Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 872 Who am I?


A dull loud noise spread.

An extremely heavy metal coffin fell heavily to the ground, causing the ground next to it to crack.

The coffin made of gold and special steel is hard and heavy. It cannot be easily destroyed by external force and can also isolate it from supernatural influences.

This was specially made by Yang Jian for himself.

but now.

The metal coffin was moved out of Safe House No. 1 by Xu Feng and Liao Fan.

"Open it." On the side, Gu Cheng, whose face was swollen and whose complexion was a strange purple-red, said in a slow tone.

"Now?" Xu Feng was startled.

Gu Cheng said: "Of course, how long do you want to wait? It's time to leave after taking the things. I don't want any accidents to happen if the time drags on."

Xu Feng's eyes were changing.

Liao Fan had already driven the old taxi over at this time. He did not get out of the car, but nodded slightly to Xu Feng: "Xu Feng, do it. If there is an accident, I will drive you away, but I think there shouldn't be any accidents, after all, Yang Jian may really be dead, and he must have handled his situation well before he died."

"Opening the coffin shouldn't be a big threat."


Can this be done?

Xu Feng was secretly angry, but there was nothing he could do. No one here was willing to take action.

No one wants to bear the first wave of danger after opening the coffin.

"Okay, I'll open the coffin." Xu Feng took a deep breath and seemed a little nervous.

Although his body was twisted and he only had one arm left, he was still incredibly strong and tried to lift the coffin lid with one hand.

The heavy metal coffin was shaken and shook, but the coffin was not opened.

"This coffin is not lifted, it is pushed." Gu Cheng took a look and noticed the clue, and he said.

Xu Feng nodded, changed his approach, and pushed the heavy metal coffin lid with one hand.

The metal sealing the gap in the coffin lid twisted and deformed, making a crunching sound, and at the same time, the coffin lid was torn apart bit by bit.

"It's really about to open up."

In the taxi, Liao Fan looked up, seemingly curious about what was in the coffin, but at the same time he was filled with fear.

"Stop, you can't open that coffin."

Li Yang arrived at this time. He roared loudly and wanted to stop these people's behavior.

In the end it was still a step too late.

The other party had a ghost domain, and he couldn't get to safe house No. 1 first.

"This matter is not up to you now, and you should be aware of the current situation. I didn't take action against you not because I didn't dare to kill you, but just because I didn't want to waste my energy on irrelevant people. If you want to try to stop me, now I Just let you die.”

Gu Cheng turned around at this moment and stared at Li Yang.

He said that, but the real reason was that he didn't want to kill the heads of these headquarters.

If human life is not involved, even if the coffin nails are taken away, the matter will not be serious. The headquarters will only deal with the two murderers, Liao Fan and Xu Feng, instead of focusing on themselves.

Weighing the pros and cons, he still weighed it clearly in his mind.

Li Yang ignored it, and still chose to rush over.

"act recklessly."

Gu Cheng said something coldly, and then he opened his mouth and breathed out.

Immediately, a putrid stench appeared next to Li Yang in the ghost realm. His body froze instantly and he fell to the ground. His face suddenly turned red, as if he was suffocating, and his skin was suffocating. It turned purple, and the weirdest thing was that no matter how much he breathed, it didn't help.

The feeling of suffocation is always there.

"Li Yang."

Huang Ziya rushed over and was shocked when she saw Li Yang lying on the ground, squeezing his throat and tearing at his chest, looking painful and struggling.

What happened just now, and why did Li Yang collapse to the ground the moment he was fine?

Even if you are attacked by supernatural forces, you will not be unable to resist.

"Open the coffin, what are you doing standing there?" Gu Cheng turned around and shouted.

Xu Feng gritted his teeth and pushed hard.


The heavy metal coffin lid was pushed open directly. There was no scene of the evil ghost resurrecting as expected, nor was there any strange phenomenon. Everything seemed so peaceful.

Xu Feng looked inside the coffin.

His expression immediately changed slightly.

I saw the body of a young man lying in the coffin. The body was motionless, cold, and dead. But the strangest thing was that the face of the body was covered with an old newspaper. The newspaper seemed to be stained with blood. It clung to the skin, leaving only the outline of the facial features.

Next to the corpse was a golden spear, which was full of cracks and had a very weird shape.

In addition, there is only a mobile phone, a power bank, and an old mahogany box that has been opened.

"Yes, it's Yang Jian's body. He's dead." Xu Feng observed it and then breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't feel any signs of life in the corpse, and he couldn't detect any signs of Yang Jian's revival.

"I didn't expect that Ghost Eye Yang Jian, who was so famous in the supernatural world, would die in such obscurity."

After confirming the situation, Gu Cheng suddenly appeared next to the coffin.

After taking a quick look.

A sneer appeared on Gu Cheng's swollen face: "I was well prepared. I put myself in a coffin and stored the coffin in a safe house. It is almost foolproof. Even if I die and the evil ghost revives, I will never reveal it to the outside world." It will have a slight impact, but you should not bring that supernatural object into the coffin for burial."

"The ancients all knew that if gold and silver treasures were not put into coffins, they were afraid that tomb robbers would open the coffins to retrieve the treasures and destroy the bodies. Now it seems that you are not very smart. It's a pity that I couldn't see you before my death. Otherwise, I really want to meet the famous ghost for a while. Eye."

He was slightly emotional.

It is quite a pity that such a top figure will die in a coffin one day.

Gu Cheng sighed, but he was not slow. He just observed it, and after confirming that there was no danger, he immediately reached out to get the golden spear. If he guessed correctly, the coffin nails had already been melted into it. .

But no matter how it changes.

Supernatural items are always supernatural items and cannot be easily destroyed, so he only needs to take them out again.

"Gu Cheng, you agreed to only take the coffin nails? The hatchet is also integrated into the spear. Do you want to take it away together?" At this time, Xu Feng stared at him and reminded him.

"There has to be a first-come, first-served basis. I will naturally return the coffin nails to you after I take them away." Gu Cheng said.

Although he had the strength to fall out, he did not do so because there were people behind Xu Feng and Liao Fan, and he did not want to get involved in the pendulum clock curse incident.

"I hope you will do what you say." Xu Feng said; "We don't want to fall out because of a little conflict. This is not good for anyone."

Gu Cheng didn't say anything, but grabbed the spear and prepared to take it out.

But soon he frowned.

This thing seemed to be stuck in Yang Jian's hand. Although he didn't hold it tightly, he couldn't take it off for a while.

"Why are you doing this when you're already dead?"

Gu Cheng exerted force suddenly.

The golden spear was finally released, but the huge force also pulled the body lying in the coffin up, so that the body sat upright and stiff, motionless.

"Gu Cheng, be careful." Xu Feng's eyelids jumped at the sight.

Although Yang Jian is dead, the ghost in his body is still there. Although there is no sign of recovery now, there is no guarantee that Gu Cheng's behavior will trigger the murderous pattern of the ghost in Yang Jian's body, and then the body will be awakened.

"This Yang Jian has a lot of ideas. He wants to collect supernatural items and create a weapon. It seems that this is only a semi-finished product, but this approach is very forward-looking and worth learning from."

Gu Cheng didn't speak, his eyes stayed on the golden spear in his hand.

The head of the gun is a hatchet, but the outline of the hatchet can no longer be seen, and only a rusty blade can be barely discerned.

As for the coffin nails, they are embedded in the tail.

"It's time to divide the things." Xu Feng reminded.

I was afraid that Gu Cheng would take these two supernatural items and run away. After all, he had a ghost realm.

However, Liao Fan on the side was staring closely at Gu Cheng. If he really ran away, he would have no choice but to drive and chase him. Then we would see who is better.

If you dare to ask this guy for help, you won't have any countermeasures.

at this time.

Xiong Wenwen finally ran over and was startled when he saw the scene in front of him.

"You came late. The captain's coffin was opened. There is no doubt that the captain failed and he died."

Huang Ziya was standing next to Li Yang at the moment. She held down Li Yang who was in pain with one hand and held the blackened crystal necklace around his neck with the other hand. She tried to use deceivers to save Li Yang, but the effect was not great and she could only Barely hanging on.

At this moment, the beautiful face showed despair and a bit of desolation.

After all, from today on, this team is completely finished.

Xiong Wenwen frowned, hesitated for a long time and said, "No, it's too early for you to say this. Yang Jian is not dead."

Huang Ziya raised her head slightly and looked at him: "Are you comforting me, or are you using precognition?"

"Of course it was prediction." Xiong Wenwen said, "And it was just now."

Upon hearing this, Huang Ziya suddenly looked in the direction of the coffin.

at the same time.

When Gu Cheng and Xu Feng were planning how to distribute the supernatural items, there was a metal coffin next to them.

The body sitting stiffly and upright in the coffin had some slight changes.

The old blood-stained newspaper stuck to the corpse's face actually began to fall off bit by bit at this time, as if it was weathered, turning into powder and quickly dissipating.

The red newspaper disappeared, and the blood-stained area faded at the same time.

A young and pale face appeared in front of him.

In addition, the red music box in the metal coffin also seemed to have lost the support of some supernatural power at this time. Several cracks suddenly appeared, and then it shattered with a click, leaving only a few pieces of rotten wood. .

Some terrible balance has been disturbed.

At this moment when the balance is broken.

A cold atmosphere immediately overflowed from the coffin.

It was dark.

The darkness was like ink, centering on the metal coffin and spreading out to the surroundings, as if it was staining the ground black.

At the same time, a ray of red light appeared in the sky, and this ray of red light was also spreading, eroding towards the sky in all directions at an incredible speed.


Gu Cheng's face suddenly changed when he noticed something unusual, and he turned around and looked back.

Xu Feng also had a sinister feeling, like a ghost wandering around, which made people shudder, and he immediately looked back subconsciously.

Liao Fan stood next to the old taxi, staring at the body in the coffin.

Because of this moment.

Yang Jian's body stood up.

Standing upright in the coffin.

"Leave here, Yang Jian Ligui has revived. I'll take this thing away first. If you have any questions, I'll contact you later."

Gu Cheng took this opportunity to take away the spear in his hand, and directly used the ghost realm to escape.

Under normal circumstances, he could leave without difficulty.

Even the ghost's recovery will take some time.

As long as you don't get caught, you'll be fine.

It was precisely because of this that he dared to open the coffin to investigate the situation.

However, just when Gu Cheng wanted to leave, the steps he had just taken froze again.

Because, at this moment, the sky has been completely soaked in red light.

The ghost realm that belonged to him disappeared in an instant. The supernatural power was completely suppressed, and even his ghost realm could not be used.

"This, this, is not the resurgence of the evil ghost. Normal recovery is not so fast." Gu Cheng woke up with a start.

He didn't wait to think about it.

In the silent surroundings, a familiar voice rang.

"who I am?"

The voice was slightly stiff, but it didn't sound scary, but these words made Gu Cheng, Xu Feng, and Liao Fan feel horrified in their ears.

If the evil ghost hadn't revived, there was only one possibility.

Yang Jian is still alive.

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