Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1515 Targeting Yang Jian’s ship

Dazhou City is a very inconspicuous city in China.

Because there have been no supernatural events in this city, there is no person in charge of this city. The reason behind this is more or less clear to Yang Jian, and it is probably because of the ancient house.

Although there are many evil ghosts near the ancient house, due to the existence of the old man from the Republic of China, all the evil ghosts are well restricted and cannot escape from the supernatural place and appear in reality.

Therefore, the corresponding Dazhou City has very few supernatural incidents and is a relatively safe city.

This situation is similar to that of Dahan City where Sun Rui is responsible.

The existence of the ghost post office in Dahan City is the reason why there have been no supernatural incidents. Although there is some infiltration behind this security, it is a good thing for the vast majority of ordinary people, but if it is replaced by a supernatural If the people in the circle knew the truth, they would definitely not stay in Dahan City.

Who can guarantee that the ghost post office will not suddenly lose control one day?

But right now, Yang Jian has no intention of thinking about the real reason why the ghost ship appears here. He has already taken action.

The surrounding air instantly became humid.

Water stains began to seep out from the nearby ground and walls. There were more and more water stains, and they appeared very quickly. In just ten seconds, a layer of cold water appeared on the street, and then these stains appeared. The water gathered again, and soon the entire nearby area was flooded.

The ghost of the ghost lake appears again.

As usual, Yang Jian first used the supernatural power of the ghost lake to cover all areas near the ghost ship. In this way, even if a powerful ghost appeared, he would be swallowed up by the ghost lake immediately.

Although the ghost lake's supernatural power will not swallow up all the ghosts, it can at least reduce the number of most ghosts, greatly reducing the danger around it.

"It's a little late. We need to expand the blocked area. Some evil ghosts have already spread out from the ghost ship."

Yang Jian's ghost eyes turned, and he spied many cold and strange figures in the corners of the city, and some ghosts had even started killing people.

It's just that Li Gui hasn't been out of trouble for a long time now, and Dazhou City is relatively calm. But once it brews for a while, the whole city will probably fall into a huge panic.

Therefore, he must act quickly to prevent these bad situations from occurring.

"I will drag the residents of Dazhou City into the ghost painting world, and then let them out after the ghost ship incident is dealt with. If we act fast enough, they will not have any suspicion at all." He Yuelian also took action at this moment, her The ghost realm created by ghost paintings can easily cover a city, or even several cities.

It is not difficult for her to draw an entire city into the world of ghost paintings.

If He Yuelian is willing, these people can even live in ghost paintings all the time.

As the gray-white paper dust continued to fall from the sky, the buildings in the entire city began to look a little strange. Many people disappeared into the real world without even knowing what was going on. After they entered the world of ghost paintings, Work and life are as usual, only some people who try to leave Dazhou City will notice that something is wrong.

But the staff at the headquarters have already prepared countermeasures.

Anyone who wants to leave the ghost-painted city will be blocked, and all highways and railways entering and exiting the city are blocked.

Just for a moment.

In the real world, Dazhou City has become an empty city. The vast majority of living people have been pulled into the world of ghost paintings. Only a few unlucky survivors still stay in this city. These people are not what He Yuelian doesn't want. But they were in a very special location and were too close to the ghost ship. As a result, the ghostly area of ​​the ghost painting could not be covered by the supernatural interference, so they had no choice but to give up.

"Yang Jian, what should I do?" Tong Qian asked at this moment.

Yang Jian held a red spear and peered at the old, broken ghost ship in the mist with his ghost eyes. His face was full of solemnity. Then he replied: "You don't need to do anything now, you just need to watch." Just wait and see. Only when I fail will you take action. Then don't hesitate and just go all out, but I don't want to see that happen."

Tong Qian nodded solemnly and didn't ask any more questions.

"Liu San, how is Mr. Qin's statue?"

Then Yang Jian looked to the other side.

Liu San himself did not follow, but he asked a paper man to accompany him in order to deliver various information in a timely manner. After all, there were not many captains left.

"It's already on the way. The statue of Mr. Qin will arrive in the sky above Dazhou City in at most ten minutes. At that time, as long as you give an order, it will immediately fall via airdrop."

"Ten minutes? It is estimated that the ghost ship has not left here within this time, but whether the risk is needed in the end depends on whether Tong Qian's actions go smoothly. If his actions are blocked, then don't hesitate to release Mr. Qin immediately. If he acts If all goes well, the statue must not be opened. After all, if Mr. Qin revives, it will be a huge trouble." Yang Jian warned.

"Okay, I understand." Liu San's paper man nodded.

After explaining some things, Yang Jian started the second step of action.

At this moment, the blockade of Ghost Lake has been completed.

But the ghost ship continues to sail, and the ghost lake cannot sink this supernatural ship, even if the ghost ship is now tilted and damaged.

Yang Jian stepped on the lake and kept approaching the ghost ship.

He never thought about fighting the ghost ship alone. What he wanted to do was to deal with the ghosts that came off the ghost ship. If possible, it would be best to find the ghost who controlled the ghost ship. The only way to imprison the ghost was to deal with the ghost ship. Only then can it be completely ended, otherwise any efforts will have no effect at all.

When he was some distance away from the ghost ship, Yang Jian stopped, and the cold lake water beside him began to bubble.

Along with the strange figures swimming in the water, an old pendulum clock emerged from the ghost lake.

This is the supernatural pendulum clock in the Wang family's old house, which can restart time.

"The restart of the pendulum clock plus its own restart can extend my own limit." Yang Jian thought to himself.

He and Ye Zhen had boarded a ghost ship before, and almost died under the attack of a group of ghosts on the ghost ship. Even if he could restart himself, it would be of no avail, because the ghosts' supernatural attacks could fill up the time for you to restart, and finally block you completely. Restart, but if a pendulum clock is added, it will be different. Using the restart of the pendulum clock can make the time to restart itself longer.

Immediately, he took the pendulum clock and placed it on the top floor of a nearby building.

After setting the restart time, Yang Jian felt that it was not safe and felt that he still had to leave some people to guard him.


From the water on the roof, corpses that had been soaked pale and pale emerged. These corpses quickly escaped from the water, stood up, and then walked slowly and expressionlessly, like loyal bodyguards. The supernatural pendulum clock placed on the roof of the building was surrounded to prevent any living person from approaching. Even if other ghosts wanted to get close, they would have to find a way to break through the blockade of these corpses.

And these are not ordinary corpses, but ghosts with supernatural powers in the ghost lake. Although the level of terror is not high, they have the characteristics of real ghosts and cannot be killed.

Therefore, if dozens of corpses really take action, some powerful ghosts can be tightly entangled.

After making these preparations, Yang Jian approached the ghost ship again.

The ghost ship was moving very slowly, and the hull was tilted, and the bow was severely damaged. If it were not for the supernatural power to maintain it, this rotten ship would have sunk to the bottom of the sea long ago, and it would be impossible to appear in front of you.

I don't know if the ghost ship feels threatened because of Yang Jian's approach, or if he is now being targeted by the ghosts on the ship.


A huge sound of falling water suddenly sounded, and a splash of water exploded in front of Yang Jian.

Something fell from the ghost ship.

Yang Jian stopped. He stood on the lake, one hand unconsciously clenching the red spear in his hand, because he saw a cold dead body slowly floating on the rolling water in front of him.

"The ghost that can't be sunk by the ghost lake? You can't wait for it to wake up, you have to take action immediately."

He reacted and his pace quickened again.

Yang Jian quickly went straight to the body. He wanted to dismember the body as quickly as possible and let it sink to the bottom of the lake.

But he just moved.

Then something horrifying happened.

Around Yang Jian, there was another loud sound of falling into the water. Something fell from the ghost ship and hit the water hard. This time, the fallen thing resurfaced on the water again. It was not a corpse, but an old wooden box. The wooden box exuded a rotten smell, as if it had been buried somewhere for a long time.

Not only that, the third sound of falling into the water sounded behind me, and something was floating on the water. It was a black tattered dress. However, as time passed, the black tattered dress gradually became fuller. He stood up, and then slowly stood up like a living person.


The fourth sound, the fifth sound, and the sound of falling water sounded next to me one after another.

Every ghost that fell from the ghost ship was not swallowed by the ghost lake, and all of them emerged on the water. These ghosts seemed to have been deliberately selected and could ignore the supernatural influence of the ghost lake.

Moreover, the places where the ghosts fell were very close to Yang Jian, but there was not a single ghost at a place slightly further away from him. This is obviously against common sense.

In just a moment, Yang Jian was surrounded by ghosts, and he was surrounded by these terrifying ghosts.

"It looks like I'm being targeted. That ghost really wants my life."

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian still didn't understand. The real captain of the ghost ship had already targeted him. The ghosts on this ship were probably preparing to kill him.

But so what?

The ghost wanted to kill him, so why didn't he want to imprison the ghost.

Yang Jian's eyes were firm, and he had no intention of backing down.

Because once he retreats, it means that the supernatural incident is completely out of control. If these evil spirits don't deal with him, they will wander around the city. When the supernatural spreads, everything will be over.

And now that he has arrived here, Yang Jian is ready to fight to the death here. Anyway, even if he fails, he will still have Tong Qian and Mr. Qin behind him. So there is nothing to worry about.

Yang Jian's footsteps started to move again after a brief hesitation.

The corpse floating on the water in front of him may have sensed Yang Jian's approach. His neck twisted a full 180 degrees with a creak, and then a pair of dead eyes stared at him.

But what greeted this fierce ghost was the falling of the hatchet.

This terrifying evil spirit had already cut off Yang Jian's neck and dismembered his head before he even started to attack him.

The dismembered head began to sink quickly into the ghost lake, and finally disappeared from sight.

But the strange thing is that although the headless body has sunk, it is still floating on the water and has not completely sunk.

It seems that dismemberment is not enough.

Yang Jian did not hesitate and cut it down again, directly dismembering it into four pieces.

Under such circumstances, the fragmented corpse slowly sank.

However, the sound of falling water continued to ring in his ears, which made Yang Jian's heart feel heavier.

How many ghosts are there on this ship?

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