Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 886 Wrong time


In the ancient house, a broken wooden door was pushed open.

Li Yang leaned out half of his body with a slight vigilance. He looked outside first and only dared to come out after making sure it was safe outside.

"Is it over? There is no movement outside. It seems that we have won, but this is also expected. With the captain here, those people cannot be our opponents."

But when he came to the hall, Li Yang suddenly realized something was wrong.

The entire hall was actually empty.

There were neither the bodies of the dead nor Yang Jian, Tong Qian, Feng Quan, and Xiong Wenwen.

Li Yang was the only one in the quiet, dark hall.

"Am I lost?"

Li Yang's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly realized that something was wrong with him.

It is impossible for everyone to disappear here. The only possibility is that others have not disappeared, and the person who disappears is himself.

He immediately stopped walking and began to recall what happened before, trying to find out the reasons and analyze the current situation.

But as Li Yang continued to recall, he found that everything he did was normal and there was no problem.

At first, he lured away the two ghost masters and hid in the small room.

There was nothing wrong with the room, it was just an ordinary abandoned room. There were neither evil spirits nor other ghost masters in it.

The only thing was that he stayed in that room for a little too long.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

He first solved a ghost controller, and then stayed in the room temporarily to avoid Tong Qian's cries. He also used the ability of the door-blocking ghost to seal off the room and isolate the invasion of supernatural forces.

The effect is very effective.

Li Yang, who stayed in the room, was not affected by the crying.

"There must have been some unexpected and unknown changes happening outside during the little time I was locked in my room."

Li Yang thought secretly in his heart.

"Anyway, let's contact the captain first."

Immediately, he took out his satellite positioning phone.

The phone shows that there is still signal, which is good news.

Although this ancient house is very special, it does not block the signal.

The upper right corner of the satellite positioning phone shows the current time: six twenty-six.

The call went out smoothly, but a reminder popped up soon: There was no signal from the other party.

"How could this happen? My mobile phone has a signal here, and Captain Yang's mobile phone should also have a signal. Is it because Captain Yang's mobile phone is not a satellite positioning mobile phone?"

Li Yang guessed this, and then dialed Tong Qian's satellite positioning mobile phone.


The result came out. Just like before, there was no signal from the other party.

Li Yang frowned and put down his phone.

If one can't get through, and two can't get through, then it's already enough to explain the problem, and there's little point in trying anymore.

"Since I'm lost in this ancient house, the safest way is to ensure my own safety and leave here first."

He looked at the closed door of the ancient house.

It was very unwise to stay here alone, so Li Yang decided to leave first.

Li Yang did not go out through the door. He decided to climb out of the window and jump out of the glassless window to avoid suffering the unknown curse.

Footsteps echoed in the quiet, empty hall.

The surroundings were quiet, there was darkness everywhere, and there was a cold atmosphere in the air.

If you stay alone in a place like this, your nerves will become overly tense and cause problems.

Li Yang was also tense all over.

Because he is very sure that there are probably ghosts in this ancient house. Even if there were no ghosts before, but after killing so many ghost masters just now, he is afraid that the ghosts have revived now.

The revived ghost and the controlled ghost are not on the same level.

You can easily kill a ghost master, but once the ghost in his body is completely revived, you may not even have a chance to escape.

Fortunately, there was no danger when we left.

Li Yang came to the window and was about to turn over and go out.

But at this time.


The old and heavy door of the ancient house opened again at this time, making a slight sound. Although the sound was not loud, it echoed in the quiet ancient house.

Li Yang shuddered.

Subconsciously, he looked in the direction of the ancient house door.


Li Yang's eyes suddenly shrank.

He saw a woman in her thirties, wearing clothes of the 1980s and 1990s. Her body gave people an illusory feeling, slightly transparent and unreal. And the most bizarre thing was that this person actually showed an incomprehensible appearance. black and white.

It's like an incongruous black and white photo is embedded into the real world.

Moreover, Li Yang had seen this phenomenon before.

He had seen similar ghosts when he and Yang faced Room 301 in Dachuan City.

She was an old woman at that time, but this is a middle-aged woman.

It looks different.

It's just that this weird feeling is the same.

"Isn't it true? A ghost walked into the ancient house from outside?"

An idea suddenly came to Li Yang's mind, and he was too shocked to move.

After the ghost walked into the hall, he stood motionless, turning his stiff neck, and looking around numbly with a pair of dead gray eyes, as if looking for something.

"not good."

When Li Yang saw the ghost peeking around, he broke into a cold sweat and immediately wanted to turn over and leave the ancient house.

However, before he could take action, he froze again.

Because he saw two lifeless old men, a man and a woman, standing outside the window. The two old men were holding hands and looking towards this side with strange faces. Their eyes were lifeless, like the eyes of a dead person. Like a frozen portrait.

"Is there any more outside?" Li Yang's eyes suddenly shrank.

At this moment, he actually panicked.

Three ghosts.

Three ghosts appeared near the ancient house.

This, what exactly happened here, why are there so many ghosts, why didn't you find it when you came here before, or is it that you have lost your place now and touched the real supernatural power in the ancient house?

"Go through the other window."

Li Yang, whose scalp was numb, did not dare to turn out in spite of the terrifying looks in the two old men's eyes, but quickly evacuated back.

In his heart, he just hoped that he would not trigger the killing pattern of these three ghosts.

Otherwise, it would be a little difficult to leave here alive.

Li Yang seemed to be lucky. Although the ghost wandering in the hall moved its eyes to him, it did not focus on him. Instead, it chose to go deeper into the ancient house after looking around.

After avoiding the eyes of a pair of old people outside the window, he successfully dug out of the ancient house and came to the outside.

In the open space outside the ancient house, coffins of different styles were placed on the ground. Some coffins stood against the wall. The styles and colors of these coffins were also different. Some were black lacquered wood and some were red lacquered wood. There are coffins, and some are log-colored coffins. The log color is gray because it has been left for too long.

"The two old men are missing again?"

But when Li Yang looked at the window just now, the old man, an old woman, and a pair of scary old people were gone again.

"Was it my hallucination just now? Or did the two ghosts leave?" Li Yang felt very nervous at this moment.

He is now alone.

If you are really attacked by a ghost, you will most likely die.

But at this time.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It seemed that it was on time, and the sound of the pendulum clock rang.

Li Yang was startled and looked at the time on his phone.


At the same time, another time period.

The doorway of the ancient house.

Yang Jian took Feng Quan, Tong Qian and others out of the ghost realm.

Looked at the time.

"Six o'clock is here again, and sure enough, the pendulum clock rang again, but this time it didn't seem to restart, and time continued to move forward." Yang Jian stared at the old pocket watch in his hand.

The needle above does not go backwards, but continues to move forward.

Six point and five seconds, six point and six seconds.

"The bell will ring once on the hour, but the restart does not happen every time. Is someone controlling it, or is it random?" Feng Quan frowned.

Yang Jian came to the hall again and tried to determine the position of the pendulum clock by following its bell.

However, the positioning failed.

The sound of the pendulum clock echoed in the ancient house. It was impossible to determine where it was. I could only vaguely judge that the pendulum clock was somewhere deep in the ancient house.

It's a bit difficult to deal with the pendulum clock like this.

But it’s right to think about it.

There are so many ghost masters in this ancient house who have not found the pendulum clock. It is definitely impossible to find it by yourself.

"Inform Li Yang to return to the team. It's past six o'clock. You can take action. Kill them again this time. I want to see if these people can survive again." Yang Jian said.

"What should I do with this ghost?" Tong Qian looked at the strange corpse that had been nailed at Yang Jian's feet.

Yang Jian said: "I didn't bring a container for detention. Feng Quan, do me a favor and bury this ghost."

Feng Quan nodded, walked over without saying a word, and got close to the nailed ghost.

His body gradually disintegrated, and large pieces of grave soil fell down.

After a while, an old tomb was piled up.

This old grave buried the evil ghost.

But Feng Quan moved at this time and pulled away from the old grave.

Yang Jian pulled out the coffin nails.

The old grave was quiet and motionless, forming a kind of oppression.

Feng Quan's grave soil itself can suppress the evil ghost, but the grave soil needs to be piled up to a certain amount and height, otherwise the evil ghost will break out of the grave.

Feng Quan, who currently controls three ghosts, relies on the ghost skeletons to assemble his body. As long as he keeps one head outside and is not buried in the grave, he can ignore the cost of this resurrection.

"Do things first, and then deal with the ghost in this old grave after it's over."

Yang Jian took a glance and made sure there was nothing unusual before taking action.

"We still have to kill that white-haired guy first. We can't let him trick us, otherwise people will die." Xiong Wenwen reminded.

Yang Jian said: "Okay. Then kill him first."

As he said that, he walked over and came to where Liu Baimu was before.

The black shadows under his feet gradually covered the surroundings.

He held a cracked golden spear and used the characteristics of the hatchet to trigger the medium.


The scene of Liu Baimu appeared before his eyes.

Say nothing.

Yang Jian raised his hand and swung his knife, slashing at Liu Baimu's media figure.

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