Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 228 Strange

The meeting did not last long and ended before noon.

Yang Jian, Zhang Han, and Sun Yi formed a team to patrol the DC area of ​​Dachang City. The requirement was to capture a third-stage ghost baby for Wang Xiaoming to study.

But everyone's tasks are the same, so there's nothing to be picky about.

Because they are paid, they are all more attentive, and there are not those who work hard but do not contribute.

"A city is so big, where can you find a ghost baby? The whole city is dark now, and most of the cameras have failed. Otherwise, you can try to adjust the surveillance." Sun Yi shook his head slightly and said; "I shouldn't have come to Dachang. Shi, the blind date used to be great, but now my wife has run away, and I don’t know if I can leave here alive.”

"I haven't even paid off my mortgage yet."

Zhang Han, who was in the passenger seat, smiled and said, "Do you still have the mind to take care of your mortgage?"

"Of course I have to take care of it. What if I die and no one has the mortgage and the bank takes it away? This is the only asset I have in my life." Sun Yidao.

"You are really miserable. If this incident can be solved, you will definitely make a fortune. Didn't you hear Wang Xiaoming's offer just now? If we can catch this ghost baby, you can make at least several hundred million."

There was a bit of excitement on Sun Yi's face; "Yeah, I'm really excited when I think about it this way, but I've agreed beforehand that I don't have much ability. I can only make up the numbers. I can't help at a critical moment. I can't help you." Most of my time is just to help you investigate the situation and be a pioneer."

"Your file is not in the Ghost Controller headquarters. I can't find it. If you don't mind, tell me?" Yang Jian, who was driving, asked instead.

Sun Yi smiled awkwardly; "You will see when the time comes, it is not a particularly useful ability."

"It doesn't matter. Let's talk about it if the situation arises." Yang Jian did not force him.

"But then again, Zhang Han, why are you willing to team up with me? You were also a member of the Xiaoqiang Club before, so it would be better to follow Ye Feng."

Zhang Han took advantage of his free time to smoke a cigarette and said: "I believe in your ability more than Ye Feng, and Ye Feng's temper is so bad that no one takes him seriously. He looks like the king of heaven. With him, If we form a team, I will definitely be cannon fodder.”

"Cannon fodder? Now you should have controlled two ghosts, so you are no longer cannon fodder." Yang Jian said.

"My situation is a bit special. I control two ghosts more just to survive. In fact, in terms of ability, it may not be as good as before." Zhang Han said.

"Why do you say that?" Yang Jian said.

Zhang Han said in surprise: "Don't you know? The method of prolonging the recovery of the ghost is actually to restrict the ghost. In a sense, this method also limits the growth of its own abilities."

"The closer you are to the stage of the ghost's recovery, the stronger your abilities will be, and vice versa."

"Is this Professor Wang's understanding?"

"Yes." Zhang Han said.

Yang Jian's expression moved slightly. These words seemed to be very different from the information he got from the human skin paper.

The method on the human skin paper is to actively resuscitate the ghosts, and use certain characteristics of the ghosts to find ways to control them.

Limitations and controls look similar, but actually produce completely different results.

In the end, is the human-leather paper method better or Professor Wang's method?

No one knows, not even Yang Jian himself.

Just as they were patrolling around the city, on the other side.

The team composed of Zhao Kaiming, Ye Feng, and He Chuan is responsible for the inspection work in the XC District of Dachang City.

Zhao Kaiming was holding a gold crutch, limping and gloomily walking down the street like a wealthy businessman.

Although the darkness around them is weird and makes people feel uneasy and frightened, for people like them, darkness is their friend and fear is their food, and they have long been used to it.

"The ghost baby incident is not that simple. The number of ghost babies is not the key. The haze that envelopes the entire city is the key." Zhao Kaiming said as he walked: "It is not that easy for Wang Xiaoming to solve this supernatural incident. Personally, I think that instead of Instead of helping, it’s better to find a way to leave Dachang City.”

"Ye Feng, what do you think? If you use your ghost teeth to bite a hole in this dark world, it shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Ye Feng, who was wearing a windbreaker and a hat and holding a cigarette in his mouth, was walking beside him. He smiled and said, "So this is why you teamed up with me? Do you want to escape?"

"It's not about running away, I just want to live." Zhao Kaiming said: "To put it bluntly, there are many large-scale supernatural incidents around the world, such as the ghost temple incident in the island country, the California church incident in the United States, and the museum in Europe. Incidents. I don’t need to tell you how many people died in these incidents.”

"There is no point in spending time here. As long as we leave Dachang City, we will be a hero again, not to mention that there is still Yang Jian in Dachang City."

Ye Feng pointed to the top of his head and said, "Do you know how much it costs to bite open this weird world and leave here?"

"But you controlled two ghosts. You should be able to withstand it." Zhao Kaiming said.

"What if I can't stand it? The risk I'm taking is too great. It's better to listen to Professor Wang's arrangements first. After all, I also need Professor Wang's commitment, such as completely revoking my wanted order, or allowing me to join the headquarters and cancel the order. If Yang Jian's murderous intention towards me is really irreversible, then I will consider escaping from here." Ye Feng said.

"Why bother? If the three of us join forces to kill Yang Jian, all your worries will be gone." Zhao Kaiming said coldly: "He Chuan, what do you think?"

He Chuan said ferociously: "Of course I agree. He brought the club down and I really want to settle the score with him."

Ye Feng, while smoking a cigarette, said with a smile: "I don't object if you want to deal with Yang Jian, but don't involve me. I know full well that you are using Wang Xiaoqiang and Wang Yue to kill Yang Jian. I was killed last time." I’m already unhappy that I got involved, but if you mention it again this time, I wouldn’t mind working with Yang Jian to kill you first.”

"Are you afraid of being beaten by Yang Jian?" Zhao Kaiming said with a serious look.

Ye Feng said, "Don't use such a low-grade provoking method. I don't mind telling you the truth. Yang Jian is not as simple as you think. There is a reason why he can survive until now. I personally feel that you can't beat him. To be honest." If there hadn’t been a supernatural incident this time, I would have been the next person to die.”

"He has grown up and is no longer a little kid who can be manipulated by others. He should be given some necessary respect and fear."

"I don't plan to run away from this supernatural incident. The club is gone and I need to find a stable backer. Professor Wang is very good. What do you think?"

After speaking, he smiled, still looking arrogant and with a somewhat mocking tone.

Fighting and killing Ye Feng is not recommended. In what age are we still fighting?

Zhao Kaiming suddenly stopped: "Since you said so, I won't force you, but what do you think of this mission?"

"If I can meet a ghost baby, I will naturally grab one and give it to Professor Wang." Ye Feng said: "Is it possible that I am really waiting to die here without doing anything? I am not that stupid. It is very unwise to fight among ourselves at this time. Yes, Wang Xiaoming is right, the efficiency of our actions is related to our survival rate."

But when he said this, his expression suddenly condensed.

Unknowingly, something was wrong with the surrounding situation.

Walking along the street from before, there were some pedestrians at first, and some shops had lights on, but when he got here, he suddenly found that the neighborhood was eerily quiet, with no sound at all.

The cold feeling seemed stronger than elsewhere.

"Huh?" Ye Feng frowned and stopped, wary of his surroundings.

"Something is wrong, He Chuan, please be careful."

Immediately, he looked at Zhao Kaiming in front of him with some suspicion.

They were patrolling with him all the way. Did he bring himself into this place on purpose?


Suddenly, He Chuan shouted loudly and shined his flashlight into a nearby alley.

"What did you see?" Ye Feng asked.

"There seemed to be a person standing at the intersection just now, looking at us, but in the blink of an eye he disappeared again." He Chuan said.

"Is it a ghost baby?" Ye Feng asked again.

"I don't know, it's just a figure walking past." He Chuan said.

Ye Feng looked around, but unfortunately his vision was not very good in this dim world, and many things were just blurry outlines.

If there are many things that look like human silhouettes, they include street lights in the distance, models in nearby shops, fire hydrants on the street, and shadows in corners.

"Leave here first." The uneasiness in his heart was quickly amplified, and Ye Feng turned around and left.

But when he turned around, he suddenly saw that the road behind him had disappeared.

There was just a lingering blue-black haze.

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