Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1448 Piano and Dead Souls

The vicious dog attack was fierce, and the supernatural collision had already begun.

Yang Jian could see the vicious dog running quickly towards the pianist, and the hall where the vicious dog ran was once again replaced by a dead village. A winding path extended forward, all the way to the black piano. Front.

Obviously, the evil dogs are continuing to invade this supernatural place where the other party is.

The piano sound became more urgent, and as the pianist played faster, the original harsh tune changed again.

At this time, what is played on the piano is no longer music, but a terrifying scream that cannot be described in words. This scream goes straight into the heart, as if a evil ghost has penetrated into your mind alive, making you incomparable. Painful, my head felt like it was going to explode.

"The incomplete cursed piano music, played by this black supernatural piano, seems to have some terrible effect. You cannot listen to this sound, otherwise you will die."

Yang Jian covered his ears in pain at this moment, trying to eliminate part of the sound.

But it has no effect. This terrifying scream no longer echoes around you, but echoes in your brain, like the curse of a music box.

It was difficult for Yang Jian in the ghost dream to withstand such an attack at this moment. Even in the world of ghost dreams, he was still hurt.

Blood was constantly flowing out of Yang Jian's eyes, ears, and nose. He felt a splitting headache, and his brain seemed to be turned into a ball of paste by the screams. He could not even maintain normal thinking. He felt that he was continuing to If this continues, even if he doesn't die, he will become an idiot.

If Lian Yang Jian was like this, the other intelligence officers of the King's organization who were involved were even worse. They originally thought that the pianist was here to save themselves and get themselves out of this ghostly dream world.

But this rapid piano performance affected everyone indiscriminately.

They couldn't listen to this terrible music at all. Their consciousness exploded in just a few moments and disappeared on the spot. The impact of this was that these intelligence officers in the ghost dream world were directly brain-dead, with no trace of struggle. No, it died quietly.

One after another, the intelligence officers lowered their heads and died inexplicably.

"I am one of our own, don't kill me." Someone shouted in despair, hoping that the pianist would stop playing.

But this is obviously impossible. The rapid piano sound still echoes like the scream of a ghost. Just after the man begged for mercy, his body trembled, then his head hung down, and then there was no more movement. At the same time, their The body also began to quickly disappear into the world of ghost dreams.

When consciousness dies, it is impossible for people to dream, and naturally they can get rid of the influence of ghost dreams.

Yang Jian is not dead, not because he is very special, but because he has the supernatural power of Guimeng. This supernatural power will protect his consciousness from being killed by other supernatural forces. But now the evil dog is dealing with the pianist and Yang Jian. The protection of time is very limited, so there is a supernatural confrontation in his mind, which is why he is in such pain.

But this time did not last long.

Because the vicious dog had already arrived in front of the pianist, bared its teeth, and pounced out.

Sitting in front of the black piano, the pianist looked like a dead soul, his body showing an illusion. At this time, he was thrown to the ground by the vicious dog without any resistance.

Then the vicious dog bit like mad, and the illusory figure was shattered into pieces in just a few moments.

The terrible piano sound was interrupted and stopped playing.

"Did you succeed?" Yang Jian's head was still buzzing at this moment. He wiped the blood on his face and looked at the piano.

The black piano no longer moved, and the ghost who played it also disappeared.

It seems that the horrific supernatural attack has been successfully prevented by the vicious dogs and will never happen again.

But is it really that easy?

Yang Jian shook his head, and the pain subsided. He was still worried at this moment, because the other party was a king, and it would be difficult to kill him with just a vicious dog. He thought that the other party was still there and not dead yet. , the vicious dog attack should have temporarily disturbed the other party.


His idea was confirmed.

Next to the black piano, a foreign man wearing a black tuxedo with a disembodied body and a ghost-like body appeared again. The vicious dog had clearly torn him into pieces just now, but when he reappeared, he was still intact and without any traces. of damage.

The pianist did not continue playing at this moment, but looked at the vicious dog next to him, seeming to be very afraid, and then looked in the direction of Yang Jian again.

The splendid empty hall and the dead and dark countryside appear so incompatible together, but they represent respectively the pianist's territory and the ghost dream world mastered by Yang Jian. This intersection is different from the last time in the nightmare castle. The nightmare castle and the ghost dream world are puzzle pieces and related to each other, but this collision is two completely different supernatural worlds.

"The piano is playing at its most exciting time. You shouldn't interrupt my performance. Also, dogs are not allowed in my performance. You should take care of your pets." The pianist spoke. Dissatisfaction with Yang Jian was revealed in his voice.

"Your performance is too dangerous. I can't do it without interrupting. If you want to play, I can let my dog ​​play with you all the time." Yang Jian also responded.

The pianist glanced at the vicious dog again and seemed to understand: "It turns out that the real danger is not you, but this dog. I thought you were dragging a dog into a nightmare, but I didn't expect it." That’s the source of nightmares, what a genius idea.”

"It seems you don't know much about my information." Yang Jian said.

"I am a dead soul living on the piano. I am only interested in my performance and don't care much about the outside world." The pianist said seriously: "It's just your existence that disturbs me. You have to pay the price for this." .”

Yang Jian sneered and said: "You are the king of the king's organization. Don't pretend that everything has nothing to do with you. My appearance this time is to destroy the intelligence network you established. If possible, I can kill another person." A king would be the best."

"It is very tragic to perform without an audience. I need someone to listen to my music, but today your goal has been achieved. They all died before they could listen to the last piece of music, and the intelligence network no longer exists. said the pianist.

"As long as you are here, there will be as many such intelligence personnel as possible. No matter how many times they are destroyed, they can be rebuilt." Yang Jian stared at him and said, "Unless you completely disappear from this world."

"It's not an easy thing for me to disappear from this world. If you can do it, you can give it a try, but in return, I think you should listen to the next piece of music." Pianist As he spoke, he sat down in front of the black piano again.

When Yang Jian saw that he seemed to want to play the piano again, he immediately ordered again: "Bite him to death."

After giving the order, the vicious dog roared again and threw the pianist to the ground, then bit him cruelly, tearing him into pieces again.

But soon.

The pianist, like a ghost, appeared next to the black piano again.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian immediately frowned.

"You'd better give up, music can't kill you." The pianist who appeared again said calmly.

"There is no one who cannot be killed, it's just that we haven't found the right method. I've seen you keep resurrecting and appearing like this before. Your existence is just a supernatural phenomenon. As long as you find the source and eliminate it, , then you’re doomed.”

Yang Jian stared at him and said, while looking at the black piano.

"It's the black piano, right?"

The pianist continued: "You can't destroy this piano, not even your vicious dog."

"Of course, the vicious dog can't pull a supernatural object into the nightmare, so it can't deal with the black piano, but this piano definitely exists in reality. As long as you find it, you will be finished." Yang Jian's eyes flickered, he had already found a way to kill the pianist.

"That's a pity. You will never be able to find this piano, and my performance will never stop." The pianist said as he played the piano again.

Hands flew, weird and terrifying music echoed, and then the music intertwined, and the terrifying scream that disappeared just now appeared again.

"Bite him to death." Yang Jian gave the order again.

The vicious dog attacked again.

But this time the pianist sat in front of the piano and was bitten by vicious dogs. As long as his hands could still move, he could continue to play.

And after being bitten to death, a new pianist appeared again and continued the previous performance. Even if the terrifying scream paused in the middle, it would still sound in the end.

"This guy knows that vicious dogs can't kill him, so he wants to consume me here until he consumes me to death." Yang Jian immediately understood the pianist's plan.

"It seems that I can't stay here any longer, otherwise it will be very detrimental to me over time. If you want to deal with this person, you have to do it in reality. The confrontation in the dream has no meaning, and neither of us can do anything to anyone."

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian did not let the vicious dog attack anymore. He asked the vicious dog to withdraw.

The pianist stopped playing when he saw Yang Jian's move, because he also knew that he could not kill Yang Jian. As long as Yang Jian was willing, he could leave the dream and leave here immediately, and he would not be able to hurt him by then.

"It seems that you don't plan to continue attending my performance."

"I can't kill you, but I can kill all your viewers. Our confrontation continues." Yang Jian immediately led the vicious dog towards the other direction of the hall.

He wants to drag other people here into ghost dreams and get rid of the intelligence personnel of the king's organization.

The pianist was silent for the moment.

Obviously the other party has discovered his own flaw, that is, he was cursed by the supernatural piano and turned into a dead soul. Although he will not die, he will never be able to leave the piano.

Therefore, he was unable to attend any activities organized by the king and could only become a king responsible for intelligence.

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