Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 65 Passing by

"This red paper is gradually starting to be unable to suppress this eye. Sure enough, the limit of this red paper is almost reached."

Yang Jian was wiping water in the mirror, and he saw that the red paper on the back of his hand was cracked.

Yes, a very clear crack.

You must know that this red paper is very special. It is something in Li Gui's hand. He has torn it up normally, but he cannot tear it into pieces simply by using strength. Only Li Gui's power can be used to tear it into pieces.

"Is it because I used the ghost realm today? Or is it that the effect of this red paper will become less and less as time goes by?" Yang Jian touched the back of his hand.

The eyes under the skin are ready to move.

Although there was nothing strange, he could feel that the ghost eyes were starting to revive again.

His body seemed to be a parasite of the ghost eye. The ghost eye was growing while he was dying.

"But it doesn't matter. As long as we find a way to restrain the ghost from resurrecting, everything will be fine." Yang Jian thought to himself.

After experiencing several supernatural events, he was no longer so afraid of death.

But when he saw the pile of dark brown human skin paper placed next to him, he was slightly startled.


In Yang Jian's opinion, it is the most bizarre and evil thing.

Out of worry.

He still opened the parchment and looked at it to check if there had been any changes to the parchment recently.

"To be on the safe side, I'd better find a gold shop to make a box to put this thing in, and be prepared in advance. If this human skin is not an item at all, but a ghost, then I will die from this thing one day. In my hands." Yang Jian began to think about it.

However, when he checked the parchment, he suddenly saw a line of words appearing on the parchment.

"Today I checked the parchment after taking a shower, and I discovered a special ability of this parchment. It seems to be able to seal other ghosts, and after sealing the ghosts, I got a shocking secret."

"I learned from the parchment a secret to truly living."

"This is like a deal. I am considering whether to make this deal or not. Looking at this strange parchment, I am hesitant in my heart."

"You are hesitant, you are a fool. Anyone who believes in you is mentally retarded. Fang Jing was fooled to death by you. The idiom "talking nonsense" is tailor-made for you." Yang Jian cursed, folded the parchment, and said Go see it again.

It seems that this parchment can always capture what your heart desires most and know what you want most.

But it seems to be taking advantage of your desires and doing something step by step.

However, the reason why Yang Jian never threw away the human skin paper was because everything stated on the human skin paper was true.

There was no message from this human skin when he was in school. Even if he became a ghost master at that time, he would already be dead.

Therefore, in Yang Jian's heart, he knew that this thing was very weird and evil, but he inevitably wanted to keep it to save his life.

Seize any chance of survival.

Like a straw for a drowning person, it is impossible to let go.

"I'm back, Yang Jian, are you still there?"

When Yang Jian walked out of the bathroom, the door opened and he saw Jiang Yan walking in panting with a large bag of things.

"Why did you come back so quickly after shopping?" Yang Jian wondered.

Out of male instinct, he walked over and took the heavy bag.

Jiang Yan was a little scared and said: "It's so late and I don't dare to stay outside alone. What if I encounter a ghost again? I ran all the way when I got out of the elevator just now."

"Ghosts don't distinguish between day and night. If you are unlucky, you can encounter them during the day," Yang Jian said.

"Yeah, you're right, but you have to save me when the time comes." Jiang Yan said with a smile. She felt particularly at ease when she saw Yang Jian, and she was no longer nervous or scared at all.

This is probably the so-called sense of security.

It turns out that such a thing really exists.

"Come in, okay?" Yang Jian suddenly felt something abnormal in his body.

It's not that there's something wrong with my body, but that there's something wrong with the ghost eye in my body.

It seems that the ghost eye is out of control at this moment.

Yang Jian almost had no choice but to make the decision. At the same time, they all stretched out their flesh and skin.

There are six eyes on the back of the hand, the back of the head, and the body.

In an instant, he reached the ultimate level that he could reach.

"What's going on? Why did the ghost eye suddenly appear like this, as if he was bitten by the ghost baby." Yang Jian's expression suddenly changed.

He had never encountered such a sudden abnormality. The only time he had encountered it was when he was attacked by a ghost baby at school. The ghost eyes were stimulated and began to revive.

But this time, it's here again.

"Come in and close the door."

Yang Jian pulled Jiang Yan over and immediately closed the door.

"I haven't taken a shower yet, don't worry." Jiang Yan said shyly.

Yang Jian covered her mouth to silence her.

When Jiang Yan saw Yang Jian's serious and solemn look, she immediately realized that something was wrong. Her heart trembled and she opened her eyes wide with a look of fear; "No, it can't be so unlucky, right? Another collision. A ghost?"

"It's not here, it's outside the community."

The ghostly eyes in the back of Yang Jian's head saw the lights outside flashing and flickering, coming not far away.

He immediately ran to the window and took a look outside.

On a trail not far outside the community, there is a gray world, and the lights on the road cannot illuminate it. After all the things come into contact with the gray world, they seem to be assimilated and become dim and dull. part of that world.

"What is it?"

Yang Jian's expression moved slightly, and several eyes on his body were looking there.

But I didn’t look at it for more than two seconds.

All the ghost eyes that looked past were closed.

Yes, it closed on its own without Yang Jian's control. There was no tendency to recover. It was as quiet as if it had been stuck on red paper.

"Don't you dare to look at ghost eyes?" He felt trembling in his heart.

However, with the naked eye, Yang Jian could tell that the gray world should be a ghost realm.

But the scope of that coverage is probably a bit too big.

From west to south, there is an almost invisible gray zone, like a dividing line of death, dividing the entire city.

If this is the ghost domain of a ghost, then the horror of this ghost is immeasurable.

To define its level.

At least S, destruction level.

"Fortunately, with good luck, the ghost domain just passed through the middle of the road, and the community was not affected inside. The ghost eyes should have just noticed such a big movement in advance." Yang Jian was not afraid when he saw this, but relaxed. Take a breath.

If the ghost domain passes through this building.

Then he is probably going to die violently tonight.

"What? What's wrong? What happened? Is there another ghost?" Jiang Yan didn't dare to take a breath, so she leaned over cautiously and asked in a low voice.

"It has nothing to do with us. It's just a passing ghost. It should leave soon."

Yang Jian saw that the ghost realm was beginning to dissipate.

The gray world gradually became clearer.

Based on his understanding of the ghost realm, he knows that this ghost has gone away. To you, the ghost realm is still here, but in fact, the ghost has gone to God knows where.

After all, ghosts can appear anywhere in the ghost realm at will.

However, just when the ghost realm was about to disappear completely.

Yang Jian saw an illusory scene.

Like a mirage, it showed a corner of that gray world.

A ray of candlelight swayed in the gray world.

Emitting strange green flames.

Under the white candle is a golden candlestick. It doesn't look like an ancient craft. It is a European style made in modern times and may even have been made within this month.

Under the candlelight, a pair of hands were reflected, smooth, white, and flawless.

The hands were pierced by the other end of the candlestick, but no blood flowed out.

Finally, as the candlelight flickered, Yang Jian could see that the hands belonged to a woman, but only the outline of the woman was exposed, with no appearance or features.

Mysterious, unknown, or terrifying.

Finally the screen disappears and the ghost realm disappears.

"Gold can only be used by sealing ghosts. Those hands, that woman. Have the ghost controllers fought against this thing? But it seems that the result ended in failure."

"A ghost of this level cannot be dispatched by a single ghost controller, at least it must be a team effort."

"But this ghost has not been contained and imprisoned, which means that the ghost controller has been destroyed."

Yang Jian took a slight breath.

Who planned such an action?

You are very courageous to dare to catch a ghost of this level.

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