Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 857 Seventh Floor

Liu Qingqing's appearance was both expected and unexpected.

She has been wandering in the residential building of Mingyue Community before, but no one is sure whether she is a human or a ghost. She has maintained the consciousness of a living person, but there is a possibility of losing control. She is also suspected to be with Room 301. There is something supernatural involved.

He even knew important information about the doll from before.

But her stance and state are now beyond our control.

Yang Jian is being attacked by evil ghosts at this moment, and he is being wiped out. Even the shroud of the ghost realm, the possession of ghost shadows, and the curse of the music box cannot reverse this result.

It seemed like a simple erasure, but the degree of terror contained in it exceeded any attack by a fierce ghost in the past.


As the coffin nails hammered into the ground.

The suppression against the ghost was formed instantly.

The ghost immediately lost the ability to move, stopped invading Yang Jian's consciousness, and fell into a deep sleep.

If Yang Jian had done this before, he would have died instantly.

Because his physical condition was so bad, a normal person would have died long ago. He needed ghosts to maintain his fragile body and ensure his continued survival.

But there is no need now, because Yang Jian is suffering from the curse of the music box. As long as the curse of the music box does not disappear, his consciousness will always exist and will not die. Even if his body is broken, rotten, or even half disappeared, he can still survive in this world. World.

This is the weird and terrifying thing about supernatural power.

"Operation resumed."


The control of the body was transferred at this moment. Yang Jian was able to control the body immediately, and everything was back under his control again.

Because the nail in the coffin is just a ghost, it has no impact on the other ghosts in the body.

So after resuming action, Yang Jian immediately controlled the ghost eye.

The ghost eyes opened.

The ghost realms suddenly overlapped, reaching five levels of ghost realms in an instant.

The fifth-level ghost realm can already affect reality.

The red light deepened, and the surrounding buildings were disappearing. All the buildings in Mingyue Community were gone, except for the residential building where Room 301 was located.

But it's still not enough.

The ghost is still standing next to Yang Jian, and his body is still fading and being erased.

It’s just that the speed of erasure seems to have slowed down a bit.

The influence of the ghost realm offset some of the attacks of the evil spirits, but this did not play a key role, because if the attacks were not interrupted, who would still die in Yang Jian.

"The sixth level of ghost realm."

Yang Jian didn't hesitate at all. After the five levels of ghost realm, he immediately reached the sixth level.

In this level of ghost realm, even the actions of ghosts can be stopped, and everything will be at a standstill, including yourself.

The only thing that can move in this level of ghost realm is the ghost eye.


The six-story ghost realm erodes everything around it.

The scope is not large, it just covers Mingyue Community.

But there is no community in the ghost domain on this level, there is only a residential building, the ghost in front of me, and myself.

Li Yang, Yang Xiaohua, and Liu Qingqing were all left in the fifth-level ghost world by Yang Jian.

He didn't want to be disturbed or affected.

Yang Jian must concentrate all his supernatural power to deal with the terrifying old man in front of him who followed the medium.

Sure enough, the effect appeared.

The ghost in front of him stopped, as if completely frozen. Even the corpse smell of sandalwood on his body stopped emitting, and everything was in a kind of deathly tranquility.

"Is it useful?"

Yang Jian felt that the ringtones of his music box were sluggish and the playback speed was not so smooth.

The speed of body erosion also stopped at this moment.

But as time goes by.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. The maintenance time of the six-level ghost realm is constantly increasing, exceeding the limit that can be achieved in the past.

This is because Yang Jian completed the ghost shadow.

Although the ghost shadow is nailed by the coffin nails, part of the ghost shadow remains in the body, and the other part of the ghost shadow forms a ghost realm covering the ground. Although the ghost shadow that invaded the body has no movement, it is also responsible for its own recovery. The ghost eye creates a disturbance.

Because the ghost shadow also stole part of the ghost eye's power, and the stolen part of the ghost eye's power was also restricted by the coffin nails.

It’s the fusion and intertwining of puzzle pieces.

It's just that this fusion is not complete enough, otherwise the suppressive effect of the coffin nails will also affect Yang Jian.

It was precisely because of this concern that Yang Jian chose to nail the ground instead of nailing himself.

"One minute?"

Yang Jian felt incredible at this moment. He had activated the sixth level ghost realm for a full minute.

This was unthinkable before.

In the past, if he could open the six-level ghost realm to such an extent, it would be almost impossible for anyone to be his opponent.

"The curse of the music box and the complete ghost eyes seem to allow me to use the six-level ghost realm at no cost. However, the suppression of ghost shadows is long-term, while the suppression of the curse of the music box is only short-term. In other words, this unlimited opening The six-level ghost realm is only available now. Once this curse period is over, it will be impossible for me to open the six-level ghost realm without restrictions."

Still, it's scary.

Suspending an area without restrictions is equivalent to permanently suppressing the ghosts in this place.

If this ghost land is brought together, wouldn't this be a different kind of nail in the coffin?

Thinking of this, Yang Jian felt horrified.

Assuming that one day he can put aside the curse of the music box and be able to use the sixth-level ghost realm at no cost, then he really has the capital to sweep all supernatural places, leave all the ghosts in the sixth-level ghost realm, and then completely shut down all the ghosts. stand up.

And this is truly fighting the supernatural with the supernatural.

However, this idea was dismissed by Yang Jian as soon as it came up.

Some ghosts are very scary, and it is impossible to completely stop some scary ghosts just by pausing.

About two minutes or so.

Yang Jian's sixth-level ghost realm was defeated.

The half of his body that disappeared started to appear again at this time.

From the thigh to the waist.

Erased bit by bit.

It's just that the speed is much, much slower than before.


Still standing there motionless, and Yang Jian also stood there motionless.

Neither party can move within the ghost realm.

The ghost does not need to act, its attack is already underway.

Yang Jian couldn't move, he was stagnated by his own ghost realm, but he could use his ghost eyes to travel through the ghost realm, so even if his body couldn't move, it wouldn't have much impact, but his ghost shadow was now nailed to the ground by coffin nails. , he could not leave this area.

Otherwise, if the ghost is separated from the body, the consciousness is likely to be taken away.

At that point the balance is lost and God knows what else will happen.

"I can nail the ghost in front of me with coffin nails in an instant. After completing the suppression, even if the ghost takes away control of my body, it will not have much impact."

"It's just that this ghost still exists in the past. Can the nails in the coffin really be nailed?"

Yang Jian's expression changed uncertainly, and he had time to think.

Because the speed of body erasure by the evil ghost has slowed down.

He did not doubt the suppressive effect of the coffin nails, but the current ghost was just a shadow of the past, and the coffin nails might not be able to hit the ghost.

No matter how powerful the supernatural object is, it will not be effective if it cannot lock on the evil ghost.

"This is just a choice. I have another choice to open the seventh level of ghost realm, and I really want to know what will happen after opening the ghost eye to the seventh level."

Yang Jian has always had such a crazy idea in his mind.

The superposition of nine ghost eyes can theoretically open the nine levels of ghost realm.

Normally, he would reach the top when he opened the fifth floor, and he would still have to work hard on the sixth floor. But in this special state, he suddenly felt that he could try the seventh-floor ghost realm.

Try your hand at this inexplicable and terrifying ghost in front of you.

Nothing is lost if it fails.

The curse of the music box and the complete ghost shadow should be able to offset the abnormal recovery after the seventh level of the ghost eye is opened.

"If you don't try it now, you may not have this opportunity in the future. Uncovering the most terrifying supernatural power is a valuable experience."

Yang Jian is very sensible.

He didn't think he was crazy, nor did he think he would die suddenly after the seventh level of ghost realm. Instead, he thought this was an opportunity, an opportunity to fully understand his own limits.

Once Yang Jian made up his mind, there was no hesitation.

next moment.

The seventh level of ghost realm is opened.

Everything has come to a standstill in the sixth-level ghost realm. What about the seventh-level ghost realm?

It shouldn't be stagnant.

The red light erodes the entire world.

At this moment, the residential building where Room 301 was located disappeared, everything nearby disappeared, and the ghost in front of him also disappeared.

There is only Yang Jian in this world, and the coffin nails with ghost figures on the ground.

The feeling of stagnation is gone.

He can move.

Nothing seems to have changed.

"That's it?" Yang Jian was confused, even a little at a loss.

The seven-level ghost realm is just a deeper supernatural space. There is nothing strange about this supernatural space.

Like a safe house?


It's definitely not just that.

The seven-level ghost realm shouldn't be that simple. He probably only used it for the first time so he didn't figure it out clearly. Just like when he opened the six-level ghost realm for the first time when he fought against Fang Shiming, he was also ignorant and wasted a lot of money. less time.



Yang Jian discovered a very strange thing.

The music box curse was still there in his mind.

But the ringtone of the music box changed and turned into another ringtone, intermittent, strange yet familiar.

"No, no, it's not that the ringtone has changed, but that I have changed. This ringtone is still the original ringtone, but the way it is played has changed to...playing it backwards."

Yang Jian was shocked when he realized this.

Play it backwards?


My own time is going backwards, going back to the past.

He has experienced this situation before, in the Dachang City Starving Ghost incident. The Starving Ghost used this terrible supernatural ability to directly return time to half an hour ago, so that Yang Jian's first operation failed.

He calls this phenomenon a reboot.

So Yang Jian is restarting now?

Go back to a certain time period in the past and restart yourself?

Look down.

as expected.

The disappeared body is coming back quickly.

Faded colors are returning.

Yang Jian's body, which had been wiped out by the ghost, was now being pulled back by a more powerful supernatural force.

"The seventh-level ghost realm restarts itself and returns itself to a certain previous time period. The time it takes to go back depends on how long the seventh-level ghost realm lasts."

Yang Jian suddenly realized.

At this moment, I understood the function of the seventh level ghost realm.

This kind of restart cannot interfere with the outside world, but can only interfere with itself.

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