Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 7 The footsteps behind you

Yang Jian's body went limp and almost fell to the ground. He gasped for air, and then he felt the cold sweat on his forehead flow down his cheeks and fall down in ticks.

Just now, it was like walking back and forth before the gate of hell.

"No, we can't stay here. We must, we must leave here as soon as possible."

Having just temporarily escaped danger from the hands of ghosts, he didn't even have time to recall and express what had just happened.

He quickly grabbed his phone, turned on its light, and stood up.

There is an unknown ghost lingering in the darkness of this place. The longer it stays here, the faster it will die.

Walk forward in the dark.

Yang Jian's whole body was trembling slightly. He didn't know whether it was excessive nervousness or inexplicable fear.

After walking a few steps forward, as the darkness was dispersed by the light, he saw Duan Peng and Zheng Fei standing on a mottled and moldy wall, banging on the wall with frightened faces.

"Who, who?" Zheng Fei's voice trembled, and he turned around in horror.

He saw a dim light.

Yang Jian had a cold face, held up his cell phone and said, "It's me, Yang Jian."

"Yang, Yang Jian? You're not dead?" Zheng Fei was frightened and a little shocked.

"Do you want me to die as much as Fang Jing?" Yang Jian said.

Duan Peng was a little excited. He rushed over with a nervous and frightened look, grabbed Yang Jian and shouted: "You, why did you drag me in, why? I have no enmity with you, why do you want to harm me."

Yang Jian punched him in the face and said angrily: "You and I have no enmity, don't you also want to kill me? Now you blame me for the good things you did before. I said The worst case scenario is to die together. I still regret that I didn’t grab that Fang Jing and come in. He really should have let him experience the feeling of being caught by a ghost just now.”

Duan Peng was punched to the ground. He ignored the pain and just cried, "I, I don't want to die, I just want to live. Fang Jing asked me to do this. If I don't do this, everyone will die if this thing comes out." It would be better for you to die than for everyone to die."

"So I should be the one who is sacrificed? It's ridiculous, you are so great, why don't you take the initiative to sacrifice yourself? You have to force others to sacrifice."

Yang Jian said: "And you can get out if you really sacrifice me? Don't forget that there is a ghost outside, and don't be naive. That Fang Jing wanted to kill me from the beginning to the end. He must know something, otherwise You can't keep staring at me. I will take revenge today if I can get out of here alive."

But before he finished speaking, Duan Peng suddenly trembled, a look of horror appeared on his face, and he looked back tremblingly.

He couldn't see anything in the thick darkness, but he felt a cold hand grasp his wrist.

And there was an extremely powerful force coming from the cold palm.

Duan Peng's figure was almost out of control and he was dragged back.

"Help, save me, Yang Jian, save me." Duan Peng screamed in horror.

Yang Jian's heart trembled, and he inadvertently saw the pale palm on Duan Peng's wrist.

My heart skipped a beat. There was no doubt that the ghost from before was back again.

Almost subconsciously, he picked up his phone and prepared to click on the audio file, hoping to replay the previous scene and scare away the ghost.

But as soon as his hand moved, he stopped.

Duan Peng, is it really worth saving by yourself?


not worth it.

It was Fang Jing, Duan Peng, Zheng Fei and the others who caused him to encounter this kind of situation.

Now that they are in danger, why should I save them? I didn't see them saving me just now. I just wanted to find a way to escape by myself. And even if I wanted to save him, how could I save him? This mobile phone audio file can only scare the ghost away, but cannot hurt him at all.

He is nothing more than a fox pretending to be a tiger.

You want to live, don’t I want to live?

Fang Jing was right. He was too naive before. He had already heard in the classroom that Fang Jing wanted to harm him, but he was still unprepared.

Never again.

Putting down the mobile phone in his hand, Yang Jian took a step back and looked indifferently at Duan Peng's figure that was constantly being pulled back by the darkness. No matter how he called for help or screamed, he remained indifferent.

Finally, he watched Duan Peng's figure disappear into the darkness with a look of fear on his face, and at the same time, the pale palm disappeared.

And the moment the darkness swallowed Duan Peng, even his cry for help disappeared.

Everything here quickly returned to calm, and only the slight sound of falling into the water echoed, extremely clear.

Yang Jian turned his head and took a deep breath. He tried his best to calm down the tension in his body and overcome the fear in his heart. Then he picked up his phone and started looking for a way out as if nothing happened.

This ghost is still wandering here, so if he continues to stay, he can't guarantee that the ghost will not choose to attack him next time.

Fang Jing said before that using people can temporarily hold back ghosts.

The reason why he was knocked in before was because he wanted to hold this ghost back with his own life.

In this case, if Duan Peng is captured by a ghost, there must be a certain time interval between the next ghost appearance.

If the analysis is correct, you will be safe until the next ghost attack.

I can only pray like this.

Thinking of this, Yang Jian immediately began to look for a way out of here.

"Yang Jian, where are you going? Take, take me with you."

Zheng Fei saw him leaving and hurriedly wanted to chase him.

Yang Jian ignored him and just refused coldly: "You can think of a way for yourself. Don't follow me. Don't you still expect me to take you out of here? You know it's all your fault that I'm here in this damn place. .”

After saying that, he quickened his steps and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

He didn't take revenge on the spot, it was already out of consideration for his classmates. The ghost would definitely come to him after killing Duan Peng, so just let him wait for death here, and it would also delay time for himself.

If the ghost attacks again, Zheng Fei will definitely be chosen first.

Zheng Fei was startled and hurriedly followed him, but Yang Jian was no longer around, only endless darkness.

"Yang, Yang Jian, where are you? Come out. I didn't mean it before. I'm sorry. I apologize to you."

With a cry in his voice, he groped with his hands in the darkness, but found nothing.

Continue walking in a circle.

Zheng Fei soon found that he was lost.

He couldn't find Yang Jian and wanted to turn back to the wall where he was before, but he couldn't find the wall behind him either.

It seems that this is no longer the familiar toilet, but an endless dark space.

Fear gradually surged into his heart, drowning out what little courage he had left.

And then he heard dull footsteps behind him.

The footsteps came closer and closer, constantly coming towards his location.

"Duan, Duan Peng, is it you?" Zheng Fei asked cautiously with a trembling voice.

The words are not finished yet.

Suddenly, a pale hand stretched out from the darkness and grabbed his neck from behind.

Cold, stiff, not like a living hand.

"Ah~!" A hysterical scream sounded.

But Yang Jian didn't hear the scream, and now he was also facing a problem.

I was lost again in the darkness.

"This is definitely not a toilet," he thought to himself.

There was no end to the darkness in front of me, and the road ahead was far beyond the distance of a toilet.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that a full twenty minutes had passed.

I didn't leave a toilet for twenty minutes, and I didn't even touch the toilet wall or the toilet. This is totally against common sense.

The only explanation is that I went to some unknown place.

"Damn it, what exactly is the Ghost Realm? That Zhou Zheng didn't even mention it when he gave his lecture before." Yang Jian was very anxious.

Without enough information, he couldn't analyze anything at all, let alone find a way to crack this ghost realm.

"Tick tock, tick tock."

The sound of dripping water from the faucet was heard.

"Wait a minute, the sound of dripping water disappeared for a while, why did it appear again at this time?"

Yang Jian's expression changed, and then he walked in the direction of the sound of dripping water without hesitation.

If there is a dripping sound from the faucet, it means that the toilet is nearby. Just go back to the familiar toilet to find the door and get out of this damn place.

Damn, I wish I had noticed this before.

With direction and some confidence in his heart, Yang Jian quickened his pace.

But soon, he heard a low-battery reminder from his phone, which surprised him. He hesitated, and had to grit his teeth and turn off the phone.

He was more afraid of the ghost lingering here than the darkness.

This amount of power must be reserved for critical times.

Go forward in the dark, be cautious.

There was only the sound of dripping water in the darkness, and there was nothing else.

The surroundings were so quiet that I could hear my own breathing clearly.

But it wasn't long before he turned off the lights.


"Tap, step~!"

A series of footsteps sounded from behind Yang Jian, heavy and clear.

The footsteps came closer and closer, gradually approaching him.

In an instant, Yang Jian froze and his whole body tensed up. He suddenly turned on the phone light and looked back.

The light illuminates a position about one meter away, and there is nothing behind it, only thick darkness.

But the footsteps were getting closer.

"It's definitely not Zheng Fei and Duan Peng." Yang Jian's face froze slightly.

It is impossible for a living person to follow him so accurately in the darkness.

If it wasn't Zheng Fei and Duan Peng, then it was most likely the ghost wandering in the toilet.

"Go quickly."

Feeling the approaching footsteps, Yang Jian's heart trembled and he hurriedly speeded up.

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