Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 372 New Balance

Forcibly put the two ghosts in Feng Quan's body back together to achieve a new balance.

To be honest, Yang Jian is not sure. It is extremely dangerous for a ghost controller to control two ghosts. Once they reach a situation of mutual suppression, the ghost controller needs to slowly adjust himself. This is equivalent to prolonging the It's time for the ghost to recover.

But this adjustment is not long-lasting. As time goes by, the two ghosts will continue to revive, until one day the balance is broken and the ghost controller dies and the evil ghost revives.

Feng Quan is now facing a situation where his balance is broken. Whether he can suppress the two ghosts in his body is unknown.

So Yang Jian was waiting and at the same time made another preparation.

If Feng Quan cannot return to normal, he will restrict Feng Quan here and then imprison him. He will never let the two ghosts in his body escape.

However, Feng Quan's current state is not good.

Grave soil continued to emerge from the outside of his body, and at the same time, thick fog shrouded the surroundings, sometimes dissipating and sometimes condensing.

The power of the two ghosts is affecting the surroundings.

A new equilibrium has not yet been formed.

Feng Quan was in great pain at the moment, struggling on the ground. He wanted to die, but he couldn't because the problem of the ghost's resurrection had not yet completely erupted. Some supernatural power maintained his life and kept him in an incredible state. Continue to survive.

But this situation will not last long.

Once a certain ghost in his body takes over, he will die here soon.

"It took a lot of hard work to change Feng Quan's memory. It would be a pity if he died here." Yang Jian thought to himself.

He has no feelings for Feng Quan, he just hopes to have another helper in the future.

Nowadays, with frequent supernatural incidents, Yang Jian is not sure that he can survive the supernatural incidents every time. He now feels that if he has a few teammates, it will be much easier to deal with the supernatural incidents in the future. However, most of the other ghost masters have evil intentions. , there are very few people who are trustworthy. If Feng Quan can survive this test, then Yang Jian will have one more trustworthy person in the future.

Even if this trust was gained through some shady means.

But in order to survive, Yang Jian didn't think there was anything wrong in what he did.

"Feng Quan, can you hold on?" Yang Jian asked tentatively.

"The state of the resuscitation of the grave soil is worse than expected, and Gui Wu can't suppress it." Feng Quan suppressed the pain and gritted his teeth and said; "I can only try my best. If I fail, don't be soft later." , imprison me directly, and absolutely cannot release two ghosts in Z city."

"Don't think the situation is so bad yet, I believe you can handle it." Yang Jian comforted him.

Of course, he was also prepared to restrict Feng Quan at any time.

However, as time passed little by little.

The ghost mist in Feng Quan's body was indeed unable to reach a new balance as he said, and was gradually retreating. More and more grave soil emerged from his body.

The dark brown soil covering his body seemed to be turning into a new grave mound again.

"He will fail if this continues." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, sensing that Feng Quan's situation was getting a little worse.

If he continues like this, he will definitely die from the ghost's resurrection.

There is no way for the two ghosts to regain balance.

After all, the grave soil was already in a state of complete recovery, but was suppressed by Yang Jian's headless ghost, while Gui Wu was still in a semi-resurrected state. The degree of terror between the two ghosts was no longer equal.

"Unless a third party joins in to suppress the resurrection of the grave soil, allowing Feng Quan to change from controlling two ghosts to controlling three ghosts, and reach a new balance." Yang Jian thought secretly in his heart.

But then he shook his head and felt that this plan could not be implemented.

Controlling three ghosts is even more difficult, and where can I find a third ghost for Feng Quan to control now?

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, thinking about some ways to see if he could help Feng Quan.

After all, the current Feng Quan was built by himself. If he died here, it would be a huge loss for him.

"Yang Jian, hurry up, I feel like I can't hold it anymore, take action immediately and restrain me." Feng Quan, who was struggling in pain, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment. His eyes were no longer human eyes, and his eye sockets were filled with blood. The dark brown soil can no longer see the flesh and blood that humans should have.

His body is gradually being covered by grave soil.

The ghostly fog that was still shrouding the surroundings before has completely disappeared.

The fog ghost was undoubtedly restrained by the grave soil and buried inside, leaving no room for resistance.

"I can use the headless ghost to help Feng Quan regain his balance again, but it is of little significance because my headless ghost cannot be permanently placed in Feng Quan's body to help him suppress the ghost's recovery." Yang Jian saw him like this I feel more and more like I'm going to fail.

But when he was thinking quickly, he came up with a very special method.

Maybe this will help Feng Quan.

"It's not time to give up yet. I'll make one last attempt. If I fail this time, I'll have to put you in a body bag." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the equipment he carried with him. A white candle was taken out.

This is also a ghost candle.

But unlike the red ghost candle, this is a ghost candle that attracts ghosts.

"You should know that this thing can attract the surrounding ghosts. I will light this candle next to your body. If everything goes well, part of the power of the ghosts in your body will be brought out by this ghost candle, and you must Use this period of time to regain control of the two ghosts and restore balance, but the ghost candle cannot last too long, I am worried that the supernatural beings from other places will be attracted, so you have to seize the opportunity."

Immediately, he lit the ghost candle and stood next to Feng Quan, who was about to form a grave.

White ghost candles burn with black flames.

The surrounding area immediately turned into a gray area, even the light was blocked.

An inexplicable and strange atmosphere filled the area.

The effect of the white ghost candle was very astonishing. Immediately, the grave soil covering Feng's body began to flow towards the direction of the white ghost candle as if it were alive.

The ghosts in the graves are attracted by the ghost candles.

Feng Quan's body, which was covered in the grave soil, gradually regained its shape. His body emerged from the grave mound again, and the pain on his body quickly eased.

But this situation won't always get better.

The grave soil will be attracted, and so will the ghost mist. The reason why the ghost mist has not moved yet is because it is suppressed by the grave soil.

But this repression will soon end.

And at the moment when the suppression ends, the two ghosts will reach equilibrium for a moment in Feng Quan's body.

This is the only opportunity Feng Quan can seize.


About two minutes passed.

All the grave soil on Feng's body was transferred to the side of the white ghost candle, forming a new grave soil there.

Part of Li Gui's power left Feng Quan's body.

But this kind of leaving is not a good thing, because once the ghost completely leaves Feng Quan, Feng Quan will definitely die based on his current physical condition. He needs the ghost in his body to maintain his life.

Another moment passed.

Feng Quan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly sat up. At this moment, he reached the balance between the ghost mist and the grave soil, and regained the ability to move.

"Brother Leg, hurry up." Feng Quan's face suddenly changed and he urged.

Of course Yang Jian understood what Feng Quan meant, and he immediately blew out the white ghost candle to make this attraction disappear.

But as soon as the ghost candle was extinguished, the newly formed grave soil began to flow into Feng Quan's body again.

"It seems that only by discarding this part of the grave soil can you regain your balance." Yang Jian stepped forward, and the ghost shadow covered him, cutting off the way back from the grave soil.

But the remaining grave soil still formed a small mound, and blood was gradually seeping out of the dark brown soil.

This is incomprehensible weirdness.

After all, Yang Jian has gone too far and divided a complete ghost that was about to revive.

"How is the situation now?" Yang Jian asked.

"Okay, much better. I feel like I'm back to my previous state. The problem of the ghosts' resuscitation seems to have been solved. Brother Leg, your method is really amazing. You used the white ghost candle to help draw out part of the ghosts in my body and let me Restore balance." Feng Quan said excitedly.

"That's good. Since it's alive, this thing is useless. I'll imprison it." Yang Jian looked at the separated pile of grave soil and put it into a body bag without hesitation.

The special body bag is made of gold. Even if something weird happens after the grave soil is put in it, it will be fine as long as it doesn't come out.


Yang Jian was relieved after doing all this.

After working for so long, I finally gained something. Feng Quan's problem was solved, and I could proceed more smoothly in the next step.

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