Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1571 Return

At this time, Yu Chengzhi can be regarded as an old man in the supernatural world, but in front of Yang Jian, he can only be regarded as a newcomer, and he has also experienced the changes in the headquarters, and he deeply understands how difficult it is to survive in this era. It was not easy, and it was precisely because of the comparison that he understood more clearly how important Yang Jian's existence was.

So at this moment, Yu Chengzhi was very happy to see Yang Jian appear again.

"You are very good. You manage this city well to the best of your ability. Even if a supernatural incident occurs, it does not affect the safety of the vast majority of people." Yang Jian said.

Yu Chengzhi squeezed out a smile on his ugly face: "Captain Yang is being polite when he says this. I am not capable enough to do more. Even managing this city seems to be beyond my ability. Many people entrenched in the city The evil ghosts are not dealt with, and occasionally innocent residents still die in supernatural incidents."

"I'm not a qualified person in charge. Fortunately, Team Yang showed up today and solved the most troublesome supernatural incidents."

Yang Jian said: "I have been silent for half a year. Now I am traveling across the country. I want to see what the domestic situation has become in this supernatural era. I passed by here by chance today and solved the supernatural incidents in this city. .”

"So that's it. Did Team Yang gain anything along the way?" Yu Chengzhi asked.

"I can't talk about any gains. It's just that the threat of supernatural beings is too great for ordinary people. Even a very common supernatural incident can cause countless deaths or uprooting people from their hometowns. Living in such a period is too much. I’m desperate, if the supernatural era continues, the whole world will be over soon.”

Yang Jian said in a serious tone: "So while I was traveling, I was also trying to find a way to change this era."

When Yu Chengzhi heard this, he was immediately in awe: "It is really a blessing to have Captain Yang in the headquarters at this time. In fact, I have been thinking about the future, but the more I think about it, the more desperate I become. Take Dachang City. He said, I can be temporarily stable while I'm alive, but if I die, I'm afraid there won't even be a successor, and what will this city look like by then?"

"From a point-to-point perspective, if a large city is like this, what about so many cities in the country, and many cities don't even have a person in charge. It's not that the headquarters doesn't want to take care of it, but it really can't send manpower. Before, I was still I often complain that the captains at the headquarters are inattentive, and several captains have retired. Now I understand that captains have captain’s things to do, and they think more about the future, rather than simply being responsible for managing one or two cities.”

Yang Jian said: "No one can survive the torrent of the times, including the captains of the headquarters, so even if someone doesn't want to do it, they have to do something in desperation. It's a pity that the captain fought against the King's organization last time. There are too many losses, otherwise the situation would not be like this.”

"Yes, that incident severely damaged the vitality of the headquarters, and it has not recovered yet." Yu Chengzhi also sighed: "I don't know how long I can live. I hope that I can see that Captain Yang can successfully find a way before I die. Fight against this supernatural age.”

"Don't sound so desperate, hope exists." Yang Jian said calmly: "And I believe you won't die so soon."

After he finished speaking, blood-red water emerged from his feet, and then a pale palm stretched out. In that palm was a packet of something wrapped in yellow paper, which looked like a packet of Chinese medicine.

"This is the last pack of Chinese medicine. If you eat it, it can delay the recovery of the ghost. Liu Qi, the captain candidate, had taken this before, but unfortunately he died in the end." Yang Jian picked up the pack of Chinese medicine and threw it to Yu Cheng Zhi.

"I don't have any use for this thing, so I'll give it to you. I hope you can live a little longer and not die so soon."

Yang Jian felt that Yu Chengzhi was a very responsible person and worthy of helping him.

Yu Chengzhi took it subconsciously, with some surprise in his eyes: "Such an important supernatural item should not be wasted on me. Some very capable ghost controllers need it even more."

"Others have no chance to use it. You can take it. It's not a particularly precious thing anyway." Yang Jian shook his head slightly.

Originally, this pack of Chinese medicine was intended to be used by my teammates.

But he grabbed seven red coffins in the ghost street. His teammates could lie down in the coffins if they couldn't hold on anymore. In addition, there were ghost mirrors that could be resurrected.

In contrast, other heads of the headquarters are in worse shape and need more help.

And instead of leaving this last packet of Chinese medicine in your hands without any use, it would be better to give it out as soon as possible to maximize its final value.

"Since Captain Yang said so, I will accept it without mercy." Yu Chengzhi did not refuse anymore. He really needs this thing now. After all, who wants to die if he can survive.

Yang Jian said: "It's time for me to move on. There are more important things waiting for me to do."

"Then I wish Captain Yang a smooth trip." Yu Chengzhi watched Yang Jian leave.

There was an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

If there is hope in this era, then it must be this Yang Jian. If even he cannot find a way to end the supernatural era in the end, maybe he will really be doomed in the future.

"Before Yang Jian succeeds, I have to hold on. Although I can't help much, I can at least manage Dachang City well to the best of my ability. Even if I die in the future, at least I will be considered a contribution. "Yu Chengzhi looked at the packet of Chinese medicine in his hand and thought to himself.

Yang Jian stayed in Dachang City for a while, and left after solving the remaining supernatural incidents.

After this trip, he understood that in this era of gradually losing hope, there are still people who are struggling to support and contribute their own efforts to block the wave of the supernatural era.

With this thought in mind, Yang Jian came to another city.

This is a very familiar city, Dahan City.

The reason why I am familiar with it is because the Ghost Post Office is in Dahan City, and the person in charge, Sun Rui, is still active in the Ghost Post Office.

But the ghost post office has stopped operating. After Yang Jian delivered the last letter, the ghost post office had been renamed into Hell Apartment.

When Yang Jian arrived in Dahan City, he did not go to the Ghost Post Office immediately, but walked around the city.

He found that there were no supernatural events in the city, but the city seemed deserted and unpopular at all, as if it had been attacked by a ghost.

This phenomenon is very strange.

It stands to reason that a city without supernatural occurrences would have many people living in it, and it would even be more prosperous than before. However, the reality was contrary to the theory. Yang Jian was a little curious, so he decided to go to the ghost post office to have a look. Maybe Sun Rui knew something. After all, he had been staying in the ghost post office and his eyes had never left Dahan City.

Yang Jian quickly arrived at the blocked abandoned building.

When he opened his ghost eyes, as the ghost realm eroded, the building in front of him disappeared, and a strange five-story old building appeared in front of him.

There is a flashing neon sign at the door of this old building from the Republic of China, with four characters written on it: Hell Apartment.

After Yang Jian drove the supernatural bus, he could easily break the boundary between reality and supernatural. He just took a few steps forward and was already standing in front of this old building from the Republic of China.

"It's still the same as before, unchanged."

"No, no, there are some changes."

Then he focused his eyes and saw through the door that there were many people gathered in the building. Those people were all strangers, and they didn't look like ghost masters, but more like ordinary people.

When Yang Jian pushed the door open, many people in the hall on the first floor immediately focused their attention on him.

"Another unlucky guy has come in. It seems that the last batch of people are almost dead, otherwise they wouldn't be recruiting new people so quickly." Someone said.

"I really don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment. It forces people to enter supernatural events to survive. Who is so wicked as to create such a place?" Some people complained.

"Hey, newcomer, what's your name?" Someone else shouted to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian frowned when he saw this scene. After just a few glances, he roughly understood what happened in this ghost post office.

"Is Sun Rui rewriting the rules and preparing to run this hell apartment again?"

The presence of these ordinary people here is the best evidence.

Yang Jian couldn't help but recall Sun Rui's determination to enter here. At that time, he risked his life to close the ghost post office and eliminate the existence of messengers.

Unexpectedly, time has changed and in just half a year, Sun Rui has gone back to his old ways.

It was a bit ironic, but Yang Jian felt more helpless.

Because there is a serious shortage of people and ghost controllers in this era.

Without ghost masters to fight the supernatural, there is no hope for the future. Sun Rui restarted the ghost post office mostly because he wanted to cultivate a group of ghost masters.

"Hey, newcomer, I'm talking to you." A man walked over with a frown and stopped in front of Yang Jian.

"Zhang Jinhong, a survivor who has successfully survived two supernatural incidents, can be considered a senior here. This newcomer has been targeted. He is really unlucky." Someone saw this and secretly shook his head.

"This Zhang Jinhong was able to survive two supernatural incidents because there is always no shortage of newcomers in his team. Without newcomers to take risks and test Li Gui's killing patterns, he would have died long ago. This time he probably wants to recruit this newcomer into the team. Become cannon fodder." Some people were also discussing secretly.

"It's an obvious thing, but his survival is not all dependent on the newcomers being cannon fodder. He also has some abilities and has some means of fighting against supernatural beings."

Yang Jian was blocked in his path, and his footsteps suddenly stopped. A ghost eye opened, turning around, and then stared at him strangely: "Are you talking to me?"

Zhang Jinhong's face suddenly froze when she saw the ghost eye on Yang Jian's forehead: "Ghost, ghost master?"

Everyone else also opened their eyes with disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? This ghost place actually forced all the ghost masters outside to come in?"

"I thought it was a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, but I didn't expect it was a tiger entering the flock of sheep. If a ghost controller participates in a survival mission, he will not be able to catch it easily."

"Zhang Jinhong is unlucky now. This ghost controller won't slap him to death when he gets angry."

Zhang Jinhong's face turned pale at this moment, his whole body was tense, and he was breaking out in cold sweat. He still looked as menacing as before.

Yang Jian turned his ghost eyes and ignored this person, but shouted: "Sun Rui, come out and meet him."

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