Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1546 The experience of the female corpse

When Yang Jian walked out of the paper shop again, there were three more paper figures and a female corpse behind him, and as a price he lost six yuan in ghost money.

Forty yuan is now only thirty-four yuan.

The ghost money is getting less and less as it is used, and it has not been replenished. Yang Jian is now thinking about how to collect a hundred yuan to return to that sister Hong. After all, that account cannot be ignored. It is the purchase of the four kings. Life money.

After returning to the ghost street, Yang Jian felt a little inconvenient looking at the two paper figures, one black and one white, following him, so he simply sank the two paper figures into the ghost lake and waited until he left here. take it out.

The reason why he bought these two paper figures was because he thought he might need some janitor stuff.

The two paper figures looked pretty good when I was standing in front of the paper shop, so I thought about spending money to buy them and try them out to see if they work. After all, the discount just now was indeed quite big, which made people a little excited.

And you won’t lose much if you give it a try.

After sending away the two paper figures, Yang Jian discovered that the beautiful paper figure next to the female corpse suddenly emitted a burst of black smoke, and then a flame appeared on the paper figure.


The flames rose and the paper figure was set on fire.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Yang Jian said looking at the female corpse.

The paper man will not catch fire for no reason. It is obvious that the cause of the fire has something to do with the female corpse.

The female corpse did not reply to him at this moment, but walked straight towards the ignited paper man.

The paper figurine burned with great fire, and quickly engulfed the female corpse.

Yang Jian suddenly saw a woman's figure struggling and wailing in the fire, as if she was suffering great pain. However, after a while, another woman's figure appeared in the fire, but the second time The figure looked very calm, standing there motionless.

However, soon, the figure of the woman struggling in the fire gradually calmed down. Finally, the two figures gradually began to overlap. In the end, the two figures completely became one, no longer distinguishable from each other.

The flame burned fiercely, but also extinguished quickly. In just a moment, the fire began to wither quickly.

But at the same time, the figure in the fire became increasingly clear.

Finally, the fire was completely extinguished, leaving a pile of black ashes on the ground, and in the middle of the ashes stood a woman.

This woman is the female corpse just now.

But the female corpse that reappeared from the fire had some big changes from before. Although the appearance and figure were still the same, it had a different aura, that of a living person.

A lifeless and cold corpse actually felt like it had come to life after being burned by the fire ignited by the paper man.

"It seems that the beautiful paper figurine is one of the puzzle pieces of the female corpse, and lighting the paper figurine is a way to release the supernatural powers in the paper figurine. I bought a paper boat from a paper shop before, and I also lit it to a real paper boat. The wooden boat was released onto the ghost lake." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he quickly understood the intention of the female corpse.

It's just that Yang Jian doesn't understand why this female corpse knows so accurately that the other half of her puzzle is in the ghost street of Taiping Town?

He even vaguely felt that the female corpse deliberately placed the other half of her puzzle in the paper shop, just to retrieve it when she woke up one day.

While thinking briefly, the female corpse had already opened her eyes.

At this moment, the eyes of the female corpse were no longer empty and dull, but revealed the look of a living person.

It seemed that something incomplete had been completed, making her whole person more complete.

"I'm really alive." The female corpse murmured to herself at this moment, with a bit of surprise in her tone.

It seems that he did not expect that one day he would be resurrected and reappear in this world.

"It seems that you are the real you now." Yang Jian said.

The female corpse looked at Yang Jian and frowned slightly, as if she was recalling something and looking at him again.

"What are you looking at?" Yang Jian said calmly.

"I didn't expect you to be so young." The female corpse then sighed: "And I would actually trust a young man so much. You must know that resurrecting me is a very difficult thing. Even in the previous supernatural circle, it was very difficult. It’s hard to do, let alone in this day and age.”

"Maybe this is my luck."

"I have other things to do, and I don't have time to listen to your lamentations." Yang Jian didn't want to delay any longer. Seeing that the female corpse's puzzle pieces had been recovered and her condition was restored, she immediately turned around and walked deeper into the ghost street.

But after waking up, the female corpse stood motionless.

"What? You want to break the contract after you come back to life?" Yang Jian turned around and said.

"No, I don't want to break the contract. I want you to give me some clothes. The clothes on me are torn."

The female corpse slowly raised her hand, with only a slight vibration. The tattered clothes on her body instantly weathered and turned into a pile of debris.

It is obvious that as the puzzle pieces of the female corpse are completed, the supernatural changes on her body and some external objects are also affected and cannot maintain their previous appearance.

"for you."

Yang Jian stretched out his hand to grab it. Along with the ghost's supernatural appearance, a piece of clothing appeared out of thin air, and then he threw it away.

"Thank you." The female corpse took the clothes and quickly changed into new clothes.

"You don't need to thank me. I still said what I said. There is mutual benefit between us. I will help you resurrect and find all the puzzle pieces. After that, you have to help me deal with supernatural events." Yang Jian reminded again: "If you breach the contract, then We have been enemies from that moment on, and although I know you are not simple, killing you shouldn’t be a problem.”

"This is not a threat, this is a warning."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he opened his ghost eyes and looked at her again.

"I understand, but don't worry, I won't break the contract. The things I promised before when I was unconscious are still valid." The female corpse said seriously.

Yang Jian nodded and moved on.

The female corpse is now following closely behind.

She had just woken up and she didn't know many things yet, and she was also unfamiliar with this era, so she fell into thinking for a long time.

But the more she thought about it, the more the female corpse became confused.

She discovered that her resurrection time seemed a little too late. She had missed an era so late that the current supernatural world had completely changed. It was no longer the period she was familiar with, and all her relatives and friends must have been gone. After passing away, at most a few descendants are still alive.

"By the way, what's your name? I don't have any information about you in my memory." After a long period of contemplation, the woman decided to get familiar with this era as soon as possible. She looked at Yang Jian who was walking in front.

"My name is Yang Jian, what's yours?" Yang Jian also started chatting casually.

"Me?" The woman became silent again: "My previous name was Lin Yunhui, but now this name seems to have no meaning. I have been sleeping for an era, and I want to change to a new name."

She wanted to start over, because she had survived after all, and she didn't want to bear the burden of everything she had done before.

"The name is just a title. It doesn't mean much if you change it or not. You should have been active in the Republic of China, but almost all the people in that era have died. Who still knows you, Lin Yunhui?" Yang Jian said.

"That makes sense, then I won't change my name." Lin Yunhui pondered for a while, and finally nodded, not worrying about changing the name.

As Yang Jian walked, he chatted with the woman named Lin Yunhui.

"Why did your body appear on the ghost ship, and why did the other half of the puzzle remain in the paper shop?" Suddenly, Yang Jian asked a more important question.

Lin Yunhui replied: "I don't know why my body was on the ghost ship. I only know that I was about to resurrect as a ghost at that time. I didn't have any solution to the problem of reviving the ghost. I asked many people for help. Finally, we found out about a place like Taiping Town Ghost Street, where some people said there might be a solution to the resurgence of evil ghosts."

"After I came to Taiping Town Ghost Street, I did find some ways to solve the problem of the resuscitation of evil ghosts. I remember there was a Chinese medicine shop near the paper shop just now. The owner of that pharmacy can sell a kind of medicine that can delay the recovery of evil ghosts. of Chinese medicine.”

"Chinese medicine?" Yang Jian's expression changed slightly. He still had a pack of Chinese medicine in his hand, which was given to him by the old man from the Republic of China.

And was the drug store owner Lin Yunhui met the same person?

"Then why didn't you take that packet of Chinese medicine?" Yang Jian asked.

Lin Yunhui said: "Because the drug store owner refused to sell it to me, he said I had no potential and was not worthy of taking medicine."

After hearing this, Yang Jian said calmly: "It seems that the boss in his youth had a stronger personality."

From this sentence, he could conclude that the drug store owner Lin Yunhui mentioned was the old man from the Republic of China whom he knew.

That old man from the Republic of China spent his whole life waiting for a change to occur.

And his willingness to give Yang Jian three packets of Chinese medicine was definitely not for nothing. He must have taken a fancy to Yang Jian's potential. If the drug store owner just gave medicine to everyone, no matter how many times he gave Yang Jian, he would not be able to withstand such trouble. Therefore, he would probably only give medicine or sell medicine to ghost masters who he thought had potential.

After all, that one-in-a-million variable is unlikely to appear in a mediocre person with no potential.

Therefore, Lin Yunhui's strength in the supernatural circle during the Republic of China was not among the top ones, and could only be regarded as average.

But that may not be the case for Lin Yunhui, who has been sleeping for decades and solved the problem of the ghost's resurrection.

"You couldn't buy medicine, so you chose the coffin in the coffin shop? That coffin can indeed suppress the resurrection of the evil ghost when you sleep on it." Yang Jian said.

Lin Yunhui said: "Yes, that was the third method I found. The only drawback was that it was too expensive to buy a coffin. I couldn't raise the money at the time, so I had no choice but to go to the paper shop and sell myself. , to be precise, I sold half of myself.”

"Sold half of yourself?" Yang Jian's expression changed slightly.

"Yes, this is a way to survive. If I solve the problem of the ghost's resurrection and come back to life again, then I can find a way to get back my other half from the paper shop. At that time, the supernatural circle I still have some friends there, so even if I pooled my money together, it wouldn’t be difficult to buy my paper figurine back, but it was an emergency situation and I could only do so.”

"If I can't solve the problem of my own ghost recovery, then everything is meaningless."

"It's a gamble, but the idea is right." Yang Jian nodded, feeling that Lin Yunhui did the right thing at that time.

It’s useless to talk about anything if you can’t survive.

And it would be nice to have something to do when faced with the resurgence of the evil ghost. There is no time to pick and choose.

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