be eroded by the supernatural. It can be said to be very terrifying.

The two scary old men have already set their sights on the starving ghost and are getting closer.

The ghost realm of the starving ghost is getting smaller and smaller, and it is now very difficult to hide itself. Now it can only stand motionless, as if it is oppressed by Wang Chaling's dead grandparents and has no way out.

"If everything goes well, this starving ghost can be imprisoned again." Wang Chaling took a deep breath, feeling very nervous inside.

I thought everything was going smoothly, but at this time, the starving ghost suddenly made a strange move. The ghost's numb eyes turned slightly, and at the moment when the nearby haze dissipated, it stared at the oncoming old man, and then one appeared. The blue-black arm raised, struck suddenly, and pinched one of the old men.

That was Wang Chaling's grandmother. She didn't put up any resistance after being attacked by the starving ghost.

No, it’s not that there is no resistance, but that one cannot resist.


The black and blue haze surged in again, swallowing up the entire basement in an instant, and everything around him fell into darkness again.

"Not good." Wang Chaling's expression suddenly changed at this moment.

He thought that his grandparents could successfully imprison the starving ghost together, but unexpectedly something like this happened. The starving ghost seemed to be more terrifying than what was recorded in the file.

The supernatural confrontation continues.

Wang Chaling has not lost yet. His grandfather is still there, his parents are still there, and he still has a chance to win.

But as time passed, the blue-black haze unknowingly rushed out of the basement, spread in all directions, and began to spread rapidly in Dadong City.

Obviously, Wang Chaling, the person in charge of Dadong City, could not imprison this evil ghost again even though he used the supernatural power of the four evil ghosts. Instead, a terrible supernatural event was brewing as the starving ghost escaped from its trap.

All these changes happened so fast that even the headquarters could not react immediately.

Yang Jian in Dachang City is still on vacation. He is unaware of the huge changes that have occurred in the supernatural circle in one day, and is still planning how to solve the supernatural incident of the black umbrella.

But now he is playing games on the computer in the office with Zhang Weilianmai in the office downstairs.

This is a rare leisure time.

No one disturbed him at this time. Even if there were some matters in the company that needed to be handled by Yang Jian, Zhang Liqin would silently block them and report back later.

Zhang Liqin could block everything in the company and reject calls from many people, but there was one phone call that made her pay attention.

This is a call from Wang Shanshan who lives in Guanjiang Community: "I'm looking for Yang Jian. I have an important thing to tell him. It has something to do with the ghost boy. Please ask Yang to take the call."

"Wang Shanshan, please wait a moment. Mr. Yang is busy now. I'll go ask him." Zhang Liqin didn't dare to stop the call and immediately walked to Yang Jian with the phone in hand.

At this moment, Yang Jian was staring at the computer screen and playing the game intently, trying to get back the feeling he had before.

"Mr. Yang, Wang Shanshan is looking for you about the ghost boy." Zhang Liqin said softly.

Yang Jian stopped his hand, immediately turned his head and looked over, turned off the volume of the game, and then said: "Wang Shanshan, it's me, what happened?"

Wang Shanshan would never call her for no reason, but if she took the initiative to call her, there must be something very important.

"Something is wrong with the ghost boy. A blue-black ghost realm has begun to appear around it. This kind of supernatural power should not belong to it. You should still remember the starving ghost incident. I think this is a signal." Wang Shanshan's voice revealed A hint of solemnity.

Yang Jian's eyes suddenly focused: "Is there any problem with the ghost boy now?"

"There is no problem for now, everything is normal." Wang Shanshan said.

"Your analysis is correct. The blue-black ghost realm belongs to the supernatural power of the Starving Ghost. Since the Starving Ghost was imprisoned, this supernatural power has dissipated. Now that this supernatural feature reappears in the ghost boy, there is only one possibility. The starving ghost incident is very likely to occur again. I will investigate this matter. Just pay attention to the ghost boy and call me immediately if there is any situation."

Yang Jian has rich supernatural experience and immediately realized what was going on.

The appearance of the ghost boy comes from the hungry ghost. Although he finally got rid of the influence of the hungry ghost, there is still a supernatural connection.

"The Starving Ghost has been disappearing since it was stolen from the headquarters last time. Has this hidden danger finally appeared today?"

Yang Jian took a deep breath, hung up the call from Wang Shanshan, and then said into the headset: "Awei, I have something to do at the moment, so I can only play here today."

"It's okay. Why would I mind if you cheated on me? It's not the first time anyway."

Zhang Wei's voice came out, and he acted very magnanimously. He just silently took out the ax placed under the computer desk out of Yang Jian's sight.

"Let's play together next time."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he turned off the computer and said, "Ask Liu Xiaoyu to come up."

"Okay, Mr. Yang."

Zhang Liqin observed her words and knew that the matter was serious, so she trotted away immediately.

In the office, Li Yang was on duty today. He asked: "Captain, what happened? I heard it was related to the Starving Ghosts. Has the Starving Ghosts incident happened again?"

"It's not clear yet, but there was something abnormal on the ghost boy's side, and I had to contact the missing starving ghost from the headquarters." Yang Jian said.

"It would be terrible if it really was a starving ghost incident." Li Yang pondered.

"I hope I'm just overthinking it, but to be on the safe side it's better to check it out," Yang Jian said.

Soon, Liu Xiaoyu jogged all the way to the office. She asked, "Yang Jian, what's going on? Your secretary said you came to me in an emergency."

Yang Jiandao: "Contact the headquarters immediately, call Cao Yanhua directly, and ask him to mobilize all the intelligence personnel in the headquarters to check for me. Tell him that the starving ghost incident may have occurred again. Find out which city in the country has it. question."

"So serious?" Liu Xiaoyu suddenly opened his eyes wide and was shocked.

"I understand, I'll contact the headquarters right away."

After saying that, Liu Xiaoyu quickly ran towards the office downstairs.

Although Yang Jian has no direct evidence to prove anything, his words are orders. Everyone must trust the judgment of a law enforcement captain. Even if it is a misjudgment, as long as Yang Jian says to investigate, the headquarters must also cooperate with the action.

"It has been a long time since the Starving Ghosts were stolen. Assuming that the Starving Ghosts incident really happened again, who would be so heartless and crazy to release the Starving Ghosts? Aren't they afraid of becoming a public enemy of the supernatural world? Or the Starving Ghosts themselves? Something went wrong, or maybe the thief couldn't control his hunger and inadvertently caused trouble."

Yang Jian lowered his head to think, and he subconsciously thought about the worst.

Even now, he is reluctant to see the Starving Ghost incident happen. After all, this is an S-class supernatural incident. Even if it can be dealt with afterwards, a lot of people will die.

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