Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 645 Preparation

Yang Jian was sleeping, but his sleep was very light. He could still hear the ethereal and strange ringtone echoing in his mind. The melody consisting of only a few tones was played repeatedly all the time. It was difficult for anyone to bear it. I can't stand this kind of mental destruction and torture.

The ringtone of the music box is both a reminder and the key to saving one's own life.

When the music plays, the first person to open the music box will be cursed to be immortal. This curse will last for several days.

On the contrary, once the music stops, the cursed person will surely die.

This curse remains unsolved.

Because it is too dangerous, it is sealed by the headquarters most of the time and is rarely used.

But today, Yang Jian has less than forty hours until the curse breaks out.

However, just when he fell asleep, he seemed to have a dream. Guided by the melody in his mind, he suddenly came to a narrow and sealed room. This room seemed to have been covered with dust for a long time. Dusty, dim and dark, unable to see light and unable to perceive anything around it.

And there are no walls around, no reference objects.

The only thing that existed was an old piano placed in the middle of the room. Although Yang Jian felt like he was standing next to it, he had no way to move around or get close to the piano.

But he saw a pair of terrible hands placed on the old piano, because the hands were dry, black, and should have rotted away, but they were shaking slightly, seeming to be moving, and seemed to be playing the piano, but These terrifying hands are not complete, and several of the ten fingers are missing.

The old piano was missing several keys.

So when those terrible palms moved, they were still unable to press the keys and make any sound.

The mutilation of the fingers and the mutilation of the keys perfectly matched each other. It seemed that this situation was deliberately caused by humans, preventing the figure in the darkness from using the piano.

But this deterrent appears to be losing its effectiveness.

Yang Jian saw that there were a few new keys added to the original missing keys on the piano. They were as new as ever and were incompatible with the other keys.

There are already a lot of newly installed keys, five in total.

But when he wanted to continue to look closer, he found that the scary hands in front of the piano disappeared, and at the same time, a shadow that kept approaching him appeared in the dark environment. The shadow was terrifying and penetrating, like a ghost wandering around. around you.

But the sound of music box ringing echoed around Yang Jian.

The ringing stopped the ghost from approaching, so Yang Jian was safe and unharmed and was not approached by the ghost.

The dream was absurd and a bit bizarre.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed to have changed in an instant. Yang Jian was gradually moving away from the closed room. He didn't move, as if the room was leaving him.

Then his consciousness returned.

The body trembled slightly,

Yang Jian opened his eyes suddenly, he was conscious and not sleepy.

"Am I actually dreaming?" He was surprised and couldn't help but frown and think.

After he became a ghost controller, he seldom dreamed. He only dreamed at certain special moments, such as when he was invaded by his own ghost, or when his body deteriorated seriously. But the dream at that time was not a dream, but a dream. It is a kind of information disclosure, which is the mutual induction between people and ghosts after contact.

Yang Jian remembered that Zhang Lei said that he had accepted some memories that were not his own, so he knew about the existence of that cemetery, but he had never been there himself.

"Is this the information guidance of the curse of the music box? A ghost playing the piano? It is suspected to be the source of the curse. I am about to be killed by the curse, so my body has become some kind of medium, through induction or the ghost in the body. reaction, so we got in touch with the source."

He pondered and thought about it carefully, but he didn't know where the room in his dream was.

It's definitely not Room 71 at the Caesars, that's for sure.

"Yang Jian, are you awake? Get up quickly. I have received a notification. Professor Wang asked you to come over."

At this time, Liu Xiaoyu's voice came from the living room. She shouted loudly. She didn't know which room Yang Jian lived in, so she yelled randomly.

Yang Jian looked up at the time. It was now nine o'clock in the morning. This meant that he had slept all night in a daze, but he felt as if half an hour had passed. It seemed that he was still too tired. Although the consciousness can hold on, the body cannot. After all, it has been moving continuously for a long time.

"Wang Xiaoming was given a two-day deadline. It seemed that he was very punctual and did not keep me waiting any longer."

His eyes moved slightly, and he naturally knew why Wang Xiaoming informed him today. After all, this was the time to wait.

"It's just that I don't completely believe Wang Xiaoming. Even if there are trading rules in the ghost closet, I still have to take some precautions."

Yang Jian did not make a fuss about himself, but turned his attention to the closed door next to him.

The ghost boy is an existence that has been concealed and no one knows about it. As an emergency measure or a back-up, it is most suitable. However, the current ghost boy has not eaten other ghosts and has entered the third stage of starving ghost state. I don’t know how much effect it will have, but now.

He decided to temporarily train a ghost boy.


Yang Jian used Ghost Domain to retrieve something from somewhere underground.

A black one, dirty and old, like the shroud worn by the dead.

Wearing the ghost shroud on the ghost child was carefully considered. Although the ghost shroud is special, it can no longer be retained at this juncture. It must be used when it is time to play its role.

"Put on your clothes and come out." Yang Jian opened the box containing the ghost shroud and threw it into the room.

There is a ghost boy locked in the room.

What kind of situation will happen when ghosts and ghosts get together is predictable.


The door opened.

It was like a weird child about six years old appeared in front of Yang Jian wearing the ghost shroud. The ghost shroud was originally much larger than this, but it fit perfectly on the ghost child, as if it had automatically shrunk in size. Same.

"Sure enough, the ghost shroud will not conflict with the ghost boy himself, and if I am not mistaken, the ghost boy can perfectly control this dress."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

The ghost shroud worn on a living person can resist the attacks of other ghosts, but the consequence is that it will gradually erode the body of the living person and turn it into a corpse. Once put on, the living person cannot take it off.

Therefore, this dress is not really suitable for people, but for ghosts.

Ghosts are not afraid of the erosion of this shroud, so they can control it perfectly.

In other words, the ghost shroud is a puzzle piece suitable for any ghost. It is a versatile one, so the ghost boy can also control it perfectly.

"Take this dead head and follow me. You are not allowed to attack anyone without my order." Yang Jian said coldly, and he threw another body bag over.

Now that the ghost shroud has been controlled, the ghost boy should be able to withstand the terrifying death head attack after putting on this suit.

Yang Jian didn't want to have any reservations today, he wanted to be fully prepared.

Dealing with Wang Xiaoming is not that easy.

After doing all this, Yang Jian even took a scapegoat with him before walking out of the room.

"What are you doing, why are you so late?" Liu Xiaoyu was already ready. She was still wearing a cute skirt and dressed beautifully.

However, her eyes were a little wandering, as if she was looking for traces of the ghost boy, and was very afraid that the thing would appear next to her.

"Where is the address? I'll go there by myself. You can go back to the headquarters later today. You don't need to stay here. It's not safe here." Yang Jian said.

There are ghost paintings in his other room. It is not suitable for an ordinary person to live here permanently, especially during his absence.

Liu Xiaoyu said: "How can this be done? I have to send you there. This is my job."

"Stop talking nonsense and give me the address." Yang Jian said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll send you the address and you can go there yourself." Seeing Yang Jian's tough attitude, Liu Xiaoyu had no choice but to send her location.

Yang Jian looked at it after receiving it, and then strode towards the door. The ghost boy disappeared and appeared around him, following him secretly, not appearing in front of the living person, and avoiding Liu Xiaoyu's sight.

Today, he is going to solve the curse of the music box.

Whether he can succeed or what terrible things will happen in the middle, Yang Jian cannot predict. He can only do his best as much as possible.

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