Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 806 Invasion of the Cemetery of Reality

The headquarters sent Wei Jing to mediate.

The conflict between Yang Jian and Ye Zhen can be said to have ended here. Even if it doesn't stop, it is impossible for Yang Jian to take away Ye Zhen's body in front of the supernatural forum and Wei Jing.

What's more, his current state is indeed bad.

They couldn't even kill Ye Zhen's men, so they could only find a way to escape.

Instead of running away, it is better to be dignified, accept it as soon as possible, and take away the coffin nails to avoid further problems and further losses.

"This fight is really inexplicable, but it would be impossible not to fight." Yang Jian thought secretly in his heart.

He felt a little unbalanced when he saw Ye Zhen's lively and showy look.

He is also the one who makes the ghost shadows die and achieves the balance between the three ghosts. Normal ghost controllers will either die against him or be consumed until the ghosts revive, but this Ye Zhen is even more special than him.

The fight seemed to have no effect at all.

Maybe it has an impact, but it's just not obvious enough.

But no matter what, Ye Zhen's current condition is much better than that of Yang Jian.

Ye Zhen is still standing in the air at this moment. He is looking in the direction of Fushou Garden. He seems to have felt that what happened there is a bit serious, and his expression is actually a bit solemn.

"That cemetery is indeed a little weird, but for me, Mr. Ye, these are not problems. I will go over and have a look first. Others follow the same rules. Evacuate when they should be evacuated, and blockade when they should be blocked."

He was sending orders to other members of another forum.

Then, Ye Zhen looked at Yang Jian again: "What I didn't expect was that the coffin nail was actually in your hands. This time I lost unjustly, but I will definitely find a way to restrain myself next time. So, Yang Jian, don’t fall by the wayside, the road to invincibility is very lonely.”

"Without your presence, I think even if I stand in the sky, I will lose a lot of color."

He could also tell that Yang Jian was in a bad state now.

Although Ye Zhen was in the second grade, he still had the necessary judgment.

"I won't have a meaningless fight. If you want to fight me next time, you'd better write a suicide note and make a will, because if you lose next time, I can't make people wake up again. This The second time was that the headquarters came forward to mediate, otherwise your supernatural forum would have disappeared today."

Yang Jian said with a cold face. Although he was supporting the boss, he was also very strong.

"Haha, I appreciate your confidence. You are worthy of being the man who defeated me," Ye Zhen said with a smile, "But I, Ye, am not a vain person. You will see it one day."

Although he lost, he was still a little unconvinced in his heart.

Because Ye Zhen felt that he lost to Yang Jian, half of the reason was because of the coffin nail.

If he could overcome this problem, he believed that he would never lose to Yang Jian next time.


Ye Zhen disappeared directly.

He went to Fushouyuan.

"Captain Yang, are you okay?" Sun Rui asked at this moment.

"It's not a problem, it's just that his condition is a little worse." Yang Jian said calmly: "After all, it is impossible to fight with this guy without loss. I have to say that Ye Zhen is indeed a very dangerous person."

"Indeed, the boss of the supernatural forum has been famous for a long time. It is indeed not easy for Team Yang to defeat him." Sun Rui said.

He always thought that Yang Jian couldn't beat Ye Zhen.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhen was nailed to the ground within a few moments after putting it all together. After the news of the situation here today, the supernatural world was about to be shaken again.

At this moment, Wei Jing walked over with a numb expression: "Since you are here, why don't you go and see the situation in the cemetery? You have been to that place before, and you should have some intelligence information. If we join forces together, the risk will be smaller. That Ye Zhen is easy to support, so it’s better to play it safe.”

Yang Jian's expression changed slightly and he said, "If Ye Zhen didn't interfere with me, maybe the matter would have been resolved, but it would be good to go and take a look. I also want to know what is happening in Fushou Garden now."

Although he is in a bad state, if he wants to investigate the ghost post office, he must understand the secret behind the letter delivery.

"Then let's go together." Wei Jing said, and everything around him was quickly filled with a layer of darkness.

The darkness was so frightening that it swallowed up Yang Jian, Sun Rui, Li Yang, and the ghost boy hiding in the dark.

Then, the darkness quickly disappeared again.

The figures of everyone present had disappeared, all taken away by Wei Jing's ghost realm.

"It seems that today's affairs have ended successfully. All that's left is to watch the boss, Wei Jing, and Yang Jian deal with the anomalies in Fushou Garden."

The manager of the supernatural forum breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. His whole body was soaked with sweat, and he almost collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

Awu on the side couldn't help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead: "We almost had a fight just now. I have a feeling that if a fight really breaks out, our chances of taking back the boss are really slim. Nine out of ten. Ninth, it was about to be destroyed by the regiment, but fortunately Lin Luomei intervened in time to stop it, and at the same time, the headquarters sent Wei Jing to mediate."

"The ghostly Wei Jing is no less terrifying than Mr. Ye."

The manager looked very serious: "I'm afraid that after Yang Jian releases Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye will still want to fight. In that case, Wei Jing will not hesitate to take action, and we will really suffer a disaster."

"Fortunately, Mr. Ye is still rational and not impulsive, but I don't understand why there is a coffin nail in Yang Jian's hand? Although the starving ghost missing from the headquarters is related to Yang Jian, it is logically impossible for Yang Jian to To do something reckless like that.”

Even though he saw Yang Jian controlling an imp and the coffin nails in his hands, it was almost like reenacting the starving ghost incident.

But analyze it in terms of form and pros and cons.

Yang Jian had no motive for stealing the starving ghost and taking away the coffin nails.

Therefore, even if there is suspicion, it is only based on the lack of clues.

"Manager, I think it is necessary to say something. The coffin nail is not from the headquarters. It was found by Yang Jian in the cemetery." Suddenly, a member of the supernatural forum hesitated and said.

"How did you know?" the manager asked in surprise.

The man said: "I saw with my own eyes that Yang Jian took it from the hands of a ghost in the cemetery. Not only did I see it, but several colleagues who survived also saw it. The ghost took this coffin and nailed it to the cemetery. The words engraved in it indicate that Russell was killed by that ghost."

"The second one? This is too much of a coincidence." The manager's eyes flickered.

No, maybe Mr. Ye is too unlucky.

Yang Jian came to Fushouyuan because he had received information about the coffin nails, so he made the trip. But Mr. Ye was too impulsive and passed by with his head blank.

This is better.

Yang Jian successfully obtained the second coffin nail, and then the two started fighting.

"Forget it, let's forget about it for now. I will sort out the intelligence information afterwards. Let's do some work first. In addition, Wei Yun, are you okay?" The manager said and looked at the other ghost master.

The ghost controller named Wei Yun was about 1.9 meters tall and as skinny as a hemp pole, with only skin and bones left. His body was wet, with signs of being eaten by something, and he exuded a fishy smell. smell.

"No, it's not a big problem. The little ghost raised by Yang Jian is very scary. He is no different from a real ghost. Fortunately, the time spent fighting him was short, otherwise I would soon be unable to withstand it." Wei Yun said with lingering fear.

He felt that if he lingered for a moment longer, he would be eaten alive by the brat.

And he had no ability to resist.

After all, ghosts cannot be killed.

That kid is not afraid of his own counterattack. No, his own counterattack is useless.

"It's okay. After all, it's Ghost Eye Yang Jian. No one knows how many cards he has in his hand. But it's good to have this fight. At least we can determine a lot of information about him." The manager said solemnly.

However, the scene that happened here not only involved everyone in the supernatural forum.

Many citizens who had been walking in the square had seen the whole incident.

They are all holding their mobile phones to record the whole process. Some people go too far and directly turn on the live broadcast mode.

Because everything just now exceeded their cognition and touched a strange and terrifying world, and this world was hidden around them.


The building that was torn apart by Yang Jian's Ghost Domain before was still collapsing, with a large amount of building materials falling down. After holding on for a while, the building finally couldn't hold on anymore and began to completely collapse at this moment.

The weird thing is.

A building collapsed, but no one was injured.

At some point, the building emptied out and mysteriously disappeared.

However, collapsed buildings will also have a huge impact on the surrounding areas.

"Awu, deal with the building, and others will recycle all these people's mobile phones." The manager took a deep breath, preparing to contain the spread of the matter first.

A young man noticed something was wrong and hurriedly wanted to put away his phone and run away, but was stopped by members of the paranormal forum.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Without saying a word, the member of the paranormal forum snatched his mobile phone, threw him 10,000 yuan, and warned: "I bought your mobile phone, and you are not allowed to tell anyone what happened today. Otherwise the consequences will be serious.”

The same thing keeps repeating.

The process of confiscating mobile phones went smoothly. No one dared to confront the people on the paranormal forum. Of course, some people slipped through the net.

Some people saw this and hurriedly sent the video, and then they were not afraid if their mobile phones were recycled.

"It's really scary. The fight between those two people just now was really deadly. What happened to this world? I just saw a flash of red light and a building was torn apart."

"Are those people really human? I seemed to have seen a little ghost running past me just now."

"Yes, the man just now looked like a corpse. I accidentally touched his hand. It was so cold and terrifying."

Tonight, many people in Dahai City are destined to have insomnia.

However, as the video is uploaded, the fight between Yang Jian and Ye Zhen will soon spread.

"How did Fushouyuan become like this?"

at the same time.

Of course, when Wei Jing, Yang Jian and others came to the gate of Fushou Garden again, they were stunned.

The archway of Fushouyuan suddenly became old, as if it had experienced decades of wind and rain, and the roads inside had also disappeared, replaced by an endless cemetery. Those graves The field is an extra existence out of thin air, it is not originally in the cemetery.

in addition.

Yang Jian actually saw several strange figures wandering in the cemetery, like ghosts.

"Wait a minute, the ghost realm in the cemetery is gone."

Suddenly, he noticed a detail.

The cemetery itself exists in the ghost realm, but now that the ghost realm is gone, all the weird things in the cemetery have invaded into reality and merged perfectly with reality, forming a truly terrifying and dangerous place of horror. land.

"There are quite a few ghosts in the cemetery." Wei Jing said with a numb expression.

He seemed to sense the danger, and then took off an old hemp rope from his waist.

That's a ghost rope.

Wei Jing took the ghost rope and walked into the cemetery.

"How dare a mere brat wander around in front of me, Mr. Ye? Today I will let you know how terrifying I am, Mr. Ye." At the same time, Ye Zhen's shameful voice echoed in the cemetery.


Ye Zhen encountered a fierce ghost inside, and at this moment he actually chose to confront it head-on.

I don't know if there is something wrong with his brain, or if he really has the capital to confront the evil spirits head-on, so he is confident.

"The situation is indeed serious." Yang Jian also frowned deeply.

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