Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1429 A Hong’s Attack

Li Jun felt an unusual aura nearby. He stopped and stared at the foreign man in front of him wearing a cowboy hat and carrying an old double-barreled shotgun behind his back.

Although it was only their first meeting, the hostility was very obvious.

"People from the king's organization?" Li Jun's face was gloomy and his tone was equally unkind.

Liu San looked around: "There is more than one person on the other side, and there are many hidden ghost masters nearby. They should know that they can't escape our pursuit, so they decided to stop in this small town to fight us. They probably want to fight us as soon as possible." Kill a few of us, we don’t want to attract other people.”

He looked around the road while analyzing the situation.

But I saw several people with cold auras standing scattered on the nearby roof. These people were both men and women, but there were not many in number. After a quick scan, there were only about five of them. They should be a small team.

But the man in front of me should be leading the team.

"It's a pity that I just came here as a paper man. If I came here in person, Li Jun and I would join forces, and the two captains would be enough to kill everyone here. The other party may have seen this, so he dared to stop and wait for Li Jun. These The situation is not good. He dared to stop and fight back even though he knew Li Jun was the captain. There is no doubt that this foreign man wearing a cowboy hat is most likely a king."

"A king sneaked in with a small team, and it was clear that he was here to cause damage. Ma Jun, the person in charge of Dafu City, was attacked. It was probably these people who did it."

Liu San squinted his eyes slightly. He calculated the distance from the previous positions of himself and others, and guessed that these people were about to escape after killing Ma Jun, but Li Jun sensed it.

Originally, after the opponent killed a person in charge, they did not intend to fight and were preparing to retreat. However, they found that the only person chasing them was Captain Li Jun, so they planned to counterattack.

"In this situation, it's too late even to call for support. Once we take action, it will be a life-and-death fight. The battle will definitely be over within a minute."

After realizing this, Liu San glanced at A Hong.

One look can say a lot.

"You have to work hard, or you won't survive today." A Hong's heart sank, and she understood what Liu San, the paper man, meant.

Li Jun also realized that the situation was difficult. He lowered his voice and said: "Protect Ahong, I will fight these people here."

Liu San looked stunned and understood Li Jun's plan.

When necessary, Li Jun will cover the two people and let Liu San's paper man escape with A Hong.

"You guessed it right. We are indeed from the King's organization. Let me introduce myself. My name is Simon. I know the three of you. You are Li Jun, the one over there is Liu San, and the remaining lady should be Ah Hong, two captains and one person in charge is indeed a dangerous combination."

Simon held up his cowboy hat: "However, my intelligence tells me that Liu San is still in Dadong City and is alone. I guess the Liu San here now is fake. If I guess wrong, maybe It was a wrong decision for me to stay. If I guessed correctly, then I'm sorry to you three, but I asked you to die here today."

"The reaction to killing a captain's psychic circle must be interesting."

"Kill a king and destroy a king's team, our headquarters will be very happy." Li Jun took two steps forward with a cold face.

As soon as he moved, the ghost masters standing on the rooftops of the nearby streets all became nervous. A cold atmosphere filled the air, and the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped several degrees.

The battle between the king and the captain, the collision of top supernatural beings, the most dangerous ones are them.

Although they are not weak in strength and can be regarded as first-class ghost controllers, there is still a gap between them and the captain, and in a supernatural confrontation, the slightest difference will be fatal.

"I hope you can be so tough-mouthed later, but don't die like the person in charge before."

Simon raised his head slightly, a pair of dark eyes flashing with a faint green light, like an evil ghost peeking at a living person.

Li Jun didn't speak, but stared at these people with cold eyes. At the same time, strands of sticky blood seeped out from the hideous wounds on his face, and then dripped on the ground.

Thick blood flowed on the ground, as if gathering.

This is a sign of something supernatural.

Do it!

Simon would not give Li Jun time to prepare, nor would he give the other party a chance to ask for help. At this moment, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Almost instantly, the ghost realm spread out and enveloped the entire town.

Originally, the town was gloomy enough at night, but when the ghost realm came, all the lights in the town flickered a few times at this moment, and then they all went out, and the air was filled with a cold haze. , a pair of light green eyes stood out in the haze.

Simon is still the same as before, he likes to go out and attack and doesn't like passive defense.

"Give this guy a shot first."

He was holding a double-barreled shotgun in his hand. This shotgun was very old and seemed to have been abandoned for hundreds of years. It had traces of corrosion over time and was also full of ominousness and disaster. It was a cursed object.

Because this thing is not used to deal with people, but to deal with ghosts.

The black cloth strips were twisted into a ball, as if a bullet was stuffed into the shotgun alive.

The ghost domain is locked, Li Jun's position is exposed, and there is nowhere to escape.

A gunshot rang out.

At this moment, the old shotgun exploded in an instant, and the putrid and cold breath sputtered out to the surroundings. The strange screams of the ghosts also echoed in it, making people unable to help but cover their ears and not dare to listen.

"Damn it." Simon's expression suddenly changed.

Around the exploding barrel, weird and twisted figures of ghosts gradually gathered. The ghosts that were previously trapped and used as shotgun bullets were now freed. In this case, the most dangerous person was the person closest to the shotgun.

Simon was affected. His arms were rotting and the skin on his face was peeling off. His whole body was like a rotten corpse, which was particularly hideous and terrifying. Moreover, this process could not be reversed because the supernatural power was eroding him.

You must know that this bullet is specially prepared for the captain.

A shot that can hunt down the captain will naturally cause huge damage to him.

Simon did not dare to hesitate, fearing that Li Jun would take advantage of this moment to take action, so he used the ghost field to quickly retreat. In just a blink of an eye, his entire body had disappeared and retreated to the end of the street.

But even so, the decay on his body has not stopped, but the rate of decay is slower than before.

Because part of the supernatural power had already entered his body along with the explosion.

"Kill them."

At this moment, the team brought by Simon also took action. Their target was not Li Jun, but A Hong who was beside Li Jun and Liu San who was a paper man. As long as they killed these two people, the suspense of this battle would be over. Very small.

"I block them."

Liu San seemed to have predicted it, and he stopped in front of A Hong. Although he was just a paper man, he also inherited the same supernatural power, but this supernatural power was not as powerful as the original body.

However, a paper man is not enough to compete with this Kings team.

With just one encounter, Liu San's chest was torn open by a pair of strange palms, and an unfamiliar human head poked out of his chest, and then let out a gloomy laugh.

"Sure enough, it's a paper man. You're finished." The head emerged from the chest and spoke. It was obviously a ghost controller who could unknowingly invade the body of a living person and tear the person to pieces.

Other supernatural attacks also fell on Liu San.

His feet sunk under the ground and he could not break away. He didn't know when the originally solid ground turned into a puddle of mud, and once he sank in, he felt something clinging to him in the mud. His legs, and that thing was extremely heavy, were pulling him down constantly, trying to sink him into the depths of this muddy swamp.

Not only that, Liu San's arm also suffered a terrible supernatural attack and was directly shattered, with no possibility of repair.

The ghost controllers of this king's team felt that Liu San was a threat, so they wanted to kill him completely with the first wave of supernatural attacks, without giving him any chance to breathe, lest something happen again.

The idea is not wrong.

And the first wave of attacks was successful.

Liu San's paper man was in pieces at this moment, and had no strength to resist. Such an easy success even surprised the people in the King's team, because this did not look like the strength that a captain should have at all.

Even if the Liu San in front of him is fake, he won't be killed so easily.

"All attacks have been stopped. It's a pity that you chose the wrong person. The real threat is not me." Liu San smiled at this moment.

He felt that his paper figurine was worth it. He had attracted enough firepower, successfully delayed time and ensured the safety of the other person.

"I'll kill them." Ah Hong's voice sounded, and she put down the makeup box in her hand.

The ghost makeup is complete.

The colorful and weird paints smeared on his face completely changed Ah Hong's face. This person's face was black and his breath was cold. He turned out to be Wei Jing, codenamed Gui Cha.


A Hong used ghost makeup to transform herself into Wei Jing.

Not only has her appearance changed, but her supernatural power has also changed. Before the ghost makeup was removed, she possessed 60% of Wei Jing's supernatural power.

The reason why I chose to make up and become Wei Jing is because Wei Jing's supernatural power is simple and crude. Even a novice knows how to use the brainless supernatural suppression. It would be so basic to make up and become captains like Yang Jian, Wang Chaling, and Li Leping. There is no way to use their supernatural power in the shortest possible time.

Moreover, Wei Jing's supernatural power can cooperate with the current Li Jun.

"Gui Cha Wei Jing?"

A member of the King's Team suddenly changed his expression when he saw A Hong's makeup.

"Kill you first." A Hong, who was in the ghost makeup state, knew that she had only a short time to take action. Without any hesitation, the dark ghost realm spread and headed straight for the ghost controller.

"Not good." The ghost controller wanted to escape.

But it was too late.

Darkness struck, ignoring Simon's ghost realm and directly shrouding him in it. The ghost's supernatural suppression prevented him from using any supernatural power.

next moment.

A scream echoed in the darkness.

Then a cold corpse was thrown out by A Hong in the darkness.

"Next person."

The darkness can swallow anyone like an abyss. At this moment, the envelopment spread and made the remaining four team members tremble with fear and wanted to retreat immediately.

At this moment, Ahong's supernatural power can be regarded as that of a captain. It is not easy to deal with them. Even if this power is short-lived, it is more than enough to fight them to death.

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