Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1433 Captain’s support

"Although we have killed many members of the king's organization, they are all unimportant little characters. After checking all the way, we did not encounter a single king-level ghost controller. This is obviously something abnormal. If the other party really acts tonight If so, then there will be more than just this little movement.”

"Or is it that we have already alerted the snake, and the other party noticed something was wrong and therefore stopped the loss and retreated from here in time?"

Yang Jian appeared on a highway on the outskirts of the city. He looked up at the brightly lit metropolis not far away.

Further ahead is Dahai City.

That’s the territory of the supernatural forum Ye Zhen.

Based on his understanding of Ye Zhen, since Ye Zhen has agreed to join forces with him, there will definitely be no problems in Dahai City, and he doesn't even need to go and take a look.

Just when Yang Jian was thinking this.


He looked up in one direction, as if sensing something.

That's the ghost lake.

Some of the supernatural beings in the ghost lake were released. This release of supernatural beings represents a signal, calling for help.

"It was Cao Yang who went to Xiangjiang to trade with the King's Organization. He released part of the lake water I left for him. How could this happen? Logically speaking, there should be no problem with today's transaction. The people of the King's Organization are hunting this person. He is the person in charge, the transaction should be just a cover, Cao Yang is unlikely to be in danger." Yang Jian's expression changed slightly.

"No matter, let's go and take a look first."

Without any hesitation, he immediately held the scarlet spear and submerged it directly into the water at his feet. He connected to Cao Yang through the ghost lake's supernatural connection and provided support as quickly as possible.

at the same time.

On a pier in Xiangjiang.

There is no one here, but in the corresponding supernatural world, a fierce confrontation is going on here.

In order to kill the three captains, the king's organization dispatched five king-level ghost controllers and three teams, in order to kill the opponent as quickly as possible without fail, and then quickly evacuate.

They don't want to get entangled anymore, otherwise if support arrives, then today's action will be meaningless, because the people organized by the king don't want to start a full-scale war yet.

As for five kings and three teams trying to defeat three captains in the shortest time, it can be said to be very difficult, so once they fight, they must try their best, otherwise no one can tell what will happen.

Cao Yang, Lin Bei, and Li Leping also understood it, so they would never have any reservations.

Thick smoke filled the air, carrying an unstoppable cold wind.

The superposition of two supernatural powers disrupted the dock, causing other people's ghost realms to be strongly disturbed and unable to use them easily. Even ghost controllers who were good at ghost realms could only stare blankly at this time.

However, Cao Yang and Li Leping's ghost realm cannot be used at the moment, because the strong wind will occasionally stop suddenly and the thick smoke will suddenly dissipate.

The people in the King's organization didn't want to give up the initiative of the dock, so they were using other supernatural beings to interfere with the two people's ghost realm.

This kind of confrontation only produced one result, and that was that no one's ghost domain could be used.

The absence of the ghost domain means that this battle cannot end in a very short time. The kings organized by the king are anxious in their hearts.

"According to the previous plan, we must first concentrate our efforts to kill one of the opponents. If we disperse the attack at this time, we may not be able to kill anyone. Once the opponent's support arrives, our situation will be very bad."

The missionary looked indifferent, and then his eyes locked on Cao Yang.

Because during the evaluation, Cao Yang was the captain who was most likely to be killed, and Cao Yang was also injured in previous actions.

When a captain is injured, it means death is not far away.

Cao Yang felt the danger, and he growled: "Leave me alone, kill as many opponents as possible."

He didn't want to defend, nor did he want Lin Bei and Li Leping to help him resist the supernatural attack. Instead, he wanted to use the opportunity of the opponent to surround him and let Li Leping and Lin Bei take action to dismount the opponent's king.

Li Leping took the lead. His aura became cold and strange, and he wandered on the pier expressionlessly. Even though Gui Yan's supernatural powers were blocked by interference and could not use the ghost realm, he still possessed the terrifying mortal curse.

Just getting close, a ghost controller from the King's organization softened and fell down from the container. He lost his life instantly and died on the spot.

Afterwards, Li Leping continued to move forward, like a ghost in the dark night. Wherever he passed, important members of the King's organization were killed one by one. Although these people felt the danger and deliberately dispersed, this only delayed a little time.

As long as Li Leping comes, someone will definitely die.

The most terrifying thing was that they didn't even notice when Li Leping approached, as if this person had been subconsciously forgotten. They only woke up suddenly when the mortal curse came.

"Don't be too arrogant. Do you want to destroy three of our king's squads by yourself? Even if you are the captain, you can't do it. As long as you are entangled, you will lose."

At this moment, a man wearing black clothes and covering his face locked on Li Leping. This man seemed not to be affected by the Forgotten Ghost. He was very special. He seized the opportunity and directly reached out to grab Li Leping, trying to restrain him in place. .

Li Leping looked at him expressionlessly.

Just looking at each other for a few seconds.

The next moment, something kept falling down from under the man's black clothes. At a glance, it turned out to be pieces of flesh and blood covered with maggots.

The man was wailing in pain, and his body was disintegrating. Just touching Li Leping made his whole body suffer tremendous pain.

Li Leping did not deliberately attack this person, but he was currently in a state of night wandering. The superposition of ghosts looking for people and sleepwalking ghosts could kill any living person who came close to him immediately. If the ghost controller is not strong enough, Will die quickly, and the closer this terrifying supernatural being is, the more dangerous it becomes.

Holding Li Leping for three seconds is equivalent to enduring this attack for three seconds without interruption.

Not an alien, these three seconds are enough for the ghost controller to die before the ghost revives.

The supernatural power controlled by this man is not weak. There are two ghosts in his body, which are in a state of supernatural balance. However, he is still a little too naive to fight against the captain.

Li Leping ignored him, just broke free from the man's restraints, and continued to walk forward.

The man fell to the ground and collapsed, wailing incessantly. Less than five seconds before he stopped Li Leping, he had already begun to revive as a ghost.

Li Leping's purpose is very simple. He wants to kill these three king teams in the shortest possible time, so that there are only five kings left in this dock. Otherwise, there will always be interference when the captain and the king fight, and he will not be able to concentrate on fighting the king. Kill, if there are some powerful characters in this king's team, it will be enough to influence the victory of the battle.

Only by eliminating this hidden danger can they have a chance to survive this attack.

However, when Li Leping attacked the three king teams, the pressure on Cao Yang and Lin Bei was huge.

Because the two of them had to face the attacks of five kings.

Lin Bei moved very quickly, and he stared at the strange old man behind him who was wearing a Western skirt, with a wrinkled face and a lifeless face. However, this strange and terrifying old man ignored Lin Bei and quickly approached Cao Yang.

Apparently this scary old foreigner wanted to cooperate and killed Cao Yang in one attack.

"Don't ignore me. I'm the fucking captain too. Just lie down on the ground."

However, Lin Bei stopped her, reached out and grabbed the scary old man's neck, and then pressed him to the ground.

The supernatural power of that scary old man in a Western dress didn't seem to have any influence on him.

And with this press, the entire dock was shaking and shaking, and the nearby ground was cracking. Even this weird world was torn into ferocious holes, as if it was about to collapse.

A simple press represented Lin Bei's all-out attack.

The skinny body of this terrifying old man was instantly pressed to the ground by an invisible force. The depression in the ground even showed the outline of a human figure, and her body was flattened, as if there was only one left. A thin layer of human skin.

All the internal organs and bones were crushed, and even the supernatural beings in the body temporarily stagnated at this time.

There was a trace of humanized fear in the strange eyes of the scary old man.

Because in the sight of the old man in the western dress, what was pressing on him was not Lin Bei's palm, but an empty, dead world. It was the mirror world corresponding to reality, boundless and with no end in sight.

The whole world is suppressed, and any ghost who is not idealistic will be suppressed and unable to move.

Because the world in the mirror represents not only weight, but also the power of a supernatural world.

However, even now Lin Bei cannot completely control the world in the mirror. His world in the mirror seems to be boundless, but in fact it has a range. However, as the supernatural power he controls becomes stronger, the world presented in the mirror changes. It becomes more and more complete, and perhaps in the end the world in the mirror really has a whole world.

"This guy is not dead yet." Lin Bei's eyelids twitched at this moment.

He saw that the crushed foreign old man was still moving and did not die immediately. If Lin Bei let go and gave him some time, he could even recover.

Being able to do this may no longer be considered a human being, but more like a real ghost.

Only ghosts cannot be killed.

Lin Bei couldn't stop thinking about this situation now. Although he won the supernatural duel, he could not completely kill the opponent. Under such circumstances, Cao Yang encountered a desperate situation.

He withstood the supernatural attacks of four kings in an instant.

Under such circumstances, few people in the entire supernatural world could survive unharmed.

Cao Yang used all the means at his disposal. He even lit the ghost candle in an instant, but the red ghost candle burned out the moment it was lit. He also used a scapegoat doll, but the scapegoat doll was not available yet. Bengtao was broken into several pieces by an invisible supernatural force on the spot.

But that's not enough. The other party's supernatural attacks have a fatal murder pattern, which is very scary. There are even attacks on consciousness.

Cao Yang did not dare to use his own supernatural power to fight, because he only had one chance to fight, and he would die if he failed.

He used his last trump card, triggered some kind of curse on himself, and handed over his life to the salesman ghost who had been pestering him for a long time.

Destiny belongs to someone, trade at noon.

Before that, it would be difficult for Cao Yang to be killed by other ghosts. When the time comes, the ghost carrying the goods will appear and take away his life. If he is really killed by others in advance, then the goods seller will The ghost will find the murderer and take away the murderer's life.

All means add up.

The four kings' supernatural attacks were actually resisted by Cao Yang. He was still alive and not dead.

"He's not dead? I don't believe it."

The black and white projection enveloped Cao Yang's body, like an old movie showing.

Cao Yang was shocked and confused. His body was disappearing, but his figure appeared on the projection on the ground.

At this weakest moment, a king followed up with an attack.

Cao Yang wanted to fight but it was too late. He disappeared and entered a black and white movie. In the picture, a foreign man stared at him with a ferocious expression.

"Because it didn't endanger life, so the curse protection I worked so hard for didn't work?" Cao Yang now understood why he was pulled in.

But before he could think about it, in the black and white picture, the foreign man suddenly took out a chainsaw and slashed at Cao Yang.

Cao Yang was retreating in the picture, but the next moment, several blurry and twisted figures appeared in the picture, as if there were evil ghosts appearing in the picture. These twisted figures grabbed Cao Yang, making him He had no way to escape and was tightly restrained in place.

The chainsaw fell, and the image projected on the ground spattered many black ink spots, like pools of blood.


The screams were heard through the black and white screen, and that was Cao Yang's voice.

"Cao Yang."

Lin Bei was shocked and angry. He abandoned the subdued old woman in a Western skirt in his hand and wanted to rescue Cao Yang.

But he was blocked by two people.

One is a strange old man with no clothes on, his whole body is thin, but one hand is raised above his head, and the other is a man whose body is dark and covered with ink.

Although the shape is weird.

But Lin Bei understood that these two people were two real kings.

Especially the man whose body was covered with black ink. With just one glance, Lin Bei's figure appeared in his mind, and the figure quickly became clear. Then his mind seemed to be soaked in ink, and his consciousness began to be filled with darkness. Erosion, it seems that the whole person is about to fall into darkness.

"Is this a consciousness attack?" Lin Bei's body trembled, and he felt a little dazed. His eyes seemed to have become darker, and his eyelids were even heavier.

It seemed that the next time he blinked, he would be plunged into darkness forever and unable to wake up.

Cao Yang's screams were still echoing at the dock. In the black and white picture on the ground, twisted ghost figures entangled his figure, making him unable to break free. The chainsaw was still running, and his body was being dismembered alive.

If this continues, it will be difficult for him to survive.

Li Leping also wanted to go to support at this moment. He destroyed two of the king's squads. It was too late to kill the last squad and he was forced to give up the plan, but he was also stopped.

The person who stopped him was none other than the missionary from before.

"We won. Once Cao Yang dies, it will be the bald captain's turn, and then Li Leping." The missionary was very calm, because everything was planned.

Li Leping remained silent because the missionary seemed to have some means to circumvent the ghost of oblivion and remember himself.

In this case, he would not be able to ignore the missionary's obstruction.

However at this time.

Behind the missionary and the other two kings, there were sounds of rolling water, and at the same time, a strong sense of crisis surged into everyone's heart.

The appearance of this abnormal sound made everyone tremble.

"No way, the other party's support came so soon?" A terrible guess appeared in their minds.

The missionary looked back sharply now.

Under an inconspicuous pool of water on the dock floor, a familiar figure emerged from the pool of water at this moment. Just appearing, everything around him seemed to be ignited, and the light green will-o'-the-wisp was burning, and it became more and more intense. Even the nearby sea turned into the color of will-o'-the-wisp at this moment.

"Ghost Eyes, Yang Jian?" The missionary's face became very solemn.

A person who least expected to appear appears.

Even the world in the painting can be invaded. Sure enough, there was a reason why water seeped out of the painting during the horror manor.

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