Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 842 Anomalies in the Smoke

"Captain, is this really Li Leping's body?"

Li Yang looked at the ferocious, twisted and blackened mummy and felt terrified.

The scary thing is not the mummy itself, but the weirdness behind the whole thing.

If this is really Li Leping, then Li Leping, who called Yang Jian yesterday and told them that he was in Mingyue Community, cannot be alive.

The most fatal thing is that the mobile phone hanging on the ruins of the building on the way here was also left by Li Leping.

If Li Leping died, none of these things would be possible. If it happened, what it means is worth pondering and doubting.

Yang Jian did not immediately answer Li Yang's words at this moment. He pondered for a moment and said in a soliloquy tone: "It is impossible to lend the uniform of the person in charge to others, and Li Leping will not be boring enough to meet him. When you are in danger, take off your clothes and put them on other people. Ghosts don’t just recognize clothes and not people.”

"So the possibility of changing clothes is almost zero. In addition, this mummy has been dead here for a while. Although I don't know how long it has been, the smoke here definitely didn't make it look like this within the past two days. At the very least, it will take more than half a month to cause this situation.”

He was holding the mummy in his hands.

very light.

Without the moisture, it is no different from a dried animal carcass.

I have this evidence.

Yang Jian had to come to the conclusion; "This mummy is most likely that of Li Leping. After all, the Menggui District has been sealed off for a long time, and ordinary people will not enter this place. Moreover, Li Leping also mentioned that he is indeed I have entered the ghost zone and encountered danger."

"Could it be the ghost slave of the previous ghost?" Li Yang suddenly thought of something and asked immediately.

"The ghost imprisoned yesterday stole Li Leping's memory and took over Dachuan City disguised as Li Leping. If that ghost controlled a living person to wear Li Leping's clothes, enter this fierce ghost area, and then die Where are you?"

"It's possible." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

But after carefully calculating the time, it seems that they are not quite right.

Due to the interference of this mummy, everyone had to pause briefly.

Although the delay was not much, it made Li Yi and others behind him anxious to death.

Yang Jian and Li Yang had the confidence to spend it here, but they couldn't. Every breath they took here felt like torture, and their internal organs felt like they were burning, with tingling pain.

And the pain became more and more severe, as if the water in the body was gradually being evaporated.

The strange thing is that the smoky community is not hot, but cold and dim, making people feel like their skin is covered with a layer of cold air.

The outside is cold and the inside is burning and tingling.

This kind of torture is unbearable, and they have no doubt that after staying here for a long time, they will really die here and become an unknown mummy on the ground.

"Yang Jian, should we act quickly? This mummy is probably not worth studying for so long." Li Yi gritted his teeth and said in a muffled voice, covering his mouth and nose.

Li Yang turned around and glared coldly: "If this is Li Leping's body, then all the information given on the phone may be false, or even misleading us. Just shut up and don't affect our actions. .”

He was very rude.

I feel that these messengers only have experience in delivering letters and have no experience in dealing with supernatural events.

The former only needs to complete the task, while the latter has to fight against the evil ghost. The difference in difficulty is more than one and a half points.

"If it continues to be consumed, the risk will increase. It's not worth it. If there is any problem with the mummy, you can take it with you and study it later." Li Yi said, he was not afraid of Li Yang.

"Let's go."

Yang Jian didn't waste too much time. He spoke at this moment and set off immediately, walking forward.

He has not abandoned Li Leping's mummy for the time being, but is holding it in his hands, preparing to find a place to hide it. If he needs to verify something, he will need evidence. If he leaves it here casually, it will be troublesome if it is lost later. .

Everyone continued to move forward.

The pace is very fast.

There was no hesitation or delay.

You may have been hesitant before entering the Mingyue Community, but once you enter the community, you are racing against time. Every second of delay will increase the risk.

The five-story old house in the first row passed quickly.

The smoked wall seemed to be shrouded in a strange shadow, making people feel very uncomfortable.

The windows of the surrounding houses are all dark, like one leading to the abyss of hell. It is really difficult not to pay attention, for fear that someone will suddenly appear near each window.

Ghosts are wandering in this smoky neighborhood.

This community is not big, and you can see the back door of the community at a glance, so in every building, there is a possibility of encountering ghosts on every road in the community.


Ghosts also roam the neighborhood.

Luck seems to be relatively good all the time.

I passed by the second row of old buildings. No matter whether it was front or rear, left or right, or the windows of the houses on the left and right, I found nothing unusual.

The ghost doesn't seem to be around.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and they could only hear each other's heavy breathing, but other than that, there was no noise at all.

The old houses in the third row are right in front of you.

Room 301, Building Seven, is in one of the two buildings on the left and right. It seems that you can reach the destination of sending the letter in a minute or two. It is not complicated at all, even a little relaxed, as if there are no two people, Yang Jian and Li Yang. Leading the way, this mission can also be completed by relying on ordinary messengers.

"There is still nothing abnormal." Although Li Yixin was tense, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's already close to this level. It seems that even if there is a real ghost, we can still fight hard.

Hope is close after all.

Yang Xiaohua even had a rolled note in her hand.

That's the black letter paper from the ghost post office.

After successfully delivering the letter, light the note and the road to the ghost post office will appear. At that time, the messenger can escape back to the ghost post office through that road.

Even if you are being chased by a ghost, the ghost will be stopped outside the ghost post office.

But at this time.

Yang Jian, who was leading the way, suddenly changed direction and walked straight to a house in the second row next to him.

"Huh? Changed direction." Li Yi was stunned immediately.

"This is the house in the second row, not the third row. The seventh row is not here." Yang Xiaohua couldn't hold it anymore and reminded her hurriedly.

Yang Jian turned around suddenly, his slightly red eyes cold and numb: "Shut up, follow if you want to survive, the ghost is already here."


Yang Xiaohua's eyes suddenly opened wide and she was startled, then she looked around.

Nothing was seen.

Where is the ghost?

Isn't everything normal around here? There was no sign of a ghost at all.

Li Yi's expression changed on the side, and he hurriedly took out a small glass bottle, which contained some yellow and turbid liquid.

This is something he left behind when he delivered letters before.

Li Yi once delivered a letter to a house with his own hands. There was no one in that house, except for a swollen, stinky corpse floating in the bathtub. His purpose was to deliver the letter to that bathtub. in the hands of the dead.

Some incomprehensible horrors also happened in the middle of the journey, so he boldly filled some bathtub water and left.

Mixed with the water formed by the decomposition of corpses, it has the effect of detecting whether there are evil spirits nearby.

Li Yi opened the small glass bottle.

The yellow and turbid water dropped on the ground and immediately turned into thick blood.

And the strange thing is that the blood gradually flows in one direction, as if it is attracted by something.

"In which direction is the ghost?"

Li Yi glanced over there.

That's the residential building in the middle of the third row.

At this moment, the residential building was covered with a thin layer of thick smoke. The thick smoke floated and vaguely formed a vague figure. However, the figure quickly dispersed, forming another thick smell of burnt smoke. .

I don’t know if I saw it wrong.

The thick smoke is gradually drifting this way.

"Depend on."

Li Yi suddenly cursed in his heart. He trembled all over and hurriedly followed Yang Jian.

The evil ghost here doesn't look like a human at all, but something hidden in the thick smoke. No wonder he didn't notice it before. If he hadn't checked it out, he might not even notice it if he got close to him.

"Go quickly."

Urging urgently, he almost ran to follow him.

"Why do you bother? Yang Jian has already discovered the ghost." Liu Qingqing followed quickly and whispered.

"There is no need to save. After getting through this, these things are not important, and confirming the situation more accurately will also help us." Li Yi said without looking back, and a cold sweat broke out from behind.

He didn't trust Yang Jian's judgment.

I was also worried that Yang Jian would have other arrangements and ignored the letter delivery task.

After all, no one knows what Yang Jian and Li Yang want to do, and no one can stop them.

But now it seems.

Yang Jian's judgment was correct.

Quickly rushed to the next building.

The corridor was extremely dark, and only a small amount of suppressed light could be seen from the window in the staircase. The surrounding area was pitch black and was covered in thick smoke.

Yang Jian quickly went upstairs.

He just went up one floor, and after reaching the second floor, he quickly kicked open the door of a house.

The wooden door was relatively old and could not stop Yang Jian's kick.

"Everyone come in, Li Yang blocks the door. The ghost has discovered us and is coming for us." Yang Jian's voice was very calm, without any panic: "Close the door to block the ghost's approach, and then act according to the situation."

The psychological quality of the few people behind me is not bad.

In this weird and terrifying environment, no one fell behind. Even though they were scared, they did not lose their ability to move.

The messenger on the third floor should be more careful.

A group of people quickly entered the room, and then the wooden door slammed shut.

"Not in the living room, it's safer to go to the room." After Li Yang closed the door, his face changed slightly and he said immediately.


Yang Jian didn't ask why, and turned directly into the room, abandoning the door to the living room.

The room was relatively airtight, and the surrounding walls, bed, and furniture were all dark, as if covered with a layer of ashes.

The door was closed and Li Yang was responsible for blocking it.

"That's it." Li Yang whispered in the dim environment.

Yang Jian didn't speak, just took out his mobile phone and emitted a little light: "That ghost was wandering near the seventh building just now. I saw the thick smoke gathering and dissipating. The evil ghost was hiding inside. This is its ghost." Domain, so it may exist in any way, don’t trust your eyes too much, there are many things in the ghost domain that can deceive you.”

After he finished speaking, he immediately came to the door, motioned for others to step back, and then listened to what was going on outside.

Li Yi, Yang Xiaohua, and Liu Qingqing covered their mouths and tried their best to force themselves not to make any sound.

The surroundings suddenly fell into deathly silence.


An exception occurred.

There was a burning smell like a burning corpse gradually drifting in from outside the room. Although this smell had existed before, it was not so strong.

"I haven't used the door-blocker yet. I want to wait." Li Yang also smelled the smell and explained.

Once he uses the ability of the ghost, this smell can be isolated.

The smell of burnt smoke will also be blocked.

It's just that Li Yang didn't want to waste the opportunity to use Li Gui's ability. After all, extending the use time by one second would be a waste of himself.

"If there is an accident, I will handle it." Yang Jian didn't say anything, but just reassured Li Yang.

If Li Yang can't stand it anymore, he will take action without hesitation.

You can't face the direction of being wiped out by the group.

"Here we come." Li Yang suddenly became tense.

As his words fell.


In the dim living room, the door was opened by a puff of thick smoke, and there was a clear sound of opening the door, and then something seemed to have entered the uninhabited house.

No footsteps came.

But I can clearly feel that my breathing is becoming more and more uncomfortable.

The feeling of suffocation is very strong.

Then, there was other news.

The sound in the living room suddenly became louder, with the sound of seats being knocked down and the sound of pots and pans falling to the floor in the kitchen.

There was the sound of furniture being moved again.

It seemed like there was a thief in the house and he was looking for something valuable.

But the fact is.

The devil is looking for someone.

It is looking for the living person who has just entered this room. Once it is found, the living person will definitely die.

Li Gui had already discovered Yang Jian and others before, so he quickly followed them. If Yang Jian hadn't reacted in time, they would have collided head-on.

Even if the group is not destroyed by then, several people will definitely die.

The ghost rummaged through the living room, but didn't seem to find what he was looking for.

The movement died down briefly.


But in this brief silence, a creepy sigh echoed in the living room.

It's like the corpse is making a sound, and it's like the smoke is roaring, it's weird and terrifying.

The ghost seemed to have noticed something at this time, or perhaps discovered that there was still a room that he had not rummaged through.

The burnt smell in the thick smoke became stronger and stronger.

The ghost is approaching here.

Still couldn't hear the footsteps, only the smell of burning corpses could be smelled.

at the same time.

The door that Li Yang blocked was shaking violently, as if it was about to break, and it seemed that it would be opened soon.

"It's starting, the ghost is outside the door," Li Yang said nervously, pressing his voice against the door.

Yang Jian's slightly red eyes looked out through the crack in the door.

He saw thick smoke gathering outside, and out of the thick smoke stretched out a hand that was as black and skinny as a mummified corpse, stroking the door.


The wooden door was rubbing and making a strange rough sound.

At the same time, thick smoke gradually overflowed.

There is a loophole in the blockade of the ghost gate.

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