Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1418 Meeting the starving ghost again

"This pendulum clock is the key to maintaining the balance of our Wang family's ancient house. I have no objection if you take it away. But if this balance is broken, the evil ghosts in the Wang family's ancient house will gradually escape from trouble. A troublesome thing.”

Wang Chaling looked at the old pendulum clock in front of him and knew that it could no longer be saved. He could only remind him of the dangers of taking away the pendulum clock.

"Is there still such trouble?" Lin Bei on the side pondered.

Yang Jian said: "I have already thought about how to deal with this ancient house. If everything goes well, the problems you are worried about will no longer exist. You should think about how to become a ghost controller as soon as possible."

"If you can handle the rest of the matter, I won't say anything more. As for becoming a ghost controller, I have made a plan for myself before to be prepared." Wang Chaling replied.

Yang Jian nodded and said: "That's good. You don't need to participate in the next starving ghost incident. I will give you one night to become a ghost controller. During this time, I will join hands with He Yuelian and Lin Bei to control the ghosts." I’m going to starve you to death and make sure this matter is settled before the captain’s meeting starts tomorrow.”

"The situation is very serious. The people in the King's organization will not give us much time to prepare. I have a hunch that their next move will be coming soon."

"Okay, I won't say any more nonsense, let's take action."

As he spoke, he moved the old pendulum clock away from the Wang family's ancient residence.

And just when a few people left the ancient house, the entire ancient house sank slowly and disappeared little by little.

"This is..." Lin Bei was a little surprised.

Wang Chaling stared at the cold water near the ancient house and said, "This is the supernatural power of the ghost lake. Do you want to sink the entire ancient house into the ghost lake?"

"This is the best way."

Yang Jian stood motionless and said calmly: "After losing the supernatural pendulum clock, the value of your Wang family's ancient house is no longer very great. Sinking it into the ghost lake is the easiest way to deal with it. Only the ghost lake can accommodate it." Such an ancient house full of supernatural beings may still have some concern for you, but nothing is important anymore, and the past should be let go."

He could vaguely sense that Wang Chaling had been planning something before. Stealing the starving ghost was definitely not for the coffin nail on the starving ghost's forehead, but to do something else.

But now, all Wang Chaling's plans have come to nothing.

"I'm leaving. I will attend the captain's meeting on time tomorrow."

Wang Chaling was silent for a while, and then turned and left after watching the entire ancient house being swallowed by the lake.

Without the pendulum clock, without the ancient house, and with the starving ghost out of control, his plan was destined to be in vain.

After Yang Jian used the ghost lake to engulf the Wang family's ancient house, he began to feel that the ghost lake he controlled was full. It carried too many supernatural beings and reached its limit at this moment. If he wanted to let the ghost sink again, he would He had to release some of the ghosts, otherwise his ghost lake could only be used to travel.

"It's a good thing for me that the ghost lake reaches its limit at this moment. It's like the bullet is loaded, just waiting to be fired. Once I take the initiative to release the supernatural power of the ghost lake, the harm caused will be the most terrifying." He thought secretly in his heart.

Normally, this would be bad news, but now it's a good thing for Yang Jian.

"Let's go and take a look at the place where the starving ghost incident occurred. Lin Bei, tell us about the situation of the starving ghost."

Yang Jian didn't stay, he turned and left.

As the three people left, only a calm pond was left in the open space of the Wang family's ancient house. This pond was bottomless and dark, with a fallen leaf falling on it and sinking in the blink of an eye. disappeared into the water. Even if the ghost lake is filled with supernatural beings, it is still a dangerous place that no living person can enter.


The three people arrived outside a temporarily blocked area in Dadong City.

Ahead, a blue-black haze shrouded, this haze was thick, and there was silence inside. The streets and buildings were empty. The roads were all temporarily abandoned cars, luggage, personal belongings, etc. In just two days, this bustling area The city has turned into a ghost town.

"There is nothing to say about the starving ghost incident. It is exactly the same as the information you wrote in your previous file, Yang Jian. The killing pattern has not changed. The only change is that the starving ghost will most likely eat the coffin nail inserted in its forehead, and then A terrible change took place.”

Lin Bei touched his bald head and said.

"You also know that coffin nails are very special. They can nail any evil ghost to death. Now that it has eaten the coffin nails, it means that all supernatural means have become ineffective for it. Any ghost controller will be in front of the starving ghost. They will all become ordinary people, which is why Wang Chaling and I did not imprison him together."

"The supernatural beings controlled by Wang Chaling are actually very scary. He was unjustly defeated this time against a starving ghost of this level. According to my idea, if he wants to solve the starving ghost incident again, it is best to let Wei Jing come over. , his code name is Gui Cha, and he can suppress the evil ghost without any solution. The effect is equivalent to a nail in the coffin. If Wei Jing takes action and adds the nail in the coffin in your hand, Yang Jian, when the two are superimposed, the starving ghost can definitely be eliminated. .”

Yang Jian nodded after hearing this: "What you said makes some sense. If the Suppressing Power of the Starving Ghost is equal to that of a coffin nail, then the suppression ability of Wei Jing plus the coffin nail will exceed that of the Starving Ghost. Theoretically, we can win, but it’s a pity that Wei Jing is in trouble and can’t come.”

"That's such a pity." Lin Bei said helplessly.

He also guessed that this was the case. After all, Li Jun, Wei Jing, and Lu Zhiwen were the three captains affiliated with the headquarters. As long as they could be mobilized, he would not be asked to come to support Wang Chaling.

"So, in order to deal with the starving ghost, we must find a way to crack the supernatural power of the coffin nails." Yang Jian began to think.

He immediately thought of the hatchet. The hatchet can dismember evil ghosts. If it can dismember starving ghosts, then this supernatural incident can be solved.

But what if the dismemberment of the hatchet was blocked by the supernatural power of the coffin nails?

After thinking for a short time, Yang Jian said: "I still have a coffin nail in my hand, which is the key to solving the problem of the hungry ghost. If I pierce this coffin nail into the hungry ghost's body, under the supernatural collision, the hungry ghost will be killed." Once the nail in the coffin eaten by the dead ghost is offset by it, then our chance will come."

"It has already eaten one, what if it eats another one?" Lin Bei said with a smile: "Isn't that the end? The starving ghost with two coffin nails is afraid that Jesus would shake his head when he saw it."

"If there is really no way to deal with the starving ghost, I will lure this ghost abroad and give the kings abroad a headache." Yang Jian said expressionlessly.

Lin Bei's eyes widened slightly and he applauded: "What a great idea. This can be regarded as a perfect solution to the starving ghost incident."

"Get ready, He Yuelian, you can directly use the ghost realm to cover the starving ghost's ghost realm." Yang Jian said.

He Yuelian nodded slightly.

next moment.

Gray-white paper dust immediately began to float in the sky above Dadong City. The supernatural ghost paintings directly covered almost the entire city. The green-black haze in front of me was gradually fading at this moment, being continuously eroded by the ghost realm of ghost paintings. , but the speed of this erosion is a bit slow, and it will take some time to break the haze.

"The scope of each of your ghost domains is astonishing. I'm really envious." Lin Bei couldn't help but sigh after taking a look.

The ghost realm of starving ghosts is already very scary, but the ghost realm of ghost paintings is even more fierce. It can easily cover a city, and this is under the condition of restraint.

Yang Jian didn't say much and walked directly into this gloomy place.

But as soon as he walked in, Yang Jian felt an unreal feeling. The whole area seemed to be turned upside down, with up, down, left and right opposite, as if he had entered another side of the world, but soon this sense of dissonance disappeared. It disappeared again and everything was normal again.

"This is..." He looked at Lin Bei doubtfully.

Intuition told Yang Jian that this was something created by Lin Bei.

Lin Bei said: "This is a supernatural world that I use to connect with the supernatural. It is linked to reality, but it is born out of reality. I call this world the mirror world. Of course, it has nothing to do with the mirror, but this world is very similar to It's just what's reflected in the mirror, and now the starving ghost is wandering in this mirror world, so it doesn't cause much harm to the outside world, and it can't feel the existence of the outside world."

"The mirror world? Interesting."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly. He thought of the ghost mirror in Shangtong Building, but the ghost mirror did not have such supernatural powers. It was just a mirror used to imprison evil ghosts.

"The world in the mirror is very dangerous, because there are other ghosts in this world, as well as some strange places that do not correspond to reality. It is very dangerous, so living people cannot stay in the world in the mirror for too long, otherwise they will get lost in it. I used to I couldn't control this supernatural power well on the bus, which caused a deviation between reality and illusion. Two me appeared, one in reality and one in the mirror world. In the mirror world, I was being chased by ghosts. Kill, but in reality I am sleeping on the bus." Lin Bei said.

"Actually, I'm not sure even now. The world in the mirror must be fake. Maybe it's also a real world."

Lin Bei said, he raised his foot and kicked a trash can on the side of the road, which was immediately kicked to the ground.

In the area corresponding to reality, the trash can was suddenly kicked by something and fell to the ground.

"Everything in the mirror can affect reality, and everything in reality can also affect this place, but if I control it well, then it all depends on my mood when it affects reality and when it doesn't."

A double image appeared on Lin Bei's body, as if another person had appeared. The person was exactly like him. He walked to the trash can and kicked it again.

The trash can rolled, but the trash can in reality was not affected at all and did not roll.

"But this only affects ordinary things. If it is a supernatural thing, it will be very difficult to interfere with it. Therefore, I can only block the starving ghost, but cannot imprison the starving ghost." Lin Bei said, using his supernatural power Ability revealed a bit.

Although it is just a few words, you can feel that this kind of supernatural ability is very scary.

Reality is linked to the mirror. Controlling the mirror world is equivalent to controlling the real world, which is more powerful than any ghost realm.

"So, there are only ghosts here and no other living people?" Yang Jian said as he looked at the area shrouded in haze.

"Not necessarily. I blocked it a bit late. There should be some living people involved." Lin Bei said: "But I dare not rescue, because the starving ghost is likely to escape from the mirror world. I can only remain This state."

"The presence of living people means that there are first-stage ghosts, second-stage ghost children, and even third-stage young starving ghosts," Yang Jian said.

The two people were walking in this supernatural area, looking at the surrounding situation.

However, before they had gone very far, a strange baby's cry sounded in a certain building, which was both penetrating and terrifying. Immediately after the ghost baby was born, there was a pitiful scream of a living person that echoed.

In an unknown corner, a living person gave birth to a ghost baby, and was then attacked by the ghost baby.

"Sure enough, a new starving ghost was born." Lin Bei touched his bald head: "It seems that the starving ghost is still growing during this period."

"As long as the source is solved, these things will disappear, and the derived starving ghosts can be killed." Yang Jian said and stopped: "Let's do it here, lure the ghosts here and then do it."

They came to an empty clearing and went no further.

"You can light the white ghost candle to attract the ghosts, but I don't have that thing in my hand. I hope you have brought it with you, Yang Jian." Lin Bei said.

Yang Jian said: "No need, He Yuelian will take action. She is a newcomer. Let her practice more and adapt to the situation."

He Yuelian did not speak, but slowly raised her slender white palm and waved it gently, as if waving.

But no one responded in the distance, instead strange figures appeared one after another.

With just one move, the nearby ghosts were attracted.

In the haze, there were dead babies crawling on the ground, children covered in blue and black without clothes, and cold and strange young people. After a moment, all kinds of 'people' appeared densely around them, and they were swarming towards this side. Come, there seems to be a crowd, the number is scary.

"There were not so many before." Lin Bei's face became serious.

Yang Jian said: "The growth rate of the starving ghost is very scary. If you give it some time, it can make a city full of ghosts. This number is already considered small. There were more ghosts back then in Dachang City. If it weren't for At that time, we figured out the rules of killing, and no one could survive that supernatural incident."

"But now, these things are not very dangerous to us. What we really need to pay attention to is the source of the starving ghost."

The words fell.

Yang Jian opened his ghost eyes.

The next moment, the surrounding gloomy will-o'-the-wisps appeared out of thin air, and then spread rapidly, engulfing everything around them.

Weird screams rang out, and the ghost baby crawling on the ground was contaminated by the will-o'-the-wisp fire. The skin was melting, the bones were being ignited, and the supernatural power was dissipating. The ghost boy without clothes also had his dark mouth open. He seemed to be in pain, and his body could be seen changing to the naked eye. It became scorched black, and then the whole body burst into flames.

These ghost babies and ghost children were ignited one after another, burned to death by the will-o'-the-wisps, and dissipated before their eyes, but they still did not leave and continued to approach because He Yuelian's ghost-calling continued.

I recommend a fanfic called "Mysterious Resurrection: Seizing the Secret Painting". If you are interested, you can read it.

I will update one chapter first and continue to update it tonight.

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