Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 185 Call Dad

Jiang Yan seemed to be resurrected again, running around and wandering around the five-story sales department.

"It's so big. This living room is so big. It's like going to a shopping mall."

"The second floor is the conference hall. This sofa is really nice. It's so comfortable to sit on."

“The third floor actually has a gym and a swimming pool, which is great.”

"Fourth floor. Hey, who is in that room?"

When Jiang Yan walked to the fourth floor, she saw the door of a room open, with dim lights flashing inside and sounds coming from it.

"Is it a human or a ghost?" She became a little scared.

Only then did I remember that I was the only one in such a big villa, and the surrounding silence was a bit scary.

"There will definitely be no ghosts in the residence that Yang Jian created." Jiang Yan felt a little more at ease with this thought, and she cautiously leaned over and took a look.

But I saw a person in the room sitting at the computer desk, playing games.

"Huh? There are footsteps." Zhang Wei, who was sitting in front of the computer, frowned and realized that things were not simple.

Listen and argue.

Zhang Wei immediately looked at Jiang Yan outside the door.

"Thief? There's nothing to steal here. Get out of here and don't stop me from playing games."

"I'm not a thief, who are you? Why are you at my house?" Jiang Yan said immediately.

"Your home? What evidence do you have to prove that this is your home? Just because you are wearing stockings on your legs? Or because you smell like mutton skewers?" Zhang Wei curled his lips and said disdainfully.

Jiang Yan said: "I am Yang Jian's girlfriend. This is the villa Yang Jian bought. Why is it not my home? Who are you? If you don't tell me, I will report it to the police."

"Yang Jian's girlfriend? Why haven't you heard that guy mention it?" Zhang Wei put down his headphones and stood up and said, "Are you really Yang Jian's girlfriend?"

"Of course, we often sleep together." Jiang Yan said.

Zhang Weidao: "Call daddy."


Zhang Wei said in a deep voice: "Yang Jian is my son. Now that you two have developed like this, shouldn't you call me dad?"

"Ah, uncle?"

Jiang Yan suddenly panicked and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry uncle, I didn't recognize you. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it just now. It's my first time here and I'm not very familiar with the situation here."

She apologized and bowed again.

He was afraid of offending Yang Jian's father.

"Call me Dad, call me Dad, and we will be a family from now on." Zhang Wei nodded.

"Dad~!" Jiang Yan shouted shyly and happily.

"Be good, I'll give you a hard drive as a wedding gift later." Zhang Wei said with satisfaction; "Go and play by yourself, don't disturb me from playing games."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Yan was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian's father was so young that he was addicted to computer games.

After leaving, Jiang Yan thought more and more something was wrong. Does Yang Jian have a father? Why haven't I heard him mention it? I heard him say that his mother was on a business trip and might come back soon.


Yang Jian moved all 400 kilograms of gold in at one go.

"I didn't expect ghost shadows to have such a use." He looked at the black shadow behind him.

The ghost figure was like a clothes hanger at the moment, with all the boxes containing gold hanging on it. As Yang Jian moved forward, he followed closely behind him. The 400 kilogram weight could not even lift up a shadow without a body.

Sure enough, you can't talk science in front of ghosts.

Take the gold to the fifth floor via the elevator and place it in a locked room.

In addition to the idea of ​​investing in the purchase of so much gold, more importantly, Yang Jian wanted to build a safe house.

A room covered with gold, isolated from attacks by evil spirits, and temporarily safe.

Of course, this is just an idea.

If you want to implement it, you need a very huge financial resource to support it.

Four hundred kilograms of gold obviously still pales in comparison.

But it doesn't matter. For the sake of the safety of my family in the future, it is worth it. No matter how bad it is, the gold can increase in value and be used temporarily.

There will only be less and less gold on the market in the future.

Once the supernatural incident completely breaks out, it will probably be difficult to get money to buy it in the future.

Therefore, Yang Jian is making plans for the future.

It is useless to keep money with you, you have to exchange it for something more valuable, not for enjoyment, but for a better survival.

This is why he spares no effort to make money.

"Yang Jian, does your dad live here too?" At this time, Jiang Yan found him and asked, "I seemed to have met your dad on the fourth floor just now."

"Your dad only lives here." Yang Jian said, "I passed away when I was in elementary school. I'm afraid you are not a ghost."

"Ah? But, there was a man upstairs who claimed to be your father just now. Don't scare me." At the mention of ghosts, Jiang Yan shrank instantly and hid behind Yang Jian.

Yang Jian said, "Is there anyone else upstairs? I'll go take a look."

He frowned and thought for a moment, there should be no one here except himself.

One to the fourth floor.

Jiang Yan pointed to the room with lights and said, "It's right there."

Yang Jian was not afraid, and walked over to take a look, only to see Zhang Wei sitting there playing games.

"I almost forgot, Zhang Wei has no place to live, so he will stay with me temporarily."

"Zhang Wei? Not your dad?"

"of course not."

Jiang Yan said: "Yes, but just now he clearly said that you were his son."

"He is still my grandson." Yang Jian said; "Don't bother me with such trivial matters in the future."

Jiang Yan instantly understood that she had been deceived by Zhang Wei.

He called Dad in vain.

Big loss.

Thinking of this, she felt ashamed and angry.

"Hey, Brother Leg is here? Do you want some chicken? The computer I just bought this afternoon has great performance." Zhang Wei saw Yang Jian's enthusiastic invitation.

Yang Jian took a look.

Four or five computers have been set up in the room, as well as a new computer desk. It seems that I plan to stay here to play games and become a homebody in the future.

"You still dare to go out and buy a computer, you are not afraid of death." Yang Jian said.

"I discovered that as long as I put a paper bag over my head, it didn't matter if I looked in the mirror, the ghost didn't appear in the mirror. I'm so damn smart."

Zhang Wei took a paper bag, put it on his head, and dug three holes to expose his eyes and mouth.

"But if I guessed correctly, the ghost should be in this room." Yang Jian said.

"Whatever, the mirrors here have been covered with things anyway. It will definitely be fine, don't worry." Zhang Wei concentrated on playing the game.

Not even being haunted could stop his determination to play games.

"You can play by yourself. I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. Tomorrow I have to go to the community to find out why the workers here are missing and why you are haunted by evil spirits. I don't want to lose the property here and not be able to sell it. I hope to make a fortune here in the future." Yang Jian said.

He can no longer play games in such a carefree manner.

After becoming a ghost controller, he was exposed to cruel things. He had a lot to think about, and he had matured inadvertently.

But compared to this kind of maturity after wandering on the edge of death, he yearned for Zhang Wei's simple life more.

A computer, a bed, and billions of assets.

It was rare to enjoy the treatment of a private swimming pool.

Washed away the faint smell of corpse.

Yang Jian suddenly remembered something.

Zhang Wei is here.

The ghost must be here too.

She knows how to pay attention to the mirror. Jiang Yan also reminded her before and asked her to pay attention.

But there is another person here.

That car saleswoman, Zhang Liqin.

She doesn't seem to know that this place is not very safe.

"It's not a bad thing, right?" Yang Jian frowned and suddenly lost the mood to take a bath. He immediately left the swimming pool and went to find Zhang Liqin.

Once Zhang Liqin is attacked and replaced by the ghost in the mirror, it's hard to say what will happen next.

"Sister Jiang, have you met Zhang Liqin before?" Yang Jian came to the room and asked.

At this time, Jiang Yan was hiding under the quilt and poked her head out: "I, I didn't see it. Are you sure there is really a ghost here?"

"Well, there is one, but it doesn't have much impact." Yang Jian said.

"Then, stop looking and go to bed quickly." Jiang Yan said with a sad face; "I will give this place to you. This little sleep is enough for me."

Without Yang Jian, she would definitely have insomnia today.

"No, Zhang Liqin doesn't know the situation here. Once she is killed, you will also be unlucky." Yang Jian said; "I will just remind her. Once you know the situation, it doesn't matter as long as you avoid it a little."

"Then come back quickly, I'll wait for you." Jiang Yan said.

Yang Jian didn't reply to her, but immediately turned around and left.

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