Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 561 The figure appears

Yang Jian was not careless, he was just a little impatient and thought it would be safer to resolve the matter as soon as possible while the ghost paintings had little impact.

But in his haste, he gave up on checking the details of the floor just now, which led to him being deceived by the ghostly painting. Although this kind of deception is not fatal, it will bring many bad consequences.

"Since we are on the wrong floor, should we return to the fourth floor immediately?" Wang Quan said.

Yang Jian replied: "Normally, there is nothing wrong with thinking like this, but since the ghost has chosen to hide the fifth floor, it will never let us easily enter that floor. It is probably not easy to go back to the previous place."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Staying on this floor was just a waste of time, and he wasn't sure whether the influence of the ghost paintings would expand as time went by.

When I returned to the stairwell, the stairs leading to the lower floor disappeared strangely. It was as if there were no stairs in this area. There was only a flat cement surface, but the stairs leading to the upper floor were still there.

But this dormitory building has only six floors in total, and the roof is above it.

So no one knows where this upward staircase will really lead, and no one is willing to go up the stairs, just like the previous steps leading to the depths of darkness.

"The stairs going down are missing?"

Wang Quan was shocked, and then immediately said: "But we can climb down from the sixth floor. I have brought a specially made rope here, so we don't have to worry about it breaking in the middle."

After saying that, he immediately asked the two accompanying staff members to take out a golden climbing rope from his backpack.

"No need, I will solve it myself. I originally wanted to save some effort, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary. If I can't solve this little ghost painting, I, the person in charge of Dachang City, will be Bai Bai. Done." Yang Jian's eyes turned slightly cold.

After saying that, the headless shadow behind him, which seemed to be condensed in darkness, began to gradually penetrate toward the ground.

It is true that the ghost realm can affect things in reality, but it cannot affect other ghosts.


The place covered by Yang Jian's headless ghost began to collapse, forming a cavity, and the cement and steel bars there were forcibly dismantled.

Then the headless ghost twisted and formed a black staircase leading to the next level.

"Let's go."

Yang Jian took the lead and walked down the steps formed by the headless ghost.

Wang Quan was still a little frightened when he saw this weird scene, but he still motioned to the two accompanying people to follow him.

Ordinary people would feel bad stepping on the body of a headless ghost.

It seems that some cold living thing has invaded the body, and his feet obviously feel like they are not obeying his orders. If this cold thing continues to invade the body, Wang Quan even feels that his body will lose control and become something. The puppet of the strange thing was completely controlled.

Fortunately, the headless ghost is controlled by Yang Jian. Even if the instinct to replace the body is latent, there is no possibility of losing control before Yang Jian's body rots.

Although it wasted a little time.

But I returned to the fourth floor again.

Yes, that's right. The number plate of the nearby dormitory says something like 401.402. There is no number plate for the dormitory on the fifth floor.

That layer was completely hidden.

"Back to the fourth floor again? The fifth floor really disappeared as strangely as you said." Wang Quan clenched his fists, feeling deeply powerless.

If it weren't for Yang Jian's colleague beside them, they would have been trapped here to death, and there would be no way to successfully solve the ghost painting.

But now, he is not too anxious.

Ghosts still have to be dealt with by professionals. They are only responsible for hunting down some students who are stranded here, and at the same time recovering ghost paintings.

Yang Jian took off a number plate, and the numbers on it did not change under the influence of the ghost hand. This was enough to prove that this was indeed the fourth floor.

"No matter how well the ghost realm is hidden, there is still a point connected with reality. This point itself may be a ghost, or it may be something special. We have to find that point. Pay attention to your surroundings and see what is there. There is nothing out of place in the surrounding environment, and the ghost paintings are not human and do not have the flexibility of humans, so it should not be difficult to find them.”

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, revealing some key information to Wang Quan.

This is his understanding of the ghost realm. If all ghosts have certain similarities, then his understanding should be correct.

For example, in his ghost realm, no matter how many layers there are, no matter how many things are false, there is only one thing that is true and cannot be changed, and that is his ghost eye, which is the source of releasing the ghost realm.

"Then a few of us will search the dormitory over there, and Mr. Yang will search the dormitory over here. What do you think? Although it's not a good idea to separate, it's more efficient, and this floor is not big. You can see from both sides of the corridor. , I believe Mr. Yang will be able to respond if there is a situation." Wang Quan suggested.

"Okay." Yang Jian nodded without refusing.

Anyway, he can resist when he encounters danger, but Wang Quan cannot.

In other words, Wang Quan is taking his own risk.

However, if you don’t have this kind of courage, you probably won’t be able to do this job.

After discussing it, the four acted separately.

Wang Quan and two staff members began to touch the wall along the way. The gloves in their hands were all specially made. They were made of gold and could not be affected. They could ensure that the wall they touched was real, so that there would be no hiding. If you miss your dormitory, you can ensure that you won't get lost in a daze.

Yang Jian took a look and agreed with this method.

Because this way of ordinary people dealing with supernatural events is worth learning.

Yang Jian decided to learn. He also touched the wall and moved forward. He did not need to wear gloves because one of his palms was itself a part of the ghost. He could touch real supernatural beings and even catch ghosts that others could not see.


When he passed by the first dormitory door, he kicked it open, then went in and walked around before coming out.

The point leading to Level 5 was not found, and there are no stranded students either.

Continue to the next dormitory.

Yang Jian moved very quickly, but he was not in any hurry. This was not a near-death situation, it was just a very ordinary supernatural event, so there was no need to rush.

Although there are three people on Wang Quan's side, their efficiency is much slower. They are nervous and do not have the confidence of Yang Jian, so they are particularly cautious.

But just when they were looking for the point leading to the fifth floor.

On the stairs on the fourth floor, there was a faint sound of footsteps on the previously endless steps that extended into the darkness.

The footsteps were slightly light, not as heavy as a dead body, nor did they have the crisp sound of wearing shoes.

It was like a slight friction sound as it slightly touched the ground.

At this time, a figure from deep down the stairs walked up slowly and headed to the fourth floor.

The figure went from blurry to clear, and soon a woman appeared who appeared to be wearing red clothes, revealing a pair of pale hands as delicate as porcelain.

But when I took a closer look, I realized that this woman had no legs at all.

There were only vague outlines of the feet, and the tone was unnatural, as if they had been painted.

Not only that, this woman's face is also blurry, and her hair is also blurry. If a normal person looks at it, it will look like a highly myopic person looking at others.

It's impossible to see clearly.

Only those hands are particularly clear and eye-catching. They are not in the vague oil painting style, but have flesh and blood.

No wonder this kind of footsteps is so subtle, just how loud the footsteps can be from the painted feet.

This way of walking was almost like floating, so that no one noticed when the woman came to the intersection between Yang Jian and Wang Quan just now.

Yang Jian and Wang Quan didn't notice it, but some people downstairs saw it.

"Is there something going on there?"

One of the staff members responsible for observation opened his eyes wide instantly. He pointed to the corridor on the fourth floor and shouted.

Others also looked up.

Suddenly everyone felt their scalps tingling.

The figure standing upright next to the corridor, the vague appearance that cannot be seen clearly, and the incompatible clothes.

This most intuitive glance can tell that this is definitely not the girl stranded in the building.

What the hell?

Are you kidding me? A ghost is just standing there like this?

"Quickly notify Team Wang and Mr. Yang." Immediately, the observers shouted urgently.

But the ghost there didn't stay too long, and seemed to start walking to one side after a brief pause.

The figure was quickly blocked by the wall next to it, and gradually disappeared from the sight of the observers.

Happy New Year, book friends.

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