Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1396 Sister Hong gets off the car

Yang Jian had the idea of ​​taking away the supernatural bus. He felt that instead of leaving the supernatural bus alone, it was better to take control of it. After all, the supernatural bus no longer had a driver, although the bus was still operating and could play some role. , but it will also bring corresponding harm.

There are pros and cons.

"Whether the bus can be taken away depends on the subsequent impact. We cannot destroy the already fragile balance just because of personal ideas. We can only try it out a few times first."

Although Yang Jian had ideas, he was not impulsive. He thought it would be better to play it safe first.

The bus continued to move forward. After overcoming the initial danger, the old forest was no longer enough to stop them.

Everything is going smooth.

The bus finally drove out of this old forest.

Although it was still dark outside, there was no sense of oppression caused by this old forest, which made many people on the bus feel relieved.

"It drove out very smoothly. The human-driven supernatural bus can travel through the supernatural land smoothly. This is a huge advantage. Damn it, it would be great if I could drive that bus."

Some people saw this scene and felt envious and jealous in their hearts.

But this idea can only be thought about. Not to mention that the person driving the bus now is Yang Jian. Even if the seat is empty, there is no way to drive.

It's not that no ghost masters have tried it, but there's just no way for them.

"You don't need to control the bus all the time. This is too much of a burden for anyone. You only need to control it at critical times." Sister Hong started to give instructions at this time.

Yang Jian is not the kind of person who refuses to listen to advice and insists on going his own way. He immediately nodded and said: "I see. If that's the case, then driving this bus will consume much less energy, and driving for a long time is not impossible." thing."

He let go of his hands and feet.

The supernatural bus was no longer under his control, but at this moment the bus was already on the road, and the vehicle was driving smoothly on the road even without his control.

"In my current state, I can act as a driver on the bus for a long time without eating or drinking. Although the continuous use of supernatural powers will cause the ghost to resuscitate, the bus has the property of suppressing the ghost, which can delay the time for the ghost to revive. , This is equivalent to extending the driving time again. I estimate that if I am willing, I will have no problem driving the bus stably here for decades."

Yang Jian silently made an estimate in his mind.

If he chooses this path, then he will be the next Mr. Qin.

It's just that he doesn't intend to become the next Mr. Qin.

In his heart, he was more inclined to the theory of the drugstore owner. Instead of being a paper framer, it would be better to find a different path. As long as it succeeds, then given a certain amount of time, all supernatural events can be thoroughly dealt with.

"I thought you wanted to revisit your old place and return to the ancient house, but I didn't expect that your goal was not to stop here."

Yang Jian ignored the self-driving bus and looked at Sister Hong: "You're going to get off at the next stop, right."

"That's right, I'll get off at the next stop."

Sister Hong said with a smile: "As agreed, you have to wait for me here for fifteen minutes, but it is too difficult to stay for fifteen minutes. I suggest you turn off the engine directly. If the bus ignites halfway, then you can continue Turn off the engine and wait until I come."

"I didn't have a bad idea. This is the least dangerous way, because when you turn off the engine, you only need to face the ghosts on the bus, not the bus itself. Now the number of ghosts displayed on the bus is seven, except for you Apart from me and the ghosts on the bus itself, there were only four ghosts actually getting off the bus, but don’t tell me you can’t handle four ghosts.”

"The display shows five, and the number of ghosts is four. Is the remaining ghost the corpse in the seat? No wonder one of the numbers always didn't match when I got on the bus. Now I understand."

After hearing these words, Yang Jian finally solved another doubt in his heart.

"Don't worry, I will start timing after the door opens at the stop. I will never miss you a second in fifteen minutes, but if you don't return within fifteen minutes, I will drive away without hesitation."

Sister Hong sighed: "Being so serious about a woman is not the demeanor a man should have."

"It's time for you to speak after the car door opens." Yang Jian said with a cold expression.


Sister Hong curled her lips, then stood up gracefully.

Because the scenery outside the window has changed again. At this moment, the supernatural bus has entered a county town. The architectural style of this county town does not look modern at all. It looks like the style of the 1980s and 1990s, which is a bit old. , and the town was deserted, the streets were quiet, like a dead city.

"I have passed by this county before." Yang Jian looked at it and had some impressions. He remembered that he passed by the last time he took the supernatural bus.

"The bus has slowed down and will stop soon. It's up to you."

Sister Hong was already standing at the exit door. She obviously paid more attention to this matter than Yang Jian.

"Everyone, please be careful. Yang Jian has to turn off the engine and get off the car at this station and wait for fifteen minutes. We must unite and work together to survive the fifteen minutes. We must not cause conflicts. If there are still conflicts at this time and we are not united, then we will definitely The group was destroyed.”

The man with the rotten face also stood up and said to the other ghost masters in the carriage.

"Whether the group is destroyed or not depends on the will of the ghost. We should pray that we are lucky and don't encounter something too terrible. If we are unlucky, it doesn't matter if we are united. We might as well die as we are." Someone else said.

"The buses are all here, just to find a way to survive. This is not the time to give up on yourself."

These people discussed in hushed tones, fearing Yang Jian in front of them and not daring to provoke him too much.


The exit door opened.

Sister Hong was the first to step out of the car with graceful steps, and then disappeared into the deserted county within a few steps.

Afterwards, the ghost masters in the car also got out of the car immediately.

Because now the bus is no longer a protection, but a more dangerous place than outside.

"It's time for me to turn off the engine and get off the car." The timer in Yang Jian's mind had already started, and at the same time, he also operated the supernatural bus to force the vehicle to turn off in this quiet county town.

Turn off the flame.

The lights in the car were flickering, and a terrible darkness was coming, engulfing the car.

Yang Jian didn't dare to stay in the car, so he got out of the car immediately.


The bus fell into dead silence and was shrouded in darkness. It was unknown what kind of danger there was inside.

"When the bus stalls, all the ghosts have to get off the bus. Sister Hong is right. I only encountered four ghosts on this trip. I'm lucky. If the bus is full and dozens of ghosts get off the bus at the same time, we can get off the bus at the same time." No one can withstand it." Yang Jian was waiting not far from the bus with a cracked spear in his hand.

"Don't run around. This ghost place is equally dangerous. We can't be too far away from the bus. Even if the ghost gets off the bus and targets us, we can only choose to resist. If we are smart and want to hide temporarily, we will only be in harm's way. Kill everyone." The man with the rotten face had a bit of a leader's demeanor, trying to persuade others.

After all, the ghost masters in the car have nothing to do with each other. If the stakes are not clearly stated, there may be a few people with abnormal minds messing around.

Fortunately, this group of ghost masters are all in their right minds. They did not leave the bus too far, nor did they go deep into the county. They just found a relatively open and safe place to gather and wait, and were ready to deal with the attacks of the ghosts at any time. Prepare.

"If these people are not weak in ability, they have a high chance of surviving." Yang Jian glanced at them and thought to himself.

He didn't pay much attention to these people. Whether they could survive these fifteen minutes depended on their strength and luck.

"Here we go, the ghost got out of the car."

Yang Jian's ghost eyes have been locked on the bus that was shrouded in darkness after the engine was turned off. At this moment, a strange figure slowly walked down from the bus.

The ghost does not belong to this station, but was forcibly driven away due to special circumstances.

"The ghost may not target me. If you can avoid it, try not to do it." Yang Jian looked on coldly and let the ghost get off, hoping that the ghost would wander away and avoid unnecessary trouble.

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