Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 541 The Hidden Danger of Disappearance

“This is bad”

On the outskirts of the city, a soft murmur came from a dark and deserted road. A large amount of blood was flowing on the ground nearby, and a strange and pungent smell of blood floated in the cold air around it. taste.

A man was sitting weakly on the side of the road. He was breathing heavily, frowning and gritting his teeth as if he was trying his best to endure some kind of pain.

"After all, there was an accident, but I really tried my best this time. Who would have thought that the ghost Guo Fan unleashed was so terrifying that he almost couldn't bear it and died here."

In the darkness, Chen Yi raised his head slightly, staring at the receding darkness in the distance with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

In the darkness in the distance is a ghost candle.

Although I paid a certain price, I finally managed to renew the second ghost candle.

But the result was not ideal.

Chen Yi is still frightened when he thinks back to the previous scene. At that time, he was attacked by Guo Fan's ghost. Zhong Shan directly blew out the ghost candle because he was afraid of being killed by the ghost painting. This caused the ghost that came out of the ghost painting to lose its power within a period of time. Although it was only for a short time, he managed to survive.

The ghost candle was also successfully ignited by other ghost controllers from the headquarters who were responsible for the response.

However, the situation has not returned to what it was before.

After the second ghost candle was lit, the number of ghosts attracted decreased.

Two of the five ghosts that came out of the ghost painting disappeared inexplicably, and only three remaining ghosts were still following the ghost candle.

"The Ghost Realm of Ghost Painting and the Ghost Realm of Ghost Sashi disappeared together. The situation between the two ghosts has changed. Now there are flaws in the Ghost Candle attraction plan and the traces of the two ghosts are missing. This will be a... If the huge hidden danger is not found out as soon as possible, the ghost painting incident is likely to break out again, and this time the location will not be abroad."

Chen Yi closed his eyes slightly painfully.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with this plan. The step of attracting ghost paintings and suppressing ghosts was very successful.

There is no problem at all in luring away ghost paintings.

But there was something wrong with Guo Fan's part. Why was the ghost out of control before this guy even recovered?

"Chen Yi, you look terrible like this. Are you going to die?"

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared nearby, and then a person's image seemed to appear out of thin air. The next second, he stood strangely in front of him.

Only then did Chen Yi open his eyes and look up slightly: "Jiang Shangbai? Has the headquarters sent you, a guy with a ghost domain, to support you? How is the situation now?"

"You speak more rationally. It seems that your situation is not as bad as you thought." Jiang Shangbai smiled softly, and at the same time he let down his guard slightly.

Once Chen Yi dies, he will not be alone.

"The situation is neither good nor bad. The plan to attract ghosts is still in progress, but the two missing ghosts can no longer be found. At least I walked around the whole city and couldn't find anything suspicious. I feel that the things have completely disappeared. Same thing."

Jiang Shangbai stopped smiling and frowned slightly.

"It's lurking now."

Chen Yi's eyes darkened: "After all, a ghost has just been dealt with. Even ghost paintings of this level must have been affected. Otherwise, it would be impossible for even the ghost realm to disappear. Professor Wang's inference is correct. Ghost paintings It has also been suppressed. The current danger level of ghost paintings is definitely not up to the real S-level. If nothing happens this time, we will deal with two S-level supernatural incidents in one go."

"It makes sense. Ghosts and ghosts restrain each other. After all, ghosts have the ability to suppress other ghosts without any solution. It is reasonable for ghost paintings to be affected." Jiang Shangbai nodded: "But accidents are always inevitable, right? Although the ideal situation would be to resolve two difficult incidents, reality does not allow it."

"I think you don't have to worry about this for now. Just take a rest. The ambulance will be here soon."

After saying that, he took a deep look at the current Chen Yi.

A vehicle passed by in the distance, and under the light, Chen Yi's figure, hidden in the darkness, emerged.

He is now covered in blood, and the skin on his body is no longer visible. What is exposed is the muscles that are constantly leaking blood. Even his scalp and face have completely disappeared. It is as if someone has shaved off a layer of it alive. When the human skin comes off, those who look at it are frightened.

According to scientific calculations, with this degree of injury and the amount of bleeding, Chen Yi would have been dead long ago. However, apart from enduring great pain, he did not look like he was going to die at all.

"What a fucking waste." Chen Yi couldn't help but cursed at this moment.

"If it hadn't been for Guo Fan's problem, there wouldn't have been so many things."

"Guo Fan?" Jiang Shangbai showed a playful smile: "He is fine now. I and the ghost have just switched over again. I confirmed that his condition is not good, but he is still far away from the recovery of the ghost. "

"What?" Chen Yi looked at him in surprise.

Recovered again?

How can this be.

Without controlling new ghosts or using other means to suppress the resurgence of powerful ghosts, no one has ever recovered from the edge of losing control.

Because the process of the ghost's recovery is irreversible.

The moment you lose control, it means death and being killed. The ghost will never be so kind and let you go.

"I'm surprised too, but he's fine." Jiang Shangbai shrugged.

"Forget it, I don't want to deal with this waste now. Since his ghost is back, where is my human leather jacket?" Chen Yi's eyes moved slightly, and he stopped thinking about Guo Fan's special situation.

There will naturally be an investigation by the headquarters after this incident, which is not his concern.

"Still standing over there, I know that thing is dangerous and I don't dare to get close." Jiang Shangbai pointed not far away.

Over there, a dim person stood motionless. If you look closer and observe carefully, you will be horrified to find that this person is not a person at all, but a complete human skin without a body and empty inside. This person The appearance of the skin and facial features are exactly what Chen Yi looked like before.

No, it should be said that Chen Yi's appearance is not his original appearance at all, but has always been displayed in front of everyone in this human skin appearance.

As for Chen Yi's true appearance, it is estimated that only he or his former relatives and friends know about it.

The human skin is like a living person standing near the woods. Although it is motionless, everyone who knows it knows that this human skin coat is waiting for a living person to pass by.

Once you get close to a dangerous range.

The empty human skin coat will be filled with a living person and become a part of the ghost.

The killing rules are quite simple, but when Chen Yi first came into contact with him, this man in leather clothes could not stand up on his own initiative.

Now the human leather clothes are becoming more and more weird and uncontrollable.

Chen Yi struggled to stand up and walked towards the direction of the human leather clothes.

Now he and the ghost are inseparable. Previously, due to the attack by Guo Fan's ghost, the human skin suit was suppressed. In order to survive, he could only abandon the ghost and shed his skin to escape.

However, Chen Yi, who lost his human skin suit, could not live long.

He has been wearing human leather clothes for a long time, and his body has been badly eroded by ghosts. He can only survive by maintaining the previous balance.

Otherwise, Chen Yi would die in less than an hour as another ghost revived.

When Chen Yi approached the human leather suit, his painful wails came from the dark forest. The pain was as if someone had used very cruel methods to forcibly sew a piece of skin that did not belong to him to his body. It was much worse than before. Surviving the clutches of a ghost and tearing off one's own skin is worse than anything else.

The vast majority of people would have committed suicide if they experienced this kind of pain twice in one night. Even if they did not commit suicide, their spirits would collapse and they would definitely be unable to maintain normal sanity.

However, half an hour later, Chen Yi, who was completely intact, walked out of the dim woods with a calm look on his face.

He neither went mad nor committed suicide.

"It's not easy to survive," Jiang Shangbai said.

Chen Yi didn't say anything, but passed him and continued walking forward, which was the direction to leave.

It seemed like nothing was wrong, but the bloodshot eyes under the slightly saggy face had lost some of their human splendor and become more hollow and numb. It seemed that he was one step closer to a real ghost.

Jiang Shangbai watched him leave without following him, but walked in another direction.

He also needs to make sure that the second ghost candle does not go out.

It was Chen Yi who was protecting him before, but now he is in a bad state after being attacked by ghosts, so he has to be replaced.

The terrible night will eventually fade away as time goes by.

Most people in this city could not imagine what they had experienced that night, but when morning came, this international metropolis continued to operate at its usual pace.

The neon lights faded away, and people rushing to work surged like a tide at the station and subway entrance.

There are constant sounds of cars on the road, and there is still a traffic jam today.

However, on the upper floors of the Pingan Hotel, when the sunlight fell through the glass into the living room, Yang Jian walked out of the room slowly.

He stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass overlooking the city.

After observing for a moment, Yang Jian slowly withdrew his gaze: "It seems that the matter has almost been resolved, otherwise the city would not be so quiet today. The headquarters still has some capabilities, and it is right for me not to get involved."

He thought about the previous missions.

It's not that the headquarters is incapable of solving the problem, it's just that I was unlucky enough to be involved in several incidents inexplicably.

If it weren't for the starving ghost incident, Yang Jian would probably still be living in Dachang City and would never come here.

"Didi, didi."

At this time, a message came from his personal mobile phone.

Yang Jian took out his mobile phone and took a look: "Is this the message from Li Yao? Very good. Now that the ghost mission incident has been solved by the headquarters, it's time for me to move around. I can't escape anyway, so it's better to take the initiative. , When two people fight, the one who punches first wants to take advantage."

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