Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 338 Smiling Corpse

Yang Jian lit the ghost candle. The white ghost candle ignited a black flame and emitted black light. The ghost domain originally covered by red light seemed to be eroded by a layer of darkness. An indescribable feeling appeared in my heart.

It was like a ghost's eyes were restless, and an inexplicable fear arose.

It seems that if this ghost candle continues to burn, extremely terrifying things will happen here.

The white ghost candle was originally a failure derived from the red ghost candle.

Although this property of attracting evil ghosts is very special in a sense, it is also quite terrifying, especially if it is lit in such a supernatural place, no one can be sure that it will eventually attract the things above.

If you're lucky, you might be able to attract the ghost controlling Zhao Lei.

If you are unlucky, it will lead to unknown terrors, and there may be more than one kind of terror.

"It's ten seconds, you can't lie to me that I must extinguish this candle within thirty seconds." Xiong Wenwen looked at the cartoon watch in his hand and said very nervously.

Yang Jian's face was solemn and his whole body was tense. He did not answer Xiong Wenwen's words because he had to concentrate and pay attention to any movement around him.

Thirty seconds was not a long time. On the contrary, it was very short. But at this moment, he felt as if the time had slowed down countless times. The brewing atmosphere around him was so oppressive that it made people breathless.

Just fifteen seconds.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the aisle outside the restaurant. The footsteps were very heavy. Each step seemed to bear the full weight of the body, and there was no echo at all. Moreover, the footsteps came extremely abruptly, not Some came slowly from far and near, but appeared outside out of thin air.

Xiong Wenwen opened his eyes wide and immediately turned to look in the direction of the door behind him.

There was no doubt that the heavy footsteps outside the corridor were coming from here.

The ghost candle worked, and a certain ghost hidden in the hotel was attracted.

After only about five seconds, the footsteps suddenly stopped. Through the dim door of the restaurant, a tall black humanoid silhouette could be vaguely seen from behind the blurry glass door, standing there abruptly.

Black candlelight flickered.

I don't know if it was the shadows reflected on Yang Jian and Xiong Wenwen, or if there was really an unknown person standing behind the door.

"Yang Jian." Xiong Wenwen was so frightened that he screamed, subconsciously wanting to use the ghost's ability to predict the horrific events that were about to happen.

"Stay still, don't mess around. Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here. Now that you are in my ghost domain, not just anything can walk in."

Although Yang Jian didn't look back, the ghostly eyes on the back of his head had already seen the tall black humanoid figure standing there outside the gate.

They are less than ten meters apart, separated only by an unlocked sliding door.

There is no doubt that this is a ghost attracted by the ghost candle.

But his intuition told him that this was not the goal of his trip, because the ghost making faces was inside the restaurant, but the ghost outside the door was outside the restaurant. There was a high probability that it could not be the same ghost.

So Yang Jian didn't extinguish the ghost candle, he was still waiting.

The time came to twenty-five seconds.

Just at this moment, in the empty restaurant except for Yang Jian and Xiong Wenwen, a chair suddenly moved back a few centimeters strangely.

The chair scraped against the floor tiles with a sharp sound.

Yang Jian suddenly looked around.

It was the dining table that was used just now. The dining table was originally empty with only one vacant chair, but now it was that chair that was moved, and it was unknown when someone was sitting on that chair.

Yes, you read that right.

one person.

He was wearing leather shoes, a suit and leather shoes, but he couldn't see clearly. The reason why he couldn't see clearly was not because Yang Jian's ghost eyes didn't work, but because the man held a newspaper in both hands and raised it, blocking his face.

There is nothing wrong with this posture, it is the goal you are looking for.

Yang Jian's eyes suddenly shrank, and he immediately wanted to release the ghost rope's suppression and directly use the ghost rope's resuscitation properties to deal with the ghost.

However, before he could take action, the movement from behind made him break into a cold sweat.

Throughout the restaurant, every table and chair moved back.

The next moment, a person suddenly appeared on all the chairs that made noise. These people's clothes and seats were different. There were men and women, but their movements were surprisingly consistent. They raised their stiff hands, Each was reading a newspaper, and with just a glance at the back of his head, there were at least twenty or thirty people.


At this moment, the tall humanoid figure walking outside seemed to be attracted by Guizhu and wanted to come in. The sliding door was slowly opened.

The ghost candle's burning time has exceeded the thirty seconds set by Yang Jian, and has burned for forty seconds.

If this continues, Yang Jian and Xiong Wenwen will face an unimaginable ghost attack within a minute.

"Fight or retreat?"

Yang Jian was sweating on his forehead, and he had two thoughts in his mind at the moment.

Or take Xiong Wenwen to fight here. As long as he can hold on, he may have a chance to directly imprison the ghost here, but he may also fall into the trap of the evil ghost because of his reckless actions and die here directly.

Because there was something strange about this hotel that he didn't understand, and Yang Jian didn't know if it was a potentially huge hidden danger.


After Yang Jian thought briefly, he gritted his teeth and made a crazy decision.

He planned to have a head-on confrontation.

Because considering that this time I have a red ghost candle in my hand, I can ensure my safety and I have the capital to fight.

Yang Jian immediately blew out the white ghost candle. As the black candle light went out, everything around him became clearer.

But then he untied an old straw rope from his hand.

Once the ghost rope that is usually suppressed by ghost shadows is released, it will immediately turn into a resurrected ghost and start killing people indiscriminately. The scope is very large and can affect several streets or even an area, so every time When using it, Yang Jian must cooperate with the ghost domain to suppress the resurrected ghost rope within a certain range and maintain a controllable situation.

Once the ferocious ghost becomes controllable, it will become an alternative weapon belonging to Yang Jian.

"You actually carry a ghost with you?" Xiong Wenwen guessed it immediately when he saw the rope and took two steps back in fright.

Yang Jian caught him and stopped him from walking around: "I have a sense of propriety, stay here honestly."

Xiong Wenwen struggled hard, but how could the strength of a child compare to Yang Jian who had mastered the ghost shadow.

Although he used the ghost rope, Yang Jian did not intend to rely on the ghost rope to solve the problem at hand. He just hoped that the ghost rope could solve the problems it could solve and suppress all potential dangers, so that he could concentrate on There are some horrors that cannot be dealt with by ghost ropes.

After the ghost rope revived, countless old straw ropes immediately hung down in the entire restaurant.

There is a noose on these straw ropes, as if they were specially prepared for hanging.

This is not the first time Yang Jian has faced the resurrection of the ghost rope. He can completely suppress it with his ghost eyes, even if he is protecting Xiong Wenwen, there is no problem.

But the other so-called people in the restaurant are different.

The ghost rope fell on them, as if someone was controlling them, and put it directly around their necks, and then hung them up without any suspense.

Every person who was hung had their heads and limbs hanging down limply, and their bodies were stiff without any struggling movements. Obviously, the people who were hung were not people at all, but corpses. Only corpses did not have to worry about being hung by ghost ropes. stand up.

But after catching more than twenty corpses, as the newspapers in their hands fell, the red light of the ghost domain shone on them in the dim restaurant, illuminating their features.

The pale dead faces had a familiar but heart-wrenching smile.

And these people didn't know if they were really dead. As they were being hung up, all their eyes turned to look at Yang Jian.

He showed a weird smile, but all his eyes were focused on Yang Jian. This scene made him feel a chill to the bone, and a great crisis enveloped his whole body.

Because this weird smile was very familiar to Yang Jian. It was the grimace behind Tong Qian.

But the problem is that Tong Qian has been out of contact for several days, and the ghost who can steal people's faces and tamper with people's memories also controlled Zhao Lei and entered the hotel.

Two pieces of information are strung together.

The worst happened.

"Xiong Wenwen, use the ability to predict the future." Yang Jian immediately growled.

"I'm just telling you now. I thought you were really not afraid of death."

Xiong Wenwen complained. He had been shivering a long time ago. If Yang Jian hadn't heard the sound of the knife and fork hitting the porcelain before, he would have used the ghost's ability.

As Yang Jian spoke, Xiong Wenwen's face gradually began to turn pale, his aura of strangers began to weaken, and he gradually seemed to be turning into a ghost.

He still used his ability once.

Because Yang Jian realized that the first attack failed.

That ghost got Tong Qian's smiling face, and the level of terror was at least as high as that of the Grave Crying Ghost. This was an A-level supernatural event, and it was more complicated than an ordinary A-level supernatural event, because he had to face a powerful ghost. complex.

Even the protagonist of the balloon incident is still in the hotel.

As soon as Yang Jian finished speaking.

A gust of wind blew in the restaurant, and the newspapers that had fallen from the hands of the corpses were picked up and moved by the wind. One side of each newspaper was stained with blood, and there was an outline of a human face on it, along with the bloody newspaper. At the same time as it was swept over, all the corpses hung by ghost ropes had their mouths split at this time.

"Chuck, cluck~!"

All the hung corpses looked at Yang Jian and laughed like grimaces.

Visiting relatives is more tiring than Chinese New Year. I will resume updating tomorrow and start a long journey of catching up on updates.

I'm really sorry for the updates these days.

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