Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1602 Carrying and Abandoning

Over the city of Dachang City, golden light shrouded. Countless people saw such a magical scene, and even saw the incomprehensible blurry figure in the golden light. That figure defied cognition, as if a god in mythology had awakened. Generally, standing in mid-air.

The thick white fog that previously filled the city has now disappeared under the shroud of golden light.

The white mist dissipated, and many ordinary people who were trapped in the white mist and almost killed by the terrifying ghosts were overjoyed to survive the disaster.

But now, everyone's cognition in Dachang City has been subverted.

They looked up at the figure in the golden light. There was no fear in their eyes, only awe of the unknown and extraordinary. This awe seemed to have been engraved in everyone's blood and bones, making people kneel down involuntarily.

"Is this God?"

He Feng murmured to himself at this moment. He never dreamed that one day he would actually call out a god from the mythology.

The appearance of this scene even made him forget the danger behind him.

Although the thick fog disappeared, in the room, a cold, rotten, terrifying ghost with its body covered in mud was still there. However, He Feng seemed to see the vague and mysterious figure in the sky at this time, looking in this direction. Looked over.

Those eyes were calm and majestic, seeming to be examining themselves, while at the same time glancing at the menacing and terrifying ghosts in the room.

With just one glance, the evil ghost who plunged many people in the city into despair actually burst into flames. The fire was the same as the red candle in the hands of the mysterious woman named Wang Shanshan. It was green and looked very bright under the golden light. Incongruous.

The strange fire grew bigger and bigger, setting the entire house on fire.

He Feng was shocked for a moment, and he subconsciously wanted to escape from the burning room.

But he soon discovered that the fire was not hot at all, there was no trace of temperature, and he could even feel the coolness. However, the fire had a fatal effect on the ghost behind him.

He Feng could clearly see the terrifying corpse behind him being burned and making a weird scream. The body began to turn black. Finally, wrapped in a sheet of fire, the terrifying ghost began to change from reality little by little. The world peels away.

"what is that."

He Feng opened his eyes wide at this moment. He saw a huge city vaguely emerging from the firelight. The city was burning, and there were many strange figures wandering in pain in it, being burned by the fire all the time. He could even vaguely hear the miserable screams coming from the city.

The terrifying figure in the room was finally pulled into the burning city, mixed with countless strange figures.

Then the fire began to slowly extinguish, and the burning city gradually became blurred.

"Is this a ghost that has been thrown into hell?" He Feng shuddered, and records of many ghost stories appeared in his mind.

"Hiss." Then he felt his hand being burned.

The scarlet ax was turned red by the fire, and it even felt very hot, making it impossible to hold it in my hand.

As soon as the ax hit the ground, it disappeared from sight along with the quickly extinguished firelight.

Seeing this, He Feng probably understood in his heart that the figure in the sky did not allow this kind of thing to exist in the world, and wanted to take it away from ordinary people.

But what he doesn't know is that any supernatural weapon is essentially a ghost, and there is a possibility that it will lose control one day. If left unchecked, it is likely to cause supernatural events.

It's not just that such a magical scene happened here.

In Guanjiang Community.

The strange figure with a graceful figure, cold body, and thick black hair was also glowing with fire at the moment. Although the female corpse that had been dead for many years was still struggling, it was to no avail. In the end, it disappeared little by little into the real world and entered. into a world submerged by a bloody lake.

The golden light is still shrouding the world, and the figure in the sky is still surveying the world.

No hidden supernatural being can escape the prying eyes of that eye.

All potential hazards detected will be addressed.

And the scene that happened here is spreading to the whole world in the shortest possible time. At the same time, more and more people know what is happening in Dachang City, and such a major event suddenly happened, and some things that have been silent for decades have Things began to emerge quietly at this moment.

Inside a hospital in Dachang City.

A nurse next to the hospital bed was looking at the sky outside the window in shock. She said excitedly: "It turns out there really is a god in this world."

But on the hospital bed nearby, a white-haired old woman in her early eighties was staring out the window in a daze, and then said to herself: "People in this world cannot accept such a powerful ghost controller, but But I can accept the existence of a god. Yang Jian, in my heart you are that god."

"After our old people die, no one will know your past. People in the new era will only remember that there was a god who manifested in this world."

"I'm sorry that I took the initiative and changed your name to Yang Jian, because at that time I couldn't think of a name that was more suitable for you."

"It's a pity that I can't continue to accompany you and see you completely end this supernatural era. You should find a better person than me."

"I'm tired and want to rest for a while."

The old woman on the hospital bed seemed to be having a flashback at this moment, and she was no longer demented. Her eyes were bright and clear, and she kept looking at the figure in the golden light outside the window.

But soon, the light in the old man's eyes gradually dimmed again, and his heavy eyelids slowly closed.

But in a daze, the old man saw a familiar figure standing beside the hospital bed, looking at him calmly.

That figure looked so familiar, young and immature, still holding the red spear in his hand.

"Liu Xiaoyu, record the new supernatural events and create a file."

"Liu Xiaoyu, come up for a meeting."

"Liu Xiaoyu, help me check this person's information."

"Liu Xiaoyu"

The familiar voice vaguely echoed in the old man's mind.

She really wanted to go back to that time.

Sixty years have been too hard.

A wisp of tears slowly fell from the corner of the old man's closed eyes, and then he never woke up again.

A breeze blew.

The figure next to the old man's bed also disappeared.

The nurse beside him was attracted by the strange scene outside the window. He didn't even notice what was happening around him, nor did he hear the old man's last murmur.

It wasn't until the instrument sounded an alarm that the nurse woke up from her daze.


Guanjiang Community, in that inconspicuous little temple.

In the temple, Wang Shanshan, Jiang Yan, and Zhang Wenwen all saw the strange scene in the sky outside.

"He's back." Jiang Yan burst into tears at this moment.

After years of waiting, this day finally came to fruition.

She herself didn't know how the past sixty years had passed. If it hadn't been for her faith, she would have wanted to die.

Because during these sixty years, she sent away too many people, parents, relatives, friends, and even younger generations.

"Yes, he is back. He didn't lie. Sixty years later, he really appeared again." Wang Shanshan had a smile on her face at this moment.

Although she looked only about thirty, she was the same age as Zhang Wei who was lying on the ground, and he was already eighty.

"Sister Wang, Aunt Jiang, my dad seems to be dying." At this time, Zhang Wenwen's voice was anxious and panicked.

Uncle Zhang, who was lying on the ground, was still in a coma, and his condition was getting worse at this moment. His face was particularly ugly, his breathing was weak, and even the old man's hands began to gradually become cold.

"Awei will be fine. He won't watch Awei die like this." Wang Shanshan took a look and said.

"Yes, but my dad is dying." Zhang Wenwen was still anxious.

Jiang Yan said calmly: "Why panic? It is not difficult for him to reverse life and death. He has just woken up and needs some time to adapt. Please wait patiently for a while."

Zhang Wenwen calmed down a little after hearing this, but he was still very anxious inside. After all, his father's safety was now at stake.

"Is it sixty years?"

In the sky shrouded in golden light, a cold murmur sounded next to the blurry figure.

"I remember that in the end I fed everything to the ghost boy. Now, who am I? Am I the ghost boy who has the consciousness of a living person, or is it Yang Jian who has successfully survived, or is he born out of the two and become a human being? A brand new existence. Yang Jian."

"I was awakened by someone in the name of Yang Jian, which means that the real me has given up the names of Guitong and Yang Jian, replaced them, and became a brand new existence, so I have a new identity, a new name."

"But I would rather walk in the world in the name of Yang Jian, and manifest in the name of Yang Jian to save people."

This figure standing in the sky is confirming its existence and thinking at the same time.

Should he choose to bear the name of Yang Jian and continue the past, or should he give up everything in the past and manifest himself in the world in the name of Yang Jian?

In the end, this figure decided to inherit both.

Because he does not need to rush to deny a certain identity of his, he will have enough time to make a choice in the days to come.

Or when people in this world completely forget Yang Jian's name, there may be no need to choose, and they will naturally become that new existence.

After one thought.

The golden light all over the sky quickly dissipated along with the blurry figure, until finally, the sky became bright again, and all abnormalities were completely gone.


Countless people in Dachang City saw the mysterious disappearance and it took a long time before they came back to their senses.

But after waking up, the city residents were extremely excited at this moment. They discussed and talked with each other, and then news about the demonic ghosts and gods continued to spread like wildfire.

A word of caution: The date was set last month. Completed on May 20th.

There were a few extras after that.

In fact, if I really wanted to go under the water, I wouldn't be able to finish writing this year, but the story in my heart is already over.

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