Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1518 The Captain Appears Again

Yang Jian had the experience of being besieged by ghosts on the ghost ship before, so he was somewhat confident for this operation, because the last time he was on the ghost ship, he was unable to use the ghost lake supernatural power, which caused the dismembered ghosts to continue to resurrect, and the number has been declining. There were fewer methods, so he was almost consumed to death.

But this time is different.

By borrowing the supernatural power of the Ghost Lake, he could first directly screen out some ghosts with low levels of terror, greatly reducing the number of ghosts. In addition, the dismembered ghosts would sink into the Ghost Lake and would not Continue to cause chaos.

Therefore, Yang Jian believed that as long as he could resist the supernatural attack and restart, he could continue to fight the ghost ship.

He even used a supernatural pendulum clock just to be on the safe side, in order to prevent the embarrassing situation where the last restart time was filled with supernatural beings.

However, although Yang Jian has gained a little confidence, he is still dangerous now.

Everything he relies on comes from the restart of Ghost Eye.

Once there is a problem with the restart, Yang Jian will be in danger instantly, and may even die tragically.

The terrifying ghosts around him all have different supernatural powers. Some ghosts attacked Yang Jian's consciousness, but luckily he was fended off by evil dogs. There were ghosts that invaded Yang Jian's body, but he was rebooted and got rid of it. There were also ghosts that produced terrible things. Cursed, but cut off by ghost scissors

All kinds of supernatural attacks were fatal, but Yang Jian defused them all.

The hatchet on the red spear did not disappoint Yang Jian. All the ghosts that were hit were dismembered one by one. So far, no ghost can successfully resist the attack of the hatchet. If it can be blocked, then Yang Jian The coffin nails will be replaced immediately and the evil ghost will be nailed directly to death.

The powerful supernatural weapons combined with Yang Jian's own supernatural powers allowed him to fight alone until now.

"The number of ghosts is still increasing." Yang Jian had just dismembered a fierce ghost, and he took the time to observe his surroundings.

It was discovered that ghosts were falling on the ghost lake one after another on the ghost ship. Although the number of falling ghosts was reduced than before, as long as the number of ghosts was increasing, it meant that the second round of attacks by the ghost ship was still continuing and was not over. .

"I have no choice but to continue fighting. Now I have to pay attention to the order of fighting the evil ghosts. I must first deal with the evil ghosts who are targeting me. Those ghosts are the most dangerous. Even if I have done nothing, ghosts will attack me. Such ghosts If it were released, I don’t know how many people would be killed, and once it gets out of control, it’s likely to be another starvation incident.”

Yang Jian deliberately took action at this moment, first dealing with those evil spirits who were targeting him.

If there are too many ghosts attacking him at a certain moment, he will use ghost scissors without hesitation.

Because Yang Jian did not have the confidence to withstand the attacks of multiple ghosts at the same time. After all, it was a question whether he would have enough life to be able to restart after such an attack. Maybe he would die without even having time to restart.

In order to avoid this situation, he controlled his own danger within a certain range.

Just when Yang Jian was trying every means to fight against the ghost, a familiar yet strange figure on the ghost ship was staring at him. This figure seemed to have been observing Yang Jian for a while, but Yang Jian had been Just didn't pay attention.

After observing for a long time.

The figure on the ghost ship finally moved.

Taking a step forward, this strange figure fell directly from the boat like other ghosts, and then fell into the ghost lake with a thud. However, the cold ghost lake could not swallow it, and this figure instead He slowly climbed up from the ghost lake, and finally stood motionless on the lake.

Yang Jian was slightly concerned about the sudden appearance of ghosts nearby.

At this moment, several of his ghost eyes were open, peeping at any movement around him. One of his ghost eyes inadvertently turned around and saw this strange figure.

In just a moment, Yang Jian noticed.

"Is that the king codenamed Captain? He appears again?"

Yang Jian's expression suddenly changed. In order to make sure that he saw it correctly, he turned his ghostly eyes and looked at it a few more times.

That's right, it is indeed the captain codenamed King. He looks exactly the same. He is completely the same person.

"The body of the previous king code-named Captain is still sinking in the ghost lake. There is absolutely no possibility of waking up. This captain should be a new one. It is most likely the source ghost of the ghost ship. I thought this ghost would hide for a long time. It will appear, I didn’t expect it to show up so quickly.”

Yang Jian thought about many things in an instant, but a subconscious intuition told him that he must kill this guy and must not let it go.

As soon as this intuition appeared, he immediately took action.

"If the spear is thrown, it will definitely penetrate the person in the distance." Yang Jian whispered softly, holding the red spear and making a wish.

As soon as this wish appeared, his body was immediately eroded by scarlet blood, and the speed of this erosion was terrifying. Moreover, the scope of the erosion was much larger than before, almost engulfing his entire body. Not only that, even the red gun body in his hand was twisting at this moment, like an imprisoned corpse, struggling. Wanting to get rid of the constraints.

This is a sign that the wishing ghost is about to revive.

Just making a wish once, and paying such a terrible price, one can imagine how difficult it is to realize this wish.

Fortunately, Yang Jian was already prepared, and he directly entered the restart state while making a wish.

But even so, the erosion of the sticky blood continues, and even a short restart cannot completely avoid it.

There is no other way, Yang Jian can only continue to maintain the restart state.

This time it took more than ten seconds to restart, and the red blood on his body completely faded away.

"If I hadn't restarted myself, the wishing ghost would have revived this time, and I would have been completely eroded by the blood."

Yang Jian was still frightened at the moment, but after paying such a high price, he couldn't do nothing.

The red spear was still resolutely thrown at the captain-looking ghost.

For this attack, Yang Jian even gave up fighting the other ghosts around him.

Yang Jian disrupted his own rhythm and behaved so abnormally, which naturally attracted the attention of He Yuelian, Liu San's paper man, and Tong Qian not far away.

"That's..." Liu San's paper man also observed the presence of the captain.

"Yang Jian seems to be very taboo about that person, no, that ghost."

He Yuelian said: "There is probably something wrong with that ghost. It is most likely the source ghost of the ghost ship. Only in this way will he choose to take action regardless of everything."

"If it's true, that's actually a good thing. As long as that thing is solved, the ghost ship incident will be completely settled. Then there will be no need to worry about this ship transporting ghosts again and again." Tong Qian said .

"It's not that simple." Liu San's paper man looked solemn.

You must know that the ghost ship is an entity that can control even a ship of powerful ghosts. If that person is really the source ghost, then the level of terror will be ridiculously high, and it will definitely not be that easy to deal with.


Liu Sanzhiren's conjecture was verified.

Yang Jian made a wish and threw a spear that could easily pin any nearby ghost. However, when the red spear flew through the air and quickly approached the captain, a bizarre scene occurred.

The captain just slowly raised his palm, and then easily caught the flying red spear like a fly.

The spear stopped in mid-air and did not advance any further. At the same time, the captain seemed not to be affected by anything and still stood motionless on the water as before.

You know, Yang Jian's red spear also carries a supernatural curse that will lead to death if it loses balance.

In other words, this captain-looking ghost was able to resist the two supernatural attacks of the wishing ghost and the mortal curse.

"Are you kidding?" Yang Jian's eyes suddenly shrank. This scene was really beyond his understanding.

There may still be some terrifying ghosts in the supernatural world, but he really hasn't encountered many ghosts that easily blocked his attack like this. After all, Yang Jian is no longer the newcomer he was back then.

The ghost who looked like a captain, holding the red spear, did not move. He just turned his stiff, dim eyes slightly and looked towards Yang Jian.

It focused on Yang Jian.

Then it slowly lowered its arm, but its cold and stiff palm was still holding on to the red spear.

Heavy footsteps began to move at this moment.

It stepped on the water of Ghost Lake and approached Yang Jian step by step.


The instinct of the ghost controller reminded Yang Jian that there was a terrifying danger approaching.

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