Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 820 Successful Suppression

"Then the operation to imprison this ghost can begin."

Yang Jian spoke at this moment, his cold voice echoing in the corridor on the second floor.

This is a temporary decision.

According to his plan, it would be enough for him and Li Yang to survive this time, but considering the special characteristics of this ghost and Li Yang's current state, maybe this is an opportunity to control the two ghosts.

"Is he really going to take action against the ghost?"

Wang Shan's eyes stayed on Yang Jian. He did not doubt that this man really had the ability to deal with evil spirits, but he was curious about the way he imprisoned evil spirits because he had never seen it before.

This is beyond the comprehension of all messengers.

"Imprisoning the devil? You are really good at telling lies. Yang Xiaohua just wants to kill you and use you for experiments. If you cooperate with him, you will definitely be in bad luck."

The man named Liu Mingxin immediately shouted: "If you want to survive, you have to think of other ways. You can't rely on this guy. He was the one who tore up the letter and attracted the ghost just now. He is even more hateful than the ghost."

"There is no other way. This is the best choice. Don't you know that there is nowhere to escape from this place? If it is outside, there are still some opportunities, but here," Yang Xiaohua shook her head.

She thought clearly.

Since the ghost is on this floor, wandering in a certain room.

Then everyone on this level will be attacked.

The Yang Jian in front of him was no exception.

Therefore, Yang Xiaohua believes that the prerequisite for Yang Jian to survive is to face the ghost attack head-on.

And Yang Jian's idea was even crazier. He wanted to deal with this ghost and imprison it.

No matter what the situation is, Yang Jian must have the capital to resist the ghosts, otherwise he himself will die here.

Yang Xiaohua didn't believe Yang Jian, but she believed that this lunatic would not trick her to death.

If he has this ability, then he doesn't mind taking a gamble.

Liu Mingxin was speechless. His forehead was covered with sweat. At this moment, the ghost was still killing people. One person had died just now. The ghost had calmed down for the time being. However, this calm was short-lived. The next person to die would be among them. Appear.

It might be Cai Yu, it might be Yang Xiaohua, and of course it might be herself.

There really is no choice now.

"Judgment is more important than emotion. We have already reached the second floor. As messengers, you should have all the awareness you should have." Yang Jian stood in front of Yang Xiaohua.

The height difference made him lower his head slightly to look down at this thin and petite woman.

"And I don't think it was me who killed you, because I also suffered attacks from ghosts and took this risk. You can't survive because you are too weak, or you missed the opportunity to grow. If you are If we had delivered more than just letters when delivering letters on the first floor, maybe we wouldn’t be so powerless now.”

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he grabbed the woman's neck and pushed her directly to the door behind him.

"You are not allowed to leave your place from now on."

Yang Xiaohua's eyes flickered and she bit her lip, looking like she had suffered grievance and humiliation.

Although I agreed to be the bait, the feeling of having my fate manipulated was really uncomfortable.

"What do you mean by what you just said? The first floor is not just about delivering letters?" Yang Xiaohua suppressed her anger, preserved her rationality, and paid attention to some details in Yang Jian's words.

Yang Jian said calmly: "I personally judge that the supernatural intensity that the messenger on the first floor is exposed to should be limited. If it is just to send a message, it should not be difficult to complete. This can be seen from the number of people on the second floor. If it is difficult, If it's too big, you won't be able to have so many messengers survive on the second floor. Although the death rate on the first floor is high, it's just because of the competition to select out some ordinary people who are not in good mental condition."

"If you are really capable and capable, you will not die on the first floor. If you return to the first floor to deliver the letter now, how sure are you of success?"

"There should be a 70% success rate." Yang Xiaohua adjusted her glasses and said reluctantly.

Yang Jian said: "That's right. With such a high success rate, is it just for you to deliver letters? What are you doing as a ghost post office? Is this a benefit for you?"

"What exactly do you want to say?" Yang Xiaohua raised her head slightly and looked at this person.

"Haven't you ever thought about stealing supernatural powers during the mission of delivering letters?" Yang Jian expressed an idea.

Although this idea is very ordinary, in the eyes of these messengers, it is particularly amazing.


Not only Yang Xiaohua, but also several other living messengers looked at Yang Jian in shock.

Stealing supernatural powers during a message delivery mission?

"Surprised?" Yang Jian's eyes moved and he looked at a room with a closed door next to him.

"It seems that your thinking is limited. Most of you should have run away after delivering the letter, without digging out the opportunities brought by a supernatural event. If you can steal the letter during the three missions on the first floor, With some supernatural power, wouldn’t the probability of survival be much greater if we use the supernatural to fight against the supernatural?”

"Once you have the capital to fight against evil spirits, the situation where ordinary people are unable to resist will be reversed, and the probability of survival will increase."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible to do. That thing will kill people just by touching it."

The messenger named Liu Mingxin on the second floor shook his head quickly, recalling a certain letter delivery mission in his mind.

He was exposed to some horrors and had a shadow in his heart.

Yang Jian glanced at him: "Just contact will kill someone, so how did you survive? Fear has made you all lose your judgment. The best opportunity to improve your survival has been missed by you. I want to steal the idea of ​​​​supernatural power. There should be messengers on the third floor, you are a little too green."

"The purpose of tearing up the letter is to go upstairs to the fifth floor to investigate the existence of the ghost post office, so I don't want to kill you, nor will I deliberately harm you. If you can follow my footsteps, you may not be able to survive. .”

"Of course, there is no basis for what I say. Today I will let you see how I steal supernatural power, and I will also let you people die in peace."

The words have just been spoken.

There was a sudden movement from the door of the next room. The sound was strange, but a terrifying scene emerged in my mind.

It was as if a body was crawling across the floor in the room.

"Captain, here we are, next door." Li Yang reminded.

The room next door is not far apart, only about ten meters away.

Yang Jian's expression moved slightly, but he had no idea of ​​taking action.

Even though the ghost was very close, he still only guarded the door behind Yang Xiaohua.

Wagging is a taboo.

What's more, he is sure to deal with this ghost, so why bother to mess up his position.


There was a messenger wandering near the room next door. He also heard the movement in the room at this moment, and thought of the tragic situation of the previous victims, and now he ran away without saying a word.

With a frightened expression, he moved away from the door that was about to open as quickly as possible.


next moment.

The door opened.

But this messenger was lucky, and seemed to have escaped to a safer area, without the terrible pulling force from before.

The door just opened.

It was dark inside, and there seemed to be shadows of foreign objects moving around.

But nothing happened.

The messenger is still alive.

"He's fine." Wang Shan's eyes widened when he saw this.

"Can you survive?" Cai Yu, Yang Xiaohua, Liu Mingxin and other messengers on the second floor all had this thought in their minds.

This result is critical.

It is related to the future direction of everyone's life.

But before the results come out, no one dares to act rashly.

This strange messenger's heart was beating wildly at this moment, and he felt an inexplicable excitement, as if he saw the hope of living.


Just keep running like this.

Stay away from that door, maybe it'll be safe.


But the next moment, something horrifying happened.

The door behind him was not closed yet, but the door in front of the strange messenger opened again.

That was the door of the last victim's room.


He became frightened and cried out in despair.

A terrible supernatural force pulled him into the room.

Like everyone else, he tried to block it with his own strength, but to no avail, because the supernatural power was so huge that he flew into the air and was sucked directly into the dim room.


As soon as this person fell into the room, the door was quickly closed.

The frightened shouts disappeared, the sounds of foreign objects moving inside also stopped abruptly, and everything returned to calm.

Seeing this scene, the remaining messengers were covered in cold sweat.

There is no way to escape this ghost's attack.

It turns out that ghosts can open more than one door.

"Is hiding in a corner really useful?"

Wang Shan and Cai Yu are really cowering in the corner and shivering.

My heart is filled with doubt and uncertainty.

While they thought it was a chance of survival, it wasn't confirmed.

"Dead, dead." Liu Mingxin's mouth trembled, as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

The deaths of messengers one after another have proven that the door to a room is dangerous, it is dangerous to close the door, and it is dangerous to escape.

And the corridor on the second floor is only such a big place, isn't this a sure death?

Yang Xiaohua also bit her lip so tightly that it almost bled. Although her heart was beating wildly and her whole body was tense, she still forced herself to calm down.

"Sure enough, I have no choice but to believe this lunatic."

She clenched her fists, determined in her heart the decision she had just made, and planned to put her life on this bait.

He looked at Yang Jian again.

This man was still calm, even too indifferent, and the successive deaths just now seemed not to have shaken him in any way.

It was as if what died in front of him was not a group of people, but a group of ants.

This is the look that truly regards life as an ant.

"Is he dead? It seems that he has bad luck, so now, who is next?"

Yang Jian slowly withdrew his gaze and spoke, his voice like a ghost spreading a curse, challenging everyone's nerves.

At this time, do you still have the mood to say this?

Cai Yu in the corner stared at this person. He wanted to see some clues, but unfortunately among the people he had come into contact with, there had never been anyone similar to this person.

This is a unique existence.

Time passed by second by second.

There seems to be a short vacuum period after the ghost kills someone, and it will take a while before attacking the next person.

Everyone who survived is waiting for the end of this vacuum period to welcome the arrival of the next death.

Everyone was sweating profusely.

That's near-death stress.


"Captain, the ghost is here again."

Li Yang's voice broke the dead silence.

Although he is inconspicuous, others can see that this person can determine the location of ghosts in advance and provide information.

"This time it's"

Li Yang looked at Yang Xiaohua.

It shouldn't be the room behind this woman.

"It seems that your luck is not that bad. It is quite useful to wait and wait."

A cold smile appeared on Yang Jian's lips, and he faced the old wooden door head-on.

Yang Xiaohua was sandwiched between Yang Jian and the wooden door. Her eyes were wide open and her pupils shrank.

She seemed to be able to feel that the ghost was in the room behind her.

There is only one door between you and yourself.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this feeling.

next moment.

The door behind him slowly opened.

Yang Xiaohua could feel a cold breath rushing from behind to the back of her head.

Because she was sweating profusely, the coldness was particularly obvious, as if her whole body was freezing.

However, she didn't dare to move.

Because once he couldn't help but run away, not only would he be chased by ghosts, but he would also face revenge from Yang Jian.

He made the plan, and he must not allow himself to make any mistakes.

"Imprisoning a fierce ghost? Can this person really do it?" Yang Xiaohua stared at this person, seeming to have his every move deeply imprinted in her mind.

However, Yang Jian remained motionless at this time.

No movement?

Yang Xiaohua was inexplicably panicked at this moment, and she had no confidence in her heart.

But the next moment.

The door has been completely opened, and the dim room behind can be glimpsed with the peripheral vision.


A huge pulling force appeared, and this strange supernatural power covered Yang Xiaohua's whole body. Her body trembled suddenly and then she flew backwards.

There is no suspense.

The ghost attacked her while she was standing at the door of the room.

"help me."

Yang Xiaohua stretched out her hand and grabbed it randomly. She looked at Yang Jian in horror, her eyes quickly moving away from the door in front of the room.

"Get started, Li Yang will follow."


Yang Jian took action. He rushed into the room at a speed that exceeded that of ordinary people, grabbed the woman's arm in mid-air, and then followed the huge pull deep into the room.

Since Yang Xiaohua is a bait, the source can naturally be traced through the bait and fishing line.

The supernatural force that attacked her was an invisible fishing line.

While taking away Yang Xiaohua, they also brought Yang Jian.

In the darkness, Yang Jian's eyes emitted a striking red light. He peered into everything in the darkness and found the source of the evil ghost.

That's where the toilet in the room is.

The toilet door is open at this moment.

A female corpse with rotting clothes, pale body and bruises was lying on the ground with disheveled hair. At this moment, the female corpse raised her head slightly, revealing a pair of hollow, numb eyes.

Weird and evil.

Why is there an extra female corpse in the toilet?

No, is it a ghost?

Yang Jian didn't know why this idea popped up in his mind, but then he quickly receded.

"go away."

He grabbed Yang Xiaohua and shook her hard.

This woman actually broke free from the shackles of supernatural power, flew out directly, and fell heavily on the sofa next to her. Although she was a little dizzy from the shock, she was not injured. She only felt that her arm was almost hit by a cold... The palm of his hand was broken.

The next moment, Yang Jian rushed into the toilet and faced the fierce ghost head-on.

Li Yang followed closely and reached out to touch the toilet door.


There was another door slam.

Li Yang once again used the ghost's ability to block the door, locking Li Gui and Yang Jian inside together.

This was planned.

It wasn't that he acted randomly, the purpose was to trap Li Gui, prevent Li Gui from breaking free temporarily, and give Yang Jian a chance to suppress him.

"How could he?"

Yang Xiaohua struggled to stand up in a hurry and looked in the direction of the toilet in shock. She could only see a vague outline in the dim environment.

But what happened just now left a deep impression on her.

Yang Jian pushed himself away and rushed into the toilet where the evil ghost seemed to be.

in other words.

That Yang Jian really saved himself.

Yang Xiaohua pursed her lips and had complicated thoughts. She didn't think that Yang Jian would save her, but would just use her to achieve a certain purpose. She just took a gamble with no way out. Unexpectedly, the result exceeded her expectations. .

"Bang! Bang!"

There was a banging sound on the toilet door, as if something terrifying was about to break free and come out from inside.

"Captain Yang, are you okay?" Li Yang called anxiously.

He was afraid of an accident and Yang Jian was inside.

If this is the case, then the entire ghost post office is really a dead end.

"Open the door." Yang Jian's growling voice came from the toilet.

Li Yang was startled and suddenly broke away from the door.

The ghost's ability to block the door fails.


A scarlet light suddenly lit up in the toilet. This light was like substance. It shone out the moment the toilet door opened and went straight to Li Yang.

Li Yang felt a strange and cold breath eroding his body.

It seemed that some foreign object was sent in by the red light.

But this abnormality lasted for a short time, even less than three seconds.

Soon, the red light dissipated.

The toilet was shrouded in darkness again, and everything returned to calm.


But then, Li Yang's eyes bulged, and he screamed out in intense pain.

There was a terrifying humanoid outline squirming and bulging under his skin, as if it was about to tear his body into pieces alive. '

The ghost, who was forcefully sent into Li Yang's body by Yang Jian just now, is now struggling, trying to kill Li Yang and get out of control.

The horror level of this ghost is not low, and it is not the kind of ghost that can be controlled casually.

It is difficult to control this ghost.

"Use the door-blocking ghost's ability to block this ghost in your body and try to form a balance. You have to be quick, otherwise you will be dead if the balance fails."

Yang Jian's voice came from the toilet. In the darkness, his eyes were strangely glowing scarlet, and he walked out panting while holding on to the wall.

Just now, he used the fifth-level ghost realm.

Very reluctantly.

But nothing happened.

Because the Ghost Post Office itself is a ghost domain, it has a certain suppressive effect on the ghost eyes. If you use the ghost eyes forcibly once, you will not be revived, but it is still very dangerous.

Fortunately, it worked.

Otherwise, if the plan fails, he will have to use supernatural props to survive.

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