Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1460 Doll Corpse

In the darkness deep in the cabin, a fierce ghost appeared openly in front of the two people, and slowly walked towards them with heavy steps.

Even the suppression of the ghost on the ghost ship did not stop it at all. It seemed that the ghost in front of him was not affected at all and could move freely on the ghost ship.

"Is this targeting us? Who will go first? Or should we work together to solve this thing?" Ye Zhen asked seriously.

"I'll handle it, nail it directly with coffin nails, and don't give it a chance. In this case, we can't be entangled with this thing for too long. If a ghost can get out of the cabin of this ghost ship, a second ghost can get out of it. There is only one ghost, and there is a third ghost, so we must deal with it quickly, then look for the rudder, and then find a way to get out of here quickly." Yang Jian said in a deep voice, still choosing the safest method.

Ye Zhen nodded: "In that case, it's up to you to perform."

After saying that, he gave up half of his body to make it easier for Yang Jian to take action.

Yang Jian held the red spear and took a few steps forward, then stopped, waiting for the evil ghost to get closer.

There was still a weird smile on the ghost's face, and it walked towards Yang Jian.

But as the distance got closer, a very strange thing happened. After the ghost got closer, its already tall figure now seemed even bigger, as if it was constantly expanding, and not only the ghost's body was changing. So big that even the entire aisle is getting bigger.

No, no, it's not that the ghost is getting bigger, but Yang Jian and Ye Zhen are shrinking.

Did the supernatural interfere with the senses and create an illusion, or was it that he was really affected by the supernatural and was shrinking?

Yang Jian's expression moved slightly, and he noticed this change. Without any hesitation at this time, he immediately threw the red spear in his hand, trying to prevent this change from continuing. He didn't want to wait until the end before taking action.

In this case, his attack could not fail.

next moment.

The red spear penetrated the body of the fierce ghost in front of him, and at the same time, the suppression of the coffin nails also appeared.

I thought that this would successfully put the ghost into a deep sleep and lose its ability to move, but the reality surprised Yang Jian.

The ghost that had been penetrated through the body was still moving forward with a weird smile on its face. A large piece of flesh and blood on its chest was torn off, leaving only an empty chest, and the piece of flesh and blood that remained was actually It was like a curled-up dead body, with a head and hands, but now the dead body was penetrated by coffin nails and could not move.

By giving up a chunk of flesh on his chest, the ghost was able to escape the confines of the coffin nails.

"This is not one ghost, this is a collection of multiple ghosts spliced ​​together. Its head, body, hands and feet are all different ghosts. This thing is a strange thing that has never been seen before. It has never been seen in the supernatural circle before. I’ve never seen such a ghost.”

Yang Jian's eyes narrowed at this moment. His ghost eyes peered into everything in front of him and saw some clues.

"Then can you do it? If you can't, leave it to me and let you see how powerful I am." Ye Zhen waved his hand, not wanting to hear Yang Jian analyze so much.

"It's not that simple. It's the product of the gathering of multiple ghosts. It's like a ghost controlling multiple ghosts. This kind of supernatural gathering will definitely brew something more terrifying. You and I can join forces together, otherwise we will be alone. It’s easy to suffer a loss when dealing with them.”

Yang Jian didn't want to take risks and wanted to join forces with Ye Zhen to deal with the ghost in front of him in the safest way.

"It's too troublesome. You have become timid after becoming the law enforcement captain of the headquarters. Leave it to me."

Ye Zhen immediately snorted and rushed out immediately. He pulled out the long sword from his waist again.

There is a strange and terrifying ghost face imprinted on the twisted long sword. You cannot look at that ghost face. A living person will die miserably immediately just by taking a look at it. Even if Yang Jian's ghost eyes take a look at it, the ghost eyes will suffer supernatural effects. The attack closed immediately. In addition, there were other supernatural marks on the sword.

It can be said that the moment Ye Zhen pulled out the sword, the supernatural attack had already begun.

The ghost in front of him seemed to have seen the terrifying ghostly face on the sword, and was affected by it. He stopped immediately, but this situation lasted very briefly. Within five seconds, the ghost started to act again.

But the ghost's eyes were closed without knowing when.

At this moment, Ye Zhen has already attacked.

However, when Ye Zhen just rushed in front of the ghost, he suddenly staggered. He didn't know whether his body was affected or he tripped on something. He fell headfirst to the ground, then rolled several times, and finally Then he stopped.

But Ye Zhen, who had stopped, was motionless at the moment, lying on the ground like a corpse.

"One leg, tripped Ye Zhen?"

At this moment, Yang Jian saw that in the cabin room next to him, a pale, slender dead man's leg was stretched out from nowhere. The leg was like a bamboo pole lying across the aisle, and it appeared without any warning. Anyone passing by would trip over the leg and fall to the ground.

And being tripped like this is definitely not as simple as falling down. It is probably accompanied by some kind of supernatural curse that will lead to death. Otherwise, Ye Zhen would not have fallen down and still not stood up.

The ghost in front of him would not stop attacking just because Ye Zhen fell. Although it had its eyes closed, it had already locked onto Ye Zhen in front of it.

The tall body began to squirm strangely at this moment, and then the whole body collapsed instantly like a house, directly covering Ye Zhen lying on the ground and burying him under him.

The collapsed limbs were still squirming, there were sharp sounds, and there were bursts of weird laughter.

Ye Zhen was eaten by a ghost like a piece of food and is now being digested.

However, Yang Jian had already arrived. In an instant, the ghost fire surged, covering everything around him, and directly swallowed up the ghost in front of him. Although the time when he could use supernatural power on the ghost ship was short-lived, this short-lived feeling was in the process of fighting against the ghost. The supernatural power is enough.

The will-o'-the-wisp burned and made a scorching sound.

The ghost covering Ye Zhen was squirming crazily, as if wanting to stand up.

"It's not enough." Yang Jian reached out and grabbed it, and the spear he just threw appeared in his hand instantly along with the ghost realm of will-o'-the-wisps.

He made a wish in a low voice: "With this slash of my sword, I will definitely repel the evil ghost in front of me."

As soon as the wish was made, Yang Jian's knife fell, and the dismemberment of the hatchet was accompanied by the supernatural power of the wishing ghost. Such a supernatural attack was very fatal, and even the terrifying ghost could hardly resist it.

After the hatchet was chopped down, the ghost in front of him was instantly torn open with a ferocious gash. At the same time, Ye Zhen's huge body was affected by some supernatural power and flew out directly. Then the body continued to roll. It split into five or six pieces.

But when he looked down, he saw that Ye Zhen, who had just been lying on the ground, was nowhere to be seen.

Yang Jian quickly realized something, and he stared at the torn and mutilated limbs.

But I saw that most of the limbs were struggling and squirming, like a fierce ghost, waking up. At this moment, Ye Zhen was actually affected by the supernatural power and curled up into a ball, like a piece of flesh and blood, about to be filled into the chest of the ghost just now. .

Because Yang Jian's attack interrupted Li Gui's attack, Ye Zhen avoided the possibility of becoming Li Gui Jigsaw.

But the danger has not passed.

The shattered limbs gathered together again at this moment, and the figure of the tall ghost just now gradually emerged again.

At this moment, Ye Zhen opened his eyes and woke up.

When Ye Zhen woke up, his body stretched directly, and all kinds of wounds disappeared. He was intact again, and the scapegoat's ability made him alive again.

"I warned you, don't be impulsive and careless. This ghost is very unusual, especially on the ghost ship. We must be more careful when we are all restricted. If we are not careful, we may really die here." Yang Jian said.

While he was speaking, the will-o'-the-wisp was extinguishing, and the scars left by the hatchet on Li Gui's body were disappearing.

All the supernatural is being wiped out by the ghost ship again.

"You underestimate me, Mr. Ye. I could have gotten up after accidentally tripping over that ghost just now, but just when I was attacked by a ghost, I suddenly realized that the ghost was controlling me. I am controlling a ghost, so I was experiencing the feeling of controlling a powerful ghost just now."

Ye Zhen stood up and said confidently.

"But you almost became a puzzle piece on a ghost just now." Yang Jian said.

Ye Zhen immediately retorted: "Nonsense, that was my intention. Even if I became a puzzle, it was me controlling the ghost, not the ghost controlling me. If you don't believe it, I will show you now what I, Mr. Ye, just did." A bit of supernatural power stolen from a ghost.”

After saying that, Ye Zhen's body gradually expanded and became bigger. Some kind of supernatural influence affected his body, giving him some characteristics that were beyond ordinary people.

"Did you see it?" Afterwards, Ye Zhen's body returned to normal.

"That's it? Gone?" Yang Jian asked: "It's just that the body has become bigger, it seems that there is no change."

"You are wrong. After my body grew bigger, my supernatural power also became stronger. Although it lasted for a short time, there is no doubt that this is an increase in strength." Ye Zhen said seriously.

"." Yang Jian didn't quite believe Ye Zhen's words.

He just thought that Ye Zhen was just lucky enough to get some supernatural powers by accident.

Ye Zhen turned to look at the ghost that had been spliced ​​together again. The ghost had stood up and opened his eyes again, showing the same weird smile as before. At the same time, the hole in his chest had been filled back, because Yang Jian just retracted the spear, and the part of the body that was pinned returned to the ghost's body.

"I know this ghost better than you now. Its weakness is not in its head or chest, but here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the twisted long sword in Ye Zhen's hand stabbed forward suddenly.

It pierced the ghost's stomach directly.

A strange and shrill cry echoed in the dark cabin.

The next moment, this tall body collapsed again, breaking into many pieces like building blocks. Each piece represented a fierce ghost, and the core was actually the ghost's belly.

The belly was also a ghost. As the belly squirmed, a real scene quickly appeared in front of the two people.

It was a corpse with broken arms and legs and full of scars. The corpse was not big, about the size of a seven or eight-year-old child. Yang Jian couldn't even tell whether it was a corpse or a rag doll, because the corpse was very delicate and had no There was no trace of decay and no corpse odor.

But there is no doubt that the core of the evil ghost just now is this thing.

It can control other ghosts to gather into a more terrifying ghost.

And when the corpse appeared, the corpse's head immediately turned strangely from front to back, then opened a pair of big dark eyes, staring motionlessly at Ye Zhen in front of him, and at the same time, the mouth opened slightly as if to say something.

"It's a very evil thing. No wonder the people from the king's organization would throw this thing on the ghost ship." Yang Jian's heart trembled, and he was very afraid of this thing.

Ye Zhen frowned slightly at this moment, as if he heard some sound, but only he could hear the sound, and no one else could.

Perhaps it was because he was targeted by the ghost in front of him.

"Ye Zhen, wake up and don't be fooled by this thing." Yang Jian saw something wrong with Ye Zhen's expression and immediately shouted.

But Ye Zhen also opened his mouth slightly at this moment, as if he was talking, but did not make a sound. However, it seemed that he was communicating with the corpse of the doll in front of him, but no one could know what they said to each other.

"You really don't listen to advice." Yang Jian felt a headache again.

This Ye Zhen is really unscrupulous because he has a scapegoat. He even wants to play with the corpse of such an evil puppet. Isn't he worried about playing with fire and burning himself?

"Be quiet. I, Mr. Ye, are fine. He is talking to me. I am asking him about the situation here and asking him to tell me where the rudder is." Ye Zhen spoke at this time, and he revealed some information. Let Yang Jian not worry.

"There is a price to pay for asking for information from ghosts. Don't believe the information from these ghosts." Yang Jian reminded again.

This scene seemed familiar, very similar to when he asked about the human skin paper before.

"It can be seen that it is still very cooperative with me, Mr. Ye. It is probably surrendered by me, Mr. Ye, and allows me to continue to communicate with it." Ye Zhen did not listen to Yang Jian's advice and continued to open his mouth after finishing speaking. He communicated silently with the corpse of the doll in front of him.

Seeing this situation, Yang Jian didn't try to persuade him any more. Since Ye Zhen wanted to deal with ghosts, let him do it. I hope he could really ask him something.

As a result, the weird puppet corpse and Ye Zhen froze in place, opening their mouths to each other. They didn't know what they were saying and communicating, but judging from the shape of their mouths, Yang Jian felt that they were all saying the same sentence. And it's very simple.

"Abba, Abba, Abba."

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