Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1424 Unreasonable Exchange

Yang Jian was right, death was the worst plan. If there was a better way, no one would want to get to this point. Of course, he did not deny the proposal to start the flood plan in advance.

Everyone continues to think about how to deal with it.

It's just that they really can't think of any good solution to the current situation, unless the King's organization loses composure and takes action in advance, and then they and others seize the flaw, engage in one or two small-scale fights, and take advantage of this opportunity. Then kill the other kings to break this imbalance in strength.

Otherwise, if the stalemate continues, it will only become more and more detrimental to yourself.

However, when the atmosphere of the meeting was deadlocked, Wang Guoqiang, who was observing the meeting, suddenly stood up. He came over and said: "Captains, the headquarters just received a message from the King's Organization, and I feel it is necessary to report it immediately. "

"News from the King's organization? What did they say?" Yang Jian asked.

Others also showed some curiosity.

At this juncture, it stands to reason that the people in the King's organization should hide and wait quietly for the ghost ship to land. Could it be that they really can't wait any longer and what do they want to do?

Wang Guoqiang said: "The people from the King's organization want to make a deal with us. They want to exchange Zhang Falcon's body for the head of the owner of the terrifying manor."


As soon as these words came out, many captains were surprised.

"Exchanging corpses? What is the other party thinking?" Liu San frowned and expressed confusion.

"Who knows." Cao Yang looked at Yang Jian. He felt that Yang Jian should know something, otherwise the other party would not propose this deal.

Yang Jian did not hide anything and said directly: "Although I hunted the manor owner, cut off his head and brought him back, the manor owner is a ghost controller who has become a different kind, even if there is only one left. But his head is still alive, his consciousness is protected by the supernatural, and there is no way to kill him easily. The other party who proposed this deal must know this, so they want to save the owner of the manor."

"In this case, this transaction cannot be agreed. Zhang Xun must be dead. Trading a dead body for a living head is equivalent to releasing the owner of the manor. Their request should be rejected." Wang Cha Ling Leng He said it directly with a straight face, without any hesitation.

"I do have different opinions."

Lu Zhiwen said: "Let's not care about why the other party wants to rescue the manor owner. If they use Zhang Falcon's body to make a deal, if we don't agree, then the news of this matter will have a big impact. After all, it is the body of a teammate. We can’t really ignore it, so I agree to this deal.”

"Of course, this is only one of the reasons. Another reason is that we can use the opportunity of trading corpses to fight against the opponent. I believe that with preparation, our chances of winning are not small. If everything goes well, we can defeat Zhang Xuan. Get the body back."

"The transaction proposed by the other party is impossible to succeed with such a simple scheme." Wang Chaling glanced at it and said.

Lu Zhiwen said: "Then it depends on the weight of the manor owner. He is still alive. I suggest that he call the people organized by the king and let the manor owner convince them to carry out this transaction. The time, place and transaction method are all decided by us. To make sure, even if the other party knew it was a trap, they would have to step into it."

"If the other party doesn't agree, it's not too late to reject the deal."

"You can try this method." Cao Yang nodded.

Liu San also expressed his position: "You won't suffer any loss if you give it a try. It would be best if you can take advantage."

"I don't have any objections. I agree with Lu Zhiwen's proposal." Zhou Deng also said.

Lu Zhiwen added: "Everyone, don't rush to agree. What I'm more worried about now is that the transaction is just a means for the other party to divert our attention, allowing us to spend part of our efforts preparing for this transaction, thus ignoring what the Kings organization really wants to do. things to come.”

"Do you think the other party's proposed deal is just a pretense to cover up their next actions?" Yang Jian looked at him and asked seriously.

"No, the transaction is not a cover, it is real, but other actions of the other party may also be real. We have to be prepared for both. It is a pity that Mr. Qin cannot come forward, otherwise the other party will not be able to succeed without him." Lu Zhiwen road.

Mr. Qin?

Hearing this name, many captains had strange expressions on their faces.

Yes, there was such an old man in the previous headquarters. I don’t know since when this old man has faded out of everyone’s sight. I only know that Mr. Qin has been sealed in the statue. Maybe he is completely dead, maybe he is still alive. Alive, maybe the evil spirit has revived.

No one would know what's going on inside the statue unless it's smashed open.

"Then make preparations according to your guess, Lu Zhiwen. Some captains are responsible for trading with people from the King's organization, and some captains serve as the emergency team to prevent emergencies. We will discuss the specific arrangements later and decide on the transaction first. "Yang Jian said.

As the captains meeting proceeds.

At this moment, in Dadong City.

Liu San was walking on the road among the crowd. He was as inconspicuous as an ordinary person. No one would know that an ordinary passerby on the street would be one of the captains of the headquarters.

The reason why he would rather give up attending the captain's meeting and act alone is simple.

He's following someone.

A person suspected to be from the King's organization.

Liu Sangang discovered this accidentally after he came to Dadong City. In order not to alert others, he decided to keep all the paper figures away from the area and follow them alone.

"The Hungry Ghost incident has been solved again. Such news will definitely attract the attention of some people in the supernatural circle, including the King Organization, but Yang Jian is more daring. As soon as the Hungry Ghost incident is solved, the captain meeting will be started, and all of them will They are in the same city, and the other party probably wouldn’t have thought that so many captains had quietly gathered in this city.”

Liu San secretly thought that he also admired Yang Jian's arrangement.

Using the Hungry Ghost incident to divert attention, even if there was some movement in Dadong City, others would only suspect that it was caused by the Hungry Death Ghost incident.

Liu San continued to walk on the road, no matter how the other party changed his route, there was still no way to get rid of him.

"Is the other person going to enter that coffee shop? It would be too conspicuous if I follow him in."

Liu San quickened his pace and actually opened the door and walked into the coffee shop.

Then, a man wearing a windbreaker and carrying a briefcase who looked like an office worker was startled for a moment, but then walked into the coffee shop.

"Welcome." The waiter's voice sounded.

Liu San had already ordered a drink and found a seat to sit down. He didn't want to do anything, he just wanted to see what tricks the other party was playing.

The man in the trench coat who walked in later also ordered a cup of coffee and sat down. He didn't see anything unusual. Instead, he slowly drank his coffee and looked at the scenery outside the window.

"He may be from the king's organization, but he may be just an insignificant pawn, not worth wasting so much of my time." Liu San couldn't help but sigh in his heart at this moment, feeling that he was a little too eager.

Perhaps it was the death of his teammates that made him lose his sense of normalcy.

After waiting for a while, Liu San finished the cup of coffee, stood up and prepared to leave, not intending to take action.

Because he didn't want to expose himself. After all, the captains' meeting was going on at the moment, so there was no need to create extraneous matters.

However, when Liu San was about to open the door and leave, the man in the trench coat suddenly took out a small tape recorder from his briefcase.

The tape recorder was a bit old and had an unusual smell. It made a rustling sound after being turned on.

In anticipation, Liu San's unfamiliar face showed a bit of coldness.

Then the lights of this coffee shop started to flicker due to some unknown interference.

The man in the trench coat raised his head slightly and was stunned for a moment, then his expression suddenly changed, and he stood up suddenly to pack his things and leave.

"It's too late." Liu San's cold voice echoed.

Almost instantly, a cold hand grabbed the man's neck and broke it. Then pieces of paper with strange colors floated out from nowhere and covered the man in front of him. , directly turning it into a paper man.

"I thought it was just a small fish, but unexpectedly, I found the contact information of the King's organization. If I get in, I can have a breakthrough in many things."

He then looked at the old tape recorder left on the table.

The method used was already known in the previous prediction, otherwise he would not take action immediately.

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