Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1467 The echoing bell.

The process of escaping the ghost ship was smooth and without twists and turns.

But this does not mean that the matter is over. Through the experience on the ghost ship, Yang Jian completely understood the horror of this ghost ship. It was just that some of the ghosts in the cabin were released. He and Ye Zhen He was almost eaten alive on the deck.

What's even more frightening is that there are unknown horrors hidden in the depths of this ghost ship. Once it is released, no one knows what will happen, but one thing is predictable, that is, no one can fight it.

Even captain-level ghost masters can be killed instantly.

This sense of oppression and uneasiness, Yang Jian has experienced so many supernatural events, only felt it in one supernatural event, and that was the funeral of the old man in the ancient mansion on the seventh day.

If they hadn't run fast enough, the old man in the ancient mansion would have revived after his death, and he would have almost wiped them out.

"The ghost ship is still moving forward. It has not changed its course. It is heading towards Daito City."

The more Yang Jian looked at it, the worse he felt. At this time, he discovered that the ghost ship had stayed in reality for too long and showed no signs of disappearing. Moreover, the ghost ship seemed to have a tendency to leave the sea and land directly ashore.

Although this is a ship, it is a supernatural thing that cannot be judged by common sense. If this continues, this ghost ship may really sail on land.

"Do the people from the King's organization want to force the ghost ship to land and send the ghosts to the urban area of ​​Dadong City?" Such a bad guess emerged in Yang Jian's mind.

"Someone is coming." Suddenly, Ye Zhen noticed something, and he looked in the direction of Dadong City.

next moment.

Gray-white paper dust began to fall continuously on the sea, and the surrounding scenery became blurry again. The reality seemed a little unreal at this moment, and the scenery in the distance was no longer so clear. An unknown supernatural change appeared. , only a moment passed, and everything nearby seemed to have turned into an oil painting.

And in this world of oil paintings, He Yuelian appeared.

Also appearing together were other captains from the headquarters. They seemed to have been prepared and knew the exact time and location of the ghost ship's appearance, which was why they provided such timely support.

"I thought it was the enemy coming, but I didn't expect it was the other captains. They came very quickly. Unfortunately, it was useless. If I, Ye, can't deal with it, they must be helpless." Ye Zhen He shook his head, still not optimistic about the current situation.

"Yang Jian." The captains all appeared.

They were relieved when they saw Yang Jian and Ye Zhen coming back alive and well.

"The previous transaction has been completed. We made a deal with the daughter of the manor owner in the king's organization, and exchanged his head for a navigation chart of a ghost ship. This navigation chart can predict ghosts five minutes in advance. The exact location where the ship appeared." Lu Zhiwen said.

"So the owner of the manor has been released? But it's worth it to trade the navigation chart. Our biggest crisis now is the ghost ship. As long as we can think of a way to deal with it, it doesn't matter even if it means releasing a king." Yang Jian clicked. Nodding, I have no opinion on this transaction.

After all, before he left, Lu Zhiwen had been left to take care of it, and it was up to them to decide whether to trade.

Now that the deal has been reached, it means that the deal has been approved by most of the captains, and there must be no big problem.

"I covered a nearby area in the ghost realm, hoping that this would protect everything in reality from the influence of the ghost ship." He Yuelian said.

The supernatural power of the ghost painting has already spread out. Once the supernatural power of the ghost painting is released, the ghost realm formed will be so large that even Yang Jian himself cannot compare with it.

"Yang Jian, what's going on now?" Liu San frowned and pointed at the ghost ship approaching in front of him.

"Ye Zhen and I went to the ghost ship to find a way to control the ghost ship. Although we made some gains, it was still to no avail. Now the ghost ship seems to have undergone some kind of change. It is no longer hidden, but is heading straight towards Dadong City. And go, in my opinion, the Ark plan organized by the king is going to be implemented today."

Yang Jian said solemnly: "The ghost ship will land soon, and then it will release the ghosts in the cabin. We don't have much time left."

"Since there is no way to control the ghost ship to make you turn around, the only way is to intercept the ghost ship here. Do you have any good ideas?" Lin Bei looked at everyone and said.

"Want to intercept this thing? It's too difficult. Just standing there, I can feel the strong supernatural interference brought by the ghost ship. Even if I really use supernatural power, I'm afraid it won't have any effect. Zhou Deng on the side immediately shook his head and said, looking at the big guy in front of him with fear in his heart.

Even if he tried his best to block the ghost ship, he could not stop the ship for a second. He would only be crushed into mud by this thing.

"How about using supernatural powers together?" He Yin'er suddenly suggested.

Lu Zhiwen said: "No, even the supernatural powers between us will affect each other. The more people attack the ghost ship, the more serious the interference will be, just like the ghost realm between us, He Yuelian Once we have used the ghost realm, we can no longer use it easily, otherwise the ghost realm conflict will not be good for anyone.”

"In that case, I'll summon the souls." He Yin'er said without hesitation, and she planned to use her trump card.

But the faceless man on the side stopped her and shook his head.

"Recruiting a top ghost controller from the Republic of China might be able to stop the ghost ship. This is the only way." He Yin'er said somewhat puzzled.

Yang Jian said: "It's useless. Even if you recruit the cemetery master Luo Qian again, the time he can stay in reality is very short. If you deal with the ghost controller well, he can be separated in a short time." The winner is to kill the opponent, but the ghost ship is not a ghost controller, it is a supernatural being and a fierce ghost. It will not die. Even if the top ghost controller of the Republic of China can stop it, how long can it be stopped?"

"One minute, two minutes? Or ten minutes? The people who summon the souls are short-lived after all. Although they are each very strong, their duration is short. In the end of the confrontation, the ghost ship must win."

"We can't join forces, nor can we summon spirits. Is it possible that we can just watch the ghost ship sail into Dadong City like this?" He Yin'er said.

Yang Jian said seriously: "Don't be anxious. If the opponent's Ark plan is so easy to crack, then the people in the King's organization will not bet everything on it. We need to calm down now and look for all possibilities."

"Yang Jian, use a pendulum clock." Suddenly, Wang Chaling said. He adjusted his glasses: "Use the pendulum clock to adjust the ghost ship's time and stagger it with the real time. In this way, the ghost ship will disappear from this world forever."

"Good idea, this is a method." Many people's eyes lit up and they thought this was a good idea.

Yang Jian frowned: "The range of the pendulum clock's influence is limited, but there is no problem in covering the ghost ship. You can give it a try. I don't know whether it will succeed."

As he spoke, the sea beneath his feet began to bubble.

next moment.

A pair of white arms soaked in water stretched out and lifted an old pendulum clock out of the water.

This is the supernatural pendulum clock in the Wang family's ancient house, which can affect the time in an area.

"Retreat to the shore first. The moment the ghost ship docks, I will adjust the time of the pendulum clock to make the ghost ship disappear." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he quickly retreated with the pendulum clock, left the sea, and then came to The nearest seaside.

Seeing this, the others quickly evacuated. Instead of gathering together, they quickly dispersed.

"It's not enough. We have to stay farther away. We can't be affected by the pendulum clock." Wang Chaling reminded that he was farther away than others because he knew the scope of influence of the supernatural pendulum clock.

Seeing this, the other captains once again distanced themselves.

At this time, Yang Jian was standing on the beach alone with a pendulum clock. Right in front of him, an old and strange ghost ship was slowly approaching. Although the ghost ship was not sailing very fast, at this time, the ghost ship had already We are very close to the coast, and we are about to leave the sea and land completely.

"At this speed, we can take action in three minutes. At that time, the pendulum clock's range of influence will just cover the ghost ship." Wang Chaling looked at it, made a quick calculation in his mind, and then accurately stated the time. .

Yang Jian said: "If the operation fails, He Yuelian, on your side, be prepared."

"Okay, I will pull all the nearby towns into the ghost painting. Ordinary people won't notice anything unusual, so don't worry." He Yuelian said.

Once she couldn't stop the ghost ship from landing, she would have no choice but to relocate all nearby residents to prevent the supernatural from spreading and affecting too many ordinary people.

And He Yuelian's method is actually the prototype of Zhang Xianguang's Peach Blossom Land plan.

It's just that she was only forced to relocate some residents, while Zhang Xianguang took the initiative to let the ghost realm of ghost paintings cover everyone and pull everyone into the world of ghost paintings.

The former is more restrained, while the latter is more desperate and crazy.

Time passed little by little.

The ghost ship is getting closer and closer to Yang Jian.

Everyone's hearts are raised, because the supernatural pendulum clock is the best method they can think of. If this method fails, then they really can't find any other way to deal with the ghost ship. When the ghost ship lands, After releasing a boatload of fierce ghosts, Yang Jian is bound to launch a flood plan to counterattack.

At that time, the structure of the entire world will be rewritten. From now on, this place will evolve into a world full of supernatural beings, and stability and peace will no longer exist.

The three minutes are coming soon.

The huge ghost ship is close at hand.

Yang Jian was very calm at the moment. He had turned on the pendulum clock and was getting ready for school.

After waiting quietly for more than ten seconds again.

Time is up.

Yang Jian quickly controlled the supernatural pendulum clock to change the time, and the time was suddenly pulled to half an hour ago.

That means he has to restart for half an hour.

As soon as the time changed, and then Yang Jian let go, a huge bell suddenly rang, echoing nearby, and spread far, far under the night sky.

"Boom! Boom!"

The pendulum clock rang late at night.

Afterwards, Yang Jian disappeared on the beach, and the supernatural pendulum clock disappeared with him. But what everyone found incredible was that the huge ghost ship in front of them did not disappear with the ringing of the bell. In front of us, we are still sailing forward with no tendency to stop.

At this moment, all the captains were silent, feeling indescribably heavy.

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