Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 828 The Shadowless Man

Yang Jian and Li Yang took a special car and drove in Dachuan City.

This city is also a very important metropolis. Although its importance is not as important as that of Dachang City, it is on the same level as Dachang City in terms of population, economy, and prosperity.

According to normal principles, this city should not only have these few vehicles on the road, but this few pedestrians.

Although Yang Jian saw that the city was functioning normally during the car ride, it felt to him that it was a little less popular.

There is no noisy, lively feeling.

There is a sense of lifeless depression.

"Li Yang, check, have there been any supernatural events here?" Yang Jian ordered.

Li Yang immediately contacted the headquarters to investigate the supernatural files in Dachuan City.

In such a big city, there will always be supernatural events. Before the starving ghost incident occurred in Dachang City, there were several supernatural events, but the scale was small and within the control range.


Li Yang got a reply, and he said: "There are two supernatural event files, one is a C-level supernatural event, the code name is forgotten. There is also one level B supernatural event, the code name is: Fierce Ghost Zone."

"Both matters were resolved by Li Leping, the person in charge of Dachuan City. There should be no problems now. Everything in Dachuan City has been calm since then, and no special circumstances have occurred again."

Yang Jian nodded: "Only two supernatural events happened in such a big city. This is really good luck. However, the Han city that Sun Rui was in charge of was the chosen place. Not a single supernatural event happened. , compared with them, I am much worse off."

"Sun Rui is not feeling well now. There is a ghost post office in the urban area. Once it gets out of control, it will be an A-level supernatural incident." Li Yang said.

Yang Jian said: "Bring out these two files and show them to me first."


Li Yang immediately contacted the operator and started to retrieve the two files.

The first file "Forgotten"

The name of the file is very strange. I don’t know who named it. It’s not down to earth at all.

After looking through the files, Yang Jian found out that Dachuan City began to notice signs of a decrease in the migrant population at some point, so investigators went to investigate.

As a result, according to a population survey, it was shockingly discovered that many families have missing persons.

The strangest thing is that after the disappearance of a relative at home, no one else feels anything. The original family of four became a family of three, and then life went on as usual.

It is precisely because of this that this supernatural incident was discovered relatively late.

As for the specific number of missing people, an exact figure has not yet been obtained.

After that, the strange disappearances stopped, and Li Leping contacted the headquarters and said that he had solved the supernatural incident.

There is no record of the process of solving the supernatural incident, and there is no record of the intelligence information of the ghost.

This is a incomplete file, with only a personal report from Li Leping.

Credibility is low.

But the headquarters still accepted it. After all, this is also a supernatural event file and has certain reference value.

"Was that ghost controlled by Li Leping? So he became a person who is easily forgotten?" Yang Jian thought like this.

Then he opened the second file.

Code name, Ghost Zone.

The incident started three months ago.

In the city center of Dachuan City, corpses of all kinds of miserable deaths were discovered one after another in the streets and alleys at night, and the number of deaths was increasing day by day. Things about ghost killings also became a problem a few months ago. The strange stories in the city have made many citizens change their expressions after hearing them.

Many people choose not to go out at night.

But occasionally, a camera on the street captures a terrifying ghost figure.

It seems that there is an unknown evil ghost wandering in a certain area and constantly attacking living people.

After that, the area was cordoned off.

The blocked area is the ghost area.

Later, Li Leping entered the blocked ghost area alone.

A few days later, the lockdown was lifted.

Because he reported to the headquarters that the supernatural incident had been dealt with and the evil ghost would not appear again.

But what is very strange is that there is still no relevant process of Li Leping's handling of supernatural events in the files, nor is there any intelligence information about the evil ghost.

This is another incomplete file.

"Li Leping deliberately concealed the process of handling supernatural incidents. Is this a way of protecting his own intelligence? Or is there something going on in the process of handling supernatural incidents that he doesn't want others to discover."

Yang Jian began to think deeply.

There is something strange in this city, and even the person in charge, Li Leping, is cast a shadow.

And now the address of the ghost post office points to this city.


Something must be happening here, or something has already happened, but I'm just here for the first time and I don't understand it yet.

"There's no rush, let's investigate slowly."

Yang Jian thought this way.

But suddenly, he recalled an important detail of this letter delivery mission.

That is, there seems to be no time limit for this letter delivery mission.


Yang Jian recalled carefully and found that there was really no time requirement for this letter delivery task.

The previous letter delivery task of Fushouyuan in Dahai City had a seven-day delivery requirement, but this time the deadline was not mentioned.

"If there is no requirement for delivery time, then the default should be three months, because it takes three months for the messenger on the third floor to deliver a letter." He wondered.

Three months, which means that the deadline for sending the letter this time will be quite generous.

But this also shows from the side that this letter delivery reveals some unusual atmosphere.

Just when Yang Jian was thinking, the vehicle that was originally driving smoothly suddenly started to accelerate rapidly, and seemed to be rushing through a traffic light intersection quickly.

However, at this moment, a small truck rushed out of the road next to it and hit the special car directly.

The special car accelerated rapidly as if to avoid the small truck, but it was still a step slower.

The back door of the car was hit by a small truck. Everyone in the car felt a violent vibration. Then, with the sound of sudden braking coming from outside, the vehicle lost control at the intersection, rolled over directly, and finally slid more than ten meters on the ground. Far away, it hit the green belt on the roadside before stopping.

The small truck that was the vehicle involved in the accident had no intention of stopping. It simply stepped on the accelerator and quickly slipped away.

The twisted and deformed special car overturned and seemed to be motionless. It was unknown how the people inside were injured or killed.

But the next moment.


There was a loud noise, and the side door of the vehicle was instantly kicked out.

Yang Jian got out of the car that was involved in the accident with an expressionless face. His slightly red eyes stared at the vehicle that caused the accident that left quickly. He wanted to pursue it, but he held back.

Because the driver of that car is a living person.

This means that it is not an attack by a ghost. If it is not, then there is no need to use supernatural power.

"This is not a coincidence, but intentional. Someone has been targeting me for a long time. Is it an enemy? Probably not. They want to kill me by causing a car accident. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that this is impossible. matter."

Yang Jian watched the car leave, his expression slightly gloomy.

"Why did you get into a car accident? It really scared me. Captain Yang, how's the situation?" Li Yang also got out of the car. He had blood on his forehead and suffered some skin injuries.

Yang Jian said: "Everything is normal, nothing special. It's just that the driver who caused the accident ran away. Let Li Leping arrest someone. He is the person in charge of Dachuan City. There should be no problem in arresting someone. I don't want to waste time on this. "

"The driver seems to be dead. He made no movement." Li Yang added.

"Really? That's really a pity." Yang Jian was expressionless.

He will not have any special emotions over the death of a stranger, because he has seen too many lives and deaths.


Several special cars behind him quickly stopped nearby.

Li Leping walked down: "How are you two, are you okay? I saw your special car had a car accident just now. It really scared me. Don't worry, I will definitely pursue this matter to the end. The driver who caused the accident will be arrested today." Once he is brought to justice, he will definitely give an explanation to both of you."

Yang Jian looked at his face that was so calm that it was almost numb, and he could not see any emotion in Li Leping. Instead, he was so calm that it was scary.

But if most ghost controllers were like this, he didn't care much.

"Change a car. I hope this is just a misunderstanding." Yang Jian said.

Without saying a word, Li Leping arranged other vehicles for the two of them.

Soon, everyone left the intersection where the accident occurred.

But among the twisted and deformed vehicle, the driver in the front row had fallen coldly on the driver's seat.

He was still holding the steering wheel with both hands, and his body remained as it was when driving.

But on the neck, a human head has disappeared. I don’t know where it rolled, but the wound on the neck is extremely smooth. It is definitely not caused by this car accident, but this wound should have been there a long time ago.

Because the front row and the back row are separated.

Li Yang and Yang Jian didn't pay attention to the driver's strange situation.

But the small truck that had just hit and run was speeding through the center of Dachuan City with its accelerator firmly pressed.

The strange thing is that there are very few vehicles on the road where the small truck travels. Even if there are a few vehicles occasionally, they have changed lanes and left half a minute ago.

in addition.

Every time the pickup truck passes through an intersection, it encounters a green light.

Even though there was a red light, the green light suddenly flashed and turned back to green as the pickup truck arrived.

The driver of this minivan was an ordinary middle-aged man.

This man looked a little dull, like a puppet who only held the steering wheel and stepped through the traffic jam, without any intention of slowing down or giving way.

The minivan disappeared into Dachuan City. It was unknown where it went, and there was no trace.

As for Yang Jian, Li Yang also stayed in a five-star hotel in this city under Li Leping's arrangement.

The hotel is empty. So far, apart from some waiters, chefs, cleaning staff and the like, they are the only two guests.

Li Leping said that this hotel had been bought by him and was specially used to receive Yang Jian and Li Yang.

Yang Jian was not surprised to receive such a standard.

After all, as a responsible person, I still have this energy.

"I'm going to deal with the incident that caused the accident just now and give you two an explanation. I'll come back here tonight to discuss the affairs of Dachuan City with you. I hope you don't mind." Li Leping said.

"Okay, you go and do your work first. I'll wait for your good news." Yang Jian stood there, watching Li Leping and his group leave.

Li Yang frowned. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't explain it.

This feeling was vague and vague. I wasn't sure before, but after entering this five-star hotel, it was strengthened and I was sure.

"Captain, it's weird here."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Jian's mouth: "Of course it's weird, these people don't even have a shadow when they walk."


Li Yang's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately looked at Li Leping and others who had not gone far.


A chill came out.

Outside in the sunshine.

Neither Li Leping nor the assistants in suits nearby were seen.

This is very unreasonable.

You know, nothing can be without a shadow.

But there are exceptions to everything. There is one thing in this world that can go against common sense.


As long as it involves ghosts and supernatural events, all physical common sense and all cognitions may be subverted.

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