Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 461 Forced splicing

Since the beginning of the operation, after lighting the ghost candle to attract the ghost, everything that happened exceeded Yang Jian's expectations. All kinds of strange and dangerous emergencies kept coming, without giving him any extra time to think about it. One wrong move will result in a total loss and everyone will die here.

"What exactly is going on?"

Yang Jian gritted his teeth, shocked and angry.

He released his ghost hand and opened the golden bottle containing ghosts. This move undoubtedly increased the number of ghosts on his side, and it must have exceeded the maximum number of ghosts in the ghost coffin that could be suppressed.

Therefore, the absolute suppression formed by the ghost no longer exists, otherwise Yang Jian would not be able to use the ghost's ability to save Wang Jiang.

But the question is, when it comes to the number of ghosts, we clearly have the advantage, so why are the ghosts still attacking people?

The condition for placing an order should no longer be met.

Have the rules changed?

Or did the face-to-face contact with ghosts produce unpredictable and strange changes?

He didn't know, and he didn't have time to think and judge. At this time, there were many crises around him. Even Yang Jian could only take one step at a time, trying various things like walking on a tightrope, struggling to find a way to survive.

"The ghost hand has revived."

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the ghost controller named Huang Ziya.

A pale, bloodless, stiff palm rested on her shoulder, and the palm began to disappear from her sight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is not a good sign.

Once this weird palm disappears, it means that the ghost has returned to its previous state and entered the third ghost realm. After that, it will form a terrible curse and start killing people around it. ,

Although Yang Jian didn't know what the killing conditions of this weird palm were, it wasn't important.

Because they cannot reduce the number of people, otherwise once one person dies, their own ghosts will lose control, and the original situation will be completely out of control.

"Suppress this weird palm first."

With almost an instant reaction, Yang Jian made a decisive choice. Before the ghost hand completely disappeared, he immediately controlled the headless ghost to attack.

His current condition is no longer enough to open the third level of ghost realm.

Once this weird palm disappears, everyone here will have no ability to resist this ghost.

Because others do not have ghost realms and cannot find the source of this curse, they can only be killed passively, or be exhausted to the limit and die from the resurrection of their own ghosts.

However, Yang Jian dared to release this ghost hand first and also prepared countermeasures.

The most restrained thing about headless ghosts is this kind of incomplete ghost.

A tall black figure was hidden in the darkness, standing silently next to Huang Ziya, but she herself felt nothing, not even reacting to the appearance of the ghost hand on her body.

This is not because she is not alert enough, but because her attention is not on her side, and she is wary of the more terrifying ghost around her.

The moment the pale and bloodless palm disappeared, a black shadow enveloped the palm.

The ghost shadow instantly invaded this ghost hand.

The ghost hand that had become blurry and was about to disappear seemed to have lost its weirdness at this moment, and suddenly froze.

Before the hand entered the third level of ghost realm, Yang Jian's headless ghost successfully caught it and successfully restrained it.

It's just that the headless ghost caused an unexpected change the next moment after grabbing the ghost hand.

The tall, dark, headless shadow was no longer under Yang Jian's control at this moment. It walked straight towards Yang Jian and began to return to his body.

"Oops, what I was worried about happened." Yang Jian's eyes narrowed. He felt that the headless ghost seemed to be acting according to an instinct. Although it was dead, this instinct was still there.

It wants to piece together the body of a fierce ghost.

Now that you get this palm, it is equivalent to getting a piece of the puzzle.

So this piece of the puzzle couldn't wait to be put together on Yang Jian himself, and Yang Jian couldn't resist this instinct.

It was okay before, but now, his body has deteriorated and the instinct of the headless ghost has taken over, and he can't even fight against the ghost he controls.

This is a state of control.

In the past, when Yang Jian was controlling the headless ghost, it often happened. Every night, the headless ghost would lose control and attack people around him. At that time, Jiang Yan was attacked several times, but every time he was attacked. Stopped.

But now, he couldn't stop it and could only watch this scene happen.


The headless ghost returned to his body, but at the same time it brought back a pale, bloodless palm.

Just like joining building blocks together.

Yang Jian's own palm was strangely disconnected and fell to the ground. The other palm smoothly replaced the position of his original palm and became his new hand.

The splicing is completed.

The headless ghost's out-of-control state ended, and Yang Jian immediately felt a cold breath flowing down his arms and invading his body.

The position of my palm lost consciousness, the touch and pain disappeared, and a foreign body feeling that did not belong to me appeared in my heart.

What was frightening was that when Yang Jian tried to move his hand, he was able to control this pale and strange palm to move according to his thoughts.

"Is this the headless ghost forcibly splicing the ghost hand to my body? My own balance is likely to be broken by the entry of this third ghost, and my death may be even worse."

Yang Jian gritted his teeth. Although he was unwilling to be manipulated by the ghost and replaced one of his palms, it was impossible for him to replace it now.

Because this palm is an active ghost, without the suppression of the headless ghost, it will start killing people, and it cannot be removed and imprisoned, because so far he still needs this ghost hand to make up the number.

In other words, in this current situation, he can only keep this ghost hand on his body.

"Ignore it for now, let's talk about it after the matter is over." Yang Jian quickly picked up his fallen palm.

Not wanting to give up his original body, he put it in a box and packed it up.

"Yang Jian, did you hear that?"

Suddenly, Zhang Lei's nervous voice sounded: "After Wang Jiang was rescued, I seemed to hear the sound of a bottle falling to the ground behind me. What happened over there? Do you need help? I feel that the situation is very serious. Not good."

The sound of a bottle falling to the floor?

Yang Jian had just focused on preventing Guishou from reviving, so he didn't pay attention to anything else. Now Zhang Leiyi immediately looked back.

A golden bottle is shaking slightly on the ground. The mouth of the bottle has been opened. It is empty inside. You can see the bottom at a glance. There is no weird and ominous atmosphere like before.

The ghost inside has escaped!

House seemingly endless rain.

Bad things happen one after another, and every accident makes people feel desperate and suffocated.

"There is a ghost that was not suppressed and was accidentally released by me." Yang Jian told the news with a sullen face, while looking around, trying to find the ghost that was released.


Frightened voices sounded one after another.

Yang Jian said: "The situation is different from what I imagined before. The ghost attack on Wang Jiang made me misjudge the situation. Although rashly increasing the number of ghosts prevented us from being killed by the ghosts here, the ghosts I released also caused Big trouble."

"Then what should we do now?" Wang Jiang had just escaped death and was still breathing a sigh of relief when a bigger crisis came again.

"You can control one end but not the other. It's very difficult to achieve absolute balance. You are all ghost masters. Now you can feel it. Can you still use your abilities?" Yang Jian said.

"It can be used. It's not completely out of control like before." Zhang Lei said.

Yang Jian said, "That's enough. This shows that the number of ghosts on our side has an advantage. This is very important. Now I think the balance has been reached. The next step is to find other ghost controllers."

"Wait a minute, didn't you release another ghost? Doesn't it care?" Huang Ziya said hurriedly.

Yang Jian narrowed his eyes: "The ghost was released from the bottle because of the ghost candle, so I'm sure the ghost is around us and has definitely not left. It's just that I haven't found it yet. But what are you afraid of? Us With five ghost masters, even if the ghost appears, we can suppress it immediately."

"The ghosts outside are what we are most worried about, aren't they?"

Compared with the ghost in the bottle and the ghost in the coffin, the latter is more frightening, while the former at least has the confidence to deal with it.

"Come with me now. Some problems will be solved as they are discovered. If you just want to stay here, you will have to wait for death."

Although Yang Jian knew that there were still unresolved problems, time did not allow them to waste any more time.

You must take action immediately to lure away the ghosts around you.

Only in this way can he continue to observe the surrounding situation and see if the possibility of survival mentioned on the human skin paper is true.

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