Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1489 The Wang family is targeted

Just when Yang Jian faced the king codenamed Captain, the situation of the other captains was not optimistic at this moment, because He Yin'er was not the only one being targeted, the second person being targeted was Wang Chaling.

As Yang Jian predicted, this third generation of the Wang family became the first target of the king's organization because of his own shortcomings and particularities.

Wang Chaling is also very aware of his own situation, so he has already anticipated this kind of thing. Therefore, he has always been alert to the dangers around him and tried not to give the other party a chance to attack him.

At this moment, Wang Chaling was walking alone on the streets of the area he was responsible for. Four dead souls were wandering around him, refusing to allow anyone to approach.

"The opponent's king hasn't appeared yet. It seems that he doesn't plan to attack me anymore. He should have changed his target to someone else. That's right. There is a certain gap between the other captains and me. They gave up on me and attacked more... It’s human nature to have a captain who is easy to win.”

Wang Chaling was very confident at the moment, especially after he became a ghost controller, met his parents after summoning spirits, and learned the secrets of the Wang family.

Now he is no longer a novice, but a genuine third generation member of the Wang family.

Anyone who underestimated him would pay dearly.

But at this time.

The smile at the corner of Wang Chaling's mouth froze at this moment. He adjusted his glasses, a little doubting whether he had seen it wrong. As he walked, he came to an old building, and it was even darker nearby. I can't see any buildings related to Dahai City at all.

Look back again.

As a result, the way back also disappeared.

There is nothing in the world but this building in front of me.

"Is it a supernatural event that escaped from the ghost lake, or am I being targeted by someone from the king's organization?" Wang Chaling's eyes instantly became serious, and he understood his situation at the same time.

I had unknowingly crossed the boundary between reality and the supernatural and entered this place.

Wang Chaling also knew some similar things, such as the ghost post office.

By connecting reality through the supernatural and blurring the boundaries between the two, let alone an ordinary person, even a top ghost master may cross that boundary and enter a supernatural place without knowing it. By the time he realizes it, It's already too late to go back.

Therefore, Wang Chaling did not think about retreating at the first moment, but immediately focused on the old building in front of him.

Although this building is old, it is very solid. The thick walls and narrow windows give people the feeling of entering a prison cell.

However, this building is not a prison, but an apartment building, and this apartment building seems to be still open for business. The door is open, dim lights shine out, and you can even vaguely see the windows upstairs. Several figures moved.

If it were in a foreign city, such an apartment building would not look suspicious at all.

However, this is a large city, and in this special period, the purpose of this building's appearance is self-evident.

While Wang Chaling was observing, three figures appeared on the first floor of the apartment building, and three people walked out of the building one after another.

These three people are very strange. One is holding a book and is dressed like a missionary. The other is wearing a suit. He is an old man with a short gray beard and a monocle, which looks a bit retro. The last one is The figure is a bit strange, it is actually a girl who looks like a doll.

The girl was about ten years old, with a pale face and big eyes, but her pupils were dull and dull.

"The missionary, the landlord, and the twins, these are the most difficult people in the king's organization. They really think highly of me. They appeared together at this time just to deal with me. It seems that they have made up their mind to kill me here. Yes." Wang Chaling smiled coldly. Thanks to Liu San's information, he immediately recognized these three people.

"But what surprises me is that you didn't attack me sneakily. Instead, you waited for me to enter this supernatural space before showing up."

The missionary stared at Wang Chaling and said: "You are too cautious and prevent us from finding a chance to attack. We don't want to delay your teammates in case your teammates show up to help you, so the best way is to separate you alone. Even if we can't kill you in the shortest time, we can still wear you to death here."

"And I believe that in a three-on-one situation, you won't be able to take too long, and the battle between us will be over soon."

"How arrogant, missionary." Wang Chaling adjusted his glasses: "We are not three against one, but three against five. I have more helpers than you."

The ghosts of his parents, grandparents, and grandparents gathered around him, all staring at the missionary.

"They're just dead souls. As long as they enter this building, they will be trapped here forever and never get out, and you will become a part of this building." The old man wearing a suit and a monocle He opened his mouth and said that he was codenamed Landlord because he ran a horrible apartment.

The people living in the apartment are not living people, but ghosts.

It's just that many times he needs living people to live in the apartment for a period of time, because if the ghosts are imprisoned in the apartment building for a long time, the ghosts will become restless, so some people need to use their lives to appease the restless ghosts and maintain the normal operation of the apartment.

Therefore, this building is a murderous building, and the level of terror is no worse than that of the ghost post office. At least there are safe living rooms in the ghost post office, but this apartment building is full of terror and danger.

The girl who looked like a porcelain doll did not speak. She seemed to be unable to speak. Her mouth seemed to be stuck, but her big, dull eyes kept turning, looking at Wang Chaling strangely, as if Like a ghost.

Wang Chaling didn't speak but lowered his head slightly, with a cold smile on his lips.

He knew that he was in danger after being targeted this time, but what did it matter? He had already chosen to become a ghost controller, so he was destined to not live long and would die sooner or later. Moreover, as the third generation of the Wang family, he After death, they just turn into dead souls.

"The old guy codenamed Landlord must be killed, otherwise it would be terrible if my Wang family ghost is locked up in this building. But this person took the initiative to reveal some information to me, which may not lead me to take the initiative to attack him, so This could be a trap."

"But even if it is a trap, I have to step on it. The dead souls of the Wang family cannot be damaged in my hands. I will just keep doing it and kill all three kings here. At worst, I will die here."

After a brief thought, Wang Chaling's mouth showed a hint of ferocity, and he immediately took a step forward. At this moment, his figure overlapped with the soul of his grandfather.

Humans and ghosts overlapped. At this moment, the two seemed to form a brand new existence. It was neither Wang Chaling nor his grandfather, but at the same time it was compatible with human reason and the terror of ghosts.

Wang Chaling didn't know about this method before. His parents told him about it.

However, this method has disadvantages, that is, it is easily corroded by ghosts, and over time, it will gradually lose its rationality and become a new dead soul.

So it can only be used when desperate.

"Do it." The missionary noticed that something was wrong and immediately shouted without any hesitation, while the book in his hand was flipping.

Wang Chaling, who overlapped with the dead soul, said nothing at the moment. He stared at the landlord with cold eyes, and then strode towards him.

The king, codenamed Landlord, sneered. He just took a few steps back and was in that terrible building, waiting for Wang Chaling to approach.

To him, this building is the most ferocious supernatural weapon. As long as Wang Chaling dares to enter, he will definitely let him die in the building.

The doll-like girl disappeared strangely at this time, and when she reappeared, she had already appeared behind Wang Chaling.

However, the girl behind him is no longer one, but suddenly becomes two.

Moreover, the two girls had exactly the same appearance, height, and clothing. It was impossible to tell who was who. They held hands and quietly approached Wang Chaling from behind with their big, empty eyes open.

The three kings took action together, just to kill this third generation of the Wang family.

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