Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 830 Their respective experiences

Liu Mingxin, Cai Yu, and Yang Xiaohua, who had just arrived in Dachuan City, had already died before they could stand firm.

The remaining two people realized the danger and weirdness of this place and began to flee the city in fear. It was easy for them to enter the city, but it was not that simple to leave alive smoothly. After all, they were just ordinary people. It does not possess supernatural powers.

Ordinary people are vulnerable and can be easily killed.

Just like Liu Mingxin before, he was burned alive for no apparent reason.

And at the same time.

Okawa City Airport.

A passenger plane falls.

Li Yi, Liu Qingqing, and the man named Guo You also came to Dachuan City.

They were the couriers on the third floor of the Ghost Post Office. They also chose to participate in the letter delivery mission this time and did not place their hopes on Yang Jian alone.

"Li Yi, you must contact Yang Jian as soon as possible and strive to meet up as soon as possible."

Guo You said: "Although there is no time limit for this letter delivery task, I think the more so, the more dangerous this letter delivery will be. The newcomer who came up from the second floor is a bit ignorant, and I am worried that he will lose the letter. "

Li Yi looked at his phone: "I made a deal with Yang Jian. He hasn't sent me the money yet. If I receive the relevant information, I can contact him immediately."

"You should have asked him for his mobile phone number before." The mature and sexy Liu Qingqing, who was wearing a cheongsam, said.

"He is not easy to talk to, and he doesn't seem to want to have too much contact with us. He is a relatively indifferent person, and this person named Yang Jian seems to be very unusual. It's a pity that I don't have enough time, otherwise I will investigate this person carefully. , see what his background is." Li Yi said.

Guo You said with a straight face: "I have done what you said before. Unfortunately, I can't find any information. This person named Yang Jian is just an insignificant person. He is not as special as imagined. In today's information society , but any respectable person will find some information."

"How did you find it?" Liu Qingqing asked.

"Go online." Guo You replied.

"." Li Yi was speechless.

After the three of them got off the plane, they walked out of the airport and discussed their next actions.

At this time, Li Yi's cell phone rang.

It's an unknown number, and the caller ID says it's in Dachang City.

"Hello, who's there?" Li Yi answered the phone.

A woman's voice came from inside, slightly cold: "Hello, I am Mr. Yang's accountant. Mr. Yang asked me to transfer a sum of money to your account before. I want to confirm whether you are the head of this account. Li Yi."

"Mr. Yang? Are you talking about Yang Jian? Yes, I am Li Yi." Li Yi reacted immediately.

"So what's the specific amount?" Jiang Yan's voice was on the other side of the phone.

"Thirty million." Li Yi said.

Jiang Yan said: "The amount is correct. If there is nothing else, I will transfer the money to your account within half an hour."

"Wait a minute."

Li Yi immediately said: "You are Yang Jian's accountant. You must be able to contact Yang Jian. Please tell him that our people on the third floor have arrived in Dachuan City and hope to find him and join him."

"Is that all?" Jiang Yan said.

"Yes." Li Yi said.

"Okay, I will tell you." Jiang Yan replied coldly, and then quickly hung up the phone.

Less than five minutes after the call ended, Li Yi received the remittance information on his mobile phone.

"This Yang Jian is really a hidden rich man, with tens of millions of dollars without blinking an eyelid." Li Yi said with some envy: "We work as messengers for nothing, and we even pay for the travel expenses ourselves. It's really irritating that people are more powerful than people."

"The caller number is Dachang City. Maybe you should ask a private detective or something to go to Dachang City to check. Maybe you can find information about Yang Jian. Finding information on the Internet is very unreliable." Liu Qingqing said on the side.

Li Yidao: "It's too late to investigate now, and it's of little significance. Forget it, wait, did something happen in front? Why are there so many people standing there."

Suddenly, he saw rows of people standing in front of him in the direction of the exit of the airport hall.

They were airport staff, stewardesses on the passenger plane, and some passengers.

These people lined up, blocking the entrance and exit doors of the hall, forming a human wall.

"Maybe it's some kind of training. Don't worry about it. Let's find a place to stay and have a meal first. People in Mingyue Community don't rush there yet. There must be danger in that place. We must stay away before we are unsure." Guo You said.

However, the three of them were about to leave.

There was a click.

The airport suddenly went dark.

At this moment, I don’t know who turned off the main gate, and all the lights went out.

The empty waiting hall was instantly shrouded in darkness.

Li Yi looked at it, stopped, and frowned.

"It seems that something is wrong. There are a few people in this airport." Liu Qingqing looked around, with a bit of solemnity and hesitation on her beautiful face.

"I didn't pay much attention just now, but now that you say that, it's really a bit embarrassing." Guo You also noticed.

It's not that they weren't careful enough, but they didn't tense up at all in this kind of place. After all, subconsciously, this crowded place was still very safe, and they had never encountered any danger in such a large public place.

However, some unreasonable and weird changes around them reminded the three people.

Li Yi immediately took out a small glass bottle from his pocket, which contained yellow and turbid water.

"Isn't it too wasteful?" Guo You's expression changed.

Apparently he knew what was in the bottle.

"It's always right to be careful. Just a little. It's not a waste. This letter delivery mission is quite special. There's no need to save." Li Yi opened the glass bottle, and the yellow and turbid water spilled on the ground.

But before the water fell, it turned strange red in mid-air.

Like a pool of sticky blood, the richness is frightening.

Water turned to blood.

The strange and unreasonable changes told the three people a terrifying fact.

There are evil spirits wandering around here.


Guo You opened his eyes wide and his heart suddenly shrank.

"Let's go, there's a ghost in this place." Li Yi growled, turned around and left immediately.

The other two people reacted and left quickly.

They did not go in the direction of the exit, but fled to the tarmac, intending to escape from the airport through the tarmac. After all, the more open the place, the safer it is. Even if there is danger, they can be discovered in advance.

This is common sense.

The messenger on the third floor has long been remembered.

However, soon the three of them felt terrified again.

In the direction of the emergency exit in front, stood three neatly dressed stewardesses with light makeup. These three stewardesses had good figures and beautiful faces. They were three beauties. But now these three beautiful stewardesses showed a stiff smile. , standing there motionless like a puppet.


His eyes were still moving, looking at a few people strangely.

"These people all have problems." Guo You roared.

"Don't stop, rush over." Li Yi said with a cold face: "They are just living people who have been invaded by evil ghosts. They may not be real ghosts."

Although there was a strange aura everywhere, he did not panic and make any stupid decisions, and still chose the right way to escape.

But their situation is much better than Cai Yu and Yang Xiaohua.

The messengers on the third floor have begun to obtain some supernatural objects through messenger missions one after another. They have a certain ability to protect themselves and are not as hopeless as ordinary people.


The three of them successfully rushed out of the airport and reached the tarmac, temporarily out of danger.

And at the safety passage that was blocked just now.

The three headless female corpses were still standing there, a few human heads rolled down beside them, and the surroundings fell into deathly silence.

But soon.

A man walked over in the empty hall. The man picked up the head on the ground and put it back on the body.

The heads of the three beautiful stewardesses were messed up, but this didn't seem to hinder anything. Even if the heads were swapped, it still didn't look out of place.

After the head was placed back on the neck, the three stewardesses resumed their normal actions.

It's just that they looked a little confused and sluggish. They seemed to be conscious, but they couldn't remember what happened just now.

Like a puppet on strings, there seems to be another consciousness controlling him.

Everything before was like sleepwalking.

And there is no way to exit this state, and the body cannot take back control.

"We can't stay in this city. The evil ghosts have even invaded a public place as big as the airport. This means that this city is out of control. We must leave. We must leave here as soon as possible." Li Yi's face looked ugly. He gasped and looked up. Looking in the direction of the airport in the distance.

There seemed to be many figures peeping in that direction.

Even when there was nothing around him, he felt unsafe.

"If we leave, what will happen to the letter delivery mission? If the letter is not delivered, we will also die." Guo You on the side said.

Li Yi said angrily: "Didn't you see what happened just now? There is not a single normal living person in the entire airport. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If we continue to go deep into Dachuan City, it is impossible to come out alive, let alone the mission of delivering messages. , this third letter has become more difficult than previously thought."

"This letter is not prepared for us, but for that Yang Jian. The difficulty of the task of delivering the letter is evaluated based on the general strength of the messenger."

"Did Yang Jian and that Li Yang increase the difficulty of delivering this letter?" Liu Qingqing looked at him and asked.

Li Yi said; "It's obvious, otherwise how could it be like this? I almost fell down just after getting off the plane."

"The Ghost Post Office wants us to deliver letters, not to die. If all the messengers die, then there is no need for the Ghost Post Office to exist. Are you right?"

"Don't talk about it for now. Look, what happened to the plane." Suddenly, Guo You pointed at the sky and said.

A passenger plane was landing in the sky, but its position seemed to be deviated. It was flying over here, and it was getting closer, with no intention of stopping at all.

"Come on, this plane is out of control and is going to hit us." Li Yi's eyes widened and he became horrified.

"Cao!" Guo You yelled, turned around and ran away.

The three men ran away again.

They knew very well that if the plane lost control, it meant that the plane was also invaded by ghosts. There might not be a single living passenger inside, only some things that were neither human nor ghosts.

They were not the only ones who continued to run in panic.

The same goes for Yang Xiaohua and Cai Yu.

Cai Yu was covered in blood at the moment, with a painful expression on his face. He was supported by Yang Xiaohua and limped toward an old city.

They are still in Dachuan City and have not left yet.

It's not that I don't want to leave, but that I have no way to leave, so I can only run away and hide. Now I can't tell where I am. I only know that I haven't left the city yet.

Cai Yu was also unlucky and was hit by a car while escaping.

Fortunately, the collision wasn't serious enough, otherwise it would have been a corpse by now.

Yang Xiaohua also felt uncomfortable. She had scratches on her face and many of her clothes were frayed. This was to avoid the damage caused by the friction of the vehicle on the ground.

Thinking back to the scene just now, the two of them were still frightened.

Cars from all directions lost control and crashed into him.

The scariest thing was not this, but the fact that Cai Yu could have avoided, but was pushed by a stranger who suddenly appeared next to him and almost died under the wheel.

"Stop, stop for a moment." Cai Yu panted, her face turned pale, and she sat down weakly against the wall.

"Can't stop, it's not safe here." Yang Xiaohua was in shock and glanced around.

No one could be seen and no movement could be heard.

But she wasn't sure it was safe here.

Cai Yu grabbed her arm and said: "Yang Xiaohua, listen to me, we won't be able to get out of Dachuan City if we continue like this. Although everything here looks normal on the surface, in fact the evil spirits have completely invaded here. Anyone who enters The living people here are either assimilated or killed, and we are already being targeted."

"And I can't escape like this. I don't dare to go to the hospital. It's unrealistic to ask for help."

"Then we can't give up." Yang Xiaohua bit her lip, trembling slightly.

For the first time, she felt so desperate. She couldn't live without even seeing the face of a ghost. She felt that when she entered this place, the whole world was against her. It seemed that everyone in this city was a ghost.

"There is only one way now." Cai Yu coughed and vomited blood.

Yang Xiaohua asked: "What can I do?"

"You can't trust anyone in this city, except for everything. That Yang Jian must have entered this city. If you can find him, you can survive. If you can't find him, you will definitely die."

Cai Yu felt pain all over his body, but he thought clearly and thought of a way to survive.

Ask Yang Jian for help.

There is no shame in this when you are trying to survive.

"No, no, we have another way. We have stationery. That Yang Jian gave some stationery. You can go back to the ghost post office and leave here." When Yang Jian was mentioned, Yang Xiaohua suddenly thought of the special black dirty stationery. .

Cai Yu shook his head and said: "It's useless. I asked Li Yi and the others. This stationery cannot be used after receiving the letter delivery task. It can only be used when the letter has been delivered or there is no letter delivery task."

"What? There is such a thing." Yang Xiaohua's eyes narrowed, feeling that a glimmer of hope had been extinguished.

"It's impossible for the ghost post office to give us such great convenience, cough cough." Cai Yu was coughing up blood again.

This is the phenomenon of internal organ damage.

Without timely treatment, it would be difficult for him to survive.

But he didn't dare to go to the hospital in Dachuan City.

Cai Yu said again: "Go find Yang Jian. Only one can survive. Li Yi seems to know Yang Jian's location. I will give you his contact information. Also, don't try to leave the city. There is no way you can survive." Leave, we’re all trapped.”

"Then what should you do?" Yang Xiaohua asked.

Cai Yu said: "Call the ambulance, it's a gamble. If it's a person, then I can be saved. If it's not a person, ahem, I can only stop here."

Yang Xiaohua was silent.

This is a gamble, but the probability of winning is slim.

But there is no solution at all.

"Don't hesitate. Aren't there many of our messengers on the second floor who died? It was them before, and it's us now. This is the fate of the unlucky ones like us. So what if we survive this time? If we go to the fourth floor, we will still die." You have to deliver the letter, it would be better if you are relieved this way." Cai Yu waved her hand, gave her Li Yi's contact information and motioned for him to leave quickly.

Yang Xiaohua's expression changed uncertainly, and she knew that what Cai Yu said was right.

At this time, asking Yang Jian for help was indeed the only way.

If you want to leave here again, the chance is too slim.

And the closer she got to the city center, the less likely she was to be attacked.

The ghost seems to be deliberately driving people into the city center.

But the city center was definitely not 100% safe. Because of this, she guessed that there was something more terrifying there.

After all, the location of Mingyue Community has not yet been confirmed.

The location of the delivery remains a mystery.

"Cai Yu, please take care of yourself. I really can't help you. If I survive, I will find a way to confirm your situation. If you die, then I will pass on the last words you prepared before. Your family.”

Yang Xiaohua helped Cai Yu into the corridor of an old residential building, then pursed her lips and wiped the blood on her face, then turned around and left.

We can no longer drag our feet at this time.

She had been seen before entering this old city, so if she didn't move quickly, she would be killed soon.

Cai Yu smiled bitterly when she saw her leaving and didn't complain. She just took out her mobile phone and dialed the rescue number.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have come to Dachuan City to take a look. I lost myself in this look. Sure enough, it was too reluctant for the courier on the second floor to be involved in the mission of the courier on the third floor. Wang Shan was right. He is probably sitting at home watching TV and drinking Coke at this time."

He regretted his choice a little.

But it was already too late. After all, no one would have thought that they would not be able to go back just after getting out of the car to fill up with gas and buy a pack of cigarettes.

"It's such a hopeless world."

Cai Yu touched it and found that the last cigarette had been smoked on the road, and he couldn't help cursing.


The sound of an ambulance rang outside the alleys of the old city.

But Cai Yu was already drowsy now, and could no longer care about whether there was any danger around her.

Yang Jian and Li Yang.

Except for a minor car accident that they had encountered before, everything had been peaceful since they checked into this five-star hotel.

"Team Yang, there is news. I asked people to investigate various information in Dachuan City and found a particularly weird data. About three months ago, Dachuan City had begun to have a large number of people leaving. There was also an outflow from the headquarters. I asked Li Leping about this phenomenon, and his explanation at the time was that it was for their own good," Li Yang said.

"It seems that the outflow of people is not normal imagination, but was interfered with. Maybe it was Li Leping who drove people out of Dachuan City."

Captain Yang said: "You are saying that Li Leping discovered the supernatural events in this city three months ago and he had no way to deal with them, so he could only take the overall situation into consideration and drive people away from Dachuan City to ensure the safety of those people? "

"Probably." Li Yang nodded.

Yang Jian shook his head and said: "You can just ask Li Leping directly about this question. You are looking for information in the wrong direction. This kind of social phenomenon is just superficial. You might as well directly investigate Li Leping's daily life and activity signs. After all, Every move of a person in charge can affect a city."

"Supernatural events are the root cause."

Li Yang nodded and continued to investigate this aspect.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


At this time there was a knock on the door.

The sound startled Li Yang and he almost jumped up subconsciously.

A living knock on the door frightened him.

"It's such an uncomfortable knock on the door. If I live in the same place for a long time in the future, I will definitely remove the door to prevent people from knocking when they come in or out." Yang Jian also disliked this sound.

This brings back some pretty scary memories.

"I'll open the door."

Li Yang immediately stood up and opened the door.

A waitress came in pushing a food cart with a slightly stiff smile: "This is the lunch our boss sent to the two guests. I hope it will suit your taste."

Li Yang stared at the waiter. He thought this waiter was a little weird.

But he couldn't say it.

There is an inexplicable sense of dissonance.

"Put your things down and you can go." Li Yang said coldly. He refused to interact with ordinary people and seemed very withdrawn.

"Okay, if you need anything else, the two guests can contact you at any time." The waiter smiled politely, then turned and left.

Li Yang walked in and said, "Captain Yang, I'm the waiter who delivers the food."

Yang Jian didn't turn around but just said: "Really? Then look to see if there is a shadow behind the waiter."


Li Yang reacted suddenly when he was reminded. His expression changed and he immediately turned back to the door.

At this time, the waiter had not gone far and was still walking on the aisle.

The lights above the walkway fell, bright and transparent.

However, no shadow could be seen at the feet of the leaving waiter.

"damn it."

Li Yang felt a chill in his heart and cursed secretly. He felt that he was too careless and even ignored such important details.

Yang Jian had already arrived at the food delivery truck. He opened the lid of the silver plate on the food delivery truck and fell silent immediately.

What was on the plate was not a dish at all, but a human head with closed eyes and a ruddy face, which seemed to be the head of a person who had just died.

Open another plate.

It was a beautiful-looking, young and beautiful female head with braided hair.

"Is this our lunch?" Yang Jian's eyes exuded a faint red light.

"There is indeed something wrong with this hotel. That Li Leping deserves to be killed."

"Wait a minute, this is wrong. If the waiter only sends two heads, then this is meaningless and will only heighten our vigilance, but will not have any impact on us."

Yang Jian realized something and immediately said: "Li Yang, close the door and block it."

Li Yang was startled for a moment, then slammed the door shut.

But the next moment.

The whole building was shaking violently, and there was a deafening roar outside.

It seemed like a big explosion.

next moment.

The five-star hotel building was engulfed in bursts of flames. The powerful shock wave shattered the glass of the surrounding buildings. A building explosion occurred without warning in the city center.

The building collapsed instantly, accompanied by bursts of thick smoke, and became a ruin, leaving rubble all over the ground.

All the pedestrians passing by stopped and stood motionless, as if they were frozen.

No one went to see the excitement, and no one paid attention to the sudden collapse of the building.

But among the ruins.

There is a presidential suite on the top floor, but it is intact, and even the furniture is not damaged.

The explosion and collapse of the building didn't seem to affect that room at all.

"Do you want to blow up the two of us in this building in one breath? It's really awesome."

The window of that room is open.

Yang Jian walked out of it expressionlessly.

"Li Leping is crazy, he wants to kill us." Li Yang was angry and unable to accept this situation.

Just now he blocked the room where he was with a door-blocker, so he was not afraid of the explosion just now.

If it were delayed, he might really get killed.

However, there is a ghost realm in Yang Jian, so it would be very difficult to blow him up.

"Li Leping must be found. As for the letter, let's put it aside for now." Yang Jian covered his mouth and nose and walked out of the smoke-filled ruins.

But he just walked out.

The pedestrians who had stopped nearby immediately resumed their movements and continued walking on the street, exactly as they normally would.

But this seems normal, which is why it seems abnormal.

If such a building suddenly collapses, it will definitely cause panic and onlookers.

But now there is no one watching.

It was as if the collapse of the building was just a trivial incident that didn't attract anyone's attention.

Yang Jian stood on the road, his body covered with dust. He looked at the living people walking casually on the street with a cold expression, then stared at a pale man and strode over.

His cold left hand directly grabbed the man's neck and pushed him to the ground.

But before he could ask, Yang Jian found that this man was already lying motionless on the ground. He was already a cold, slightly rotten corpse.

A head detached itself from the neck and rolled to the side of the road.

"The degree of decay of the head and the body are not consistent. It seems that the body rots much faster, but the head is still intact." Yang Jian was silent.

A bad premonition appeared in my heart.

A person without a shadow, an uncoordinated head, a walking zombie made out of building blocks.

All this seems like a supernatural event that I have experienced before.

Dachang City, Furen Shopping Mall, headless ghost incident.

Yang Jian turned around and looked behind him at this moment. He had a shadow, but the shadow had no head.

And all these people have no shadow.

At this time, Yang Jian's cell phone vibrated.

He has a call.

"It's me, Yang Jian." Yang Jian's red eyes paid attention to his surroundings, and then he answered the phone.

"Hehe, it's me, your cute little housekeeper, have you missed me? So cute." Jiang Yan's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"speak English."

Yang Jian turned around and said, "I have some things to deal with here and I don't have time to chat with you."

"That's it. I just called that Li Yi the money, and Li Yi asked me to tell you that I hope to get together with you." Jiang Yan said; "Well, that's all."

"Are those guys here too?" Yang Jian pondered.

"Give me his cell phone number and I'll contact him depending on the situation."

Jiang Yan said, "Okay, then when will you come back from your business trip, I can arrange to pick you up at the airport."

"I can't go back for the time being." Yang Jian said, "Also, I have something to tell you."

"What's going on?" Jiang Yan asked curiously.

Yang Jian replied: "Don't you remember Furen Mall?"

"Of course, that was the place where we first met. How could I not remember it?" Jiang Yan wondered: "What's wrong? Is there any problem with this?"

"Back then I asked you, does that ghost thing have a head? Now I can tell you, that ghost thing has a head, but I didn't find it at the time. Now that it has appeared, many people here have been attracted by that thing. It's too much." Yang Jian hung up the phone immediately after saying that.

Dachang City, on the top floor of Shangtong Building, in the office.

Jiang Yan put down her phone and was stunned. Some terrible memories emerged in her mind.

"Jiang Yan, how are you? Are you okay? Why are you so depressed all of a sudden? Are you feeling unwell and do you need to see a doctor?" Zhang Liqin asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine." Jiang Yan touched her neck and swallowed.

She was afraid that a gap would appear in her neck and the skin would open, revealing scarlet flesh.

But then, Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

She once again confirmed that she was normal, her body had not been changed, and her head had not been changed.

"Damn Yang Jian, why are you trying to scare me again, wuwu, you know I'm cowardly." Jiang Yan wailed, fell on the sofa, and buried her head in the pillow.

"Wait a minute, nothing will happen to him."

Afterwards, Jiang Yan became worried again, worried about something unexpected happening to Yang Jian.

This business trip was obviously involved in some terrible supernatural incident.

Yang Jian, who was in the center of Dachuan City, immediately turned around and said after putting down the phone: "Li Yang, locate Li Leping's satellite phone, let's go find him. No matter what, Li Leping is not involved in this matter. Let's find him out first." "


Li Yang immediately positioned himself.

At this time, Yang Jian found a car that could start on the roadside, and then immediately drove Li Yang to the location.

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