Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 584 Choose one of three

At this moment.

Li Jun looked at the empty street in front of him and couldn't help but frown slightly. There was not a single living person or vehicle in sight on the entire street. Everything on the street seemed strange at a certain moment. disappeared, leaving only an undeveloped open space.

Such a situation is impossible in urban areas where land is at a premium.

And as time passed, Li Jun noticed that the missing places were spreading outwards.

The road surface seemed to be eroded by something and quickly disappeared from sight.

"The ghost realm is getting bigger."

Li Jun's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately issued an order for all staff to prepare to evacuate. Even he did not dare to stay here.

Once you are involved in the ghost realm, no one can guarantee that you can come out alive.

Because there must be a ghost in the ghost realm.

However, what Li Jun did not notice was that the ghost domain was not expanding, but extending, and the direction of extension was very fixed.

In the direction of the Pingan Hotel not far away.

Where is Ping An Hotel?

A hotel that is not open to the public and is only responsible for accepting ghost masters. There are a large number of special personnel staying in it, and there are also some very scary people and things hidden in it. Yang Jian has lived in the hotel before. In addition, there are also people with him. members of the same period.

In the fourth-floor ghost realm.

With only half of his head left, Yang Jian barely controlled his only remaining ghost eye, extending the ghost realm while also paying attention to the surrounding situation.

He was not interested in the ordinary people on this street. His eyes were on his own body.

The headless corpse covered in blood.

At this moment, Yang Jian saw that his body, which lacked a head, was gradually moving away from him and walking towards the place with the largest crowd. There, there were dozens of fresh living heads waiting for this strange corpse. .

No one can escape.

Within the four-story ghost realm, this is a huge cage. People outside dare not come in, and people inside cannot get out.

So when Yang Jian's corpse starts killing people, the shadow of terror will fall on everyone.

And Yang Jian is powerless to deal with all this. He only has half a head and a ghost eye left. He can't do anything. He can only watch all this happen. The only thing he can do is to seize time. Dare to stop this before the headless corpses start successfully claiming their first heads.

Not for others, just for yourself.

"The headless ghost has not fully recovered, and the level of weirdness and danger is not high yet. It cannot control the ghost eyes or hands now. It can only rely on instinct to control the movements of my corpse. So the first person to be attacked just needs to be careful. If you do, you won’t be killed immediately, at least it can be delayed for a while.”

"In the meantime, I have to choose someone to help me put my head back together."

At this moment, Yang Jian could already see the Pingan Hotel, which was dozens of stories high, and could even see many people staying in the hotel.

It's night now, and there must be a lot of people returning to the hotel to rest.

But Yang Jian can't pull the entire Ping'an Hotel into the fourth-floor ghost realm. It's not that he can't do it now, but that once a large number of ghost masters enter the fourth-floor ghost realm, they will only do bad things, and the original return will be lost. The situation where he could control one or two completely collapsed, and then it would not just be a matter of his own ghost's recovery.

But the ghosts revived.

Therefore, Yang Jian needs to select someone to enter the ghost realm to help him.

This person must not pose a threat to him, and be willing to help him get his head back, and there must be a certain basis of trust between them. Otherwise, if something bad happens, not only Yang Jian will die, but the entire city will be in danger.

Zhang Lei, Wang Jiang, Huang Ziya.

Yang Jian's remaining ghost eye saw these three people in the Ping'an Hotel. This was the best candidate he could think of at the moment. He didn't know the others and was not at ease. These three people had gone through the same thing with him last time. After the incident at the training base, a certain amount of trust was established between them, and they even had the intention of forming a team before.

However, he plans to choose only one of these three people to enter the ghost realm.

The time to think is short.

Among the three people who asked for help, Yang Jian first excluded Wang Jiang. He was too immature. He was just a college student and had experienced very few supernatural incidents. He did not perform well in the last ghost incident, so he was not a very good person. object for help.

Then the only thing left is to choose between Zhang Lei and Huang Ziya.

Zhang Lei, codenamed Ghost Eater, has dealt with two supernatural incidents. He is experienced and courageous. The headquarters pays close attention to him. His ability is the most outstanding among the three, and Yang Jian prefers him.

It's just that his condition is not good, and there is a certain risk of the evil ghost reviving.

As for Huang Ziya.

Although she is a woman, she performs better than Wang Jiang, but her ability is weaker, but her courage at critical moments is not as bad as Zhang Lei's. Although her experience is not as good as Zhang Lei's, her condition is worse than Zhang Lei's.

"It's a pity that Feng Quan and Tong Qian are not in the Pingan Hotel, otherwise they would be more suitable." Although Yang Jian had this idea in his mind, he had already made a decision in his heart and was ready to ask one of them for help.

Huang Ziya!

Yang Jian's ghostly eye looked at one of the floors of the Pingan Hotel.

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, he could see Huang Ziya sitting on the sofa and watching TV leisurely. What was playing on the TV was a very old-fashioned idol drama.

Her choice was carefully considered.

It's not that Zhang Lei is bad, but Yang Jian is worried that Zhang Lei himself is at risk of resuscitation, and he is also worried that his current corpse will attack Zhang Lei first.

Because the ghost in Zhang Lei's body is more attractive to the headless ghost.

If the headless ghost wanted to piece together the Leidang puzzle piece to piece together the body of a powerful ghost, then Yang Jian would have killed himself and others by doing so.

Huang Ziya only controlled one ghost. The target was relatively small and the state was stable, so she was more suitable.


Huang Ziya, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, didn't know what was happening outside.

Because from the time Yang Jian was killed, to his awakening, to the resurrection of his headless corpse, everything happened so fast that the headquarters did not have time to issue relevant notifications and warnings immediately. Even Li Jun also He just rushed to the scene to check the situation in an emergency.

Therefore, everyone in the Ping An Hotel is still the same as before, resting when they should, insomnia when they should, and working when they should work.


When the four-story ghost zone is close to the hotel and has to cover one of the floors.

Zhang Lei, who was about to take a break after working all day because of the ghost painting incident, immediately noticed something strange.

This is a response to crisis.

Zhang Lei slightly raised his head and looked out the window. At this time, he saw that the street lights on the street near Ping An Hotel were quickly extinguished. At first glance, it seemed that an invisible layer of darkness was eroding at an extremely fast speed. He had already arrived at the hotel. It's outside, and it's incredibly fast.

"Damn, what's going on?"

He rolled over in shock and wanted to run out, but stopped.

This kind of range, this kind of speed of coverage, will affect the whole building. He can't run away from danger by running a few steps, unless he has a ghost domain.

He was not the only one who noticed the abnormality. Although some people knew that they might not be able to escape, they still ran out of the room. It would be better to leave first, or at least stay away a little.

Huang Ziya was less alert, or maybe the ghost attack on her wasn't serious enough, and she wasn't as sensitive to supernatural events as others, so she was still sitting on the sofa watching TV, unaware that the street lights outside had been extinguished, an invisible feeling The supernatural beings are invading the entire hotel.


At this time, the lights in her room began to flicker, and the TV that was originally playing normally also appeared to have a blurry screen, as if the signal and circuit were interfered with by something.


Huang Ziya blinked and looked up. Her expression gradually changed. She just stood up.

The next moment, the lights in the entire room suddenly went out, and the surroundings suddenly fell into darkness. However, this darkness came and went quickly. A layer of rich red light shone in from the glass window of the hotel, illuminating the surrounding people. Everything was dyed red, and the whole world seemed to be trapped in an indescribable weirdness.

"Is this Yang Jian's ghost land?" Huang Ziya was tense at first and extremely vigilant, but she relaxed slightly when she saw everything shrouded in red light.

The characteristics of Yang Jian's ghost realm were so obvious. She had seen it countless times when she and Yang Jian experienced supernatural events together, and she had already recognized it.

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