Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 400 Twisted Neck

Due to the sudden supernatural incident, the airliner did not choose to fly to City J. Instead, it chose to hover over an uninhabited wilderness in accordance with the orders from above until the incident was over or the fuel was exhausted.

At this moment, the passengers in the cabin were still unaware of the supernatural invasion.

No one would have thought that there would be something haunted on the plane in broad daylight.

But danger always comes unexpectedly.

In the dimly lit cabin, more than a hundred passengers were sitting very comfortably. Although the plane was flying at high altitude, it was very quiet, with no noise or turbulence.

In this environment, most of the people are drowsy. Even some passengers who don't want to sleep can't help but take a nap.

A male passenger named Zhou Hao is one of these passengers. Like most people, he took a flight to City J. Because he ate too much before boarding the plane, he felt a little thirsty and wanted to call the flight attendant to deliver him. He brought a bottle of water, but after checking around for several times, he found that there was not a single flight attendant on duty in the entire cabin.

He even pressed the pager several times in succession, but no one responded.

"What's going on?" Zhou Hao leaned forward slightly and looked back and forth.

He found that the aisle doors at the front and rear of the cabin were all closed. Except for other passengers, not a single staff member on the passenger plane could be seen.

In a quiet environment, he couldn't shout loudly at will, so he had to stand up and use the excuse of going to the toilet to see what was going on.

But as soon as he stood up, a uniformed air marshal came over immediately.

"Passenger, please return to your seat and do your best." Wang Dong performed his duties very seriously and maintained order in the cabin.

Zhou Hao said: "I just need to go to the toilet."

Wang Dong said: "It's not allowed now, but I hope you can bear with it."

"But I'm in a hurry." Zhou Hao felt more and more something was wrong.

Wang Dong continued; "No matter how urgent it is, there is a special situation on the plane. Our people are handling it. We hope you will cooperate."

A special situation occurred?

Immediately, the expression of the passenger named Zhou Hao changed, and many possibilities came to his mind.

Hijacking? Plane trouble? Is there a bomb?

"What happened?" Zhou Hao asked curiously.

"It's not a particularly serious matter. We will take care of it. Don't worry. During this period, I hope you will keep quiet, stay in your seat, and cooperate with our work. Thank you." Wang Dong said very seriously .

Zhou Hao was confused, but he had no choice but to return to his seat and sit down.

After Wang Dong comforted the passenger, he continued patrolling.

As long as he is here, he can still maintain the normal order as an air policeman. If he disappears or hides, it will cause inexplicable panic.

However, as this strange sign appeared, although Wang Dong's face was calm, he felt very uneasy walking in the dark corridor, and even his whole body couldn't help but become tense.

Yang Jian's words before made him feel inexplicable fear.

The ghost might be one of the passengers.

This sentence gave Wang Dong a creepy feeling every time he passed by a passenger.

"I hope nothing will happen." Wang Dong could only comfort himself in this way, and at the same time placed his hope on Yang Jian.

Only he should be able to handle this kind of thing, after all, the superiors trust Yang Jian so much.

Just when he was patrolling somewhere else.

The male passenger named Zhou Hao just now became more and more confused after sitting down. Although he didn't know what happened, judging from the atmosphere on the plane, it seemed that something terrible was going on. occur.

A lot of strange things came to mind.

At the same time, I couldn't help but start looking around, hoping to determine what happened to the plane.

Just as Zhou Hao was looking around, a passenger in front suddenly caught his attention.

The passenger was sitting three rows in front of him by the window. Due to the seat problem, he could only see half of the back of the passenger's head.

It wouldn't be surprising if that's all it was, because every single passenger in the front seat was like that.

But what surprised Zhou Hao was that there was a palm lying on the back of the passenger's head.

The palm was pale and bloodless, with spots on it, green and purple, like the palm of a dead person.

But at first glance, he didn't think much of it. He just glanced at it casually and wanted to look away.

However, the next moment, Zhou Hao saw the passenger slowly raise his arm, put his palm on his face, and slowly turn his head.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly shrank, his hair stood on end, and fear surged out of his heart. The blood in his body seemed to be frozen, and he was shocked.

Because the seat next to the passenger in front was empty and no one was sitting at all.

In other words, when the passenger raised two hands to press his cheeks, it was impossible for a third hand to appear.

So, whose hand could it be that was placed behind that passenger’s head?


Almost subconsciously, something that only appeared in stories occupied all the thoughts in Zhou Hao's head.

After realizing this, fear suddenly spewed out again. Zhou Hao's body seemed to have lost consciousness. He didn't do anything. He just stood there blankly and looked at the back of the head of the person in the third row by the window.

He wanted to shout a reminder, but there was no movement after opening his mouth.

At the same time, Zhou Hao also thought with fear in his heart, why was there no reaction at all when a palm was placed behind his head?

But don't wait for him to think more.

The back of the head in front slowly continued to rotate.

At first, the head was facing forward, but now it was facing the window on the right. At 90 degrees, it should be the limit of a person's neck, but the back of the head seemed to have no intention of stopping and continued to rotate.

"Click, click~!"

Zhou Hao even heard the slight sound of neck bones breaking, and the head of the passenger with half of the back of his head exposed was still turning.

And it seemed that he was holding his own face and turning it.

This, is this something a human can do?

Soon, his head turned half a circle, and Zhou Hao saw that the back of his head had turned into half his forehead.

Four or five pale fingers were exposed on his forehead.

Oh my god.

There is another palm lying on this person's face.

At this moment, Zhou Hao almost collapsed. He wanted to scream in terror, but his body refused to obey due to the extreme fear.

"Click, click."

The sound of bones breaking due to excessive twisting in the neck still sounded. Although it was very subtle, it still echoed around.

The passengers in front and behind seemed unaware of the movement.

The back of the head appeared again in Zhou Hao's realization.

That head has turned around in a full circle.

If it were a normal person, it would be impossible for him to still be alive. He would definitely be dead.

But the passenger seemed to be fine, still raised his arm and put his palm on his cheek, and continued to spin for the second time.

The pair of pale, bruised, corpse-spotted palms were still covered there, moving forward and back, twisting the passenger's neck in conjunction with his hands.

There was no screaming, no wailing, and not even a hint of struggle in the whole process.

The neck is turned like this.

Zhou Hao just looked at it like he was scared.

As time passed, he didn't know how many times the neck turned, and he didn't count it. He only knew that in the end, the neck was stretched a bit due to excessive twisting, causing the passenger's head to gradually rise from under the seat, and suddenly Dots appeared in his sight.

It was the face of a middle-aged man. His face was now black and purple, uglier than the face of a dead man. His eyes were wide open, full of fear and despair.


Finally, all Zhou Hao's fears broke out, and he let out a hysterical scream, rolling and crawling back like crazy.

This scream made everyone in the cabin look this way, and some sleeping people were also awakened.

Yang Jian, who was sitting in the first-class cabin, looked as normal when he heard this voice. He just said calmly: "The ghosts started killing people."

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