Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1523 The interior of the cabin

At this moment, Yang Jian did not dare to waste a little time, because he knew that even if Ye Zhen appeared, it would be difficult to drag the captain back to the ghost ship, so he had to complete the purpose of this trip before Ye Zhen failed.

Through the gap created by the supernatural bus, Yang Jian had now entered the cabin of the ghost ship.

It's pitch black here, and it feels like you've entered an abyss with no end in sight.

But after Yang Jian entered here, he did not feel strong supernatural interference, and his own supernatural powers were not suppressed. This should be because the captain left the ghost ship.

The ghost eyes opened again.

The surrounding darkness faded from his sight, and Yang Jian could see everything around him clearly with the help of his ghost eyes.

"It doesn't look like a cabin, it looks like a weird garbage dump."

Yang Jian looked carefully and found that there were all kinds of messy things piled up around him, including smelly soil, broken tombstones, collapsed houses, and even some ruins of city walls. In addition, he also saw some The corpses of dead people were mixed in the garbage and had not rotted. There should be some supernatural power left in the corpses.

While observing, Yang Jian was also looking for traces of the supernatural bus.

Soon, he discovered something. He found a rusty, twisted door under a broken wall. This door was undoubtedly part of the supernatural bus.

There are also some other broken parts scattered nearby.

"The ghost on the supernatural bus is hidden in the front of the bus, in the driver's seat. Since the fragments of the door are here, the front of the bus should be in the front." Yang Jian continued to walk forward.

He is actually a little afraid of this place and doesn't want to go deep.

Continuing to search, Yang Jian found some more parts on the bus. He saw broken windows and some deformed seats, but now these things no longer have supernatural power to store them, they are just ordinary garbage. That's all, and without the supernatural power to maintain them, these things look very old at the moment. If Yang Jian didn't remember their appearance, he wouldn't be able to recognize them for a while.

"The surroundings are relatively safe. We haven't felt any danger approaching for the time being, but we can't take it lightly. After all, this is the depths of the ghost ship's cabin."

Yang Jian was very cautious at the moment, because his current condition was not at its peak, and he had lost his supernatural weapon. If he really faced the terrifying ghost, he could only protect himself.

Go deeper.

Yang Jian's ghost eyes turned, and he took in the surrounding situation without missing anything.

But he hasn't found the ghost on the supernatural bus yet.

However, he believed that the ghost must still be silent in this strange garbage dump, but now he needed a little patience and a little luck.

"Where, where exactly?"

Yang Jian kept searching, and gradually became a little anxious, because the longer he delayed, the greater the chance of failure in his action. Once he failed, he would lose everything. No one could deal with the ghost ship in the future. At the same time, The opportunity to imprison the captain will also be completely lost.

I don’t know how many people will die by then.

Therefore, the pressure for his action this time was very high.

"Is that an old, incomplete coffin? There seems to be someone inside." One of Yang Jian's ghost eyes turned and saw the coffin half buried in the soil.

But the coffin no longer had a lid, and a large area of ​​the coffin body had rotted away, probably because it had lost its supernatural power.

But there was a person lying in such a useless old coffin. To be precise, it was a corpse. The corpse was well preserved and very fresh. It didn't look like it had been dead for a long time, but it seemed like it had just been buried. It was just that The face on the corpse was painted with pale makeup, as if too much foundation had been used.

"That's not makeup, that's lime. The corpse's face was covered with lime, and the corpse is still a young woman." Yang Jian's ghostly eyes turned and he observed carefully again.

Because this fresh corpse had a raised chest and very delicate skin, it was most likely a female corpse.

"It's probably a very fierce ghost. It's best not to disturb this thing, otherwise it may be dangerous."

Yang Jian did not approach, but walked away. Although he did not feel anything unusual on this corpse, the rotting coffin was constantly irritating his nerves, because in his experience, Fan and The supernatural beings associated with the coffin are very terrifying existences.

Ghost Chaos, Ghost Lake, Old Man in Ancient House, Baishui Town

The reason for this is that those people in the Republic of China had a habit of sealing things in coffins that were unmanageable and terrifying.

And through the different colors of the coffins, some things inside the coffins can be roughly distinguished.

The black coffin represents extreme danger, and the red coffin represents burying someone.

But the color of the mutilated coffin could no longer be seen.

But just when Yang Jian was about to make a detour.

Suddenly, on the other side of the coffin, he saw some scattered things on the supernatural bus. Among them was a special chair slanted into the soil, although the seat had been completely deformed and damaged. It was in a terrible state, but Yang Jian could still tell that the seat was occupied by the driver of the supernatural bus.

"Will it be there?"

Yang Jian stared at the damaged seat without any hesitation and walked over immediately.

Although the coffin was placed next to him, he would not be afraid of the danger in this situation.


Yang Jian came to the seat. He tried to lift the seat out of the soil, but no matter how hard he tried, the chair remained motionless, as if it was integrated with the surrounding environment and could not be moved at all.

Yang Jian frowned. He immediately changed his strategy. The ghost figure behind him appeared again and began to quickly erode along the damaged seat towards the bottom of the soil.

He attempts to use the supernatural power of the ghost to counteract the influence of the ghost ship.

But when the ghost shadow covered it, Yang Jian was surprised and happy.

Fortunately, he found the ghost on the supernatural bus down there, but unfortunately, the ghost was incomplete and incomplete. Only a shriveled head and half a damaged body were left. It looked like this. When it collided with the ghost ship, it was smashed into pieces, and the ghost had completely fallen into a state of death, with no tendency to recover and wake up.

In other words, as long as Yang Jian takes away this half of the fierce ghost, he can control this supernatural power without any scruples.

But the bad news is that he was surprised to find that whether it was the broken chair, the mutilated body of the ghost, or the dirty and smelly soil, everything was affected by some kind of supernatural power and merged into one. One body.

It's like everything here is part of the ghost ship and you can't take any of it away.

"So that's it. This is the secret of the ghost ship. It is formed by countless terrifying and weird things coming together. The captain is a complete ghost formed by the gathering of these supernatural things. That's why the captain is like this. It’s scary, but some of the ghosts stayed on the ship for too short a time and were not absorbed into the ghost ship as puzzle pieces.”

Yang Jian understood something at this moment.

But now is not the time to think about this, he must find a way to take away the half ghost.

It's a pity that the hatchet is not in his hand, otherwise Yang Jian could try to use the hatchet's supernatural power.

Yang Jian continued to try to invade with ghost shadows.

Then he discovered that this half-ghost was related to the rotting coffin next to it, and the rotting coffin was related to the ghost ship.

He couldn't bring out the ghost half, but found that he could shake the rotting coffin.

"So if you want to dig out the ghost half on the supernatural bus, you have to dig out the coffin first?" Yang Jian's eyes moved to the female corpse again.

This is not good news.

But his ghostly shadow can shake this coffin.

It was as if he deliberately dug out the coffin.

Yang Jian did some research and came to a conclusion.

It's not that I can shake the coffin, but that the coffin resisted the erosion of the ghost ship. Otherwise, the female corpse would have been integrated with the ghost ship, and it would have been impossible to preserve it so perfectly.

The coffin itself became damaged and rotted due to its resistance to the ghost ship. From the looks of it, within a few months, the coffin would completely rot and become part of this pile of mud.

After the exploration was over, the ghost quickly recovered.

At the same time, a small piece of wood was unearthed by Ghost Shadow.

This is a part of this rotten coffin. Although one side of the wood chip is rotten, the other side is still relatively intact, and a little red paint can be faintly seen on it.

"This is a red coffin. It probably came from a coffin shop in Taiping Ancient Town. It is the same as the coffin of the old man in the ancient house." Yang Jian pinched the wood piece and rubbed it gently. The wood piece turned into powder. It can be seen that this coffin Already very fragile.

"The face was plastered with lime and he was buried in a red coffin. It seemed that this was a ghost controller from the Republic of China who was taking care of his own affairs. But for some unknown reason, the coffin was taken into the ghost ship. Of course, this cannot be ruled out. This woman did this on purpose before she was alive."

"Now, in this situation, we can no longer control whether the female corpse in the coffin will revive or not. We must act immediately."

Yang Jian no longer hesitated. His ghostly shadow covered his hands, and then he directly reached into the rotten coffin, grabbed the female body, and then pulled it up violently.

It was not as heavy as expected, and the female body was immediately pulled up from the coffin by him.

The female body was protected by the coffin, so it did not become a puzzle piece of the ghost ship, but Yang Jian immediately threw it aside after pulling it up.

As the female corpse moved, the coffin seemed to have lost some balance and collapsed, completely weathered. At the same time, the raised mound also began to collapse rapidly.

Yang Jian seized this opportunity and immediately tried to take away the half of the ghosts on the bus.


He succeeded.

The female corpse in the coffin escaped from the shackles of the ghost ship, and the ghost on the bus next to it also escaped from its shackles.

When Yang Jian pulled his hands out of the dirty mud, he dug out a broken and lifeless corpse.

"Finally I found you." Yang Jian showed a smile at this moment.

But he didn't notice at the moment that the female body he threw not far away had disappeared.

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