Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1486: Desperate Soul Calling

Unexpectedly, the people from the king's organization grasped the timing so accurately. They chose to take action at the moment when the dead souls summoned by He Yin'er had just dissipated. Moreover, it was not one king who took action, but three kings, and even these three kings. When he took action, he didn't take Zhou Deng into consideration.

Obviously, He Yin'er is their main target. Only after killing He Yin'er will they consider dealing with other captains.

He Yin'er's body was rapidly being eroded by the darkness, and her whole body seemed to be disappearing. Only the old clothes branded with ghost patterns on her body could resist this erosion.

At the moment of being attacked, He Yin'er also saw the appearance of the three people.

There is a gloomy short weirdo dressed as a clown, a scary man wearing a captain's clothes with a face that is constantly rotting, and a blurry figure that appears in black and white, like a projected person.

Through the intelligence information Liu San gave last time, the codenames of these three people in the King's organization immediately emerged in her mind. They were clown, captain, and projectionist.

Among them, the projectionist had fought with Yang Jian, Li Leping, and Cao Yang at the Xiangjiang Pier before, and almost killed Cao Yang. If Yang Jian hadn't exchanged the life of a king for Cao Yang in the end, Otherwise, Cao Yang would have died in the hands of this man.

"It was the captain and the projectionist who took action."

He Yin'er felt that her body was not only being swallowed by darkness, but also that part of her limbs were being pulled away from reality and entering an unknown supernatural place. Moreover, she had no way to resist the whole process, and her body had long lost consciousness. , even though there are many unused media on the body.

The spiritualist's spiritual power is blocked and cannot be used at all. No matter how many mediums are used, it will not help.

"I will die if this continues." He Yin'er's eyes shrank at this moment, as if she smelled the smell of death.

If she hadn't been wearing the most vicious ghost clothes left by the tailor shop owner in Taiping Ancient Town, she would have been killed the moment she saw the three kings, and there was no way she could have survived.

But holding on for a few seconds now is of no use at all. She has been completely restricted. Unless Zhou Deng can create a miracle and briefly repel three people by himself to buy himself time to summon the soul, otherwise it will be impossible to win this confrontation. When he dies, Zhou Deng will be surrounded and killed by three people, and he will die soon.

At this moment, He Yin'er had even thought about the next situation in his mind.

I thought I would die unwillingly like this.

However, He Yin'er was surprised to find that at the moment when he was about to disappear, the supernatural power that was eroding him stopped. Although his body was blurred, it could at least maintain a rough outline and would not completely disappear.


As if he had discovered the problem, the captain's rotten face turned slightly and looked at Zhou Deng with a gloomy and lifeless gaze.

At this moment, Zhou Deng's face was turning black, his body was being eroded by the terrible supernatural power, and his whole body was constantly festering and dissipating, but he stared at the three people in front of him: "Who said I took action too late? It’s not realistic to stop three kings at this tone, so I didn’t attack you just now, but He Yin’er.”

"I was lucky. I took away part of the supernatural attack from He Yin'er in one attack. I have to say that you kings are really ruthless. I only suffered part of the supernatural attack and I almost became like this. Die."

As he spoke, Zhou Deng's skin continued to peel off, and thin red lines appeared on his body. The red thin lines oozed blood, and cut into rectangular patterns on his body like a cutting machine, and The stench of rotting corpses began to spread.

Zhou Deng changed his appearance in just a few moments, becoming strange and terrifying. He didn't look like a human, but more like a human chrysalis made of small pieces of human skin.

This was something he gained after solving the supernatural incident in the Museum of Horror. It was stolen by Zhou Deng from an old corpse that had not rotted away. When it was not yet revived, it looked like a golden jade garment, but when the evil ghost revived Only later did he realize that this was simply a terrifying human leather coat, and its appearance was just a disguise.

And what was on display in the museum was not an ancient corpse at all, but a sleeping ghost.

It is hard to imagine that a ghost was dug up by archaeologists and put on display in a museum. It did not wake up and kill people for many years. It was not until one night that the corpse on display disappeared and was bumped into by a security guard patrolling at night. Museum of Horror The incident just happened.

Although Zhou Deng got the human leather jacket very early, it was extremely vicious. If he hadn't come to Dahai City to deal with the ghost ship this time, Zhou Deng would not have wanted to wear this thing in his life.

Growlings and wailings came from the human leather clothes, and blood seeped out from the gaps in the small pieces of human skin.

Zhou Deng is melting and slowly turning into a pool of blood.

He was not a ghost and could not resist the side effects of wearing human skin clothing, so he was eroded. If he continued to wear human skin clothing, he would die miserably.

But Zhou Deng couldn't take off this human leather coat.

Because this human leather coat can help him resist the king's supernatural attack.

Zhou Deng did not disappear at this moment, but more than a dozen pieces of human skin on his human leather clothes turned black, as if they were dyed by something.

Seeing He Yin'er being forcibly saved by Zhou Deng at the critical moment, the three kings also realized that something was wrong with the development of the matter. They knew that there was only one chance for a sneak attack. If He Yin'er could not be killed in the shortest time, , then their action will be considered a failure. After all, the people on the other side are not mentally retarded and will watch them bully the small ones.

Accompanied by a weird and sharp laugh, the king codenamed Joker suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, He Yin'er and Zhou Deng suddenly felt dizzy.

In their blur of consciousness, they seemed to see the clown running towards them with a weird smile, but they couldn't see the clown in reality. This made them unable to resist at all, just in the blink of an eye. , Zhou Deng felt as if he was thrown to the ground by this clown and then continued to attack him with sharp weapons.

Obviously this clown is short and not tall, so he can resist easily, but his consciousness is groggy and he has no idea of ​​resisting.

Severe pain came from the minds of He Yin'er and Zhou Deng, and they felt that their heads were about to explode.

"This is a consciousness attack. We can't last long. You must seize the opportunity to summon the spirit." Zhou Deng growled.

Obviously, the king, codenamed Joker, is a being who can attack consciousness, and can also attack multiple people at the same time.

Zhou Deng went crazy at this moment, and he kept taking action, trying to protect He Yin'er.

He Yin'er, whose consciousness was attacked, suddenly felt as if his head was touched by a cold palm, and then the clown in his mind disappeared.

But at this moment, two clowns appeared in Zhou Deng's mind, and he was attacked by these two clowns at the same time.

The double attack on his consciousness, coupled with the constant erosion of the human leather clothing, made his condition extremely bad.

"He is taking the damage for He Yin'er. In this case, kill him first. Otherwise, if the time is delayed like this, no captain will be able to kill him."

The projectionist said in a cold voice, he strode towards Zhou Deng, his figure disappeared, and Zhou Deng's surroundings quickly turned into black and white.

This black and white color soaked him and was quickly pulling him away from reality.

Even wearing human skin clothing only slows down the erosion.

The king, codenamed Captain, was still standing numbly motionless. His behavior was very strange, making people a little bit puzzled, but it was undeniable that he was powerful and terrifying. However, he did not follow the projectionist's suggestion, but chose He continued to attack He Yin'er.

Perhaps in his opinion, He Yin'er was the biggest threat. That Zhou Deng was just a firepower attractor, not worth investing time to deal with, or even worth killing.

However, when Zhou Deng endured the attacks of the two kings alone, He Yin'er regained some mobility at this moment.


He Yin'er's vague body was able to move without any hesitation. She took a relic in her hand, which was an old cup.

This cup was given to her by Yang Jian at the captain meeting before.

The owner of the cup during his lifetime was the owner who managed the huge cemetery. Yang Jian called him the owner of the cemetery, Luo Qian.

He Yin'er saw the intention of the king codenamed Captain, so he gritted his teeth and desperately used his soul-calling ability.

As long as it succeeds, the current situation can be reversed.

But the next moment, a darkness emerged, directly submerging He Yin'er's arm.

Her arm disappeared, and the old water glass disappeared into the darkness.

The captain had a rotten face and a numb expression as if he knew what He Yin'er wanted to do.

"It's over." He Yin'er felt desperate at this moment, because his method was seen through, and the other party did not kill him first, but took away his medium.

Without a medium, the spiritualist would not be able to summon spirits at all.

"Don't give up."

Zhou Deng was roaring, blood was oozing crazily from inside his leather jacket, and it was difficult to make a sound at this moment.

At some point, the water glass that disappeared from the darkness rolled back and landed at He Yin'er's feet.

The blurred body comes into contact with the medium.

The captain still wanted to attack, but Zhou Deng staggered in front of He Yin'er, holding a burning red ghost candle in his hand.

The gloomy fire suddenly expanded and exploded instantly.

The surrounding supernatural beings briefly dispersed.

The captain stopped and the projectionist stepped back.

"Calling souls." He Yin'er succeeded at this moment. She used her ability to summon souls at this moment.

An illusory and strange figure quickly emerged from the surroundings. It was a lifeless old man. This old man was about to die. His eyes had no pupils, only darkness, which made him look particularly terrifying.

Recommended book: Vera, the author of "I Invented at Hogwarts", codes every day.

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