Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 798 The out-of-control cemetery

Yang Jian successfully delivered the red letter to Mrs. Liu, and also took away the coffin nails from Mrs. Liu's hand. It can be said that both planned things have been successfully completed.


Something unexpected happened.

Old Mrs. Liu, who was already a dead body, suddenly sat up at this time.

The suppression of the grave soil seemed to have failed on it, or the amount of grave soil covering it was too small to allow the corpse to fall into a deep sleep.

"What's going on? Is the evil ghost awake?" Li Yang was startled and hurriedly evacuated from the vicinity of this old tomb.

Yang Jian stared at the corpse of Old Mrs. Liu who was constantly vomiting blood: "I don't know, it seems that some kind of unpredictable change has occurred."

"You can ignore it. Our letter delivery has been completed. Let's just leave here now. This place is very evil and accidents always happen. It is not recommended to stay any longer." Sun Rui's face was a little ugly, and the uneasiness in his heart emerged again. .

He vaguely felt that something terrible would happen if he continued to stay here.


Yang Jian's expression moved slightly.

This is indeed a good suggestion. Your goal has been achieved, and you can really just pat your butt and leave.

However, he didn't want to leave just like that.

Because the ghost has not been dealt with yet.

Once his group leaves, if something continues to happen here, no one will be able to stop it, and it might lead to a very serious incident.

"No, I can't leave yet. I want to see what will happen after the message is successfully delivered. The identity of the messenger is very special. It delivers messages for ghosts. It is difficult to distinguish between good and bad. In addition, we are the ones in charge. If we just leave it alone, we will not leave. If you ask, who should we deal with if there is a problem? Shouldn't we handle it?"

Yang Jian said with a cold face: "And if there are really other ghosts in Fushou Garden, if they spread, many people will die in Dahai City."

"The supernatural incident just happened not long ago. It would be best if we could handle it at this time."

Now the matter is no longer as simple as sending a letter, but a supernatural event that is brewing or even erupting.

Sun Rui shut up and fell silent at this moment.

Yang Jian is right, they are the person in charge, not the messenger. They can leave after delivering the letter.

They are responsible for supernatural events.

Mrs. Liu's body was still sitting there.

The skinny cheeks were slightly bulging, and thick black blood was still flowing out from the corners of the mouth. The blood soaked the nearby soil, and the air was filled with a disgusting fishy smell, as if something was rotten.

Moreover, the amount of thick black blood spit out was much larger than expected.

It has far exceeded the blood volume of an adult, and there is no sign of stopping. It seems that it can sit there and keep vomiting.

This strange phenomenon definitely does not happen casually.

It must be a sign of something.

As for what will happen, no one present knows, they can only be sure that this is not a good thing.

"Try to prevent this kind of mutation of the corpse first, and stabilize the situation first. If it doesn't work, I still have a coffin nail in my hand, which can deal with a fierce ghost." Yang Jian's eyes flickered, thinking about countermeasures, and at the same time taking the overall situation into consideration.


The tall headless ghost behind Yang Jian moved.

He stood up like a headless corpse shrouded in darkness, and then walked towards Old Mrs. Liu's body.

The headless ghost in a dead state is the most suitable for testing.

Even if it doesn't work, it won't put any burden on Yang Jian now.

The headless ghost walked over quickly, and a black shadow like thick ink enveloped the body of Mrs. Liu who was sitting up.

There seems to be an inexplicable supernatural power on the skinny, cold corpse. The headless ghost tried to invade and suppress it, but was isolated from the outside.

Yang Jian saw that the headless ghost figure did not dare to approach the place where the black sticky blood had penetrated. Instead, he avoided it on his own. The corpse that kept spitting out a large amount of black blood from his mouth became a source of terror. All evil spirits will retreat.

"The blood is weird. It has properties similar to those of grave soil. It has the property of repelling supernatural forces. In other words, the thing itself is a part of some kind of supernatural being, and it is more terrifying than I imagined."

"If this kind of thing continues to spread, maybe a certain balance in this cemetery will be broken, and unexpected things will happen."

He guessed in his mind.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally made up his mind and sprinted over.

"Captain Yang, what are you going to do?" Sun Rui asked immediately after seeing Yang Jian's sudden movement.

"Don't worry about me, I'll try to deal with this body." After Yang Jian finished speaking, he had returned to Mrs. Liu's body.

Others were frightened and did not dare to get close, but just watched from a distance.

Facing a corpse that suddenly sat up, even looking at it like this made people feel creepy. Only people like Yang Jian dared to approach it again without fear.

Yang Jian approached and without saying a word, he stretched out a palm and pinched Old Mrs. Liu's neck.

His palm was also cold and stiff and incompatible with his own skin color. His skin color was relatively pale, but this palm was black, like the palm of a dead person, like a temporary piece of body parts.

"Lie down."

With a cold face, Yang Jian tried hard with his hands to push down the old lady Liu who was sitting up and bury her back in the grave.

Although Old Mrs. Liu's corpse is strange, it has not caused any substantial harm to the people and things around her. Strictly speaking, this corpse is not a ghost, but has suffered some unknown evil in the Fushou Garden. The supernatural invasion turned into an incomprehensible existence.

The sitting body of Old Mrs. Liu seemed to have been suppressed by ghost hands.

The constant vomiting of blood has been contained, but this containment is not complete, but the speed of vomiting blood has slowed down. Blood is still flowing from the corners of the mouth of this skinny and terrifying corpse, like a bottomless pit, with thick black blood still overflowing. .


The body that sat up was forcefully pushed down by Yang Jian.

After Mrs. Liu lay down, the corpse was struggling, and Yang Jian felt the movement from the corpse.

"Are you kidding me? Can't you completely suppress it even with ghost hands? Is it possible that you want to put nails in the coffin?" His face moved slightly.

The other hand actually already held the rusty coffin nail.

This is just in case.

"Seal the body with coffin nails first, and then bury it. After the pressure of the grave soil is formed, I will finally remove the coffin nails. This may be better." Yang Jian thought of a safer way.

But just as he had this idea, something unexpected happened again.

The body of Old Mrs. Liu, who was suppressed by the ghost hands, was swelling rapidly at this time.

What was originally a skinny corpse soon became as swollen as a corpse that had been soaked in water for several days.

Old Mrs. Liu's face was full of sudden death, and her ears, eyes, nostrils, and corners of her mouth were all bleeding.

It's all that thick black blood.

"Can't wait any longer."

Although Yang Jian was reluctant to use the coffin nails here, he felt that the situation was more serious than imagined.

There was almost no hesitation.

A coffin nail pierced Old Mrs. Liu's forehead and nailed her head.

But the moment the coffin nail was placed on Old Mrs. Liu, Old Mrs. Liu's bulging body exploded like a balloon.

The dead man's skin was torn to pieces, with no internal organs, flesh, and blood. Only a stream of thick black blood spattered out.

Yang Jian, who was so close, had no time to dodge, and was immediately splashed and stained with blood.

Mrs. Liu's body was now in tatters. Only her head, which was staring at the nails in the coffin, was still intact. Her gray eyes seemed to be moving, and there was an indescribable oozing feeling in Yang Jian who was looking at it.

"Captain Yang, do you need help?" Sun Rui shouted hurriedly when he saw this scene.

"I'm fine."

Yang Jian wiped the sticky blood on his face, waved his hand with a sullen expression.

However, he didn't wait for him to finish speaking.


Li Yang, who was observing the surroundings, shouted in panic: "The situation is not good. Something seems to be wrong with the old graves around. It seems that many graves are collapsing."


Yang Jian and Sun Rui looked around hurriedly without waiting to analyze the current situation.

Suddenly, a chill came over my heart.

The old tombs with names engraved on them and portraits hung on them were indeed collapsing little by little at this time.

"Look, there seems to be someone on that grave." Suddenly, a member of the supernatural forum looked pretty good and pointed to the other side and shouted.

I don't know when a person was sitting on the head of an old tomb.

The man was blurry and couldn't see clearly. He was sitting motionless on the grave. He couldn't see the front, only one side.

But that side was very strange, like a dead person's face, covered with a thick layer of grave soil. The grave soil was black, cracked, and stuck to the skin, as if it had become one with the person. .

A person with his face covered in dirt?

Oh my god

Is this still a human being?

Maybe it's a ghost that just climbed out of an old grave.

Thinking of this, Yang Jian's heart suddenly shrank.

His guess was correct.

The changes in Mrs. Liu's body are related to a certain balance in the cemetery.

Although the cemetery was weird before, at least nothing else appeared except Old Mrs. Liu. Strictly speaking, it was relatively safe.

But now?

The old tomb collapsed, and a strange person appeared on a certain tomb.

Does this indicate that the evil ghost sleeping in the tomb is about to appear?

After all, Yang Jian had made speculations before.

This cemetery is probably not prepared for the dead, but for ghosts, because the grave soil here can make ghosts fall into a deep sleep and enter a suppressed state.

Now there is a problem with this suppression and sleeping.

Was it because he took away the coffin nails from Mrs. Liu’s hand?

Or is it because of the red letter?

The former is unlikely.

Because now the coffin nail in Yang Jian's hand was returned to Mrs. Liu and nailed to the corpse's forehead.

But the changes did not stop.

So it's most likely the problem with the red letter.

"If one of them is not handled well, there will be a big problem here." Cold sweat broke out on Yang Jian's forehead.

Although he did not feel any threat to his safety, he felt an unprecedented sense of terror in his heart.

Apart from the normal tombs in Fushouyuan, how many old tombs appear strangely here?

One hundred seats, two hundred? three hundred?

Although not all the evil ghosts may be buried in so many old graves, it is at least certain that there is definitely more than one evil ghost buried here.

Even if there are more than ten ghosts coming out of the grave, the whole city outside will be destroyed.

This is no longer an existence that can be defined by an S-level supernatural event.

An S-level supernatural event is just an unsolvable level ghost.

But the condition of this cemetery has exceeded S level.

Once it breaks out completely, this will be the first SS-level supernatural event in the supernatural circle.

Even if Yang Jian holds the coffin nails in his hands, he can only successfully nail one ghost to death, but he will never be able to withstand the resurrection of so many ghosts at the same time.

Moreover, once the number of ghosts is too large, it becomes easier to trigger the pattern of ghost killing.

Maybe when the time comes, he will be stared at by ghosts even if he stands here and breathes.

He was thinking more deeply, so he was afraid.

But for those ordinary people, they didn't realize what a terrifying impact this supernatural outbreak and the ghost would have after resurrecting. So although they were frightened, they were not that scared, and instead couldn't wait to rush.

"Captain Yang, let me leave quickly. You have finished your work. Don't stay here any longer." A member of the supernatural forum urged.

Yang Jian was expressionless and ignored the presence of these people.


Just to keep you guys alive?

If something goes wrong here, it won't be a matter of life or death for a few people.

So right now, their life and death no longer matter.

"It really makes me feel embarrassed. As a member of the supernatural forum, I went to ask this ghost-eyed Xiao Yang. He clearly didn't take me into consideration." However, at this moment.

A hole opened in the dark sky of Fushouyuan.

The sunshine outside shone in, seeming to bring hope and light to this desperate and depressing tomb world.

A person followed the light and descended from the sky, slowly falling down, standing in the mid-air, overlooking everything.

The strongest attack.

Ye Zhen, the boss of the supernatural forum, is here.

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