Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 70 Is someone talking about me?


A scream sounded from a resident's house in a certain community.

Although the door was closed, there were people standing inside, all of them strong and powerful men in suits.

"Ghost controller? I have seen a lot of things that are different from humans to ghosts. Yan Li, you are not the worst one. Although I don't have the courage or ability to deal with ghosts, I can't deal with people. Very experienced.”

A somewhat indifferent young man, holding a swinging stick, looked at Yan Li who was tied to the ground with chains and his hands and feet were nailed with nails.

"Let me ask you again, where is the ghost you caught in the mall? Is it in the hands of that man named Yang Jian?"

"I don't know. I won't tell you. If you have the ability, take this ghost from my body." Yan Li was lying on the ground, covered in blood.

However, his ability is too weak and is almost useless to people. At this moment, he is tied up and nailed to the ground and there is nothing he can do.

The chains and nails are all specially made, made of steel mixed with gold.

Although there are some cut corners, it is more than enough to deal with a ghost controller like Yan Li.

"What's the use of this ghost in your body? What I want is the item. It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. I've already sent someone to Yang Jian. As long as I'm sure the item is there, you can You're dead, but with your personality, it shouldn't be possible to hand such a precious thing into the hands of a rookie."

"Even if he is also a ghost master."

This indifferent young man's name is Hao Shaowen, and he is responsible for this action.

"If I die, that ghost will run out, and it won't be easy for you." Yan Li gritted his teeth.

Hao Shaowen sneered and said: "What does that have to do with me? I will have run away by then and let the ghost controllers from the headquarters wipe my butt. Do you think I will be afraid of you if you die from the resurrection of a ghost? Ghosts are ghosts, you It’s you, the two are different, it’s useless to scare me, this is what I eat.”

After saying that, he swung the stick in his hand hard at Yan Li's head again.

Yan Li screamed, and a small piece of his head was dented, as if his brain was about to be broken.

Ordinary people with such heavy hands would probably be dead.

But Yan Li was only in pain and screaming, with no sign of death.

"Bah, you're so stubborn. I can't beat you to death no matter how hard I beat you, but that's all you can do." Hao Shaowen hit his arm again, shaking his hands and feet a few times.

Yan Li was beaten so hard that the sound of his bones cracking was heard, his skin and flesh were torn apart, and no blood flowed out.

"No matter how hard you hit me, it's useless. I won't live long anyway. You can't even get that box." His face was covered with blood, he raised his head and smiled miserably.

Hao Shaowen raised his eyebrows when he heard this; "How can I say that you really put that thing in the hands of that rookie named Yang Jian? A new ghost controller knows nothing, so you are really reassured."

After being tortured so far, although Yan Li was very tough, he had already guessed it to some extent.

The thing should not be in Yan Li's hands, otherwise he wouldn't be so tough.

"Call Wu Feng and tell him that the thing is in the hands of the man named Yang Jian. The old rules are that if the price negotiation fails, his family will be tied up directly. A young boy will give in after being scared. Don't If you think he is a ghost master, you will be afraid. If that doesn't work, just cut off a few fingers of his family members and send them to him. Don't be too afraid of ghost masters, they are all short-lived ghosts. If you are really afraid of revenge, you can hide for a few months at most."

Hao Shaowen said coldly.

Of course, the price negotiation he talked about was actually almost a forced purchase.

Anyone who knows the price is unlikely to agree, not to mention the kidnapping and threats later.

"Okay boss, I'll call Wu Feng right now." A subordinate next to him said immediately.

"Hehe, hehe."

Suddenly, Yan Li laughed a few times at this time.

"why are you laughing?"

Hao Shaowen coldly thrust the stick into his mouth: "You don't want your tongue anymore, do you?"

"I laughed at you for finding the wrong person. You have already guessed that the box is at Yang Jian's place, but you definitely don't know why the box is at his place." Yan Li said, holding back the pain all over his body; "It's not where I want to put things for him." , but I can’t get that box back at all.”

"Yan Li, what do you want to say?" Hao Shaowen asked.

Yan Li said; "I want to say that although Yang Jian is a newcomer, he is much more difficult to deal with than me. If you really plan to take something away from him, you will definitely regret it."

"Really? I want to give it a try and see what that young boy is capable of." Hao Shaowen sneered.

Although he was wary of the ghost master, he was not afraid.

These people are short-lived ghosts and do not dare to use their ghost power easily. Once they use it too much, they will die from the ghost's resurrection.

And the power of the ghost cannot affect gold.

As long as a few things are made of gold to trap the ghost master, then they will be like a turtle in a urn, unable to get out.

"Boss, Wu Feng's phone number can't be reached." At this time, the subordinate next to him put down his phone and said in surprise.

"Can't get through?"

Hao Shaowen frowned; "Call the other people, Xiao Mao, Liu Shao, try them all. It's impossible that you can't get through to anyone."

"Boss, I've tried it all but can't get through." Others also tried.

But without exception, no one answered the call.

"No need to fight, they must be unlucky."

Yan Li gasped and grinned, "If you deal with Yang Jian personally, you might be able to catch him by surprise. If you send Wu Feng over, it's very confusing to be honest."

"Seal his mouth, nail him here, and leave him to die."

Hao Shaowen's face darkened: "Follow me to where Wu Feng is."

He thought that a young boy wouldn't be that difficult to deal with, so he concentrated on dealing with Yan Li. Unexpectedly, he could easily deal with it here, but there would be trouble there instead.

Just when they were holding tape and preparing to seal Yan Li's mouth.

"Dong, dong dong."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


Immediately, everyone in the room stopped moving and looked in the direction of the door.

"Go and see who it is." Hao Shaowen glanced at him and said.

A man walked over and took a look through the peephole.

There was no one outside.

"Boss, there is no one." the man replied.

"Since there is no one, just keep working. Just watch at the door." Hao Shaowen said.

But when the man continued to stare.

"Dong, dong dong."

There was another knock on the door.

This time it wasn't the door that rang, but the door to the side.

"What's going on?" For a moment, everyone was shocked and looked in the direction of the door.

"The room should have been checked before, and no one was right."

"No, I heard footsteps. Someone was walking in the room."

"Boss, the situation seems a little bad. Why shouldn't it be so unlucky? It's a ghost, right?"

I heard the word "hit ghost".

Everyone's heart suddenly shrank.

They dare to deal with the ghost master because the ghost master is still a human being, with reason and weakness. If they are allowed to deal with ghosts, they will not dare even if they have the courage to do so.

There is no reason why ghosts kill people.

"Is it a supernatural incident? Is it so unlucky today that such a low-probability thing happened to me?"

Hao Shaowen's face immediately turned ugly, and he signaled: "Get out of here, leave Yan Li alone for now, let him stay here to be killed by the ghost, we can leave safely, don't panic."

"Yes, it's the boss."

Others did not dare to stay and were ready to open the door and leave.

However, the man who opened the door turned pale: "Fight, it can't be opened, the door can't be opened."

No matter how hard he tried.

The lock on the door seemed unresponsive and could not be moved at all.

"Get out of the way, I'll break the lock."

Another person rushed up and said, holding a tool and trying to force his way out.

However, at this moment, a slight sound of opening the door suddenly rang.

The door handle of the door slowly moved downwards, and something in the house seemed to be opening the door to come out.


Everyone's hearts were in their throats.

"It's over~!"

Some people are already starting to despair.

They have all dealt with ghost masters and know how terrifying real ghosts can be.

"I seem to hear someone saying I'm handsome?"

The next moment, the door opened, and Yang Jian poked his head out of it like a curious baby, and then walked out.

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