Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 847 Suppression and alienation

The approach of the man-hunting ghost, the attack of the terrifying ghost in Room 301, and the appearance of a suspected sleepwalking ghost.

The fierce ghosts in the fierce ghost area gathered together.

All the killing patterns seem to be triggered by Yang Jian. In this case, death is almost certain for the ghost controller, because the terror level of this ghost is very high, even if the killing efficiency is not very good, but it can be picked out casually One of them may be comparable to a level A supernatural event.

In desperate situation.

Yang Jian didn't have any reservations, didn't even take chances, let alone place his hopes on that uncertain letter.

He chose to use the music box.

This fatal curse was unleashed for the second time.

The advantage of enduring this kind of curse is that the person using the music box will never die until the music ends, and it can last for several days. As a price, Yang Jian also knows very well that once the music stops, Those who suffer the curse will surely die.

In addition, the curse of the music box can also suppress the recovery of ghost eyes, allowing Yang Jian to open the sixth level of ghost realm without having to bear any cost.

Six levels of ghost realms overlap, and even evil ghosts can stop their actions.

"Block, block it? What, what's going on? Why doesn't the ghost move?" Li Yi, who was not far away, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

The fierce ghost that kept approaching in the thick smoke actually stopped in place after being glared at by Yang Jian, as if it had lost its movement and stopped moving, as if it was frozen.

But, this is simply not realistic.

How could a ghost be suddenly immobilized?

"This Yang Jian suddenly turned into a mess."

Yang Xiaohua was shocked and speechless. Her focus was not on the still smoke, but on the bruised arm that suddenly appeared out of thin air and fell to the ground.

The pale and cold skin looked like an arm cut off from a corpse. There was no doubt that it was the limb of a ghost.

Yang Jian seemed to have hurt an invisible ghost.

Just now, she even heard a shrill and piercing scream from Li Gui.

People actually gained an advantage against the evil spirits, and it was an overwhelming advantage.

"But how did he do all this?" Yang Xiaohua was shocked, and she was filled with infinite curiosity.

Li Yang's eyelids jumped when he saw this scene.

This was the first time he saw captain Yang Jian attack with all his strength. The last time he fought with Ye Zhen, he didn't see the whole process. It was only when he arrived later that he realized that the battle was over. Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he knew that the supernatural circle , how scary is the person codenamed Ghost Eye.

The fierce ghost that he had just tried so hard to delay for a moment could not even get close now.

He was so suppressed that he couldn't move at all.

The other ghost seemed to be even more unlucky. One of his arms was cut off alive, as if the corpse was being dismembered.

To others, it may not seem special.

But only people in the paranormal circle can understand how difficult it is to do these two things in an instant.

"I am tainted with the curse of the music box again. I know what it means. I still don't regret my choice this time." Yang Jian held a rusty hatchet and peered in all directions with his scarlet ghost eyes.

The ghost domain suppression covers almost the entire Dachuan City.

Everything was back under his control again.

This is his peak state.

If Yang Jian was in this state in Dahai City, ten Ye Zhen would have died.

After all, it is too difficult to use coffin nails and hatchets to open the six-level ghost realm. Moreover, the curse of the music box can also resist the death rules triggered by various evil ghosts, ensuring that you will not die inexplicably.

"The ghost is still struggling."

Yang Jian stared at the thick smoke that began to sway gradually, and another ghost eye peered at the ghost following in Room 301.

Now that we have come to this point, we cannot stop. We must imprison the evil spirits in this evil ghost area and completely solve the supernatural events here. Otherwise, what is the meaning of this music box curse?

Yang Jian's figure gradually blurred, and then he disappeared strangely.

next moment.

A blackened palm appeared out of thin air, passed directly through a layer of solidified smoke, and reached out directly to grab the evil ghost standing still in the thick smoke.

The suppression of ghost hands was formed instantly.

At this moment, is the law of death triggered by the ghost looking for someone to approach, or is it the curse of the music box plus the contact suppression of the ghost's hand that is stronger?


The answer is revealed.

There are no miracles in supernatural encounters.

Yang Jian's terror was greater than that of the resurrected ghost.

The ghost realm of thick smoke was eroded, red light penetrated in, and the true source of the evil ghost was firmly grasped in his hands.

It was a mummy that had been blackened by smoke.

The mummy was strangely thin, and its empty eyes were staring at Yang Jian, which made people feel creepy.


There was no movement from the ghost. At this moment, it seemed like an ordinary mummy. No supernatural manifestations occurred.

But it was only like this in Yang Jian's hands. Once it was released, it turned out to be an extremely terrifying ghost.

Yang Jian held the mummy in one hand, then turned to look at the ghost in Room 301 again.

This fierce ghost is suspected to be the source of the supernatural events in the fierce ghost area.

But now, after an arm was dismembered with a knife, the horror of the ghost has been rapidly weakened, just like a complete jigsaw puzzle has been broken up. Now even the attack movements are slow, and the body has lost its balance. He would fall to the ground while he was standing.

Just without an arm, the ghost couldn't even walk steadily.

But even if he fell like this, stood up, and fell again, this evil ghost would still attack Yang Jian.

It seems that he will not give up until Yang Jian is killed.

This is very scary.

Let me ask you, what would happen if a ghost is chasing you all the time?

If you can't resist, you will definitely die.

"Seeing one knife is not enough. The worst case scenario is that if I suffer the curse of the hatchet again, I have to dismember this ghost. Its existence is too special, and it is difficult for those who are targeted to survive. Maybe Li Leping was targeted by this ghost before. , I had to erase the memory of a day to avoid the attack of this ghost."

Yang Jian's face was cold, and now he was listening to the weird ringing sound echoing in his mind, and it seemed that even all his emotions had disappeared.

Take another step forward.

The thick black shadow behind him covered him, and the medium was triggered again.

In front of his eyes, the figure of Li Gui appeared.

After all, Li Gui had just followed him all the way, and his footprints had long been left on the ground. It was too easy to get started as a medium.

This slash of the knife is no longer the same emergency to survive as before, but cuts an arc in mid-air in a calculated way.


Li Gui's arms, legs, and neck were all broken, and they were immediately broken into five pieces. Together with the arm just now, it was exactly six pieces.

at the same time.

Li Gui's body also broke, and he fell directly to the ground, becoming a pile of terrifying broken corpses.

And the curse was traced to its source.

The weird doll let out a shrill scream, a sound that no living person could make. It was the scream of a real ghost, and it made people's hair stand on end.

The doll's hands, feet, and head were all broken and turned into pieces.

The puzzle pieces became even more scattered.

Even the ghost couldn't hide it, and other people who didn't turn their eyes to look at the ghost could also see a pile of broken corpses on the ground.

If it is broken up to this extent, it is estimated that ordinary people can control it.

"It's really scary."

Li Yang looked at Yang Jian, who was holding the mummy with one hand and dismembering the ghost with the other, and had only one thought in his mind.

Yes, scary.

Even Li Gui was truly defeated in front of him.

"Is this guy still a human? It was already fierce enough just now, but now..." Yang Xiaohua was completely stunned.

But what she didn't notice was that the road leading to the ghost post office that just appeared behind her was now shrouded in red light. Even if she wanted to escape from here, she had to ask Yang Jian.

"Ghost Eye. Yang Jian?"


A hoarse, deep voice floated from the corridor of a nearby residential building.

That was the last ghost.


Li Yang called him Li Leping.

"Li Leping? You want to die again, don't you?" Yang Jian carried the mummy of Li Gui, held a hatchet, and peered at the residential building in front of him with his ghostly eyes.

At the window on the second floor of a residential building, a strange figure stood there.

That was an ordinary-looking, unremarkable dead man.

Under the eyes of ghosts, many secrets are no longer secrets.

Yang Jian took a peek at everything and probably knew Li Leping's state.


A ghost with the consciousness of a living person.

Li Leping succeeded.


At the same time, the two curses of Hatao began to erupt on Yang Jian.

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