Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 739 The person who should have died

Yang Jian never expected that after he chased him out of the village, the ghost he finally caught up with would have such a face.

His father's appearance on the portrait was 70% similar to his own.

This strange encounter in the nightmare made Yang Jian feel like he had found his long-lost father. Although it was strange, it stirred up his heart and made it difficult for him to cheer up and start fighting in a short time.

In the dream, he was not affected by his own ghosts. Yang Jian had feelings here and was a very normal person.

"We must take action as soon as possible." Yang Jian's reason urged him to end this nightmare as soon as possible.

He quickly recovered from his shock and prepared to kill the person in front of him.

However, the man in front of him, whose feet were covered with mud, who was wearing old clothes and who looked exactly like his father in the portrait, suddenly opened his mouth and spoke: "You are better than I thought."


When Yang Jian heard this, his eyes suddenly shrank, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The ghost in front of him actually spoke.

This simply subverted his three views and made him feel a huge impact. It was more terrifying and unbelievable than the supernatural events he had encountered before.

"The ghost is still in the village. Strictly speaking, I am not a ghost." The person in front of him spoke again, seeming to see the shock in Yang Jian's eyes.

"Who are you? The portrait of my father? Are you an alien with the memory of a living person, or are you my father?" Yang Jian stared at him, still holding the rusty weapon as a weapon in his hand. Rebar.

If any accident occurs, he will fight without hesitation.

The face of the man in front of him was cold and dull, not like a living person: "Strictly speaking, I am neither a portrait nor an alien, and certainly not your father. I am a memory that exists in this nightmare, no, This description is not appropriate enough, I should be more like a ghost with the memory of a living person, but it is incomplete."


Yang Jian was still shocked.

A ghost with the memory of a living person?


He thought of an experimental direction that Wang Xiaoming had been pursuing in the past. That guy was trying to create a perfect ghost controller through various methods.

The perfect ghost controller is a ghost with the memory of a living person.

How terrifying would it be if a ghost had the mind of a living person?

It's unimaginable.

You don't have to worry about the ghosts reviving, you won't die, you don't fear any supernatural events, you can even use some weird things at no cost, and you can continue to compete with the real ghosts.

Even the most ordinary ghost can instantly surpass the current Yang Jian as long as he can control it perfectly.

However, the man in front of me said that he was not complete.

"Then what are you now?" Yang Jian stared at this alien who looked exactly like his father's portrait.

The man continued with a dead face: "You can think of me as a person who died more than ten years ago, or as another ghost in this nightmare."

"So, aren't you my father?" Yang Jian asked again.

The man's face was calm and numb. He seemed to be thinking and recalling. He said: "People live by memory, and my memory stays more than ten years ago, and I am already dead. This is something I It’s very clear, can a person who lived more than ten years ago and is already dead still be considered your father?”

"So you can understand that I have the memory of your father."

He did not admit that he was Yang Jian's father, but did he deny it, because he was the remnant of Yang Jian's father after his death, a memory that should have disappeared, but unexpectedly survived in this nightmare because of supernatural power. Meishan Village among them.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he somewhat understood the meaning of the man in front of him.

He doesn't even know what he is.

From an illusory point of view, this is the obsession of a deceased person, which appears along with this nightmare.

"Now, this is not the time to dwell on this issue. I think you will have a lot of questions. I don't have much time to give you. The ghost has been looking for me, so if you have any questions, I can answer them for you." The man said.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly and asked directly: "How did you die?"

"After experiencing some unknown supernatural events and being eroded by evil spirits, I thought of a special method, but it failed, so I died and became like this. If I could survive, maybe I could become the perfect control the evil spirits instead of being trapped in this never-ending nightmare."

The man spoke.

"I met a man named Mr. Qin. He said he hit you with his car." Yang Jian continued to ask.

"Old Qin? Is he not dead yet? He is a very mysterious man. I don't know much about him." The man recalled with a dull tone; "He drove a supernatural bus, trying to Prevent the evil ghost from resurrecting and transport the ghost back to some weird place from reality."

"Day after day, year after year, never rest, and only he can do that job. I had a chance to become the next bus driver, but my failure caused Lao Qin to choose someone else. .”

Yang Jian was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, the old man at the headquarters has dedicated himself silently for so many years.

"Did he succeed?" the man asked.

"It should have failed. I went to see that weird bus. There was a driver on it, but he was already dead. It was a corpse." Yang Jian said.

Only then did he suddenly understand why he saw a dead man acting as the driver after getting on the supernatural bus.

It turned out that the man couldn't bear it anymore, so he died on the bus one day, which resulted in no one driving the supernatural bus.

"Mr. Qin is right, there is no way to stop Li Gui from resurrecting, and he tried his best." The man said slowly, obviously he had experienced a lot of things before.

Yang Jian asked again: "There is a corpse near the village, divided into three pieces, and there are two heads. What are they?"

"That's the body of a ghost. Once the ghost in the nightmare kills me, it will take back its own body. At that time, the ghost will wake up from the nightmare. Once it wakes up, the ghost can pull reality directly into the nightmare. It was an unexplainable supernatural event, and the nightmare will become more and more dangerous day by day. With your current ability, you can't even survive the nightmare on the first day."

The man turned around and walked into the woods. Yang Jian's expression changed and he followed him.

"If Lao Qin hadn't driven the bus and knocked the ghost to sleep, there would have been no way to deal with it, and many, many people would have died."

"Did you fall asleep?" Yang Jian understood immediately.

It was Mr. Qin who drove the supernatural bus and hit the ghost, killing the ghost.

It's just that this kind of death is not complete enough, or the ghost gradually wakes up from the death state, so this supernatural event happened.

"Burying the ghost's body in three different places outside the village is a kind of protection for the village. The ghost doesn't have so many thoughts. It is looking for the body, but it senses three different locations. If it is a ghost, it What will you do?" The man walked into the dim woods.

The surrounding light suddenly became darker.

Yang Jian hesitated for a moment, but still followed. He said: "If three identical targets appear at the same time, there is a high probability that the ghost will keep wandering."

"That's right, so ghosts have been wandering around the village, and I hid in the village to avoid the attacks of ghosts." The man said, "The ghost was looking for me and its body, but it didn't It didn't work out and that continues to this day. Tonight, the balance was tipped."

"I found those corpses during the day and put them together. This may be the reason why the balance failed." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

He put the body into a body bag to isolate the ghost's senses.

So the ghost no longer lingered around the village, but came directly to the man in front of him.

The peace was broken by himself.

"I already know that the balance will be broken sooner or later. The corpse left there is a clue. I hope someone can find it. After all, the person who can find the corpse must have something to do with supernatural things. Maybe it can solve the problem in front of me. A dilemma." The man continued.

He seemed to have been waiting for this day to come.

Or maybe you want to be liberated.

After all, fighting against real ghosts in nightmares for so many years is not something that anyone can bear.

"There is an extra head on the corpse. Whose is it?" Yang Jian asked again.

"One belongs to the ghost, and the other belongs to me. It's because of that head that I can become an alien. If that head were gone, I wouldn't be able to appear in nightmares." The man continued walking deeper into the woods. .

Yang Jian looked around. This was the third time he came to this forest. This forest was different from what it was during the day.

The area has become larger.

It seems to be boundless, and it is getting denser and denser.

People will get lost here and cannot see the outside scene at all.

"Did you save me from the last nightmare?" Yang Jian asked again.

"Well, people like you don't deserve to die in this nightmare. You have more important things to do. And the fact that you can come here means that my mission has been completed. Everything that follows depends on you. ." The man said.

"What do you mean?" Yang Jian frowned.

The man said nothing and stopped again.

Ahead, a small wooden house appeared.

The cabin was not damaged or collapsed. It was exactly the same as it was more than ten years ago, without any changes.


Suddenly, Yang Jian saw a shadow at the door of the cabin. When he got closer, the shadow actually moved.

I discovered it after looking carefully.

It was a big black wolfdog, and its eyes did not have the temperament of a wild beast, but instead had an indescribable weirdness.

"Why is there a dog in the nightmare?" Yang Jian asked in shock.

Can ghosts drag dogs into nightmares?

The man walked over, touched the dog and said, "I have experienced so much and finally died in the hands of this ghost. I can't die in vain. I have to achieve something. This is my greatest achievement." "

Yang Jian asked: "Is it special?"

"It's not special yet, but if you can do it, it can replace this ghost and become the source of this nightmare." The man's tone revealed a bit of seriousness.

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