Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1435 Defeat

Yang Jian's attack was too violent. The strange man covered in black ink was now nailed to the ground with a red spear pierced through his head. His body was motionless and he lost the ability to move.

Maybe this weird man was very powerful, or maybe he almost killed Lin Bei through a consciousness attack, but everything was meaningless.

Coffin nails are completely unreasonable. Even if the captain is nailed, he will be suppressed and unable to move.

What's more, Yang Jian's attack just now was not just a nail-in-the-coffin attack. The superposition of various supernatural powers blocked all the opponent's actions. Otherwise, the opponent would not have been able to retreat so easily.

"This person's level is much lower than that of the manor owner. Sure enough, the strength of kings also varies."

This idea came to Yang Jian's mind after he succeeded, but at this moment he couldn't help but think about it because a strong sense of crisis enveloped his body.

The old man holding up a skinny arm was now eyeing Yang Jian, and seized this opportunity to use the most terrifying supernatural attack.

But he saw the old man slowly lowering his skinny arm.

Yang Jian didn't know the meaning of this action at first, but now he understood that the reason why the old man kept raising his skinny arm was not because he wanted to do this action, but because when he raised it I don't know when there was an old coffin placed on my arm. The coffin was in tatters and seemed to be falling apart at any time. Even the black paint was mottled and peeled off.

The black-painted coffin was not big, and its appearance was very blurry. But as the old man slowly lowered his arms, the coffin became clearer and clearer, as if it had invaded reality from an unknown supernatural place.

"A black coffin, very similar to a ghost." Yang Jian's ghost eyes moved slightly, and he immediately wanted to fight.

However, at this moment, he was surprised to find that he seemed to be unable to move. His body seemed to be nailed to the spot and he lost consciousness. He could not even blink his eyelids. However, his consciousness was awake, except for Apart from that, the only thing that's not too affected should be Ghost Eye.

The ghost eyes can still rotate and can see everything around them clearly, but the rotation is very slow and it is also greatly affected.

It was as if he was suspended in the sixth-level ghost realm at this moment.

"No, I am the only one who is affected. Others around me are not affected in any way."

Yang Jian's ghostly eyes saw that there was nothing abnormal about the others at all, and the only thing that was wrong was himself.

"Is it because of the black coffin?"

Yang Jian stared at the coffin raised on the old man's skinny arm. Through the gaps in the coffin, he saw pairs of strange eyes inside. Those eyes were all staring at him, and the number was still increasing.

The old man's movement of lowering his arms continued, but in Yang Jian's sight, the lifted black coffin became more and more dangerous every time it dropped.

The old black coffin was shaking and shaking, and then the coffin lid opened a gap, and a bruised arm slowly poked out from inside, as if a very terrifying ghost was being released.

Yang Jian was still unable to move, and at the same time, his surrounding vision was blurred and distorted by the supernatural influence. He could not see Lin Bei, Li Leping, and Cao Yang, nor could he see the movements of other kings. At this moment, he could only see With the coffin in front of him, even the figure of the old man holding the coffin was blurred.

"What kind of ghost is this? It's sealed in an old black coffin. Just its appearance can block all my actions. With one arm stretched out, it can affect a nearby area, and even the sight becomes blurry." It's distorted and blurred." Yang Jian was horrified.

Although I know that this black coffin is the king's trump card, this trump card is too dangerous.

Moreover, this old man raised his hands every day to lift the coffin. Looking at the twisted and withered appearance of his arms, the old man had been lifting the coffin for who knows how many years.

Soon a lot of black hair seeped out of the black coffin. This thick black hair was somewhat similar to Huang Ziya's ghost hair, but the hair released from the coffin was even more, covering it in all directions. Everything around it seemed to be... Being swallowed up by that black hair.

The most incredible thing is that a pair of strange eyes appear under the black hair, and at the same time, the outlines of human heads are undulating and squirming under the black hair.

"Coming towards me." Yang Jian's heart tightened at this moment.

In the sight of the ghost eye, part of the ghost in the black coffin had been released, and at the same time, the bruised arm stretched towards him.

The arms were very long, and the closer they got, the bigger they became. In the end, the palm of his hand was actually larger than Yang Jian's entire body. He was like a small person in front of him.

"Still can't move?"

Yang Jian tried to use the supernatural power of ghost eyes, such as the restart of the seventh-level ghost realm, to get rid of this supernatural attack.

But it was still useless, he could only watch all this happen.

This is not a normal supernatural confrontation, because now Yang Jian is like a person who is staying out of the incident, unable to interfere with this supernatural attack, and there is no way to stop it. It seems that he has entered a movie and must wait for this scene. In the end, no one can know what the outcome will be.

This kind of supernatural attack has no solution. It ignores the individual's supernatural power and directly pulls the other party into a specific environment to accept the most terrifying supernatural attack.

Whether he can survive can only depend on Yang Jian's luck, or his personal resistance to the supernatural.

"Yang Jian?"

Lin Bei was yelling at this moment. He once again pressed down the scary old woman in a Western skirt with one hand. Then he turned around and saw Yang Jian standing motionless, and the king who was fighting against him didn't move either. The movement was just a raised skinny arm being slowly lowered.

He is not stupid and understands that this is a supernatural attack from the other party.

It's just that he couldn't understand the way of this attack. Yang Jian lost his ability to move even though he didn't do anything.

But the next moment.

Something unexpected happened.

The old man holding up his skinny arms suddenly staggered, his chest twisted and broken, a hideous gash was torn open, black blood splattered, his whole body was broken in a strange posture, and then he fell to the ground. .

The moment the old man fell, Yang Jian immediately resumed his actions.

His body also trembled slightly, he couldn't help but gasp, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, as if he had just experienced an extremely thrilling scene.

The attack is over?

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to have returned to reality, but when he saw the condition of the old man in front of him, he couldn't help showing a cold smile: "I see, you were dismembered by me before, although your body has recovered , but my own supernatural power was traumatized. I just forced the coffin down and tried to kill me with all my life, but unfortunately I couldn't hold on first and had to interrupt the supernatural attack."

"All supernatural powers come with a price, and you can no longer afford the price of killing me."

The old man's body was broken, but his skinny arms were still raised. At this moment, he was in great pain, his body was twisted, and he could not recover. He didn't know what kind of supernatural backlash he had suffered.

"Damn it."

This scene was also captured by the missionary, who couldn't help but curse in his heart.

I thought he could defeat Yang Jian, or even hold him off for a while at worst, but he didn't expect it to be so ineffective that something big went wrong at the critical moment.


The missionary didn't hesitate at all and immediately shouted.

There is no chance of winning now. If we don't leave, we will lose three kings today.

As his words fell, the sky began to change color, suddenly turning from night to day. At the same time, the surrounding scenery also changed rapidly. Originally there was a sea nearby, but now it turned into a city. It seems that all of a sudden the scene is changing.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that those scenes are not real, they look fake, like oil paintings.

Seeing this, Yang Jian didn't hesitate at all. He immediately took back the red spear, picked up the strange man covered in black ink, and then stepped on the old man holding up the skinny arms. The will-o'-the-wisps covered him and directly hit him. It engulfs them without giving the other party a chance to rescue them.

"Leave it to me."

Lin Bei also realized that the other party was about to withdraw. He saw that the scene around him was also changing, and he immediately grabbed the scary old woman by the neck.

The missionary's figure was disappearing, and he appeared in a city at this moment, but Li Leping still stayed on the dock. They were only a few meters apart, but they seemed to be a world apart.

This boundary cannot be crossed easily, nor can it be broken, because once broken, everything in front of you will disappear.

Obviously this is the other party's back-up plan.

"Yang Jian, Cao Yang is still in their hands." Li Leping reminded at this time.

Yang Jian's eyes narrowed and he saw Cao Yang's figure emerging from the black and white projection. He had been dismembered and was covered in blood and flesh. Only half of his body and his head remained intact.

But at this moment, Cao Yang's mutilated body was held in the hands of a foreign man in the picture.

"Let Cao Yang go, and I can give you a king in return." Yang Jian said coldly.

The other party was about to withdraw, and he couldn't continue to stop them because he still had to look after the two kings. Otherwise, if the other party took the opportunity to rescue them, today's action would be in vain.

The missionary's face changed, his eyes flickered, and he quickly said: "Exchange the two people in your hands for Cao Yang."

"We have three people in our hands. You can only choose one, otherwise the deal will be cancelled." Yang Jian was decisive and ready to give up on Cao Yang.

The missionary glanced at the man in the black and white picture.

The foreign man in the picture nodded, seeming to agree to the exchange.

"Okay, I promise you, Cao Yang will give it back to you. I want the one under your feet." The missionary made a decision quickly.

next moment.

In the black and white projection on the ground, Cao Yang's bloody and mutilated body emerged.

Although Yang Jian didn't want to let go of a king, he had to save Cao Yang. At this moment, he could only disperse the burning will-o'-the-wisp, revealing the figure of the old man with a broken body.

Then, the scene around the old man's body changed, and the whole person was quickly disappearing on the pier.

Yang Jian was also immediately covered with will-o'-the-wisps, shrouding Cao Yang's mutilated body to prevent him from suffering other supernatural attacks.

Transaction complete.

The supernatural beings no longer interfere with each other.

The other party successfully took away the old man with the skinny arm, and Yang Jian also exchanged Cao Yang back.

Then the other party quickly disappeared on the dock and evacuated as quickly as possible.

After the other party left, the dock also disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Jian and others returned to the real world and escaped from that supernatural land.

As soon as they left, Yang Jian extinguished the will-o'-the-wisp to avoid igniting Cao Yang.

"Yang Jian, you should refuse to trade with them. I can't survive tonight like this. It's a good deal to exchange my life for a few hours for the life of a king, and the old man let go is terrible, otherwise the other party I won't take it so seriously." Cao Yang endured the pain and said.

"It makes sense, but sometimes accounts are not settled that way. We have already won this time. We can win less, but we cannot compromise the captain. Although your situation is complicated, as long as you are not dead, you have a chance to recover. Come here, aren't you?" Yang Jian said calmly.

"Yes, we have already won two kings this time. It doesn't matter if one is missing. Besides, if you hadn't been in front, I would have been the one who died just now. I also support Yang Jian to exchange you for a king." Lin Bei. Agree.

Moreover, he felt that he would not suffer any loss if he traded for one. On the contrary, he would rather have one more enemy than see one less teammate.

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