Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1465 The danger of superposition

On the deck of the ghost ship.

In the darkness, terrible supernatural attacks emerge one after another. The horror of the ghosts here is beyond imagination. Even Yang Jian cannot deal with it. His supernatural means can only temporarily repel the attacks of the ghosts, but this does not have a very good effect. effect.

After being repelled briefly, the ghost will attack again soon. Even if it is dismembered by a hatchet, the ghost can recover after giving it some time.

While repelling the ghosts, Yang Jian will also suffer supernatural attacks. These attacks cannot be avoided. He can only rely on his own alien characteristics to resist them, but he will inevitably be hit hard in this way.

Only by avoiding this kind of supernatural damage by restarting again and again, Yang Jian was able to survive.

"Fortunately, the six ghost eyes were dead before. The difficulty for me to restart the seventh-level ghost realm has been greatly reduced, and the consumption on myself is also very small. Otherwise, I will be consumed to death here, and there is no way I can wait for the ghosts alive." The ship appears in reality.”

In the darkness, Yang Jian was holding a red spear. He gasped, and various strange injuries began to appear on his body.

The time interval between each restart was too short. As a result, even if he restarted to one minute ago, the injuries on his body still existed one minute ago. When he restarted to the state two minutes ago, the state two minutes ago was not good either. As a result, every time he restarts, he can only push his own time further and further away.

Yang Jian knew in his heart that there were limits to restarting himself.

If he fights against the ghost here for too long and exceeds his limit of restarting himself, then his restart will lose its effect, and then it will be a real desperate situation.

"My limit for restarting is half an hour. In other words, if I continue to be attacked by ghosts for half an hour, then it will be meaningless for me to restart. At most, I will return to the first place thirty minutes ago. The state when he was attacked for the first time.”

"I've been here for about twenty minutes now, and I'm still ten minutes away from my limit."

While Yang Jian was fighting against Li Gui, he was also estimating his own limit time.

In other words, he might be consumed alive on the ghost ship in ten minutes.


A dull loud noise echoed behind him, and in the darkness, an iron rod stained with blood fell on Yang Jian's head. With just one blow, he lost the ability to move and fell to the ground. Even his consciousness was blurred. If it weren't for the protection of the vicious dog, this attack on Yang Jian would have definitely killed him.

"Damn it."

Yang Jian was shocked and angry. He didn't hesitate at all and restarted directly. Otherwise, at this moment of trauma, the nearby ghosts would tear him into pieces.

After another restart, Yang Jian's injuries disappeared.

The moment the injury disappeared, Yang Jian rushed towards the direction where the ghost attacked. The red light of the ghost's eyes briefly tore through the dense darkness around him, revealing the ghost hidden in the darkness. Then he dropped his hatchet. , directly cut Li Gui into two sections.

After being dismembered, Li Gui lost all movement and fell to the ground. The bloody iron rod also fell to the deck with a clang.

Yang Jian had no time to pay attention, and couldn't even recover the supernatural item. Then his feet were hugged by a cold dead body, and the stiff palms pinched his calves tightly, and his fingers They are already embedded in the flesh and blood.

Being hugged by this evil ghost, his lower body began to lose consciousness quickly, and this feeling continued to spread to his upper body.

Yang Jian immediately made a counterattack, and ghost hands kept appearing on the cold corpse at his feet, trying to use the characteristics of ghost hands to suppress ghosts to fight against the corpse.

However, even though the ghost hands covered the whole body of the corpse, the corpse still hugged Yang Jian's legs tightly, unable to move at all.

Obviously, the supernatural power of Ghost Hand is still not enough to deal with this fierce ghost.

There was no other way, Yang Jian could only use will-o'-the-wisp.

As the light green will-o'-the-wisp burned, the corpse under his feet was twisted by the burning pain. Finally, he had no choice but to let go of his hand and let go of Yang Jian.

But as soon as his front legs broke away from the dead body under his feet, a figure flashed out of the darkness on his back legs, and then hit Yang Jian hard.

Yang Jian felt as if he had been hit by a supernatural bus. He fell out again and didn't know where he landed.

"This thing again? Damn it, I've suffered from this ghost before."

He wanted to stand up, but his body seemed to be disobedient. He couldn't move for a moment. At this moment, he subconsciously wanted to use restart to eliminate this supernatural damage, but when he just wanted to restart, Yang Jian held back. .

He couldn't restart so frequently because he didn't know how long such a supernatural attack would last.

But when he thought like this, he soon felt something strange.

In the nearby darkness, something seemed to have groped over and was quickly approaching here.

next moment.

Yang Jian felt his body sink, and he was pressed by something. He felt a strong smell of corpse, and at the same time, he also touched strands of messy hair nearby.

This feeling is like a ghost pressing down on the bed.

However, unlike the ghost on the bed, his body was quickly regaining consciousness and getting rid of the supernatural damage just now, but at the same time, he also felt that the things pressing on him were disappearing and disappearing.

No, it is not disappearing, but it is rapidly invading his body. Even the ghost shadow cannot resist this invasion.

There was no other way, Yang Jian was forced to restart.

With the end of his own restart, he finally got rid of the attack of the evil ghost, but this was still short-lived.

"Within one minute, I restarted twice in succession. This kind of restart was too frequent. It seems that the number of ghosts on the deck has been increasing from the beginning to now without any decrease. This means that the most dangerous The period has not passed yet.”

Yang Jian gritted his teeth and continued to support himself.

But at this time, Ye Zhen's voice came from the darkness: "Yang Wudi, let's join forces. There are too many of these ghosts, and I can't stand it anymore."

At this moment, Ye Zhen's limit seemed to have arrived early. He shamelessly asked to join forces and no longer acted as recklessly as before.

"We should have joined forces a long time ago. You were wasting time fighting alone before. Talking about mutual influence is just nonsense. There are ghosts everywhere here. Being alone will only make it more dangerous." Yang Jian said with a cold face. road.

"It's not too late to know your shame and then be brave. Sometimes a temporary retreat is just to prepare for a more powerful attack."

Ye Zhen's voice fell, and then his figure retreated from the darkness, and then quickly crossed the burning will-o'-the-wisp and came to Yang Jian's side.

At this moment, Ye Zhen looked very miserable, with bruises and bruises all over his body like corpse spots. At the same time, there were bite marks on his arms and thighs, and even his eyes were bleeding.

Although the scapegoat's supernatural power is working, the speed of transferring injuries cannot keep up with the speed of the scapegoat leaving injuries. Because of this, his scapegoat ability is gradually losing its effectiveness. If this situation does not change, Ye Zhen will also Consumed alive on the deck.

However, Ye Zhen also understood his situation, so he chose to join forces with Yang Jian without hesitation at this time.

As long as Yang Jian can share half of the supernatural attack, his scapegoat can quickly smooth out his injuries and recover.

"Don't be so stubborn. If you can't beat him, you can't beat him. There's no shame in it. If this situation on the ghost ship continues for another ten minutes, I might die here." Yang Jian said.

"You can actually hold on for more than ten minutes? I can hold on for three more minutes at most." Ye Zhen looked surprised.

"Now is not the time to compete like this. You are responsible for the rear, and I am responsible for the front. The dangers around us are still increasing. If we can't stop them, we have to finish together." Yang Jian said.

At this moment, the two people finally joined forces.

Yang Jian felt that the pressure dropped suddenly, because Ye Zhen was responsible for fighting the ghost behind him, but the situation was the same for Ye Zhen. He did not need to guard against the attack of the fierce ghost behind him, because Yang Jian blocked it for him.

Things are looking up a bit.

The number of Yang Jian's restarts has decreased, and Ye Zhen's limit of death has not come so soon, and his injuries are constantly recovering.

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