Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 60 Arrest

Find the real ghost among the various weird corpses standing all over the store.

The difficulty is not small.

They don't have the capital to try them one by one, because harnessing the power of ghosts is a very dangerous thing. Every time you use it, you directly shorten your life.

When it comes time to take action, you not only need enough courage, but also strong determination.

Yang Jian has the courage, and Yan Li has the determination.

Therefore, instead of running away at this moment, they chose to take action.

Blood seeped into the body of the middle-aged woman in a suit through Yan Li's hands.

The blood in his hands seemed to flow forever. As the blood seeped in, the corpse that started to move first seemed to be still, without any movement. The other corpses also seemed to have lost the ability to move at this moment, and also They all froze in place.

That seems to be the case.

The real ghost is hidden in this corpse.

But, is this really the case?

Yang Jian was not sure, even Yan Li himself was not sure.

"Is it this corpse?"

Yan Li's face was extremely solemn: "I'm not sure, but it looks like this corpse. The blood in my hand can only suppress the ghost, but I can't tell whether it is a ghost or not."

Yang Jian frowned deeply, everything around him was dim and silent.

Except for the blood that was constantly oozing from the body that Yan Li was holding, there was nothing abnormal.

Everything seemed to come to a temporary standstill.

But this silent stagnation is the most terrifying situation, because Yan Li can't tell whether the corpse in his hand is a real ghost, and if the stalemate continues like this, if he guesses wrong, he will definitely die. .

It can be said that every second that passes, they are the ones who lose.

Real ghosts have enough time to waste with them.

"Yang Jian, what should we do now? Come up with a way to confirm whether this is a ghost. If it is, we will put it in a box." Sweat broke out on Yan Li's forehead.

He began to feel the blood pouring out of his hands a little out of control.

At this moment, Yang Jian was also thinking quickly about various details.

If this corpse is not a ghost, then the ghost should still be hiding here. In this case, if the ghost deliberately stays still and allows Yan Li to waste his power wantonly, this is tantamount to indirect murder.

If this corpse is really a ghost, there is no reason why the other corpses should not react at all.


There was an 80% chance that the corpse that moved first was just a bait.

Just like fishing, you have to hang a bait first before the fish will come out to bite the hook.

But if the guess is wrong, you will give up the perfect opportunity to capture this ghost.

Measure left and right.

In the end, he chose the side with the higher odds.

Yang Jian made a bold guess in his mind: This corpse was not a ghost.

He immediately gritted his teeth and said immediately: "Go back first and give up this opportunity."

"What? Go back?"

Yan Li didn't expect Yang Jian to say such words at this time.

Going back would mean that this shot would end in failure, and he would be wasting the power of the ghost.

"There is absolutely no way this corpse is a ghost. If she is really a ghost, it is impossible for all of these corpses to stand still without falling down. Sometimes doing things too perfectly means exposing the biggest flaw. , go back, if you die and the ghost comes back to life at this time, the situation will become out of control."

Yang Jian said seriously and a little anxiously.

"But..." Yan Li didn't dare to bet, so he hesitated.

"No but, come back."

Yang Jian shouted: "You have no choice now. If you don't come back, I will leave now. My ghost realm will not last long. If it is used up, it will only kill us all."

"Damn it. I believe you once."

Yan Li was very unwilling. He stopped the blood flowing from his hands, and then let go of the corpse in his hands.

"Don't turn your back on these corpses, walk toward me." Yang Jian said immediately with his eyes narrowed.

"I know." Yan Li gave up this action and chose to retreat.

Yang Jian said: "Slow down."

Yan Li backed away carefully and slowly.

And when he stepped back, the corpse wearing a suit and holding the middle woman's head seemed to have lost some support. It immediately fell limply to the ground, showing a strange posture, and the body on the corpse seemed to have lost some support. The head fell directly to the ground as if the connection with the neck was broken, and rolled several times.

After the corpse was soaked with the blood in Yan Li's hands, it lost its weird ability and turned into an ordinary corpse.

But the fall of this body did not affect the other bodies.

The remaining corpses were still standing there stiffly, motionless, and even though they were severely decomposed, they still maintained an unreasonable balance.

"Your guess is right, she is not a ghost." Yan Li was shocked and angry when he saw this scene.

He was deceived by this ghost~!

But just when he was about to retreat into the ghost realm.

Suddenly, one of the corpses suddenly moved. The corpse's head turned 180 degrees at an extremely fast speed, facing directly behind. His eyes suddenly opened, and a pair of dead gray eyes stared at him. His arms were already He reached out and grabbed Yan Li's arm.


With just a slight sound, Yan Li's arm was picked off easily like a doll. No blood flowed out from the fracture, only scarlet flesh.


Yan Li suddenly shrank when he saw the corpse turned around and took off his own arm.

However, what happened in the next scene made him feel extremely scared.

But he saw that the real ghost had taken off his other arm, and then replaced it with his own.

It's like putting together blocks.

"Yang Jian, hurry up, stop it quickly. You must not let it replace my arm. There is ghost blood hidden in my hand. Once it replaces it, the consequences will be disastrous." Yan Li shouted hurriedly.

He was shaking all over.

My previous guess was correct.

This is a trap.

Both himself and Yang Jian are the prey of this ghost, and its purpose is to obtain a better body.

Because human corpses will rot and become useless soon, this ghost will constantly replace its body and head.

But the body of the ghost controller is different, because the real ghost is hidden in the body of the ghost controller.

Once the ghost controls the ghost, the level of terror will increase exponentially.

Because ghosts will never die.

Before Yan Li could finish his words, a red light seemed to flash in front of him.

The ghost in front of me disappeared.

The arm that belonged to him fell to the ground.

"I caught you. You are a very hidden ghost. But now that you have entered my ghost realm, you can't leave unless I die." A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Jian's mouth.

In the ghost realm, a corpse stood in front of him, motionless, with its head still in a 180-degree position.

But Yang Jian knew that the real ghost was in this corpse.

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