Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 343 Action on the Fourth Floor

The night in City Z seemed a little deserted.

Probably because the haunting stories gradually spread in the city.

Yang Jian temporarily chose to retreat and Xiong Wenwen rested in a temporary tent far away from the city. After all, they had to consider safety, so it was necessary to stay away from the Caesar Hotel.

But it is impossible for a city to be evacuated within a period of time, so except for some blocked places, most places still maintain the normal rhythm of life as usual, eating when they should eat, and going to work when they should.

But as events brew, this calm will soon be broken.

The Ghost Controller Headquarters is obviously aware of this, otherwise it would not be possible to recruit within a period of time. Feng Quan, Guo Fan, and Yang Jian, three top Ghost Controllers, came to support Tong Qian. In addition, even Several foreign aids were also invited to ensure that the incident was resolved quickly and the situation in Z City was stabilized.

However, over the city at night, the pale dead heads are still floating in the air.

Although you can't see them at night, it doesn't mean they don't exist.

This is a residential area in Z city.

Most of the residents had already closed the doors and windows, drawn the curtains, and turned on all the lights in the living room before it got completely dark.

Haunted rumors are no longer an urban legend, but have evolved into things happening around us. The residents living in Z City are not that stupid. Nowadays, information channels are developed, and there are various circles of friends and all kinds of information about human head balloons. The photos have been circulated, but we don’t know much about the real harm behind this incident. Otherwise, the residents of City Z would have fled the city in a hurry.

Of course, there are some die-hards who don’t believe this is a supernatural event.

Not everyone can easily reshape their cognitive outlook.

After all, this matter was still within the controllable range and did not cause large-scale casualties, or this matter did not appear around them.

Dai Yong, who lives in this community, is one of them.

He is in his early thirties and has a moderately successful career. Although he cannot be considered a successful person in this age group, he can still be considered a middle-class person.

But today, Dai Yong was not in a good mood, because the rumors about the head balloon in City Z had affected his work and caused a serious drop in his income.

"What kind of human head balloon can fool those old men and women? How old is this? If there really is a ghost, I would like to see it. I have never seen such a thing as a ghost in my life." Dai Yong said. He complained as he opened the door.

When he entered the house, he saw his five-year-old son sitting on the sofa watching cartoons.

"Lele, mom, why are you at home alone?" Dai Yong walked around the house but couldn't find his wife.

Lele said while watching cartoons: "Mom went down to play mahjong, dad, I'm hungry."

"This prodigal bitch, she can feel relieved that her child is alone at home, and she didn't even cook at this late hour." Dai Yong said angrily.

He was angry, but he couldn't ignore the child even if he didn't eat. He had to go to the kitchen to cook two dishes for dinner.

"Ding dong~!"

While Dai Yong was cooking, a text message was sent: Dai Yong, are you still at home? Why don't you leave City Z quickly? It's haunted there.

"I'm cooking for my kids. What's going on? Why did you start making noises too?" Dai Yong sent a text message back to his friend.

"It's true. I know a friend who works in the bureau. Just today, three helicopters flew to City Z. Do you know who those people are? They are members of the most mysterious ghost-catching department. And there are four people here at once. Something big is going to happen in City Z. I have already escaped and am texting you at the rest stop on the highway."

"Damn, you really ran away and stopped working? Are you going to starve to death?" Dai Yong replied again.

"You're dead, what kind of work do you do? Don't believe me. I have evidence. My friend took the photos secretly and risked going to jail." This message was followed by a photo.

It was a scene of a young man getting out of a car with a child of about ten years old, and the background of the photo was the highly cordoned off Caesar Hotel.

"Did you see that? The place they are going to is the Caesar Hotel that you went to when you were married. Your home should not be far from this place. I am sure that this hotel is definitely haunted. Have you seen the warning lines? ? There are special personnel patrolling with guns nearby." The text message came back.

"If you just take a photo and say someone is a ghost hunter, why don't you take a photo of a Taoist priest to make it more realistic? And are the people in the photo combined to be thirty years old?" Dai Yong smiled and replied in voice. .

His friend became anxious and said: "Don't believe it, this person was transferred from Dachang City. Although I don't know the specific information, there were rumors of haunting in Dachang City some time ago. This person was transferred from Dachang City to this place." It already explains the problem, so you should run away quickly. Not many people know the news at present, and I have only told a few relatives and friends."

Although Yang Jian's actions and work are highly confidential, as long as he comes into contact with people, there is no airtight wall.

After all, people involved in related work also have families. They know that when supernatural events occur, they will try their best to spread the news even if they risk being punished. And if it is spread to ten, it will be spread to hundreds. In fact, many people already know secretly. About the haunting of the Caesar Hotel.

This was not a starving ghost incident. The whole city was not blocked, so those who knew the inside story naturally fled quickly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. I'm going to eat. Let's talk next time." Dai Yong said perfunctorily and put down the phone.

He has heard a lot of gossip, and if he believed it, he would have believed it already. Even if a friend came to tell him in person, he would not change his position unless he saw it with his own eyes.

But there are some things that you cannot see with your own eyes, because seeing it means that terror and death are about to come to you, and then everything will be over.

"Lele, it's time to eat." Dai Yong came out of the kitchen with the freshly fried vegetables.

The son who was watching cartoons on the sofa in the living room was gone by this time.

Dai Yong searched for it, but found Lele standing on the balcony, holding a stool to prop his feet up, with most of his body already sticking out of the window. He was so frightened that he ran over and hugged her.

"Didn't I tell you many times not to climb up the window? If you accidentally fall, you will die." He shouted angrily.

Lele pointed out the window and said, "But mom is outside. I want to open the window and let mom in."


Dai Yong was startled. He looked out the window. It was pitch black and there was nothing.

This is the eighteenth floor, which is considered a high-rise residence. How could anyone be outside?

"Lele, you must have read it wrong. Mom is not outside. She is playing mahjong below. I called her to come back for dinner." Dai Yong said, then stood up and closed the window.

But just as he was closing the window, he suddenly froze.

Outside Sichuan, something seemed to be floating there about one or two meters away. It was dark like a balloon and could not be seen clearly.

However, the dark thing was floating and spinning in the air. When it turned to the front, as the lights in the room reflected it, a pale female face appeared in front of him. This human face looked like Exactly the same as Dai Yong’s wife.

No, this is his wife, with his familiar earrings on her ears.


Dai Yong, a man in his early thirties, turned pale with fear. His legs gave way and he fell to the ground. His eyes were full of fear.

Because there is nothing under the head, it is floating like a balloon.

Is the legend about the human head balloon incident in City Z true?

However, before Dai Yong could turn around, a gust of wind blew outside the window. The head floating outside slowly flew over with this gust of wind, crossed the window, entered the room, and moved closer to him intentionally or unintentionally. come over.

Dai Yong was so frightened that he wanted to take his son and run away, leave here and leave this city.

But when he looked to the side, he found that his son was standing motionless.

There was no head on his neck, and it was like a balloon flying away from his neck.

Despair and fear made Dai Yong let out a scream of collapse.

However, it was not just his family that had such things happen, the terror in Z City was still brewing, and this was just one of them.

In the Caesar Hotel, which is suspected to be the source of the incident.

Fourth floor.

Feng Quan was smoking a cigarette at the moment, resting against the wall with a frown on his face. His palms were trembling slightly, not sure whether he was nervous or afraid.

"Haven't you found a way out yet?" He took a deep breath of cigarette and said this.

Guo Fan came back with a dark face; "No, we have been lost for four hours since we came in. We are still wandering around in this corridor, as if we can never finish walking. Maybe we have entered a special kind of It’s difficult to get out of this ghost land by just walking.”

"It's a pity that Yang Jian took Xiong Wenwen to the second floor to investigate the situation. If we act together, we will never be trapped. His code name is Ghost Eye Yang Jian, and he is playing in the ghost world." Feng Quan said with a headache: "If after dawn There is no way out yet, so prepare to ask Yang Jian for help."

He is not afraid of the ghost realm, what he is afraid of is being trapped and unable to escape.

"If I have Guizhu, I don't need to rely on a kid who doesn't know what I mean." Guo Fan said.

Feng Quan shook his head and said: "Yang Jian is not that simple. He has experienced all the top supernatural events. This person is very special. How can I put it? Because he debuted early at a young age, he is very malleable. After all, he was lucky at the beginning. He can control and use Ghost Eyes in the Ghost Realm has great potential just like Li Jun. If the incident in City Z is solved by him again, he will be almost certain to be appointed as the captain."

"When did you start speaking for him?" Guo Fan said.

"He and I just have different ideas. I hate his character. He is too selfish. He is a typical small-people mentality. He is greedy for life and afraid of death. He is only interested in profit. He only cares about his own one-third of an acre of land. He doesn't care about anything else. Although this The survival rate is very high, but I look down on him, but I have to admire his ability." Feng Quan expressed his evaluation of Yang Jian.

"If his ability is given to me, when I become the captain, I will change the world, and then end this supernatural era and restore peace to the world. This is what a man should do."

Feng Quan revealed his dreams and ambitions.

Guo Fan looked at him and said nothing, because he felt that Feng Quan's words were too beautiful, and they were so beautiful that they felt a bit hypocritical. On the contrary, Yang Jian seemed to him to live a more real life, only for himself, not for others, and Same as myself.

Because the same is true for myself.

Solve supernatural incidents, make meritorious deeds, get promoted, and live longer, so that you can enjoy the beauty that money and power bring.

"Crunch. Bang~!"

But at this moment, the sound of the door opening and closing suddenly sounded.

Although the sound was not loud, it echoed clearly in the corridor, making people tremble and subconsciously tense up.

Feng Quan jumped up from the ground, his expression suddenly changed, "Did you show up?"

They had received news long ago that no one was living in this hotel. All the staff and guests had been evacuated several days ago, so it was impossible for anyone to live on the fourth floor.

"There's no movement again." Guo Fan listened but found that the surroundings were quiet again.

"Go over and have a look."

Feng Quan carefully followed the sound of the door opening, and he came to a corridor that had never appeared before.

There is still a red carpeted floor in front, and on the left and right are hotel rooms with room numbers hanging on them: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and so on.

"The place in front should not belong to this hotel." Guo Fan stopped walking and did not continue walking forward.


Guo Fan analyzed: "The room numbers in this hotel are not hung like this. I checked the information before. The room numbers here are all of the type 002, 004. There are no rooms that start directly from 1."

"A supernatural place?" Feng Quan frowned.

He didn't find it strange, because supernatural places were like this. They seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment, but some places were out of place, seemed strange and mysterious, and could not be explained.


However, at this moment, there was another sound of opening the door in the corridor. A guest room door far in the corridor opened slowly, but stopped when it was open.

The door was ajar, and a ray of light came from inside.

And through the half-open door, you can vaguely see the door number above: 31

The two people immediately remained quiet. They stared at the opened door, trying to determine what would come out of it.

But no.

The door was still ajar, but no one came out. However, through the ajar door, one could see someone walking around inside, and the light was constantly changing.

"Are you going to come?" Feng Quan was ready to take action, because he knew that if he made contact, it would most likely be due to contact with the existence of ghosts.

Guo Fan's face changed: "I can't bear to be trapped here waiting to go to Yang Jian for help tomorrow. Let's do it. Let's work together to solve it. With our ability, we don't need to figure out any rules. We can directly deal with ghosts." After all, the danger level of this ghost is only level B, but it was defined as A because of its excessive impact."

"Okay, let's act together." Feng Quan immediately nodded in agreement.

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