Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 671 Time is life

"Asshole, this damn guy, this bitch is plotting against us. If we had known, we would have joined forces to kill this guy as soon as we met."

"How did he survive the last fight with Fang Shiming? Why is he not dead yet?"

"That beast Feng Quan secretly recognized a captain and learned how to play tricks. He knew that Yang Jian was nearby and deliberately pretended to be a trap."

At a lively township market in Li Xiao'an County, Pei Dong and several people appeared here inexplicably. He looked around and immediately understood what had just happened.

It must be Zhou Jiefeng who tried to use the ghost realm to shift at the last moment to avoid Yang Jian's attack.

After he saw that he had escaped from the ghost realm, he couldn't help but cursed. Although Pei Dong was fine, he had suffered heavy losses today. If he hadn't escaped quickly, he would have been almost wiped out by the group.

"That Yang Jian is too dangerous, and he is very alert. The whole meeting did not reveal any flaws. Instead, we were defeated one by one. If we meet such a person again next time, it will be unrealistic to escape. "Yeah," a person next to him said after a moment of silence. He still felt a wave of fear.

They all looked evenly matched at the moment, but once the opportunity arose, Yang Jian made them unable to parry.

"Zhou Jiefeng, where are the others? He sent us here, but he disappeared."

Pei Dong was angry, but after calming down for a while, he found that there was one less person in the team.

The most critical one, Zhou Jiefeng, disappeared.

As for Zheng Long, he was already a corpse on the ground.

"The last time I saw him was attacked by Yang Jian, he probably didn't have time to leave. After all, Yang Jian was determined to kill him at that time. If he ran away, Yang Jian would definitely chase him. In addition, we can't stay here for too long. It’s not far from Xiao’an County, and once Yang Jian’s ghost domain finds us, we will be dead.”

Someone reminded me.

Pei Dong's anger disappeared and he immediately shuddered. At this moment, even the casual glances of the passers-by felt that something was wrong, as if danger was hidden among the crowd.

"Go, go quickly, we can't save him. Make sure you are safe first."

Without any hesitation, he began to escape.

At this moment, Pei Dong felt that the biggest mistake he had made in his life was that he met the ghost-eyed Yang Jian today. He destroyed two team members in just one encounter. This was something that had never happened before. Even if he encountered a real ghost, he would not be affected. Defeated so quickly.

"It's better than being wiped out by the group."

He could only comfort himself in this way, and at the same time he swore that he would never deal with Yang Jian again.

A group of people are approaching you with great force, but when they escape, they are in a panic and haste.

And at this moment.

Zhou Jiefeng had no choice but to reveal Tong Qian's situation: "He was imprisoned by us in Xiao'an County and has never left here."

"Locked up by you? Why?" Yang Jian frowned.

"It's because we discovered that Tong Qian is special." Zhou Jiefeng said.

"Special? What's so special about him?" Yang Jian continued to ask.

Zhou Jiefeng said: "Feng Quan should be aware of this matter. Tong Qian mentioned you, but not much information was mentioned. After a supernatural incident, Tong Qian changed. He was originally a woman, but now he has become a man. Although his face is It's still his own, but the body is not, which is enough to prove that he changed the body of a living person during this period."

"The reason why ghost controllers are short-lived is because their bodies are corroded by evil ghosts and are eventually killed by evil spirits. Whether they control two ghosts or three ghosts, the real purpose is to delay the erosion of evil ghosts."

Yang Jian carried him on the road: "Continue talking."

Huang Ziya and Feng Quan on the side stared at this person closely, as if to guard against his sudden escape, or they were also curious about the purpose of these people taking Tong Qian away.

Zhou Jiefeng was dragged forward by Yang Jian like a corpse. The only parts of his body that could move were his eyes and a mouth.

He did not hide it, but said cooperatively: "So we people have found hope in Tong Qian. If we can replace a body, not only can we solve the problem of the ghost's resurrection, but we can also get rid of a curse."

"Curse? What curse?" Yang Jian stopped and asked.

He needed to change his body to get rid of the curse, which made him feel a little curious. As for solving the problem of the ghost's resurrection, it was indeed possible. However, after changing his body, he became an ordinary person, and he could only change because he was affected by supernatural power. It’s hard to say whether there will be any sequelae on the body.

Therefore, the idea of ​​changing bodies has long been extinguished in Yang Jian's mind.

"I don't know, a curse of life. This curse comes from an old pendulum clock. That pendulum clock sets a time for us. As soon as the time comes, we will die. The only thing we can do is to find ways to prolong the curse. time, and we are not the only ones who suffered the curse, Pei Dong and others, there are others, and all of us are now trying to find ways to get rid of this curse." Zhou Jiefeng said, looking very depressed.

"Changing the body is the only feasible way. It can not only get rid of the curse, but also break away from the identity of the ghost master and start a new life."

Yang Jian said coldly, "So you set your sights on Tong Qian."

"Yes." Zhou Jiefeng admitted simply.

"That curse shouldn't be that simple. You have something to hide."

Yang Jian continued to ask. This curse reminded him of the music box, which would kill him when the time came.

Just in a different way.

Zhou Jiefeng said: "Actually, being cursed is not all bad for ghost controllers. This curse has the effect of suppressing the resurrection of powerful ghosts. The premise is that more ghosts cannot be controlled, otherwise the suppression effect will become weaker. Some people have tried it and once they can control it, With three ghosts, the curse will disappear completely, but the ghost master will not be fine because of this, but will die immediately."

"Previous experiencers speculated that the time of the curse is linked to life. When the time curse disappears, life will also disappear."

"It's unbelievable that there is such a terrifying thing in this world, a pendulum clock that can release curses."

Feng Quan was a little surprised when he heard this: "I heard before that the headquarters collected some supernatural objects. It seems that the pendulum clock you mentioned is also a supernatural object."

Huang Ziya touched the crystal necklace under her neck: "Since it is a cursed object, wouldn't it be enough to imprison it? Put it in gold to isolate it from the influence of the curse."

"It's useless. The place is not big, but it is very special. And no one has found the pendulum clock so far. The appearance has only been seen in some old photos stored there. We stayed there for a while. I only heard the ringing of the pendulum clock after it reached one o'clock," Zhou Jiefeng said.

Others were even more surprised.

A pendulum clock that can never be found, a time that is the curse of life, a special place that cannot be understood.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, feeling that there were many things involved, and it seemed that the inside story was not as simple as Zhou Jiefeng said, and there were many things hidden in it that he didn't know.

But when he said this, he understood why these people clearly controlled a ghost but were not worried about the ghost reviving.

It turns out that another curse is helping them.

"No matter what you have experienced or what kind of curse you have suffered, you should not pay attention to Tong Qian. And I am also very curious. With your level, you should not be able to fight against Tong Qian. He I know the situation very well. He is a stranger who controls two ghosts, and even I feel afraid." Yang Jian said.

Zhou Jiefeng's eyes moved: "He is very scary, and I was almost killed by her, but this was also known after the fact. To be on the safe side, we used some tricks beforehand."

"What method?" Yang Jian asked.

"A powerful sleeping pill." Zhou Jiefeng said; "Tong Qian is more innocent than imagined, and we didn't expect to succeed so easily."

"Damn, that's okay." Feng Quan opened his eyes wide.

Ghostface Tong Qian, the person who controlled two ghosts, was actually put under sleeping pills. Is this a joke?

Although Yang Jian sounded a little incredible, he knew that he was not lying.

Tong Qian is in good physical condition.

But it's just too good. He has many characteristics of a living person, such as needing to eat, drink, and sleep. Even if he sleeps for a short time, he can even change his face to remain conscious, but in the end he still has physical problems. need.

Moreover, the two ghost faces freeze at the same time, so even if the ghost faces are asleep, there will be no movement.

Three chapters completed.

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