Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1613 Extra: Old Friends in the Hotel (Happy New Year)

"Oh, the world is really incomprehensible now. All the weird things are published in newspapers. These newspapers are simply lawless. They only take money and don't review the content."

In a restaurant in ZS City, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes took a newspaper and read it. He couldn't help but feel ridiculous about the content in the newspaper.

"There must be someone behind this. They probably want to cause panic and achieve some purpose. I have seen many things like this, such as ocean pollution, which then triggered a salt grab incident, or a doomsday crisis that triggered a grain harvesting incident. After all, People only consume irrationally when they are in panic." A colleague next to him said with a smile.

The middle-aged man nodded: "That makes sense, but this newspaper really reminds me of the strange things that happened when this hotel was first built."

"What's the matter? Tell me." asked my colleague.

The middle-aged man said: "Do you know what the land before the hotel was?"

"I'm not a local. How would I know this?" The colleague shook his head.

The middle-aged man said: "This hotel used to be an abandoned building that had been idle for decades. It was not put up for auction until a few years ago. The buyer was a developer named Wang who originally planned to build an office building. Yes, but it went very poorly when the construction started. I don’t know the details, but it is said that several workers died, and some are even missing, and they still can’t be found.”

"It's so evil, is it true?" a colleague asked in surprise.

The middle-aged man said: "I don't know whether it's true or not, but after this incident, the developer named Wang received instructions from someone and directly changed the plan and designed the original office building into a restaurant."

"It would be a shame to change the plan in the middle of construction." The colleague laughed.

"Yes, many people were opposed to the plan change at that time, but in the end the developer named Wang still built the hotel despite all the objections. Strangely enough, after the plan was changed, during the construction of the hotel, There were no more accidents, no weird things happened, everything went very smoothly," the middle-aged man said.

"Is this a weird thing? It's just a coincidence. The construction difficulty of building a high-rise office building is not the same as that of building a hotel. The construction team is inexperienced, so it is normal for something to happen." said a colleague.

The middle-aged man added: "It would be fine if it was just like this, but after the developer named Wang built this hotel, he also allowed this hotel to continue the name of the abandoned building decades ago."

"You mean, that abandoned building decades ago was also a hotel, also called the Caesar Hotel?" The colleague was stunned, and then felt something inexplicably strange.

The middle-aged man nodded: "Yes, that's why it's strange. And I remember that when I was a child, the abandoned building was still on lockdown, and some local old people said that it was haunted. Even now some old people still have it. Don’t want to come here to eat, don’t even want to get close.”

"So that's it. No wonder there was an old man at the door who had just got out of the car when we came in. When he saw the Caesar Hotel, he scolded his children and left in the car angrily." The colleague immediately thought of a previous incident.

"It's not just an old man like this, almost most local old people are unwilling to come here. It seems to have become a common rule. Only people from other places and some local young people are willing to come to this hotel." The middle-aged man said Wan continued: "But to say it is haunted, I don't think it is possible. We have lived here for three days and nothing has happened."

"Three people become a tiger, don't pay attention, come, eat, eat." said the colleague.

While the two were chatting, at the table next to them, a man in simple clothes, about fifty or so, who looked like an old farmer, was eating his meal with his head down. He said nothing until a waiter pushed him It was only when the food truck delivered the food very respectfully that the man's identity was revealed.

"Mr. Wang, your dish."

"Put it here." Mr. Wang said in a low voice.

After the waiter left, the middle-aged man and his colleagues next to him opened their eyes and immediately became surprised, because this Mr. Wang was none other than the owner of this hotel, the one they mentioned before. Developer named Wang.

"Mr. Wang, hello, hello. I am Zhang Hao. Do you remember me? We have cooperated before." The middle-aged man named Zhang Hao immediately fawned over, with a flattering look on his face. smile.

Mr. Wang glanced at him calmly, and then said: "I heard everything you talked about just now."

"Ah? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. We were just chatting. I definitely didn't mean to slander your hotel." After Zhang Hao said this, he hurriedly pulled his colleagues to apologize.

Mr. Wang put down his bowls and chopsticks at this moment, then took a sip of tea and said: "You don't need to apologize. It is normal for this hotel to be abnormal and have some bad rumors. Who told this place to be called Caesar Hotel?"

After saying that, he looked up, with some memories flashing in his eyes.

When he bought this land to build an office building, it was just a pretense. His real purpose was to completely destroy the place.

But something happened later that made him understand that the Caesar Hotel cannot be destroyed, it will only continue. Even if it is a different building or a different name, it will still be the same.

So he changed his focus and chose to recreate the nightmarish Caesar Hotel.

"Mr. Wang, what do you mean by this?" Zhang Hao and his colleagues beside him didn't quite understand what Mr. Wang said.

"You are right, the Caesar Hotel is indeed haunted." Mr. Wang calmly spit out the cruel truth.


The two people immediately looked at each other and didn't know how to answer the question.

Mr. Wang gestured: "Sit down."

The two hesitated for a moment and sat down on the seats opposite Mr. Wang.

"Since you two have cooperated with me before, you can't be considered strangers. I have hidden some things for a long time and have never dared to say them out. Until recently, I saw the newspaper and I felt that the time had come." Wang The president said, "If you two have nothing urgent to do, would you like to hear my story about this Caesar Hotel?"

"Mr. Wang, we are all ears," Zhang Hao said hurriedly.

Mr. Wang poured a cup of tea for himself and the two people across from him, and then said: "This story is a bit long, how should I tell it? Let me tell you about myself first. My real name is Wang Genquan, and my name is the same as my life experience. It is not very good. I was born in the turbulent period of the Republic of China. My ancestors were farmers who worked hard in the fields for generations. They didn’t have enough food, but they could never die from hunger. However, I was able to eat since I was a child. My family couldn’t afford to support me, so they found a way for me to work in the city. .”

"Wait, the Republic of China? More than a hundred years ago?" Zhang Hao was instantly shocked by Mr. Wang's words.

"Shh, be quiet, don't interrupt me." Wang Genquan waved his hand and glanced casually.

The middle-aged man named Zhang Hao trembled violently at this moment. Only then did he notice that something was wrong with Mr. Wang's eyes. Those eyes were numb, dead, lifeless, without any emotion of a living person, staring at many people. A few glances can make one feel frightened.

But in a daze, Zhang Hao felt that these eyes seemed familiar. He thought he had seen them somewhere and was deeply impressed.


I remembered.

Zhang Hao's memory was pulled back to a day five years ago. That night, he saw his father lying dead on the hospital bed with this look in his eyes.

Yes, this is the look of a dead man.

Zhang Hao didn't dare to move or leave. He could only listen quietly to the story told by Mr. Wang.

As the story continues, Wang Genquan's experience becomes more and more bizarre. It is so bizarre that it is like a fantasy novel, which is not real at all. However, it is such a bizarre story, but it makes people feel creepy, because the protagonist in the story is sitting there. in front of me.

If the story is true, how terrifying and hopeless is this world?

"My life came to a standstill after I was trapped in the Caesar Hotel. There were endless corridors, countless rooms, and terrifying ghosts wandering inside. One death, one death, and every time I died, I would lose all my previous memories and return to them. Go to the original room and then feel your way out."

Wang Genquan raised his head and opened the window: "Of course, I am not the only one trapped in the Caesar Hotel, there are others, but their experiences are the same as mine. Every time they die, they start over again. Until one time, I successfully found Exit."

"That was a door, a door that was deliberately hidden in the wall. That door was very special. It was made of gold. As long as I crossed that golden door, I would completely walk out of the Caesar Hotel."

"But when I walked out, I found that I was wrong. Without the maintenance of supernatural power, I would die quickly even if I walked out."

"After all, there are no people in this world who have lived for nearly two hundred years. We are just dead souls wandering in the old era, and dead souls are not qualified to live in this peaceful era, so at that moment I understood why that fan The Golden Gate will be deliberately hidden."

"The person who made the Golden Gate is not cutting off our way of survival, but preventing the terrifying ghosts from invading reality."

"We, the cursed people, are simply victims of desperate times."

"But I was resurrected from the dead and had no idea about this. I was still instinctively trying to survive."

"Time after time, year after year, no one knows how many times I have died. I only know that the corpses behind the golden door have been piled up to the point where it can hardly be accommodated, and those corpses are the deaths of cursed people. Left behind."

"Gulong~!" Zhang Hao and his colleagues couldn't help but swallow at this moment, their eyes full of shock.

What a cruel and desperate story this is.

But at this moment, Wang Gen changed his words and said: "After dying again and again, I finally realized one day that I couldn't walk out of that door. If I want to survive, I must find other ways."

"Then, what is that method?" Zhang Hao asked nervously and curiously.

He brought himself into the story without thinking of any way to solve it.

"Hey." Wang Genquan smiled, his laughter was particularly strange and penetrating.

Zhang Hao immediately regretted asking such a question.

Wang Genquan was about to continue speaking. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and raised his head to look at the ceiling.

At this moment, the lights in the entire hotel were flickering, and the surrounding light was even darker, as if they were plunged into darkness.

As the lights flickered, crisp footsteps sounded, and a woman in retro clothes walked towards him.

"Wang Genquan, the door is open." The woman said coldly.

Wang Genquan stood up and smiled: "I guess so. It seems that someone has successfully escaped from the Caesar Hotel again. Xianglan, do you think it will be your lover Anan this time? After all, he has always had potential."

"Just go and take a look and you'll find out." Xianglan said: "Also, don't call Anan's name anymore. In the past resurrections, he and I may have been lovers or even husband and wife, but this time, I My impression of him is just an ordinary relationship."

"All my past experiences are meaningless."

"In that case, let's go welcome someone's new life." Wang Genquan left at this moment.

Zhang Hao and his colleagues who were preparing to continue listening to the story were stunned for a moment.

Then they reacted quickly.

"Xianglan? Isn't that the woman trapped in the Caesar Hotel with him in Mr. Wang's story?"

"So everything Mr. Wang just said is true?"

"If it's true, it means there really is a ghost inside the Caesar Hotel."

The two of them looked at the flickering lights and suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill running through their bodies. Then their hearts were instantly swallowed up by a huge fear. They stopped thinking for a moment and froze in place.

Wang Genquan and Xianglan quickly arrived at the third floor of the hotel and opened a room that had been sealed for many years.

This room was not recorded and did not exist on the design drawings. It was hidden by Wang Genquan and Xiang Lan using their supernatural powers.

There was nothing in the room, except for a thick golden door on the wall that stood out.

This is the legendary Golden Gate of the Caesar Hotel.

It is also the door to hell and the abyss.

However, at this moment, the door was opened.

At the other end of the door, a deep passage is revealed, with a bright red carpet laid on the passage. On both sides of the passage, old rooms are arranged in sequence. There are many of these rooms, extending to the end of darkness. .

"The door is open, but where are the people?" Wang Genquan said with a heavy face: "Or did we make a mistake in judgment, and the person who opened the door was not the people trapped inside like us, but a fierce ghost?"

Xianglan was silent for a moment, and then said: "No matter what, we must find the reason. The outside is already being affected by supernatural forces. Even if a ghost really escapes, it must be dealt with, otherwise there will be supernatural incidents and many people will die." , and during this period, if the supernatural incident becomes too big and someone calls out that name, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Don't forget, if we meet that person in our current state, we will most likely be treated as a ghost."

"That's right." Wang Genquan nodded.

"Go in and take a look." Xianglan looked around carefully. What was certain was that the thing behind the door did not touch reality.

But the golden door cannot be opened for no reason, so they must find the person who opened the door, or it is a ghost.

"Okay, we are familiar with the situation inside. As long as we don't go too far, there is little danger." Wang Genquan said.

The two people immediately crossed the golden door and walked into the deep passage without hesitation.

To be on the safe side, they closed the door after entering.

This is not to cut off the escape route, because a living person can easily open the door, but the unintelligent ghosts do not understand, so this is a kind of protection from reality, lest the ghosts wander outside along the door as soon as they step out. thus causing an impact.

Wang Genquan and Xianglan explored carefully. They searched from room to room, trying to find the person who opened the door.

"Whether the other party is a human or a ghost, it cannot be too far from the exit. It must be hidden in a certain room."

Both of them had this idea in mind.

Everything was fine in the first room.

Everything was fine in the second room as well.

But when they entered the fourth room, the door slammed shut.

"It's in this room." Wang Genquan ignored the suddenly closed door, but stared in the direction of the bedroom.

There, a figure was reflected on the ground from the room.

"Who, who is there?" Pandan asked coldly.

If the other party fails to respond, they will immediately use supernatural power to leave here, and then seal the place again.

After a brief silence, a voice rang out from the room.

"Sure enough, as I thought, the outside world is not that simple. So, is the message engraved on the golden door true? Without mastering enough supernatural power, there is no way to fight against one's own curse. Once you escape from this ghost The place will die instantly.”

Wang Genquan and Xianglan both breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this voice.

As long as it's not a ghost.

"You should have noticed that every time you die, you will be resurrected in a room and lose all previous memories." Xianglan said immediately: "Like you, we were the unlucky ones trapped here before, but We are a little luckier than you, and we noticed something was wrong very early, so we left key information on the golden door to guide ourselves after the next resurrection."

"After dying again and again, we resisted the urge to step out of that door and chose to continue to survive in this ghost place. At the same time, we also wanted to control as many ghosts and supernatural powers as possible."

"Only when you reach a certain limit can you completely get rid of the curse and gain freedom."

"Anan, it's not easy for you to reach this point after your resurrection. Don't give up this opportunity easily."

At this moment, Xianglan was able to determine who was in the bedroom.

"Do you know me?" Anan walked out slowly at this moment. His face was pale and his breath was as cold as a walking corpse. But at this moment, his eyes revealed vigilance and danger.

Because Xianglan and Wang Genquan did not exist in his memory of this resurrection.

"Of course, we have been trapped here for more than a hundred years since the Republic of China. We have experienced countless deaths. I know that everyone here will lose their memory after death, but there are always some ways to save it. Keep the key information." Xianglan stared at Anan.

There is no doubt that Anan has already mastered the ghosts and gained supernatural power. Perhaps he was wary of the message left on the golden door, so he did not go out rashly.

After all, it's not easy to get to this point. If his own supernatural power is not enough to get rid of the curse, he will die for no reason.

"Who else is here?" Anan asked.

Xianglan said: "I don't know how many people were trapped in this hotel before. I only know that in my records, apart from me, Wang Genquan and you, there should be two people left. One is named Dong Yulan and the other is Zhu. See."

Anan was silent for a moment, and then he lowered his guard a little: "You are right, I did meet these two before, but it was a pity that they were unlucky enough to die and later came back to life, but they no longer recognized me. "

The information he obtained combined with Xianglan's words made him believe it all.

"It looks like the two of them will be trapped for a long time." Wang Genquan sighed helplessly: "We people have very poor qualifications. We were trapped for more than a hundred years before we came out. If it were the person outside, it would probably take a year." We came out before we arrived. I really don’t know why we were selected and thrown in at that time.”

Xianglan said: "Anan, your current supernatural power should be able to get rid of the curse here, so leave here with us. Times have changed outside. You are not familiar with the current situation and you can easily get into big trouble."

"No." Anan refused: "I don't want to go out yet."


Anan said: "Because when I opened the door before, a fierce ghost was let out by me."


Wang Genquan and Xianglan opened their eyes immediately.

"Don't be surprised. I don't know the situation outside. It's normal to release a powerful ghost to explore the way. Although doing so may kill some ordinary people, it doesn't matter to me." Anan said very indifferently.

He became a ghost master, possessed supernatural powers, and correspondingly lost the emotions of a living person.

He would never have done such a thing before.

"What we care about is not that there is a supernatural incident outside, nor whether someone will be killed by a ghost outside. What we care about is that this accident is likely to attract a terrible person, and our lives will be in danger by then." There was deep fear in Wang Genquan's tone.

"After acquiring supernatural power, we can no longer be regarded as ordinary people. Even if we meet similar people, we don't have to be so afraid. Who is that person? What is his name? Have you ever dealt with him?" Anan said.

"Sixty years ago, supernatural beings were revived, evil spirits were rampant, and the whole world was full of despair and death. Even people like us were in danger. But under those circumstances, a man was born and completely ended the supernatural. era, so that there will be peace and stability sixty years later."

"I know who that person is, but I can't call his name, otherwise he will be summoned immediately." Wang Genquan said.

Xianglan said: "We don't have time to explain so much. Now we must drive the evil ghosts outside back here before that person appears, and we can't let the situation get serious."

"You're right, let's go." Wang Genquan immediately took action.

"Anan, come too." Xianglan invited.

Anan thought briefly and finally nodded in agreement.

The three people left this strange place, then opened the golden door again and returned to the Caesar Hotel.

But when they arrived, the lights in the entire Caesar Hotel had been turned off, and a layer of irreversible darkness shrouded the surroundings. There was an indescribable cold atmosphere everywhere, and when they looked up out of the window, they could not see the outside. scenery.

Obviously, a ghost realm has been formed.

This Anan seemed to have released an extremely terrifying ghost at will.


A shrill scream suddenly echoed in the darkness, which made Wang Genquan and Xianglan's expressions change.

"Why are there ordinary people where you live?" Anan asked strangely.

"There have been no supernatural occurrences in decades. If it weren't for you, that golden door would be enough to block all the evil spirits inside, and ordinary people living here would not have any impact at all." Wang Genquan said with a stern face: "But now It’s us who should worry.”

"Involving an ordinary person means that person could show up at any time from now on."

"Hurry up and act."

With that said, Wang Genquan walked straight towards the depths of darkness without looking back.

He was extremely familiar with this hotel, and it was not easy to lose his way even in the dark. He quickly rushed towards the location where the screams came from. If he was lucky, he could meet the fierce ghost.

Although they move quickly, for ordinary people in the hotel, every minute and every second involved in a supernatural incident is a long and painful time.

"Hey, Zhang Hao, have you seen that 'person' who passed by us just now?" A fearful and trembling voice sounded.

In the dark corner, Zhang Hao and his colleagues did not dare to move. They had planned to leave the hotel after eating, but they never expected that the hotel suddenly lost power, and then the surroundings fell into darkness. There was a small amount of light but eerily they could never get out of the hotel.

Obviously they could find the window by touching the wall, but after they walked along the wall for several minutes, the wall still existed, but the hotel window did not appear in front of them.

It seems that everything here has changed.

At the beginning, there were various noisy sounds in the hotel, and other guests complained, but soon, these noisy sounds decreased rapidly.

By now, the surroundings have been extremely quiet, with only the occasional screams remaining.

At this time, Zhang Hao and his colleagues, no matter how stupid they were, realized that this was by no means as simple as an ordinary power outage.

"Shh, don't talk." Zhang Hao said in a low voice: "If you don't want to die, just shut up. I now suspect that this Caesar Hotel is haunted. What Mr. Wang said is true. There is really a problem here."

"You mean, the 'person' who passed in front of us just now is a ghost?" The colleague swallowed, his fear became more and more obvious, and it seemed that the thing he was most afraid of was verified.

"We must leave here quickly, we can't stay any longer, otherwise we will probably die here." Zhang Hao said, he was so nervous that he was shaking.

In the face of life and death, no one can calm down.

"But we seem to be lost and can't get out at all. This hotel seems to be different after turning off the lights." said a colleague.

"At least we have to stay away from dangerous places. That's where the scream came from. Let's go in the opposite direction." Zhang Hao said. Although he was nervous and scared, he still had some sense and knew how to analyze the current situation.

"Yes, this is a good idea." The colleague's eyes lit up, and his tense body seemed to gain momentum.

After the two people had an idea in their minds, they were no longer confused and immediately walked in the other direction.

The further they went, the more at ease they became.

After all, the danger is moving away.

But what they don't know is that distance is no guarantee of safety in the ghost realm. Only by avoiding triggering the ghost's killing pattern can they survive.

The two of them seemed to have some really good luck.

The danger never came.

This allowed Zhang Hao and his colleagues to gradually regain their composure.

After calming down, Zhang Hao suddenly remembered something: "Hey, do you still remember the newspaper we saw when we were eating?"

"That newspaper? I remember that the newspaper said that there are evil ghosts in this world, and supernatural events will gradually appear. Now that I think about it, it is really unlucky. Just after reading the newspaper, we encountered this kind of thing, and the clown turned out to be ourselves. " said the colleague.

"It's not important. What's important is what the newspaper said at the end. If ordinary people encounter supernatural events or encounter evil spirits, they can be safe just by shouting a name." Zhang Hao said, "The situation we are encountering now is different from what the newspaper said. It’s exactly the same thing, we can try it, maybe a miracle will happen.”

"Do you believe this? I think it's too ridiculous." The colleague suddenly stopped mid-sentence, and the whole person stopped immediately.

Because a person appeared in front of him. The person was tall and shrouded in shadows. Although he couldn't see clearly, there was a strong smell of corpses coming towards him, and the person's posture as he walked was very strange. Stiff and heavy, it doesn't look like a living person, but like a dead body controlled by something.

"No, something's wrong, let's go quickly." The hair on the coworker's body stood on end. He subconsciously turned around and ran away before fear overwhelmed his body.

But before he could take two steps, he suddenly tripped over something and fell to the ground.

When he could see the ground clearly through the dim light, he let out a scream of terror.

Corpses, corpses everywhere, covered the ground. There was no place to stand around, and he didn't trip over something at all, but a dead corpse stretched out a cold palm covered with corpse spots. He grabbed his ankle.

"This, how could this happen? There was nothing around just now." Zhang Hao also saw this scene. He was so cold that he couldn't move for a while.

It wasn't that he didn't want to move, but that his legs were grasped by cold and stiff hands, and his body lost consciousness at this moment.

But the tall male corpse shrouded in shadow in front of them did not stop moving and continued to approach them slowly.

Powerlessness, despair, and panic can only wait for the arrival of death. This is what ordinary people can experience when facing supernatural events.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die here. If there is a god, no matter what god it is, please save me."

Zhang Hao's strong desire to survive made him shout out the name with all his strength in such a desperate situation: "Yang Jian~!"

The name seemed to possess inexplicable power, penetrating the darkness and echoing in the sky above the hotel.

However, after shouting, it seemed that the so-called miracle did not appear.

Zhang Hao looked around. Nothing happened. The darkness was filled with despair as always. The terrifying ghost did not retreat because of this. Wait, wait, no, the ghost seemed to have stopped.

This is not an illusion, this is real.

The tall man's corpse, which exuded a putrid smell and was approaching, stopped its heavy steps.

"Yes, is it useful?" Zhang Hao thought.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, a red light shone behind him. This red light drove away the darkness, swallowed up the strange corpses everywhere, and even stopped the evil ghost in the darkness.

The place shrouded in red light formed a taboo boundary that no evil ghost could set foot on.

And Zhang Hao just stepped on this red line.

Then the red light brightened again and came from all directions, instantly engulfing everything in sight, including the entire Caesar Hotel.

Such strangeness made Zhang Hao and his colleagues open their eyes wide with expressions of disbelief.

They saw all the weird things disappear in the red light, and after that they saw a special blurry figure in the red light. That figure seemed to have an eye on its forehead. , the red light all over the sky seems to be gathering in it.

"Is that God?"

When Zhang Hao wanted to identify it, the surrounding red light disappeared together with the darkness.

Everything returned to normal in an instant.

They were standing in the middle of the hotel lobby at the moment, with bright lights above their heads and a bright surrounding.

It seemed that everything just now was an illusion. There were no ghosts or corpses at all.

However, there is still a hint of corpse smell in the air, which proves that what happened just now is real and not an illusion.

"Is it still a step too late? After all, ordinary people still shouted out. According to rumors, Yang Jian is the person who single-handedly ended the supernatural era." Wang Genquan took a deep breath at this moment. He immediately understood when he saw the hotel where everything had been restored. All this.

There is only one person in this world who can solve supernatural incidents in an instant and make everything return to normal.

"Where is he?" Anan frowned and looked around.

"There." Xianglan suddenly noticed something and looked in the direction of the second floor.

At the end of the steps, a young man stood there. The young man seemed to be no different from a normal living person, but his eyes were particularly cold. He just looked down at the few people calmly. Although he did not do anything, it made the three of them feel a sense of Suffocating pressure.

It seemed like all the spirits in his body were whining, as if he had encountered the most terrifying thing.

Only when Wang Genquan, Xianglan, and Anan faced this person directly did they understand how huge the gap between them was.

"You guys finally opened the golden door and escaped from that ghost hotel." Yang Jian spoke, his voice was calm, but it could speak to people's hearts.

"Do you know us?" Wang Genquan's face was very solemn, and his words were a little unnatural.

Yang Jian responded: "I entered there sixty years ago and met you who were still struggling to survive in the hotel. Unfortunately, you were not strong enough to get out of the Caesar Hotel, so I built a golden door. , completely blocking everything there.”

"I didn't expect that after sixty years, the three of you still escaped through your own efforts."

The expressions of the three people suddenly changed slightly when they heard this.

Sixty years ago, this Yang Jian had dealt with him? And he still went in and out of that damn place alive.

"It seems that sometimes losing memory after death is not necessarily a good thing. I'm sorry that I can't remember things about you." Wang Genquan said.

"Ghost, were you released?" Yang Jian did not answer, but looked at several people.

The three people fell silent.

Finally, Anan stood up and said, "I was the one who released him."

"Those who do evil will be sent to hell." Yang Jian's tone was cold, like a god judging sinners.

next moment.

A huge crack suddenly opened under Anan's feet.

"What?" Anan fell into the crack before he could react.

His eyes widened with disbelief on his face. When he looked back, his eyes suddenly shrank. He saw a bottomless lake behind him, and evil spirits were sinking in the lake.


Anan's face was ferocious, and a cold aura burst out from his body, like a fierce ghost.

He was using his supernatural powers to try to escape, not wanting to sink into that terrible lake.

But all to no avail.

Because the crack closed in the blink of an eye.

Anan was unable to break the boundary between the supernatural and reality, and finally fell into the lake with unwillingness and resentment.

Nothing can float on the lake, and Anan will sink in it forever.

Wang Genquan and Xianglan, who witnessed all this, were sweating profusely.

"Wang Genquan, are you his accomplice?" Yang Jian moved his eyes slightly and asked calmly.

"No, I don't know him. I have been away from that ghost place for several years, and the golden door has been well guarded. During this period, no evil ghost escaped. I can guarantee it." Wang Genquan explained hurriedly.

"Xianglan, you and Anan are lovers, are you involved in this matter?" Yang Jian asked again.

Xianglan said: "I am not familiar with him. There is no Anan in my memory, at least from the time I was resurrected to the present."

"As aliens, you are too dangerous and cannot be left alone. Follow me back to Dachang City." Yang Jian turned and left, and a road appeared out of thin air in front of him.

That road spanned the actual distance and connected to an island surrounded by blue waves in Dachang City.

There is an archway standing in front of the island, with two words clearly written on it: Guanjiang.

But behind these two words there are two words that have long been blurred: community.

If they are connected together, it is Guanjiang Community.

Just a few days ago, the river near Guanjiang Community was turbulent, the ground fell, high-rise buildings collapsed, and the landscape changed. In just one day, an island stood on the river, and then buildings on the island rose up one after another. A stone bridge spans the river and connects the four directions.

This is a miracle because human power cannot do it.

Wang Genquan and Xianglan glanced at each other, feeling helpless and unable to resist.

"It's good to go to Dachang City, at least it's better than going to hell." The two of them thought in their minds.

They climbed the steps to the second floor and walked on the special road in the direction Yang Jian left.

In just a blink of an eye, they came to a stone bridge over the blue river.

Looking left and right, they saw tall buildings and vehicles passing by in the distance. After confirming that this was reality and not a supernatural place, the two of them felt a lot more at ease.

"Another guest has arrived. Please come this way. There are many taboos here. Let me show you the way." Suddenly, a man's voice sounded.

But I saw a young man coming over with a smile.

"You are..." Xianglan asked defensively.

"My name is Wang Shan, and I am the security guard here." Wang Shan smiled brightly in the sunshine. (End of chapter)

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