Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 599 Jiang Shangbai’s ghost

The Ping An Building is suspected to be attacked by a resurrected ghost. Jiang Shangbai cannot resist and needs support!

After the red ghost domain covered almost half of the city, all the ghost masters who were involved began to be on tenterhooks. They did not dare to walk around or wander around the deserted streets, but stayed nearby. Find a safer location and choose to wait quietly.

Waiting for this matter to change, and at the same time avoiding being attacked by evil spirits.

After all, no one knows how Yang Jian's ghost will appear after his death, and how he will attack them.

So the best thing is to wait quietly and reduce the chance of being targeted by ghosts.

However, at this time, everyone with a satellite positioning mobile phone received a text message requiring support.

"What? Those guys in the circle of friends were attacked by ghosts? Jiang Shangbai can't stand it any longer. Does he need our help? Are you kidding? There are many ghost masters in their circle of friends. How could they still need our support? ?" In a certain villa, Guo Fan still stayed in the house and did not go out.

After the ghost realm was covered, he knew the dangers outside, so staying put was the safest.

Zhong Shan on the side also made the same choice, but after receiving this text message, he frowned: "This matter is not as simple as imagined. Where is Ping An Building? The head office of Moments, president Fang Shiming, manager He Tianxiong, Captain Jiang Shangbai, supervisors Liu Dong, and Wu Yun. Together they form a top team of ghost masters. Before the captain’s plan is fully formed, this force can run amok in the local area and even the headquarters will not give them face.”

"Now they actually need support, what does that mean?"

Guo Fan immediately stared and reacted: "Are they going to be finished?"

"Haha, it's probably not over yet. Anyway, it's a big fall this time. Moreover," Zhong Shan hesitated for a moment and said with a somewhat uncertain tone: "And Yang Jian may not be dead."

"Not dead? This is impossible. Information about his death has been sent out from the headquarters, and all the ghosts have revived. Wait, that's not right." Guo Fan frowned: "The phenomenon of Yang Jian's ghosts reviving is just an act. ?”

"I'm not sure, I just inferred from what happened to people in the circle of friends this time." Zhong Shan said.

He had deduced so much just from a text message asking for support. It had to be said that he did have the potential to become a top ghost controller, and he was very sensitive to what was going on.

Zhong Shan said and looked at the red world outside the house: "But if it is as you said, this ghost resurgence incident is really faked by Yang Jian, it would be terrible. Such a large-scale ghost domain is simply bigger than Come on, the starving ghost incident and the ghost painting incident are all S-level supernatural."

Guo Fan also breathed heavily. He had always looked down on Yang Jian before, but later he had to admit that this guy did have some abilities, but if it was really as Zhong Shan said.

Yang Jian is really creepy.

"Then what do you mean, are we not going to provide support?" Finally, he asked again.

Zhong Shan shook his head and said, "It's best to go and take a look. If Yang Jian is not dead, we will not be in danger. He is not an irrational person, nor is he the kind of ghost controller who has a mental breakdown. The possibility of taking action against us is not high." Big, of course, if my guess is wrong and Yang Jian really has recovered, then going to support the circle of friends now is also helping ourselves."

"If you are trying to protect yourself and take refuge at this juncture, you are simply asking for your own death. There is no way I would bet my life on it."

After saying that, he stood up from the sofa and prepared to go to Ping An Building.

"What if Yang Jian is not dead?" Guo Fan also followed.

"Of course Yang Jian is not dead because he is going to the theater. His circle of friends is not from the headquarters. If he dies, he will die. Are there not many ghost masters who have died these days? As for whether Jiang Shangbai will be killed or not, it depends on Yang Jian. Headquarters Yang Jian is also responsible for holding the blame, what does it have to do with us melon-eating people?" Zhong Shan said with an indifferent expression.

Guo Fan nodded, feeling that it made sense.

There is not only one person who thinks like them.

Cao Yang, who was still sitting on a rest chair on a street in the ghost domain, also thought about it after seeing this message asking for help.

"It's interesting. One day in the circle of friends, the headquarters actually sent them a message asking for help. This is unprecedented. Is Yang Jian still alive? Otherwise, the place where the ghost attacked would be too coincidental. It is covered by a ghost domain. The place is so big, other places were not attacked, but there was an accident in the Ping An Building."

He smiled and began to rush to Ping An Building quickly.

There is no need to sit here and be wary of abnormalities around you. Since the ghost has appeared in Ping An Building, other places are most likely safe.

"Jiang Shangbai needs support?" Elsewhere, Li Jun glanced at the text message and immediately rushed to the location of the incident without much thought.

In addition, Su Fan, Liu San, Li Leping, Wang Jiang, Zhang Lei and others who received the message decided to rush to Ping An Building to have a look.

Some people are just joining in the fun and watching the show, some people are really planning to support them, and some people want to gather with others to protect themselves and discuss how to deal with what happened today. After all, there are so many people at this time. Powerful.

Although everyone has different ideas, they all have a unified direction.

at the same time.

In the conference room of the headquarters.

The person who sent this text message was none other than Wang Xiaoming.

He sat motionless in his chair, his tired eyes slightly looking at some information coming from the computer screen next to him, but the information was incomplete and seemed to be disturbed.

"Professor Wang, although you are responsible for this incident today, I would like to ask, why are you sending out a distress signal now? Jiang Shangbaike sent out a distress signal before."

There were not many people in the conference room, only a few people. The person speaking was Shen Liang. Although he looked kind, his eyes revealed a bit of suspicion.

He suspected that Wang Xiaoming wanted to delay time and cause everyone in his circle of friends to be wiped out in this supernatural incident.

"There are things that need to be confirmed and there's information that needs to be gathered."

Wang Xiaoming said calmly: "Let the people in the circle of friends resist the first wave of attacks by the ghosts. This is a very good deal. In my eyes, the value of them alive is not as good as a computer in the headquarters. Waste should have waste." usefulness.”

Shen Liang was stunned. He could tell that Wang Xiaoming was very dissatisfied with the circle of friends.

However, Wang Xiaoming seems to have received funding from Moments, and he used to study supernatural events in their laboratory.

How could this friendship boat capsize so easily?

Have you ever had your salary deducted by someone in your circle of friends before? Or is it that overtime work is not paid?

"But something might happen if this happens. It's not a good thing if a ghost master dies." Another team leader reminded.

"I will ask Wei Jing to go when necessary. Mr. Qin and the nail in the coffin cannot be moved for the time being." Wang Xiaoming said slowly: "When dealing with supernatural events, you cannot use all your trump cards at once, otherwise you will only lose more. Mixed."

Wei Jing?

Shen Liang was shocked.

This is a very familiar name. I remember he was from the same group of ghost masters as Feng Quan. He was very senior. However, there are not many people left in that group who died. Wei Jing is no exception. He seems to be on the verge of death. After dying from the resurgence of the evil ghost, he had no choice but to enter the ghost coffin.

Then I saw his body during the last ghost incident at the base.

Before he could think about it.

The light in the conference room suddenly dimmed, and everything around seemed to be eroded by darkness. At the same time, an invisible layer of red light was quickly receding.

In the darkest place, a figure slowly walked out.

The man's face was as dark as a dead person, and his whole body was cold. His movements were particularly stiff as he walked slowly, like a puppet on strings. Especially his eyes, which were numb and dead, but gave off a strange luster.

What is even more concerning is that Wei Jing is holding an old, rough hemp rope in his hand, as if it is the kind used to hang a dead person.

"He's still alive?" Shen Liang opened his eyes wide, feeling inexplicably frightened, and subconsciously took a step back.

He felt inexplicable fear towards this Wei Jing.

"Yang Jian, you're not dead." Wei Jing spoke. His voice was dry and strange, which made people uncomfortable.

"I know there's only one reason why you could survive an attack of that magnitude. He touched the music box."

Wang Xiaoming's face was calm and he was not surprised at all by Wei Jing's judgment.

"What? You know Yang Jian is still alive? Then why do you ask people in your circle of friends to resist the attacks of ghosts?" The team leader who had just spoken stood up in shock.

Wang Xiaoming looked at him: "Is it important whether Yang Jian is dead or alive? There is no boundary between ghosts and humans at some point, and sometimes humans are even more dangerous than ghosts."

The team leader was speechless. He understood the meaning of Wang Xiaoming's words and could not find any reason to refute.

Everything happening outside has nothing to do with Jiang Shangbai who is on the top floor of Ping An Building at this moment.

He did send a help signal when he suspected that Yang Jian was still alive, but now he didn't pay attention to it at all. He even threw the satellite positioning phone aside and ignored it. Now even the headquarters agreed to rescue him. The chance of surviving until that time is also quite small.

Just thinking that sending a signal is better than not sending a signal. Maybe what if I will be rescued because of this signal?

However, the cruel reality does not give him hope.

The huge black shadow swaying between the floors was walking at this moment, thinking about his rapid approach step by step.

"The shadow is a ghost. If you block that thing, you should be fine." Jiang Shangbai thought silently. He did not place his hope on the ghost shroud on his body.

It is true that the ghost shroud can withstand the attacks of powerful ghosts, but it is not absolute.

Otherwise, how did the last person who controlled the ghost shroud die?

Jiang Shangbai raised his feet at the same time. Logically speaking, this is an action that is impossible for a normal person to do, but it happened strangely to him. It seemed that there was some strange force supporting his body. rose, and after he lifted his feet.

From the shadows beneath his feet, a pair of dead-like soles suddenly stretched out. The soles of these feet were covered with corpse spots and were strange and cold. They fell to the ground instead of his feet.

He was now like walking on stilts, with his feet hanging in the air instead of touching the ground, but he could walk normally.

Because a pair of feet that looked like ghosts were taking steps for him.

The ghost he controls has an unrecorded existence. It is the information he has hidden. It is an unknown ghost to others. However, within the circle of friends, many people know about it, because this ghost is a human who took the initiative to give Jiang Shangbai The one who pressed it was codenamed: ghost stepping on people.

Also known as the Stampede.

This ghost is very special.

If those dead-like soles of feet step on someone while walking, the living person will definitely die. Even a ghost controller may not be able to stop the ghost from stepping on it.

The most special thing is that you can interact with real ghosts.

Jiang Shangbai once used these terrifying soles to kick a real ghost in a supernatural incident.

The kicked ghost will be in a state of stagnation ranging from a few seconds to tens of seconds, or even a few minutes.

During that period of time, the ghost will never take any action. If you cooperate well, you can even directly solve a troublesome supernatural event.

With the ghost realm, ghost trampling on people, and ghost shrouds, Jiang Shangbai is confident that he can face any supernatural event below S level. Even if it cannot be solved, he will never die in the hands of a ghost easily. Even if he becomes the captain, He can also use the abilities of the three ghosts to suppress others.

"As long as the headless ghost comes close, it will be restrained no matter what after being stepped on by me, and it will never die in the hands of that shadow." Jiang Shangbai thought in his heart.

He was a little helpless when facing the ghost hand, but this ghost shadow was different.

The shadow is on the ground. He can step on it or kick it, but the ghost hand that emerged from the body just now is different.

He couldn't step on it with his feet, so he could only pray that the ghost shroud could resist it.

Reflected on the ground, the ghost on the wall walked faster and was now close to Jiang Shangbai. The dark and rich shadow actually began to stretch out its arms at this time.

The arm was no longer a shadow, but was lifted from the ground and grabbed Jiang Shangbai's arm.

Jiang Shangbai did not dodge. He was suppressed in the ghost realm and could not dodge. He could only let the hand of the headless ghost grab him, but he believed that the ghost shroud on his body could block such an attack.


Jiang Shangbai felt a cold breath trying to invade his arm along the place where he was caught, making his entire arm lose consciousness, but the shroud peeled off like a dead person worked, blocking this kind of The invasion once again guaranteed his life.

While he was being attacked, he also began to attack the headless black shadow on the ground.

The dead man covered with corpses raised his legs, took a step forward, and stepped on the tall black shadow on the ground.

The shadow seemed to be attacked by some unknown ghost and could not resist it. The black arm holding Jiang Shangbai suddenly let go and fell from the air. After landing on the ground, it turned into a shadow again, and at the same time the whole body was headless. The black shadow began to shake, as if it was struggling or shrinking.

Not only was the headless ghost's attack repelled, but even the ghost was suppressed.

"Yang Jian's third ghost is not as scary as he thought." Jiang Shangbai's eyes moved slightly, and he regained some confidence. While he breathed, he looked in the direction of the ghost's struggle.

The end of the shadow must be where Yang Jian is.

But there was nothing there, the shadow seemed to appear out of thin air, and no one was standing there at all.

But Jiang Shangbai's judgment was correct.

Yang Jian was indeed in that position, but he was in the third level ghost realm, and it was impossible for Jiang Shangbai to see him.

"Has Jiang Shangbai's last ghost been exposed? I do underestimate him. If he is stepped on by his ghost, the ghost will be temporarily uncontrollable. Even I can't control it. It's simply It's like it can make a ghost completely dead." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, staring at the dead soles of his feet.

He couldn't help but wonder, if Jiang Shangbai stepped on the knocker, would the starving ghost directly suppress him?

If it cooperates with the ghost domain, it will be even more difficult to prevent.

"Three perfect ghosts. The circle of friends seems to have put a lot of effort into making him the captain, the ghost realm that saves lives, the ghost realm that restricts other ghosts' feet, and the ghost shroud that resists the attacks of powerful ghosts. If I hadn't controlled the ghost hands, I’m really not as good as him.”

Self-assessment in his mind, if Ghost Shou does not have the ability to suppress three ghosts, he is indeed much inferior to Jiang Shangbai.

"It's just that what you are facing is just a headless ghost under ordinary circumstances. Can you step on the next shadow?" Yang Jian looked as usual and continued to explore the ghost's more terrifying abilities.

Sorry, the update is a little late today. There will be another chapter later. This chapter is almost 5,000 words.

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