Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 516 Plan Confirmation

Yang Jian, Wan Delu and others were relatively harmonious at the wine table.

Although most of the time Wandelu's several managers and the celebrity-level beauties invited nearby were flattering and flattering Yang Jian in various ways, they still occasionally asked for some key information.

Of course, in Yang Jian's opinion, this method of questioning is almost like a cliche.

It's just that the wine table culture is like this. Yang Jian doesn't mind revealing some information to them. After all, these information are irrelevant to the people in the circle. It's just that people outside the circle are kept in the dark and don't know at all. That’s all.

Wan Delu showed great interest in buying a stake in Yang Jian Company. Perhaps in the eyes of a businessman, only partners and acquaintances can be considered partners if they cooperate in terms of interests. Some things on the scene did not make him feel at ease.

The star-level beauty next to her showed her courtesy more frequently, and she didn't even need Wan Delu to tell her what to do.

After truly understanding the horror and horror behind the truth of this world, who can remain calm?

But when Yang Jian was eating, he was on the other side.

The top floor of Ping An Building.

Some influential people in the circle of friends gathered together again. They started a new round of discussions listening to the intelligence and negotiation content brought back by Li Yao from the hotel.

"This is the general content of the conversation. Yang Jian's attitude is very firm. My public relations failed and he refused to join the circle of friends. However, he did not refuse completely. He said that he might reconsider joining after he becomes the captain." Li Yao Holding a report, he said: "Moreover, Yang Jian also gave us a serious warning. He said that if people in his circle of friends want to make a fuss about Gao Zhiqiang's death, he is willing to accompany him to the end."

"Arrogant, but this is also in line with Yang Jian's character. This guy is just a fool. Threats like this are useless to him. After all, he became a ghost controller at a young age. He lacks a beating from society and is arrogant. It's normal." Jiang Shangbai didn't show any surprise when he heard the report.

He nodded and even felt that the report was roughly the same as what he had guessed.

"Have you told him about the 20 billion?" The middle-aged man in a suit named Mr. Fei pondered for a moment.

Li Yao said: "I said it, Yang Jian's answer is: For people like us, money is of no use anymore."

"So, he is also a person who is not interested in money?" Someone sneered.

"I have a plan to make that Yang Jian obediently join the circle of friends. Please listen to me." The speaker was He Tianxiong, who was not very smart as usual and just opened his mouth to make a plan.

Mr. Fei waved his hand and interrupted him; "Don't try to win over this Yang Jian. This guy is not a fool. He is very smart and decisive. He is not that easy to deal with. I asked Li Yao to make a promise to him." The 20 billion didn't really want to win over him, but I wanted to use the 20 billion to buy this month's time. At the moment, the ghost incident and the captain's plan are at a critical moment. As long as this period of time can be stabilized, when all the dust settles, After that, there is no need to pay attention to that Yang Jian."

"If he is willing to agree, we will get the greatest benefit at the lowest price. Unfortunately, this Yang Jian's answer is to wait until he becomes the captain before joining the circle of friends. This already shows that he has seen through my intentions and has not fallen into the trap. , At such a young age, he is not moved by the 20 billion in front of him, which shows that he is very clear-headed and understands the priorities clearly."

Jiang Shangbai's face darkened when he heard this: "So he threatened us by mentioning Gao Zhiqiang's matter?"

"It's not a threat, it can be seen as a determination to fight to the death. He used Gao Zhiqiang as an example to tell us that if we really want to fall out, Gao Zhiqiang will be our fate. There is no such thing as a discussion and then we can stop it. Once we cross the line, we will fight to the death." ." Mr. Fei said this and smiled softly: "It's a very smart approach. There is no compromise or negotiation. Either our circle of friends and Yang will be in peace, or they will destroy each other."

"Can this be called smart? I think you have no brains."

"Isn't this smart? Cutting flesh with a knife seems to be painless, but by the time you react, you will have been slowly eaten. Instead of resisting when you wake up, it is better to show the bottom line from the beginning." Mr. Fei said.

"But my test is over. I have two decisions to make regarding Yang Jian. Either leave him alone and let him become the captain so that more forces can get involved, or kill the captain's plan before it even starts. This can both deter other people." People can also expand the influence of our circle of friends and prevent Yang Jian from becoming a stumbling block for us in the future. However, this matter has a lot to do with it. After all, he is a top ghost controller who has dealt with S-class supernatural incidents. He wants to do it without talking. It’s all done, it requires careful planning.”

"I've finished speaking. Let's vote by a show of hands. I agree to knock Yang Jian's hand off."

After Mr. Fei finished speaking, he immediately raised his hand.

He thinks Yang Jian is a threat, a lunatic, and it is better to get rid of him now than to wait for him to become bigger and set the table later.

Moreover, Yang Jian's death is also a guarantee for him. If Yang Jian really becomes out of control in the future, it is inevitable that he will not be liquidated for what he did today.

"Wouldn't it be over if I didn't tell you earlier? You still have to listen to my plan." That He Tianxiong raised his hand without hesitation.

"I agree to kill Yang Jian. He is too much of a hindrance. This guy has already killed Gao Zhiqiang and has a great impact on our future plans. We can't do it without giving some indication." Some people raised their hands.

Soon, most of the dozen or so people on the conference table raised their hands one after another.

There are still a few left who are hesitating and thinking.

"Jiang Shangbai, what, you don't agree?" He Tianxiong glanced to the side and saw that Jiang Shangbai did not raise his hand.

Jiang Shangbai said calmly: "To be honest, Yang Jian is just one of the many ghost controllers. Even if we kill him, there will be a second and third Yang Jian in the future. It is impossible for us to control the whole world." Even the headquarters cannot control the situation. It’s not that I disagree with killing Yang Jian, but it’s meaningless.”

"It's like fighting for no reason. It will only cause losses and not bring about real changes."

"The purpose of Yang Jian's plan to become captain is a stumbling block used by Cao Yanhua to suppress our circle of friends. The threat from Yang Jian is indeed not great now, but he already has his own influence. You also saw it at the meeting, Zhong Shan, Feng Quan, Li Jun, and even Cao Yang all support him. Once he becomes the captain, as long as he goes to that station, others will become a big force. We really can't control the overall situation, but at least we have to wait until the captain's plan is over. Ensure that the circle of friends remains the number one ghost control force in Asia."

"The advantage will eventually be converted into a survival rate, allowing us to live better in this terrible world." Mr. Fei said: "Jiang Shangbai, do you think this reason is enough?"

"Since you said so, I have no objection." Jiang Shangbai said.

This is a matter decided by people in the circle of friends. Although he hesitates a little, he cannot interfere in such a big decision.

However, he was still worried about whether he could successfully defeat Yang Jian.

That guy is currently the only person in the headquarters who can survive two S-class supernatural events. Is this kind of person really as simple as he seems on the surface?

Soon, the minority obeyed the majority, and there was a result in dealing with Yang Jian.

In the conference room, Li Yao was shocked when she heard such a decision, but she remained calm on the surface.

"Have these people decided? They want to kill Yang Jian before the captain's plan starts."

At this moment, she felt that Yang Jian's worries were correct, and she had prepared herself in advance, so that she could act first if there was any trouble.

"Now that it has been decided, who will take action?" At this moment, Jiang Shangbai asked again.

"This matter needs to be resolved secretly and quickly. If you can't do it, it's probably not Yang Jian who will die when we meet, but you. The name of Ghost Eye Yang Jian must be taken seriously here. I think it's okay to ask for help." It’s best to take action personally, so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong.” Mr. Fei said.

At this moment, everyone looked directly above the conference table.

A man wearing casual clothes with a somewhat lazy posture was lying on a chair with his feet crossed and resting.

His name is Fang Shiming. He is currently recognized as the top ghost controller in the circle of friends and one of the earliest ghost controllers. Although he looks less than thirty, his qualifications are older than Feng Quan. In addition, he is also the responsible person of a city. people.

"Oh, is there any result yet?" After everyone looked at him in silence for a moment, Fang Shiming slowly lowered his legs and looked at everyone listlessly.

"Mr. Fang, if you find it troublesome and don't agree with this plan, we can change the plan." Mr. Fei said.

Fang Shiming glanced at him: "Don't provoke me, killing the Ghost Controller has no impact on me. The world is not ready to accept aliens like us. Yang Jian is indeed a little too jumpy. Since you have already discussed it, Well, then just kill him."

In his mouth, it was as if killing Yang Jian was just killing an ordinary person.

"We need a chance. We can't let Yang Jian die in an unknown way, otherwise the headquarters will be suspicious of us." Mr. Fei said.

He Tianxiong said: "I have a plan to lure him back to Dachang City and intercept him halfway."

Fang Shiming ignored this guy and just said: "Then let him die in the next supernatural incident. Dead people cannot speak. No one will know that I killed Yang Jian."

"We'll have to wait for the opportunity."

"It won't be long. The ghost painting and ghost mission incidents are an opportunity. Wang Xiaoming is not sure that he can solve the two S-level supernatural incidents. One incident will definitely get out of control. All he needs is a little guidance to involve Yang Jian." Fang Shiming He said slowly.

"I'll prepare a plan." Mr. Fei said.

Fang Shiming said, "If something goes wrong this time, just disappear by yourself."

"Understood." A trace of cold sweat broke out on Fei Zongzong's head.

What he fears most here is Fang Shiming. This guy looks like he sleeps in all day long, but in fact he can control almost the entire circle of friends.

"You must tell Yang Jian the news quickly." Li Yao was extremely anxious at the moment.

I didn't expect that Yang Jian would take it so seriously. In order to kill him, he used the top ghost controllers in his circle of friends. Not only that, he also made a plan to make him die in the next supernatural event.

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