Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 576 Decision

At noon, Yang Jian had left the headquarters and returned to the Ping An Hotel.

In the lobby of the hotel, Zhang Lei, Huang Ziya, Wang Jiang, and Feng Quan were already waiting here. Even Xiong Wenwen was squatting in an inconspicuous corner playing mobile games, as if he was determined to hug him this time.

"Brother Leg, you're back so soon. How are things going?" Feng Quan asked directly.

Yang Jian just walked into the hall: "What else can I do? It's just like what I thought. Cao Yanhua broke up the fight. If the circle of friends really agrees to my request, then this matter can only end here. I gave it up for Cao Yanhua's sake." They have half a day, forget it, let’s not talk about this matter for now, let me tell you another thing, I declined the position of captain."


Not only Feng Quan, Zhang Lei, Huang Ziya and others were also surprised. Xiong Wenwen even looked at Yang Jian as if he was mentally retarded.

"Why are you rejecting it? You finally became the captain, so you don't want it anymore? I was also thinking about forming a team together. We have already discussed it, and we have even discussed the team name." Feng Quan said in surprise. .

Yang Jian said: "There is nothing good about becoming the captain. I have other things to do and don't want to get involved in such troublesome things, but it is still possible to form a team. I retain this power. The headquarters gave me six The quota means that I can recruit up to six people to form a team within the headquarters.”

"The captain has no such restriction. He can recruit as many people as he wants."

"Only six, this Cao Yanhua is too stingy." Xiong Wenwen hurried over and looked disgusted.

"It would be good to have six. At least we can form a small team so that we can have someone to take care of us in the future." Huang Ziya's eyes stayed on Yang Jian.

In her opinion, the number of people is not the important point. The important thing is whether there is Yang Jian in the team. As long as there is Yang Jian, a small number of people can survive. At least among the people she comes into contact with, no one can be better than Yang Jian. .

"Six is ​​definitely not enough. I want to have a few younger brothers in the future. Now there are only a few of them, so am I not the youngest? What will I do if you all bully me?" Xiong Wenwen said in dissatisfaction.

Yang Jian said: "I haven't agreed to your joining yet, and should you ask your parents about such an important matter? If your parents don't agree, it will be in vain."

"My mother will definitely agree. You don't have to worry about this." Xiong Wenwen said.

Yang Jian said: "It's better to ask, so as not to cause misunderstanding later. Saying that I lied to the children can also save you from a severe beating."

"Just ask, I'll make a call now." Xiong Wenwen took out his cell phone angrily, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and dialed the number.

While this naughty kid was calling his parents, Yang Jian said again: "Let's put the other team formation matters on hold for the time being. We will discuss it slowly after I finish handling the matters at hand. Anyway, everyone is staying at the Ping An Hotel. Then it will be convenient to make an appointment at any time to have a party together.”

"That's no problem. You deal with your own affairs first. The team formation is not urgent." Zhang Lei nodded.

"Then should I call you captain from now on?" Huang Ziya said with a smile, seeming to have identified Yang Jian as the captain.

Yang Jian said: "It doesn't matter whether you are the team leader or not. The most important thing is how to survive."

"Have you asked about Tong Qian? If we find her, it would be a good choice for her to join us." Feng Quan said.

"I asked, and Cao Yanhua gave me an address." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he gave a business card with an address on it: "He said that Tong Qian is here. It seems that she is not missing or anything happened, so I said, a big How can a living person disappear? It seems that he is hiding for something. If you have nothing to do recently, find a time to go and see her, talk to her about today's events, and see if she agrees."

"Okay, I'll go take a look in the afternoon." Feng Quan took the business card and said.

At this time, Xiong Wenwen put down the phone and said uneasily, "Yang Jian, I told my mother about forming a team. My mother said she wanted to see you and talk to you."

"see me?"

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This is normal. After all, no parent can leave his child in the hands of someone who doesn't know anything about it."

Looked at the time.

He said: "When do you want to meet me?"

Xiong Wenwen is a very special child. If we really want to form a team, he is indeed very important, so Yang Jian feels it is necessary to seek the consent of his parents.

"Then let's do it today. It just so happens that I have to go back for dinner." He said proudly, "Don't say I don't take care of you. If you send me home, I can treat you to a meal."

"After you said that, I didn't want to go." Yang Jian said.

"Hurry up and leave. Don't make me late, or I'll get scolded again." Xiong Wenwen pulled Yang Jian out.

Yang Jian thought for a while and decided that accompanying Xiong Wenwen wouldn't delay anything. He didn't have any tasks in the afternoon, and he didn't want to get involved in the ghost painting incident. It would be a good idea to take the opportunity to kill some time, lest something happened and he would be imprisoned. Take him to be a strong man.

Just when Yang Jian was accompanying Xiong Wenwen to meet his parents.

The top floor of Ping An Building.

After Jiang Shangbai came back, he held an emergency meeting.

However, due to the absence of a few people and some people taking leave, the number of people at a meeting was somewhat sparse.

"The general situation is like this. Cao Yanhua wants to mediate, and Yang Jian's condition is Ghost Scissors. Although I don't know where he got the information, his information is indeed correct, otherwise he would not be able to show this in front of me. Photo." Jiang Shangbai briefly described the situation in the headquarters conference room last night and today.

After he finished speaking, he placed a photo on the table and added another sentence.

"Cao Yanhua agreed to this request, and he is now putting pressure on us. If we do not accept Yang Jian's conditions, then all industries in our circle of friends will be blocked."

The atmosphere at the conference table was a little tense.

They heard about He Tianxiong's disappearance. Zhang Jian, Mr. Fei, and Li Yao were in bad moods. Some people had even received the news in advance and asked for leave and did not show up.

This is because he is afraid of Yang Jian's methods and dare not show his face for the time being.

Sitting at the top was a young man in his twenties, wearing a suit, with a rather pale complexion, which gave people a sickly feeling. He looked calm and seemed not surprised by Jiang Shangbai's words.

His name is Fang Shiming, the president of Ping An Building in the circle of friends.

"Yang Jian is indeed a trouble." Fang Shiming raised his eyes slightly: "Is it just that Cao Yanhua wants us to compromise, so we should compromise? Who is he? He is just an ordinary person who can be crushed to death at any time. Don't look at it now What's the situation? You're still playing the same old stuff."

"Pressure? Does he deserve it? He couldn't even build the headquarters without our funding. Now he wants to use Yang Jian's hand to suppress us?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Shangbai frowned, feeling a little uneasy about Fang Shiming's tough attitude.

Fang Shiming smiled coldly: "Yang Jian asked you to reply before six o'clock. Okay, then six o'clock. When six o'clock comes, I will deal with him personally. There is no need to cover up or pretend. Let Cao Yanhua understand that Ghost Eye Yang Jian, who was killed by our circle of friends, can send someone to try if he is not convinced."

"Originally, I didn't pay much attention to Yang Jian's affairs. I planned to do it slowly and not rush it in the past few days. Since this guy was so happy last night, let him disappear in advance. If he dies, naturally It's a reconciliation. I don't believe that Cao Yanhua would really do anything for a dead man. Doesn't he like to compromise the most? Then compromise again."

"Although Yang Jian is in the way, I still admire his style of doing things. You can do whatever you want without worrying too much. You must know that we are ghost controllers."

Jiang Shangbai's heart trembled. As expected, reconciliation did not exist. There could only be one party between the circle of friends and Yang.

"You all stay here before six o'clock. I don't want Yang Jian to receive any news and make any preparations in advance. You can't show any flaws when dealing with people like this. It was your carelessness that caused such a thing." Fang Shiming He said, while looking coldly at the people on the conference table.

No one dared to speak out.

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